4,779 research outputs found

    Did Elitists Really Believe in Social Laws? Some Epistemological Challenges in the Work of Gaetano Mosca and Vilfredo Pareto

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    The epistemological standards of contemporary social sciences refute \u2018functional\u2019 and \u2018law-like\u2019 explanations, whereas mechanism-based causal explanations have become widely accepted in various fields of inquiry. The paper supports the hypothesis that authors Vilfredo Pareto and Gaetano Mosca, despite their deference to positivist epistemology, significantly anticipated these developments. Indeed, with their emphasis on history, contexts and agents, elitists ushered into the debate of their time some arguments that realist epistemology fully developed, emphasising the role of context-specific and, often, not directly observable explanatory features. To illustrate the ante litteram epistemological realism of elitist thinkers, the paper reconstructs the positions of Mosca and Pareto concerning two major themes of that time, in which elitists challenged the mainstream ideas and values of most of their peers with epistemological arguments that refuse a linear notion of causality

    How “institutionalization” can work. Structuring governance for digital transformation in Italy

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    Public policy scholars have recently focused on the mechanisms accounting for the sustainability of major policy changes. Among the strategies by which policy entrepreneurs may try to avoid future backlash institutionalization is certainly one of the most used. Yet, it can foster ossification and eventually jeopardize policy effectiveness. Such a potential trade-off between institutionalization and long-term effectiveness is particularly intense in policies concerning technological innovation because the necessity to create winning coalitions can undermine the required absorption capacity needed by government to engage the innovation ecosystems. This paper explores such a trade-off with a case study on the Italian policy for public sector's digital transformation. The case is theoretically promising because over three decades institutionalization has always represented the main overall strategy adopted by policymaker, but only the 2016 initiative emerged as a “success.” In this sense, the case study can focus on the mechanisms activated by policy entrepreneurs to trigger and entrench change

    Molecular detection of parasites (Trematoda, Digenea: Bucephalidae and Monorchiidae) in the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis (Mollusca: Bivalvia)

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    Members of the globally distributed bivalve family Ostreidae (oysters) have a significant role in marine ecosystems and include species of high economic importance. In this work, we report the occurrence of digenean parasites of the families Bucephalidae (Prosorhynchoides sp.) and Monorchiidae (Postmonorchis sp.) in Mediterranean native populations of Ostrea edulis (but not in the introduced Magallana gigas). Molecular detection was based on DNA sequencing of the ribosomal intergenic spacer 2 (ITS2) marker. The importance of detecting the presence of overlooked digenean parasites in Mediterranean oysters is discussed. © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Multistage Switching Architectures for Software Routers

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    Software routers based on personal computer (PC) architectures are becoming an important alternative to proprietary and expensive network devices. However, software routers suffer from many limitations of the PC architecture, including, among others, limited bus and central processing unit (CPU) bandwidth, high memory access latency, limited scalability in terms of number of network interface cards, and lack of resilience mechanisms. Multistage PC-based architectures can be an interesting alternative since they permit us to i) increase the performance of single software routers, ii) scale router size, iii) distribute packet manipulation and control functionality, iv) recover from single-component failures, and v) incrementally upgrade router performance. We propose a specific multistage architecture, exploiting PC-based routers as switching elements, to build a high-speed, largesize,scalable, and reliable software router. A small-scale prototype of the multistage router is currently up and running in our labs, and performance evaluation is under wa

    Two Variables Algorithms for Solving the Stochastic Equilibrium Assignment with Variable Demand: Performance Analysis and Effects of Path Choice Models

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    In this paper a general fixed-point approach dealing with multi-user (stochastic) equilibrium assignment with variable demand is proposed. The main focus is on (i) the implementation and comparison of different algorithm solutions based on successive averages methods calculated on one (arc flows, arc costs) and on two variables (arc flows and path satisfaction; arc costs and demand flows); (ii) the effects of algorithm efficiency on different path choice models and/or travel demand choice models. In terms of the best performing algorithmic solution, the effects of different path choice models, such as Multinomial Logit model, C-Logit model and Multinomial Probit model were implemented, and algorithmic efficiency was investigated w.r.t. a real network

    Morphology of a new blister beetle (Coleoptera, Meloidae) larval type challenges the evolutionary trends of phoresy-related characters in the genus Meloe

