6,197 research outputs found

    Rose Marie

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    An overview of earthquake related liquefaction events in Italy

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    This report was prepared by Mr Edoardo Borgomeo during the summer pause of Imperial College (London, UK) lectures. Mr Borgomeo have joined the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italian Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology) for an internship under the supervision of Dr. Giuseppe Di Capua and Prof Silvia Peppoloni. This internship was an opportunity to gain an understanding on the functioning of a research institute and on the tasks a researcher has to undertake in the creation of a scientific publication. The result of the internship is presented in the following report that investigated the phenomenon of liquefaction under seismic conditions. The most serious direct effect of earthquakes on buildings and structures is ground shaking. However earthquake shocks might pose other hazards in the form of soil liquefaction, which can result in considerable financial losses. Some soils such as quicksands and quickclays can give rise to major problems when disturbed by ground shaking. The ground vibrations produced by an earthquake lead to a decrease in the effective stress and in the shear strength of the soil which in turn trigger the liquefaction

    Proton induced Dark Count Rate degradation in 150-nm CMOS Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes

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    Proton irradiation effects on a Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPADs) device manufactured using a 150-nm CMOS process are presented. An irradiation campaign has been carried out with protons of 20 MeV and 24 MeV on several samples of a test chip containing SPADs arrays with two different junction layouts. The dark count rate distributions have been analyzed as a function of the displacement damage dose. Annealing and cooling have been investigated as possible damage mitigation approaches. We also discuss, through a space radiation simulation, the suitability of such devices on several space mission case-studies.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication/published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2019.16272

    Anatomy and kinematic evolution of an ancient passive margin involved into an orogenic wedge (Western Southern Alps, Varese area, Italy and Switzerland)

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    We make use of own geological mapping, interpretations of seismic reflection profiles and deep geophysical data to build a lithospheric-scale cross-section across the European Western Southern Alps (Varese area) and to model a progressive restoration from the end of Mesozoic rifting to present-day. Early phases of Alpine orogeny were characterized by Europe-directed thrusting, whereas post-Oligocene shortening led to basement-involving crustal accretion accompanied by backfolding, and consistent with the kinematics of the adjoining Ivrea Zone. Wedging was favored by a significant component of reactivation of the inherited Adriatic rifted margin. Our results also suggest that, during the collisional and post-collisional tectonics, lithosphere dynamics drove diachronically the onset of tectonic phases (i.e., wedging and slab retreat), from east to west, across the Western Southern Alps

    Applicazioni di livello “0” della metodologia utilizzata per la valutazione del rischio sismico di Sistemi Urbani, utilizzando l’analogia delle reti neuronali

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    Questa ricerca, condotta nell’ambito del Progetto RELUIS – Linea 10, ha riguardato la messa a punto di un modello di rischio sismico per Sistemi Urbani con approccio multilivello, utilizzando l’analogia con le reti neuronali. Il primo passo è stata l’elaborazione del livello 0, basato su banche-dati, disponibili a livello nazionale, relative alla pericolosità sismica di base e locale (INGV) e a dati di censimento dei comuni italiani (ANCITEL 2001; ISTAT 2001) per la descrizione fisica e funzionale dei centri abitati/sistemi urbani analizzati. Per semplicità e per omogeneità tra i molti dati elaborati sono stati trascurati due aspetti rilevanti per il modello di rete neuronale, che intervengono invece ai livelli successivi, ovvero l’aspetto della “soglia” di perdita di capacità di una componente di sottosistema (sia per evoluzione che per connessione) e l’aspetto della “capacità iniziale” di una componente di sottosistema prima dell’evento sismico. La valutazione della perdita di capacità complessiva di un Sistema Urbano a livello 0 è stata quindi calcolata come l’insieme delle perdite di tutti i sistemi combinati tra loro (con opportuni pesi) e quindi con un valore complessivo


