9 research outputs found

    Studi Eksperimen Pengaruh Silinder Pengganggu Di Depan Returning Blade Turbin Angin Savonius Terhadap Performa Turbin “ Studi Kasus Untuk Rasio Diameter Silinder Pengganggu Terhadap Diameter Turbin (D/D) = 0,75 "

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    Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki sumber daya alam yang melimpah, dimana sumber daya alam tersebut dapat dijadikan sumber energi untuk keberlangsungan hidup. Seiring berjalannya waktu, ketersediaan sumber daya alam tersebut semakin menipis. Untuk mengatasi ketergantungan terhadap energi fosil, maka perlu pengembangan untuk mendapatkan sumber energi baru terbarukan. Salah satu energi terbarukan yang belum banyak dimanfaatkan secara optimal dan memiliki potensi besar untuk dikembangkan adalah energi angin. Energi angin dapat digunakan untuk memutar poros turbin angin yang kemudian putaran tersebut ditransmisikan pada generator listrik. Dengan meletakkan silinder pengganggu di depan returning blade turbin angin tipe Savonius, maka performa turbin angin dapat ditingkatkan. Hal tersebut merupakan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Untuk meningkatkan performa turbin angin Savonius yang memiliki diameter (D) = 60 mm dan tinggi (H) = 80 mm, digunakan silinder yang memiliki diameter (d) = 45 mm yang diletakkan di depan returning blade turbin. Pengganggu tersebut diletakkan dengan variasi jarak 1,5 ≤ S/D ≤ 2,4. Penelitian dilakukan di dalam open circuit wind tunnel, dengan dimensi tes uji; panjang 457 mm, lebar 304 mm dan tinggi 304 mm. Pada kecepatan angin masuk sebesar 8,77 m/s; 10,97 m/s; 13,16 m/s ===================================================================================================== Indonesia is one of the country that has a lot of natural resources, which could be use as energy resources for sustaining life. Along with time, natural resources availability is decreasing. To overcome the dependence towards fossils based energy, research is needed to get a new renewable energy. One of the alternative energy that has not been used optimally and has a high potential to be developed is wind energy. Wind energy could be used to drive the wind turbine shaft, then the shaft's rotation is transmitted to an electric generator. By placing the disturbance cylinder in front of the returning blade of Savonius turbine, the Savonius wind turbine performance is expected to be increased. It is the objective of this research. In order to increasing the performance of Savonius wind turbine having a diameter (D) of 60 mm and height (H) of 80 mm, a cylinder having a diameter (d) of 45 mm is used as a disturbance located in front of returning blade of turbine. This disturbance is located in various spacing positions of 1,5 ≤ S/D ≤ 2,4. The experiments are carried out in a subsonic open circuit wind tunnel. This facility has a 457 mm long, with test section 304 mm x 304 mm. The free stream velocity of wind tunnel could be adjusted to 8,77 m/s; 10,97 m/s; 13,16 m/

    The Awareness and Knowledge of Post-Disaster Emotional Responses in Adult Community Members and Nurses in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    Disasters are extraordinary events that have been causing fatalities and destruction throughout history. Indonesia in particular, is highly vulnerable to natural disasters due to its geographical position in the world. Yogyakarta is one of the provinces within Indonesia that is at high risk of disasters. This province is prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Prior studies show consistent findings that the chaos caused by disasters will lead to some degree to mental health problems. However, survivors of disasters might not have sufficient knowledge of the potential psychological impacts of a disaster, and this in turn may prevent them from seeking help when needed. Nurses, who are often at the front line in the aftermath of a disaster, also need to be aware of the potential mental health problems that may emerge within their local community. This study uses the cycle of disaster management response framework to investigate adult community member and nurse awareness and knowledge of posttraumatic emotional responses related to disasters in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This is a qualitative, descriptive exploratory study, involving adult community members who live in Yogyakarta and nurses who work in Yogyakarta. Data from adult community participants were collected with interviews, while data from nurses were collected with focus groups. Data were transcribed and translated into English before the analysis. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse the data. Three major themes were identified from adult community members: disaster impact, disaster responses, and post-disaster mental health awareness. Three major themes were identified from nurses: nurses’ knowledge and awareness of post-disaster emotional responses, nurses’ experiences of providing mental health support in disaster events, and nurses’ education and training related to disaster and mental health. The study found that participants were aware of intense emotional feelings just after the impact of a disaster, however, this awareness lessened over time, leaving them with no preparation regarding their mental wellbeing during the long process of recovery. The connectedness of people within their community as they rebuilt their homes and lives was very important in sustaining their wellbeing. Religious beliefs and engagement in religious activities were a significant coping strategy for many of the community members and nurses. However, a sense of “sadness” remained for some but was not recognized as a posttraumatic emotional response. Nurses also expressed their concern about their limited ability to assess, engage and educate their community about posttraumatic emotional responses related to disasters in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Opportunities for training in post-disaster mental health were suggested. The original contribution of this study to the body of knowledge is that within the cycle of disaster management response framework, the early identification of posttraumatic emotional responses needs to be highlighted. This must take into consideration the relevant cultural and religious contexts of different countries. Increasing the community members’ and leaders’ (political, health and religious) awareness of posttraumatic emotional responses may influence a proactive approach to implementing community information and education programs that encourages people to access healthcare practitioners much earlier. Individuals’ mental wellbeing within a devastated community is the responsibility of that community including those who care for their physical and spiritual wellbeing.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, Adelaide Nursing School, 202

