33 research outputs found

    FATURA: A Multi-Layout Invoice Image Dataset for Document Analysis and Understanding

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    Document analysis and understanding models often require extensive annotated data to be trained. However, various document-related tasks extend beyond mere text transcription, requiring both textual content and precise bounding-box annotations to identify different document elements. Collecting such data becomes particularly challenging, especially in the context of invoices, where privacy concerns add an additional layer of complexity. In this paper, we introduce FATURA, a pivotal resource for researchers in the field of document analysis and understanding. FATURA is a highly diverse dataset featuring multi-layout, annotated invoice document images. Comprising 10,00010,000 invoices with 5050 distinct layouts, it represents the largest openly accessible image dataset of invoice documents known to date. We also provide comprehensive benchmarks for various document analysis and understanding tasks and conduct experiments under diverse training and evaluation scenarios. The dataset is freely accessible at https://zenodo.org/record/8261508, empowering researchers to advance the field of document analysis and understanding

    Modeling the Performance in a Just in Time Context Using Goal Programming Approach

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    Sustaining philosophical and technological transformations (Just in time production, Total Quality Management, Robotic, New information technologies etc.), requires the evaluation systems of performance that are supposed to play a role of assistance and managerial decision aid, to regularly accompany these transformations. This paper proposes a multi-criteria methodology for global performance evaluation of each enterprise, which operates within Just In Time philosophy that is based on Goal programming from a non-exhaustive set of performance indicators, which reflect the degree of achievement of preliminary fixed objectives (zero stock, zero delay, zero breakdown, zero paper and zero defect),within this proposition a multi-criteria procedure, which takes into account the enterprise specificities, was developed

    Does partial tear repair of adjacent tendons improve the outcome of supraspinatus tendonfull-thickness tear reinsertion?

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    AbstractBackgroundPartial tearing of the infraspinatus and/or subscapularis tendon(s) is frequently associated with supraspinatus full-thickness tears. However, limited data regarding its influence on supraspinatus surgical repair is available.PurposeOur aim was to assess the functional and anatomical outcomes of open repair of supraspinatus full-thickness tears combined with adjacent partial tearing, comparatively to a control.MethodsWe retrospectively identified 22 patients (22 shoulders) with a partial tear, most of them being a delamination tear, of the infraspinatus and/or subscapularis tendons associated with a complete detachment of the supraspinatus tendon. Twenty-seven patients (27 shoulders) treated for an isolated complete detachment of the supraspinatus tendon by open repair served as controls. The mean age was 58 years. A proximalized trans-osseous reinsertion of the supraspinatus tendon was combined with a curettage-closure of the delamination tear. Patients were evaluated with standardized MRI at last follow-up.ResultsAt a mean of 75-month follow-up, the presence of a partial tear of either infraspinatus or subscapularis, or both, did not influence function and healing rates of supraspinatus tendon repair. Conversely to the control, when a retear occurred, the functional score tended to worsen. Preoperatively, fatty muscular degeneration was more pronounced when a partial tear was present. Fatty degeneration worsened regardless of repair healing.ConclusionOpen reinsertion of a supraspinatus full-thickness tear associated with a thorough treatment of partial tear of adjacent tendons led to optimal functional and anatomical mid term outcomes. Our results suggest the presence of a partial tear of adjacent tendons could be associated with poorer function in case of supraspinatus tendon re-rupture.Level of evidenceLevel III case-control study

    Explaining factors of the adoption of strategic management by the Tunisian SMEs involved in the program upgrade

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    This paper aims to deepen the understanding of factors behind the adoption of strategic management by companies. We assume that the adoption of strategic management depends on three factors: the skills of the entrepreneur, organizational structure, and the nature of the environment. These factors were tested -using the method of structural equation modeling -on a representative sample of 276 Tunisian SMEs involved in the upgrade,. The results confirm a central role of the nature of the environment, a partial role of skills of the entrepreneur, and no significant role of the organizational structure on the adoption of strategic management

    EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ) and EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM); Scientific Opinion on the minimum hygiene criteria to be applied to clean seawater and on the public health risks and hygiene criteria for bottled seawater intended for domestic use

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    Information sources fusion for the interpretation of medium and high resolution remote sensing images : application to forest inventory

