402 research outputs found

    The Building Information Model and the IFC standard: analysis of the characteristics necessary for the acoustic and energy simulation of buildings

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    The new European Directive 2014/24 / EU requires for all member States the use of BIM procedures in the construction of public buildings. The countries belonging to the European Union shall be obliged to transpose the Directive and adapt their procedures to that effect. The paper analyzes the IFC format, the only recognized by the European Directive Standards for BIM procedures, in order to assess its use for simulations of buildings. IFC, described by the ISO 16739 (2013), is today a standard that describes the topology of the constructive elements of the building and what belongs to it overall. The format includes geometrical information on the room and on all building components, including details of the type for performance (transmittance, fire resistance, sound insulation), in other words it is an independent object file for the software producers to which, according to the European Directive, it will be compulsory to refer in the near future, during the different stages of the life of a building from the design phase, to management and possible demolition at the end of life. The IFC initiative began in 1994, when an industry consortium invested in the development of a set of C ++ classes that can support the development of integrated applications. Twelve US companies joined the consortium: these companies that were included initially are called the consortium "Industry Alliance for Interoperability". In September 1995 the Alliance opened up membership to all interested parties, and in 1997 changed its name to "International Alliance for Interoperability". The new alliance was reconstituted as a non-profit organization, with the aim of developing and promoting the '' Industry Foundation Class "(IFC) as a neutral data model for the building product that were useful to gather information throughout the life cycle of a building facility. Since 2005 the Alliance has been carrying out its activities through its national chapters called SMART building. The present study aims at evaluating the IFC, comparing the information and data contained in it, with other formats already used for energy simulations of buildings such as the gbXML (Green Building XML), highlighting the missing required information and proposing the inclusion of new ones to issue the energy and acoustic simulation. More generally the attention is focused to building physics simulation software devoted to exploit the BIM model potential enabling interoperability

    Incidence of uterine rupture in second-trimester abortion with gemeprost alone compared to mifepristone and gemeprost

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    OBJECTIVES: To compare uterine rupture rates in women having a medical abortion receiving gemeprost alone to those receiving mifepristone plus gemeprost. STUDY DESIGN: We reviewed the records of women undergoing medical abortion at 13 0/7-23 6/7 weeks from January 2007 to December 2014 at a single center in Italy. Prior to January 2011, we used gemeprost 1 mg vaginally every 3 h up to a maximum of five doses. After January 2011, we added mifepristone 200 mg orally 24 h prior to the same gemeprost protocol. The primary outcome of the study was the incidence of uterine rupture. We compared the outcome between women receiving gemeprost alone with the combination of gemeprost and mifepristone. RESULTS: One thousand and sixty-one (58.5%) and 753 (41.5%) women underwent medical abortion in the gemeprost-alone and the gemeprost/mifepristone groups, respectively. Five (0.47%) uterine ruptures occurred in the gemeprost and four uterine ruptures occurred in the gemeprost/mifepristone groups, respectively (0.53%) (p=.89). All uterine ruptures occurred in women with prior cesarean delivery. CONCLUSIONS: We rep orted no difference in the incidence of uterine rupture between the gemeprost-alone and gemeprost and mifepristone groups. IMPLICATIONS: Uterine rupture is a rare complication of second-trimester medical abortion with gemeprost. Use of mifepristone prior to gemeprost does not affect this risk

    Glucose regulates insulin mitogenic effect by modulating SHP-2 activation and localization in JAr cells.