    Studi Eksperimen Pengaruh Silinder Pengganggu Di Depan Returning Blade Turbin Angin Savonius Terhadap Performa Turbin “ Studi Kasus Untuk Rasio Diameter Silinder Pengganggu Terhadap Diameter Turbin (d/D) = 0,75 “

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    Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki sumber daya alam yang melimpah, dimana sumber daya alam tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber energi. Seiring berjalannya waktu, ketersediaannya semakin menipis. Untuk mengatasi ketergantungan energi fosil, maka perlu pengembangan untuk mendapatkan sumber energi terbarukan.  Energi terbarukan yang belum banyak dimanfaatkan secara optimal dan berpotensi untuk dikembangkan adalah energi angin. Dengan meletakkan silinder pengganggu di depan returning blade turbin angin tipe Savonius, maka performa turbin angin dapat ditingkatkan. Hal tersebut merupakan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Untuk meningkatkan performa turbin angin Savonius yang berdiameter (D) = 60 mm dan tinggi (H) = 80 mm, digunakan silinder yang berdiameter (d) = 45 mm yang diletakkan di depan returning blade turbin. Pengganggu diletakkan dengan variasi jarak 1,5 ≤ S/D ≤ 2,4. Penelitian dilakukan di dalam open circuit wind tunnel, dengan dimensi tes uji; panjang 457 mm, lebar 304 mm dan tinggi 304 mm. Pada kecepatan angin masuk sebesar 8,77 m/s; 10,97 m/s; 13,16 m/s yang sesuai dengan Re = 6,0 x 104; 7,5 x 104; 9,0 x 104 Kecepatan angin diukur menggunakan pitot-static tube ­yang terhubung dengan inclined manometer. Putaran dari turbin angin diukur menggunakan tachometer, torsi statis menggunakan torque meter dan daya turbin angin diperoleh dengan mengukur tegangan dan kuat arus yang dihasilkan oleh generator yang terhubung dengan poros turbin Savonius. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah penggunaan silinder pengganggu yang diletakkan di depan returning blade terbukti efektif meningkatkan performa turbin angin. Selain itu, variasi jarak S/D yang diteliti berpengaruh terhadap performa turbin Savonius. Untuk semua bilangan Reynolds yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa jarak S/D = 1,7 terbukti efektif meningkatkan performa turbin Savonius yang digunakan dalam penelitian. Hal ini ditandai dengan peak value dari putaran, torsi statis dan coefficient of power turbin.


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    Tampilan video (video representation) diargumentasikan memiliki potensi besar untuk menarik perhatian calon pelanggan. Pengembangan tampilan video dan desain video company profile merupakan tujuan Program Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat yang berbentuk kegiatan pendampingan ini. Karya tulis ilmiah difokuskan pada pengembangan model tampilan video company profile Emaki Al Ma’soem Tadabbur Alam, Lembang Bandung. Pada proses pengembangannya, diimplementasikan metode Siklus Pengembangan Multimedia (Multimedia Development Life Cycle, MLDC) dari Luther-Sutopo. Marketplace, tren, target pasar dan hasil penelitian customer engagement adalah materi yang dipertimbangkan untuk menentukan cara konten video ditampilkan. Perancangan video company profile itu sendiri menggunakan aplikasi VN Video Editor Maker. Video company profile yang merupakan luaran Program Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dari tim dosen-mahasiswa Program Studi Sastra Inggris UNIKOM, dipublikasikan di kanal YouTube Emaki Al Ma’soem Tadabbur Alam. Tahap pertama evaluasi performa video company profile Emaki Al Ma’soem Tadabbur Alam, menunjukkan bahwa tampilan video company profile berhasil menarik perhatian penonton dan mereka engage dengan konten yang diberikan. Video company profile berpotensi menjadi media promosi digital Emaki Al Ma’soem Tadabbur Alam