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    Ce travail vise à mettre en place un système de fusion de sources d'information basé sur la Théorie des Fonctions de Croyance (TFC) et adapté aux contextes des images forestières. La TFC engendre des temps de calcul importants lorsque la cardinalité du cadre de discernement devient grande. Ainsi, nous avons proposé en premier lieu une méthode de réduction du référentiel de définition permettant d'éviter l'explosion combinatoire en restreignant le calcul sur les hypothèses estimées pertinentes et déterminées à partir des histogrammes des classes issues de la phase d'apprentissage. Ensuite, nous avons proposé des techniques d'estimation de fonctions de masse spectrales, texturales, contextuelles et structurelles. L'information multi-fractale a été utilisée comme signature de texture, ainsi l'image de Hôlder a constitué une source d'information pour l'estimation de la masse texturale. Un autre apport consiste à proposer une approche de transfert de masse basée sur l'information contextuelle, en exploitant l'image des couronnes d'arbres comme une source déduite. L'implémentation d'algorithmes de détection de couronnes d'arbres nous a permis d'extraire des mesures sur les couronnes que nous avons utilisées en tant qu'attributs pour l'estimation des fonctions de masse. Nos expérimentations montrent des taux de classification assez satisfaisants et une adéquation de notre approche de fusion à une classification à l'arbre prèsThis thesis aims to develop an information source fusion system based on belief functions theory (BFT) and adapted t forest images context (especially high resolution images). Applications of BFT to image classification result in th assignment of each image point to a c1ass or a subset of classes based on the mass functions estimation expressing th belief of an event. BFT leads to significant computation time when the cardinality of the set of definition become large. Thus, we first proposed a method to reduce the frame of discernment in order te avoid the combinatorial explosio by restricting the calculation on the hypotheses of the set of definition deduced from the classes histograms determine from the learning phase. Then, we proposed spectral, texturai, contextual and structural mass functions technique estimation. Multi-fractal information was used as texture signature and Hôlder image has been a source ( information for estimating the texturai mass. Another contribution is the integration of trees crowns image as derive source and the proposai of an approach to mass transfer based on contextual information inside and outside a crown. Th implementation of detection trees crowns algorithms allowed us to extract measurements on trees. These measurement are used as attributes for mass functions estimation. Our experiments and comparisons with other methods show quit satisfactory classification rate with spectral and textural approaches and adequacy of our fusion approach to contextu and structural information for trees classificatio

    Proposition d'un modèle de mesure de l'impact du total quality management sur la performance globale (cas des entreprises tunisiennes de textile-habillement)

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    Si la gestion de l entreprise industrielle a continuellement subi des mutations philosophiques et technologiques importantes (production en Juste-à-Temps, Total Quality Management, robotique, nouvelles technologies de l information, etc.), les systèmes d évaluation de la performance qui sont supposés jouer un rôle d assistance et d aide à la décision managériale doivent régulièrement accompagner ces mutations. Dans le présent travail, nous proposons une méthodologie conceptuelle d évaluation de la performance globale d une entreprise qui opère sous l optique du Total Quality Management. Le besoin en modélisation du phénomène de la performance est pour clarifier une relation floue et contradictoire entre la performance et le TQM puisque la littérature managériale n a pas aboutit à une conclusion ferme sur la nature de cette relation. A ce propos, la littérature nous offre trois situations typiques. La première stipule une relation statistiquement positive entre la performance globale et le TQM. Une deuxième situation avec un effet neutre. Enfin, la troisième situation peut mener des conséquences négatives sur l entreprise. En effet, un modèle conceptuel liant les pratiques critiques du TQM et la performance globale a été développé. Suite à une méthodologie claire basée sur une étude exploratoire auprès de 102 entreprises opérantes dans le secteur Textile-Habillement nous a permis d identifier la nature de cette relation. A ce propos, une analyse en composantes principales en premier lieu et une analyse de relations structurelles entre les différentes variables en second lieu ont dévoilée se lien entre le TQM-performance globale.If the management of the industrial enterprise continually underwent some important philosophical and technological mutations (production in Just-to-time, Total Quality Management, robotics, new technologies of information, etc.), systems of assessment of the performance that are supposed to play a role in assisting and helping managerial decisions must come hand in hand regularly with these mutations. In this thesis, we are going to propose a conceptual methodology of assessment and piloting of the global performance of an enterprise that operates in the framework of the Total Quality Management. The object is to clarify the fuzzy and contradictory relationship between global performance and TQM. The managerial literature doesn't have sharp and clear conclusion on the nature of this relationship. For this matter, the literature offers us three typical situations. Firstly, a positive relationship between the global performance and the TQM. Secondly a situation which has a neutral effect. Thirdly a situation with a negative effect of TQM on the global performance. This present work is an attempt to clarify this relationship. Indeed, a conceptual model linking TQM practices and the global performance has been developed. Following a clear methodology based on a survey exploratory study involving 102 firms operating in Textile-clothing sector helped us to identify the nature of this relationship. For this, a principal component analysis and a path analysis have been operated to unveil the link between TQM and global performance. Results have shown the existence of a direct and statistically positive relationship between the TQM practices and the global performance.PARIS-Arts et Métiers (751132303) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Criticality assessment risk; contribution of fuzzy logic

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    In order to determine the criticality of a risk, an assessment of the probability of occurrence (notion of frequency) and of the impact (notion of severity) are to be estimated. The criticality is the product of the probability of its occurrence and the impact that the risk has on the project, hence on the whole company. So, the practice of matrix or the criticality grid considering these two dimensions is necessary. However, the criticality grid involves the insufficiencies inherent to the subjective behavior of expert judgments and to the imprecise information engaged in the assessment of the risk. Taking into account the problems of the imperfection implied in the Conventional Criticality Matrix (CCM), the objective of this work is to develop a Fuzzy Criticality Matrix (FCM) to overcome these difficulties. The proposed model aims at improving the system of fuzzy inference. The proposed approach is applied to a test system which is the company SAROST S.A