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    The glucose effect on cell growth has been investigated in the JAr human choriocarcinoma cells. When JAr cells were cultured in the presence of 6 mm glucose (LG), proliferation and thymidine incorporation were induced by serum, epidermal growth factor, and insulin-like growth factor 1 but not by insulin. In contrast, at 25 mm glucose (HG), proliferation and thymidine incorporation were stimulated by insulin, serum, epidermal growth factor, and insulin-like growth factor 1 to a comparable extent, whereas basal levels were 25% lower than those in LG. HG culturing also enhanced insulin-stimulated insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) tyrosine phosphorylations while decreasing basal phosphorylations. These actions of glucose were accompanied by an increase in cellular tyrosine phosphatase activity. The activity of SHP-2 in HG-treated JAr cells was 400% of that measured in LG-treated cells. SHP-2 co-precipitation with IRS1 was also increased in HG-treated cells. SHP-2 was mainly cytosolic in LG-treated cells. However, HG culturing largely redistributed SHP-2 to the internal membrane compartment, where tyrosine-phosphorylated IRS1 predominantly localizes. Further exposure to insulin rescued SHP-2 cytosolic localization, thereby preventing its interaction with IRS1. Antisense inhibition of SHP-2 reverted the effect of HG on basal and insulin-stimulated insulin receptor and IRS1 phosphorylation as well as that on thymidine incorporation. Thus, in JAr cells, glucose modulates insulin mitogenic action by modulating SHP-2 activity and intracellular localization

    Cyanobacteria as indicators of water quality in Campania coasts, Italy: a monitoring strategy combining remote/proximal sensing andin situdata

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    Cyanobacterial blooms (CBs) are generally triggered by eutrophic conditions due to anthropogenic nutrient inputs to local waters (wastewater or contaminated waters). During the bloom, some species produce toxic secondary metabolites (cyanotoxins) that are dangerous for humans and animals. Here, a multidisciplinary strategy for an early detection and constant monitoring is proposed. This strategy combines remote/proximal sensing technology with analytical/biotechnological analyses. To demonstrate the applicability of this strategy, four anthropogenically-impacted sites were selected along the Campania coast of southwestern Italy, in the so called 'Land of Fires'. The sites were observed using satellite and aircraft images during summer, 2015. Algal community composition was determined using spectrophotometric analysis for the detection of the cyanobacterial pigment phycocyanin (PC). Complementary metagenomic analysis revealed the taxonomic presence of cyanobacteria belonging to genera associated with strong eutrophic conditions. Key elements of this strategy are the combination and integration of applying different methodological approaches such as the parallel and combined use of satellite, aerial and in-situ data, the simplified multispectral image indexing and classification for a truly efficient method in detecting early blooms of cyanobacteria. The effectiveness of the strategy has been validated also by the specific taxa of cyanobacteria found in the examined areas that confirm the assumption that cyanobacterial blooms may serve as useful bioindicators of degraded water quality in coastal ecosystems. To our knowledge this is the first time that the presence of cyanobacteria has been observed in water bodies along the Campania coast

    Inter-society consensus document on treatment and prevention of bronchiolitis in newborns and infants

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    Acute bronchiolitis is the leading cause of lower respiratory tract infection and hospitalization in children less than 1 year of age worldwide. It is usually a mild disease, but some children may develop severe symptoms, requiring hospital admission and ventilatory support in the ICU. Infants with pre-existing risk factors (prematurity, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, congenital heart diseases and immunodeficiency) may be predisposed to a severe form of the disease. Clinical diagnosis of bronchiolitis is manly based on medical history and physical examination (rhinorrhea, cough, crackles, wheezing and signs of respiratory distress). Etiological diagnosis, with antigen or genome detection to identify viruses involved, may have a role in reducing hospital transmission of the infection. Criteria for hospitalization include low oxygen saturation (<90-92%), moderate-to-severe respiratory distress, dehydration and presence of apnea. Children with pre-existing risk factors should be carefully assessed. To date, there is no specific treatment for viral bronchiolitis, and the mainstay of therapy is supportive care. This consists of nasal suctioning and nebulized 3% hypertonic saline, assisted feeding and hydration, humidified O2 delivery. The possible role of any pharmacological approach is still debated, and till now there is no evidence to support the use of bronchodilators, corticosteroids, chest physiotherapy, antibiotics or antivirals. Nebulized adrenaline may be sometimes useful in the emergency room. Nebulized adrenaline can be useful in the hospital setting for treatment as needed. Lacking a specific etiological treatment, prophylaxis and prevention, especially in children at high risk of severe infection, have a fundamental role. Environmental preventive measures minimize viral transmission in hospital, in the outpatient setting and at home. Pharmacological prophylaxis with palivizumab for RSV bronchiolitis is indicated in specific categories of children at risk during the epidemic period. Viral bronchiolitis, especially in the case of severe form, may correlate with an increased incidence of recurrent wheezing in pre-schooled children and with asthma at school age. The aim of this document is to provide a multidisciplinary update on the current recommendations for the management and prevention of bronchiolitis, in order to share useful indications, identify gaps in knowledge and drive future research