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    ABSTRAKPandemi Covid-19 mengakibatkan pembelajaran tingkat pendidikan SMA dilaksanakan dari rumah atau pembelajaran jarak jauh. Berdasarkan analisis survei yang telah dilakukan pada kelompok guru MGMP Ekonomi SMA Kabupaten Bangkalan dapat ditemukan fakta bahwa kurangnya keahlian guru dalam menggunakan teknologi terutama mengembangkan bahan ajar jarak jauh yang dapat membuat suasana belajar menyenangkan dan dapat dipahami oleh peserta didik. Solusi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut yaitu  dengan mengadakan pelatihan penggunaan AnyFlip untuk penyusunan e-book dalam rangka optimalisasi pembelajaran jarak jauh di masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang dilakukan dibagi menjadi beberapa tahapan yaitu persiapan, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan pelatihan serta pendampingan dan evaluasi. Dari hasil pelaksanaan pelatihan didapatkan bahwa penyusunan e-book berbasis AnyFlip sangat mudah diaplikasikan oleh guru MGMP Ekonomi Kabupaten Bangkalan dengan peserta rata-rata berusia 44 tahun dan rata-rata mengajar selama 17 tahun. Sehingga sebanyak 57,1% menyatakan sangat setuju dan 42,9% menyatakan setuju bahwa pelatihan penyusunan e-book AnyFlip dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan serta keterampilan para guru dalam menyusun bahan ajar berbasis teknologi agar dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik. Peserta pelatihan yaitu guru MGMP Ekonomi Bangkalan mengharapkan adanya pelatihan lanjutan yang berkesinambungan seperti pelatihan media pembelajaran interaktif agar dapat meningkatkan minat belajar peserta didik. Sehingga dengan adanya pelatihan akan meningkatkan soft skill para guru. Kata kunci: anyFlip; e-book; MGMP ekonomi kabupaten Bangkalan; pelatihan ABSTRACTThe Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in high school education level learning being carried out from home or distance learning. Based on the survey analysis that has been conducted on the MGMP Economics teacher at Bangkalan High School, it can be found that there is a lack of teacher expertise in using technology, especially developing distance teaching materials that can make the learning atmosphere fun and understandable by students. The solution that can be offered to overcome these problems is by holding training on the use of AnyFlip for the preparation of e-books in the context of optimizing distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method is carried out in several stages, namely preparation, socialization, implementation of training as well as evaluation and monitoring. From the results of the training, it was found that the preparation of the AnyFlip-based e-book was very easy to apply by the MGMP Economics teacher at Bangkalan High School with an average participant of 44 years old and an average of 17 years of teaching. So as many as 57.1% strongly agree and 42.9% agree that the AnyFlip e-book preparation training can improve the knowledge and skills of participants in compiling technology-based teaching materials which are later expected to improve student learning outcomes. The training participants, namely the Bangkalan Economics MGMP teacher, hoped that there would be continuous follow-up training such as interactive learning media training to increase students' interest in learning. So that with the training, it will improve the soft skills of teachers. Keywords: anyFlip; e-book; economics teacher at Bangkalan high school; trainin

    Tools, frameworks and resources to guide global action on strengthening rural health systems: a mapping review

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    Abstract Background Inequities of health outcomes persist in rural populations globally. This is strongly associated with there being less health coverage in rural and underserviced areas. Increasing health care coverage in rural area requires rural health system strengthening, which subsequently necessitates having tools to guide action. Objective This mapping review aimed to describe the range of tools, frameworks and resources (hereafter called tools) available globally for rural health system capacity building. Methods This study collected peer-reviewed materials published in 15-year period (2005–2020). A systematic mapping review process identified 149 articles for inclusion, related to 144 tools that had been developed, implemented, and/or evaluated (some tools reported over multiple articles) which were mapped against the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) six health system building blocks (agreed as the elements that need to be addressed to strengthen health systems). Results The majority of tools were from high- and middle-income countries (n = 85, 59% and n = 43, 29%, respectively), and only 17 tools (12%) from low-income countries. Most tools related to the health service building block (n = 57, 39%), or workforce (n = 33, 23%). There were a few tools related to information and leadership and governance (n = 8, 5% each). Very few tools related to infrastructure (n = 3, 2%) and financing (n = 4, 3%). This mapping review also provided broad quality appraisal, showing that the majority of the tools had been evaluated or validated, or both (n = 106, 74%). Conclusion This mapping review provides evidence that there is a breadth of tools available for health system strengthening globally along with some gaps where no tools were identified for specific health system building blocks. Furthermore, most tools were developed and applied in HIC/MIC and it is important to consider factors that influence their utility in LMIC settings. It may be important to develop new tools related to infrastructure and financing. Tools that have been positively evaluated should be made available to all rural communities, to ensure comprehensive global action on rural health system strengthening