10 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan pada PT. Kunango Jantan Group Kabupaten Kampar dan tinjauan ekonomi syariah mengenai keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja terhadap produktivitas kerja. Karena ekonomi syariah tidak hanya membahas dari segi konsumsi, produksi dan distribusi saja, tetapi juga pelaku ekonomi itu sendiri di dalam perusahaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT. Kunango Jantan Group Kabupaten Kampar yang berlokasi di desa Rimbo Panjang, Kec. Tambang, Kab. Kampar. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode accidential sampling ,dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 129 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, pembagian kuesioner kepada karyawan dan studi pustaka. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder yang kemudian dianalisa menggunakan metode diskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Adapun variabel dalam penelitian ini diantaranya keselamatan kerja (X1), kesehatan kerja (X2) dan produktivitas kerja (Y). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keselamatan kerja dan kesehatan kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produktivitas kerja, terbukti dari nilai f hitung = 20,735 > f tabel = 3,07. Dimana besarnya pengaruh keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja terhadap produktivitas kerja sebesar 24,8 %, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 75,2 % dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain diluar variabel penelitian ini. Sedangkan hasil pengujian hipotesis secara parsial keselamatan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produktivitas kerja, terbukti dari nilai t hitung = 3,483 > t tabel = 1,978 dan kesehatan kerja juga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produktivis kerja, hal ini terbukti dari nilai t hitung = 4,303 > t tabel = 1,978. Maka dapat diketahui bahwa kesehatan kerja lebih dominan mempengaruhi produktivitas kerja karyawan pada PT. Kunango Jantan Group Kabupaten Kampar. Tinjauan ekonomi syariah mengenai pengaruh keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan pada PT. Kunango Jantan Group Kabupaten Kampar telah sesuai dengan syariat Islam, namun ada beberapa yang perlu di perbaiki dan ditekankan akan pentingnya menjaga keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja melalui sosialisasi kepada karyawan. Kata Kunci: Keselamatan Kerja, Kesehatan Kerja dan Produktivitas Kerja

    Peran Orang Tua dalam Mengembangkan Kecerdasan Spiritual Anak Usia Prasekolah di PAUD Al-Muttaqin

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    Spiritual intelligence is the main potential that parents must pay attention to so that children experience good development. Parents often ignore the spiritual formation of preschool children because of the view that children of this age are only so that their spiritual formation is not a priority. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of parents in developing the spiritual intelligence of preschool children based on conceptual, social, and religious ethical aspects. The method used in this research is field research. This type of research is a case study. Selection of subjects using purposive sampling technique that is based on the need for the problem. Data collection techniques with interviews and data analysis techniques using the Miles and Huberman model. The results showed that the role of parents in developing children's religious attitudes through exemplary stories, teaching practical worship, and uswatun hasanah. To develop social religion is done by accustoming children to respect and listen to others, to respect each other, to cooperate, and to get children to forgive and apologize. Developing religious ethics for preschool children through fostering patience, sincerity, having good prejudice, thinking logically and independently


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    The high level of smartphone users by women today is certainly accompanied by the contribution of technology to support life processes, especially in learning. Therefore, a female student must be able to control herself in using a smartphone appropriately, so that inappropriate behavior does not occur. The purpose of this study was to describe the level of self-control of female students using smartphones based on aspects of behavior control, cognitive control, decision control. The method used in this research is quantitative. The measuring instrument used is a self-control instrument that has been tested for validity and reliability and is analyzed using a simple proportion formula. The result of this research is that self-control of female students from the aspects of behavior control, cognitive aspects, and decision control is still low. This is an important note for the campus to contribute to the environment for students in using smartphones. Based on this, Islamic guidance and counseling services are needed in higher education to be able to provide understanding to female students in smart and quality smartphone use. Therefore, a technical institution that focuses on providing Islamic guidance and counseling services in higher education is needed so that the appropriate behavior that arises due to weak self-control can be overcom

    Pengembangan LKPD Berbasis Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Terintegrasi Nilai Islam untuk Sekolah Dasar di Pekanbaru

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pengembangan pembelajaran kontekstual (CTL) dan lembar kerja siswa (LKPD) terpadu berbasis nilai-nilai Islam yang efektif dan praktis untuk siswa kelas 5 sekolah dasar Islam komprehensif di kota Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Develop). Penelitian dilakukan di tiga SD Islam Komprehensif, yaitu SDIT Madrasah Tiara, SDIT Fadhilah dan SDIT Madrasah Aulia Cendikia di Pekanbaru, Provinsi Riau. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan purposive sampling, yaitu untuk eksperimen kelompok diambil sampel sebanyak 9 siswa, terdiri dari 3 siswa SDIT Tiara Madrasah, 3 siswa SDIT Fadhilah, dan 3 siswa Madrasah Aulia Cendikia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan ahli materi dan media dari dosen dan guru serta siswa SDIT Tiara Madrasah, SDIT Fadhilah Pekanbaru dan Madrasah Aulia Cendikia di Pekanbaru Provinsi Riau. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil uji keefektifan, Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKPD) berbasis Contextual Teaching (CTL) dan nilai keislaman siswa secara komprehensif serta tingkat persentase keefektifan LKPD. Tes latihan respon siswa pada kategori “sangat bermanfaat” dan respon guru pada kategori “sangat bermanfaat”. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Contextual Teaching (CTL) dan Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Nilai Islam Terpadu (LKPD) SD Islam Terpadu Kota Pekanbaru sangat efektif dan sangat praktis sehingga cocok untuk siswa di SD 5. Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT)

    Peningkatan Sikap Cinta Tanah Air Remaja Menggunakan Bimbingan Kelompok Media Ular Tangga di Panti Asuhan Aisyiyah