    Itineraries of the Working Group for Vegetation Science of the Italian Botanical Society – 1 (2022): Excursion to the Egadi Islands, Mount San Giuliano and Mount Cofano (Trapani, western Sicily, Italy)

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    The results of the annual excursion of the Working Group for Vegetation Science of the Italian Botanical Society, held in the Egadi Islands, Mount San Giuliano and Mount Cofano (W Sicily) on April 23–27 2022, are presented. This paper includes: (1) general information on the visited sites; (2) geology and geomorphology; (3) climatology and bioclimatology with tables of climatic data; (4) description of the following five geobotanical itineraries – accompanied by 29 original vegetation relevés and 11 synthetic relevés, proceeding from different bibliographic references: (a) Mount San Giuliano; (b) Marettimo Island: coastal and sub-coastal stretch of the southern part, between Punta Bassana and Contrada Chiappera; (c) Marettimo Island: Case Romane, Mount Pizzo Falcone and the north-western coastal stretch; (d) Island of Levanzo; (e) Mount Cofano – with catenal pictograms of the vegetation, surveys and description of the plant communities and related syntaxonomic scheme; (5) list of the surveyed plant taxa, collected specimens and herbaria in which they are deposited. A new syntaxon is also described (Catapodio pauciflori-Moraeetum sisyrinchii ass. nova), referring to an ephemeral dry grassland located along the north-western coastal stretch of Marettimo. The new association is framed in the Plantagini-Catapodion balearici, alliance of the Stipo-Bupleuretalia semicompositi order of the class Stipo-Trachynietea distachyae (order Stipo-Bupleuretalia semicompositi, alliance Plantagini-Catapodion balearici). An original synoptic table, regarding 17 different plant communities with high frequency of Moraea sisyrinchium, provides a comparative framework of the new association with allied vegetation units so far described throughout the Mediterranean region. Syntaxonomical and nomenclatural remarks regarding the Mediterranean vegetation occurring in this territory are also given throughout the text. Some floristic updates for the study sites are also reported, including the discovery for the first time in Sicily of Lysimachia loeflingii

    A Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception Study on Flu and COVID-19 Vaccination during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Multicentric Italian Survey Insights

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    In January 2020, Chinese health authorities identified a novel coronavirus strain never before isolated in humans. It quickly spread across the world, and was eventually declared a pandemic, leading to about 310 million confirmed cases and to 5,497,113 deaths (data as of 11 January 2022). Influenza viruses affect millions of people during cold seasons, with high impacts, in terms of mortality and morbidity. Patients with comorbidities are at a higher risk of acquiring severe problems due to COVID-19 and the flu-infections that could impact their underlying clinical conditions. In the present study, knowledge, attitudes, and opinions of the general population regarding COVID-19 and influenza immunization were evaluated. A multicenter, web-based, cross-sectional study was conducted between 10 February and 12 July 2020, during the first wave of SARS-CoV-2 infections among the general population in Italy. A sample of 4116 questionnaires was collected at the end of the study period. Overall, 17.5% of respondents stated that it was unlikely that they would accept a future COVID-19 vaccine (n = 720). Reasons behind vaccine refusal/indecision were mainly a lack of trust in the vaccine (41.1%), the fear of side effects (23.4%), or a lack of perception of susceptibility to the disease (17.1%). More than 50% (53.8%; n = 2214) of the sample participants were willing to receive flu vaccinations in the forthcoming vaccination campaign, but only 28.2% of cases had received it at least once in the previous five seasons. A higher knowledge score about SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 and at least one flu vaccination during previous influenza seasons were significantly associated with the intention to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and influenza. The continuous study of factors, determining vaccination acceptance and hesitancy, is fundamental in the current context, in regard to improve vaccination confidence and adherence rates against vaccine preventable diseases
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