40 research outputs found

    Imaging response assessment for CNS germ cell tumours: consensus recommendations from the European Society for Paediatric Oncology Brain Tumour Group and North American Children's Oncology Group

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    Homogeneous and common objective disease assessments and standardised response criteria are important for better international clinical trials for CNS germ cell tumours. Currently, European protocols differ from those of North America (the USA and Canada) in terms of criteria to assess radiological disease response. An international working group of the European Society for Paediatric Oncology Brain Tumour Group and North American Children's Oncology Group was therefore established to review existing literature and current practices, identify major challenges regarding imaging assessment, and develop consensus recommendations for imaging response assessment for patients with CNS germ cell tumours. New clinical imaging standards were defined for the most common sites of CNS germ cell tumour and for the definition of locoregional extension. These new standards will allow the evaluation of response to therapy in patients with CNS germ cell tumours to be more consistent, and facilitate direct comparison of treatment outcomes across international studies

    Incorporating radiomics into clinical trials: expert consensus on considerations for data-driven compared to biologically-driven quantitative biomarkers

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    Existing Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers (QIBs) are associated with known biological tissue characteristics and follow a well-understood path of technical, biological and clinical validation before incorporation into clinical trials. In radiomics, novel data-driven processes extract numerous visually imperceptible statistical features from the imaging data with no a priori assumptions on their correlation with biological processes. The selection of relevant features (radiomic signature) and incorporation into clinical trials therefore requires additional considerations to ensure meaningful imaging endpoints. Also, the number of radiomic features tested means that power calculations would result in sample sizes impossible to achieve within clinical trials. This article examines how the process of standardising and validating data-driven imaging biomarkers differs from those based on biological associations. Radiomic signatures are best developed initially on datasets that represent diversity of acquisition protocols as well as diversity of disease and of normal findings, rather than within clinical trials with standardised and optimised protocols as this would risk the selection of radiomic features being linked to the imaging process rather than the pathology. Normalisation through discretisation and feature harmonisation are essential pre-processing steps. Biological correlation may be performed after the technical and clinical validity of a radiomic signature is established, but is not mandatory. Feature selection may be part of discovery within a radiomics-specific trial or represent exploratory endpoints within an established trial; a previously validated radiomic signature may even be used as a primary/secondary endpoint, particularly if associations are demonstrated with specific biological processes and pathways being targeted within clinical trials