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    The discovery of some specimens of a new first instar larval type in blister beetles, collected in Iran on Anthophora bees, confirms the existence of repetitive and parallel trends in morphological specialization to phoresy in distinct lineages of Meloidae and in particular in the subfamily Meloinae. The new Iranian larva, herein described and illustrated, shows several characters and a peculiar phoretic strategy that closely parallel that of the Meloe subgenus Lampromeloe, with similar modifications of the fronto-clypeal setae into strong lanceolate spines used to pierce the intersegmental membranes of the bees. Both parallel and shared derived evolution of these characters seem possible. The coexistence in this larva of characters in both primitive and derived state is of particular interest in order to analyse the different rates and trends of evolution of phoretic adaptations. A morphological comparison (SEM) of this new meloine larva (incertae sedis), tentatively assignable to Meloe, with the M. (Lampromeloe) larvae is carried out in order to discuss the evolutionary implications of its placement in Lampromeloe, and the relative characters that would support it, vs other possible alternative scenarios

    Full counting statistics in the gapped XXZ spin chain

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    We exploit the knowledge of the entanglement spectrum in the ground state of the gapped XXZ spin chain to derive asymptotic exact results for the full counting statistics of the transverse magnetisation in a large spin block of length \u2113. We found that for a subsystem of even length the full counting statistics is Gaussian, while for odd subsystems it is the sum of two Gaussian distributions. We test our analytic predictions with accurate tensor networks simulations. As a byproduct, we also obtain the symmetry (magnetisation) resolved entanglement entropies

    A qualitative study on family carers views on how end-of-life communication contributes to palliative oriented care in nursing home.

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    Background. Although family-centered communication about end-of-life care has been recognized to promote palliative-oriented care in nursing home (NH), how this communication may work is still unknown. Therefore, we explored the mechanisms by which end-of-life communication may contribute to palliative-oriented care in NH from the perspective of bereaved family carers.Methods. A descriptive qualitative design was performed. Interviews were conducted with 32 bereaved family carers whose relative had died between 45 days to 9 months prior from 13 different NHs. A two-steps analysis process firstly with deductive and then with inductive content analysis was adopted.Results. Four mechanisms by which end-of-life communication contributed to palliative-oriented care were identified: a) promoting family carers understanding about their relative's health conditions, prognosis, and treatments available; b) fostering shared decision-making between healthcare professionals and residents/family carers; c) improving knowledge of residents' preferences; and d) improving knowledge of family carers' preferences.Conclusion. Clear and in-depth communication provides insight into residents' and family carers' preferences for care and treatment at the end-of-life, and increases understanding and shared decision-making

    Application of clinical indexes in ulcerative colitis patients in regular follow-up visit. correlation with endoscopic 'mucosal healing' and implication for management

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    OBJECTIVE: Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the colon of unknown etiology. Several clinical indexes have been proposed for UC disease activity evaluation, but none have been properly validated. Moreover, the reference parameter for the scores and their prognostic value is not clear. Mucosal healing has been recently proposed as an important end-point. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the correlation of four clinical indexes with objective diagnostic tools for UC evaluation, the discriminative ability in identifying patients with endoscopic mucosal healing, and to analyze the possible prognostic indication for disease course in 1 year of follow-up. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We analyzed data of 75 patients recorded in regular follow-up visit in IBD clinic at S. Andrea Hospital, Rome, between 2007-2011. We recorded clinical data and lab tests at the time of the visit, and endoscopic/ histological repor ts performed within 1 month. Clinical indexes (Seo' activity index, Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index, partial Mayo score and Endoscopic-Clinical Correlation Index) were calculated and correlation to endoscopic and histologic activity, and to C-reactive protein increment, was assessed by mean of Spearman's rank correlation. Discriminative ability of the indexes for patients with and without endoscopic mucosal healing was tested by calculation of area under ROC curve (AUC). Patients with low and high clinical scores were compared for number of flares and increment of therapy during 1 year of follow-up. RESULTS: Clinical indexes had a good correlation with endoscopic activity (mean r = 0.73 ± 0.06), a fair correlation with CRP-increment (mean r = 0.55 ± 0.01) and a poor one with histologic activity (mean r = 0.35 ± 0.01). The discriminatory ability of the indexes for endoscopic mucosal healing was good for all the indexes (mean AUC = 0.87 ± 0.05). Patients with high clinical score had more flares and required more frequently increase of therapy at 1 year of follow up compared with patients with low score. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical indexes have a good correlation with endoscopic activity and can discriminate patients with and without mucosal healing. Patients with low and high score have different risk of disease flare and of need to increase therapy at 1 year. Clinical indexes may represent a useful tool for disease assessment in clinical practice in UC outpatients with mildmoderate disease
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