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    After the 2002 earthquakes, that struck the southern Italy provinces of Campobasso (Molise) and Foggia (Apulia), the safety assessment of buildings has allowed to evaluate, for different building typologies, the damage level caused by the seismic event; in particular, the survey of the damaged cultural heritage was carried out by the Task Cultural Heritage of the Mixed Operating Centre (COM) in Larino (a village in the epicentral area), coordinated by the “Working Group for the Safeguard of the Cultural Heritage from Natural Risks” (Italy’s Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 116, 21 May 2001 - PCM-DPC Decree, 3 May 2001)”. For this survey activity, the churches were investigated with a specific form proposed by the same Working Group (Ministerial Decree n. 133, 23th January 2001), adopting different forms for other kinds of buildings. The surveyors were organized in teams, called NOPSA (Nuclei Operativi Patrimonio Storico Artistico), composed by officials of the Regional board of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Environmental Conservation (architects and art historians), an engineer and a Fire Brigade technician. The first phase of the safety assessment has been developed on the basis of the warnings received by the Larino COM, and most of the surveyed buildings were churches. The damage assessment of public or private buildings began, initially, near the earthquake epicentre (area 1 - IMCS between 6 and 8.5) and subsequently was carried out for all the villages from which inspection requests arrived. At the same time a vulnerability survey was carried out for the churches, using the II level form (Lagomarsino et al., 2004) proposed in the SAVE Project (“Updated Tools for the Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation of the Italian Real Estate and of Urban Systems” – http://gndt.ingv.it). The damage and vulnerability survey has allowed to verify and optimize the procedures for damage assessment immediately after a seismic event (emergency phase) and to obtain useful indications for the reconstruction phase. On the whole 379 monumental buildings in 101 Molise villages and 207 monumental buildings in 44 Apulia villages were investigated. Figure 1 shows the number of monumental buildings surveyed after the earthquakes for each Molise village, subdividing the region according to the seismic classification proposed by the recent Italian Seismic Code (OPCM n. 3274, 2003 – http://zonesismiche.mi.ingv.it)

    Assessment of blood perfusion quality in laparoscopic colorectal surgery by means of Machine Learning

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    An innovative algorithm to automatically assess blood perfusion quality of the intestinal sector in laparoscopic colorectal surgery is proposed. Traditionally, the uniformity of the brightness in indocyanine green-based fluorescence consists only in a qualitative, empirical evaluation, which heavily relies on the surgeon’s subjective assessment. As such, this leads to assessments that are strongly experience-dependent. To overcome this limitation, the proposed algorithm assesses the level and uniformity of indocyanine green used during laparoscopic surgery. The algorithm adopts a Feed Forward Neural Network receiving as input a feature vector based on the histogram of the green band of the input image. It is used to (i) acquire information related to perfusion during laparoscopic colorectal surgery, and (ii) support the surgeon in assessing objectively the outcome of the procedure. In particular, the algorithm provides an output that classifies the perfusion as adequate or inadequate. The algorithm was validated on videos captured during surgical procedures carried out at the University Hospital Federico II in Naples, Italy. The obtained results show a classification accuracy equal to 99.9 % , with a repeatability of 1.9 %. Finally, the real-time operation of the proposed algorithm was tested by analyzing the video streaming captured directly from an endoscope available in the OR

    Correlation between local amplification effects and damage mechanism for monumental buildings

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    The damage and vulnerability survey of the monumental buildings, damaged by the 2002 earthquake in the Molise Region, has allowed singling out of a correlation between the observed damage of the churches and their morphological site conditions. The vulnerability model connected to the survey methodology provides an evaluation of the expected mean damage. Comparison with the observed damage determined the introduction of a local morphological behaviour modifier, able to take into account the vulnerability increase due to the site effects. In order to validate the previous results, a numerical 2-D analysis of the seismic local response has been performed. In particular, a numerical code, working with boundary elements, has been applied to the analyzed situations. The results, in terms of pseudo-acceleration response spectra and amplification factors, allow one to compare the numerical and the observed analyses. This comparison shows good agreement and allows one to find some correlations between the geometric characteristics of the sites, the values of the amplification coefficients and the damage mechanism activated

    Correlation between local amplification effects and damage mechanisms for monumental buildings

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    The damage and vulnerability survey of the monumental buildings, damaged by the 2002 earthquake in the Molise Region, has allowed singling out of a correlation between the observed damage of the churches and their morphological site conditions. The vulnerability model connected to the survey methodology provides an evaluation of the expected mean damage. Comparison with the observed damage determined the introduction of a local morphological behaviour modifier, able to take into account the vulnerability increase due to the site effects. In order to validate the previous results, a numerical 2-D analysis of the seismic local response has been performed. In particular, a numerical code, working with boundary elements, has been applied to the analyzed situations. The results, in terms of pseudo-acceleration response spectra and amplification factors, allow one to compare the numerical and the observed analyses. This comparison shows good agreement and allows one to find some correlations between the geometric characteristics of the sites, the values of the amplification coefficients and the damage mechanism activated
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