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    Sikap cinta tanah air ini dapat diwujudkan dalam sikap dan perbuatan sehari-hari dengan mencintai budaya, Bahasa, adat istiadat, dan produk dalam negeri. Tetapi kebanyakan remaja hari ini diduga kurang peduli terhadap sikap cinta tanah air, terutama yang berkaitan dengan sikap melestarikan budaya bangsa. Mereka lebih menyukai budaya negara lain dari pada budaya bangsa sendiri. Tujuan riset ini adalah untuk meningkatkan sikap cinta tanah air remaja melalui bimbingan kelompok dengan media ular tangga di Panti Asuhan Aisyiyah Balai. Metodologi yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatif dengan pendekatan eksperimen. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket sikap cinta tanah air yang sudah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Pelaksanaan kegiatan diawali dengan prestest kemudian diberikan perlakuan bimbingan kelompok dengan metode ular tangga, dan di akhirir dengan posttest. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Wilcoxon signed rank test untuk membandingkan skor prestest dan posttest hasil dari tindakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat meningkatan sikap cinta tanah air remaja sebelum dan sesudah diberikan bimbingan kelompok dengan media ular tangga


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    A career plan is a map that will guide each individual in determining his future goals. The absence of a career plan will have an impact on individual readiness to face the future, especially those related to the world of work. This is also experienced by foster children who live in orphanages, especially the Aisyiyah Orphanage in Padang City. Financially, foster children living in the Aisyiyah Orphanage in Padang City have the ability to pursue higher education. Because while they are in the orphanage they get special financing from the institution in the form of food, shelter and education financing. However, this potential has not been fully utilized by adolescents living in orphanages to plan their education to a higher level. Through this community service activity, it is expected to provide knowledge and understanding of the importance of career planning for orphanage adolescents. The purpose of community service is to improve the career planning of adolescents of the Aisyiyah Koto Tangah Timur Orphanage through the provision of information services. The implementation of this service is carried out using information service techniques through several stages, namely the stage of identifying information needs by finding and understanding what information is needed and relevant to the problems faced by the subject. Then the information collection stage is to collect information in accordance with the recipient's request. The needs of the subject can be known through observation, interviews, or other sources. Followed by the information evaluation stage, namely before conveying information to the recipient, an evaluation of the source of information is carried out, especially those related to validity, accuracy, and relevance to the needs of the subject. It is very important to ensure that the information to be conveyed can be useful for the resolution of problems experienced by the subject. The stage of organizing information, where information is arranged in a way that is easy to understand, logical and systematic so that the recipient can easily understand its content, so that the information provided can be absorbed properly by all members of the group who need the information. The feedback stage is a discussion session with information service participants related to messages that have been conveyed, especially those related to information that cannot be understood by service participants, so it is necessary to be given the opportunity to discuss to increase their understanding and knowledge related to the information conveyed. Finally, the evaluation stage is to evaluate the satisfaction of the recipient of the information, to measure whether the information provided is suitable for their needs and whether they can understand each information provided

    Investigating Students’ Academic Stress on the Transition to Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This research is based on the situation of students at the State Islamic University Imam Bonjol Padang that were stressed due to the changing  of learning process into online learning during the pandemic of covid-19.The study aims to describe students state based on physical response, emotion, and behaviour. Quantitative method with descriptive approach were used. The objects of the research were chosen based on Random sampling. The instrument used in the research were questionnaire based on Likert. The research found that the level of academic stress based on physical response was high at 68 %, while in emotional response was 70 % and 65 % based on behaviour. The result of the research can be used as data to improve the quality and innovation of teaching and learning during the pandemic to avoid greater issues

    Efektivitas Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok Menggunakan Teknik Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) untuk Meningkatkan Kemandirian Belajar Remaja

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    The Effectiveness of Group Guidance Services Using Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Techniques to Improve Adolescent Learning Independence. This study aims to determine the differences in the learning independence of adolescents in the experimental and control groups after being given group guidance services using cognitive behavior therapy techniques. This quantitative study used a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group design. The research subjects were teenagers from the Aisyiyah Orphanage Koto Tangah Ampang, Padang City. Determination of research subjects using the purposive sampling technique. The instrument used in this study was a learning independence scale with an average validity of 0.001 and reliability of 0.938. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon signed ranks test and the Kolmogorov Smirnov 2 independent sample. The results showed that there were differences in scores on the pretest and posttest of the experimental group after being given group guidance services using CBT techniques to increase adolescent learning independence. Then, there was no difference in scores in the pretest and posttest of the control group after being given group guidance services without the CBT technique. Furthermore, there are differences in the posttest scores of the experimental and control groups after being given group guidance services using CBT techniques

    Efikasi Diri dan Pengambilan Keputusan Karir Siswa Kelas XII SMAN 1 Tilatang Kamang Kabupaten Agam

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    This study examines the self-efficacy and career choices of students in Class XII, SMAN 1 Tilatang Kamang. The results of the fieldwork indicated that many students were still hesitant to make a professional decision after leaving school. Students who were reluctant to make career decisions meant those students had lower self-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to determine students' self-efficacy and career decision-making. The type of study was a related quantitative study using the Self-Efficacy Scale and the Career Decision Scale. The study was conducted with 30 students. The self-efficacy scale, on the other hand, had a reliability of 0.932 in making career decisions, with 46 valid items out of 84 tested. The results of the study of 65 students from the analysis test conducted by SPSS for Windows 20.0 showed that there was no association between self-efficacy and career choice, and the correlation coefficient value was -0.189, which was negative. It can be concluded that there is no relationship between self-efficacy and career decision-making in students, with a very low level of closeness. The level of career decision-making has a high level of 64 students or 98.46% and the level of self-efficacy in choosing a study program is 34 or 52.31%