104 research outputs found

    Local Wisdom Becomes the Commander in Criminal Resolution

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    Settlement of criminal cases through peaceful means is highly recommended, especially in minor criminal cases. This is important so that cases do not accumulate. This method is widely applied in customary law which prioritizes restorative justice. However, not all customs that exist in society can be accepted by Islamic law. Therefore, this research conducted a study of the "tepung tawar" custom that exists in the Ibul Village community. The research uses a qualitative type with a field research model. The data processed consists of primary, secondary and tertiary data. The research was conducted in Ibul Village, Belida Darat subdistrict. The results of the research reveal that in the tepung tawar tradition there is a very high element of forgiveness. This aims to ensure that there are no grudges between the disputing parties, so that they can continue to live peacefully side by side in society. In the Ibul village community, it is customary for "tepung tawar" to be the commander-in-chief in resolving criminal cases of abuse. There are no elements that conflict with Islamic law in this customary practice, so the "tepung tawar" custom is included in the al-‘urf al-shahihah category so it can be accepted as a legal basis


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    The government through the law makes a policy to aggressively seek rehabilitation for the drug users. This is done in the context of tackling the abuse of narcotics in Indonesia. Thus, it is necessary to study the policy objectives based on the perspective of maqashid sharia by conducting qualitative research using secondary data. From the results of the research, the Indonesian Government has implemented rehabilitation sanctions for the narcotics user because the users are victims of other people's crimes, namely illegal narcotics dealers. If a narcotics user is given a sanction of imprisonment / imprisonment, it will have a worse impact and cannot eliminate his dependence on narcotics. Seen from the perspective of maqashid sharia, this government policy does not conflict with the objectives contained in the maqashid sharia concept, as the goal of rehabilitation which requires the users to be aware of their mistakes, so that they will become better humans both towards their God and those around him

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menyelesaikansoal dengan Metode Problem Solving dalam Pembelajaran Matematika pada Siswa Kelas 1 SD Negeri Pujokusuman 1 Semester Genap Tahun Ajaran 2013-2014

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    This research aims to improve the learning results operation count through the Method of Problem Solving.Subject research is teacher and students off class 1 Pujokusuman elementary school, Keparakan, Mergangsan Yogyakarta.Research instruments validated the approval from expert judgment. Data research collected by a test and a observation. Data analysis should be conducted in every cycles. Quantitative data analyzed using analysis descriptive quantitative. Qualitative analyzed data on using analysis descriptive qualitative with a step reduction data, exposure, and resume. This result of the study provide a there is an increase study results operation count, through a method of the problem Solving. This increase seen in the Minimal Achievement Criteriaat least which was originally at the cycle of 46, 25 % to 86, 43 in the cycle to two


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    Tugas akhir ini membahas tentang stabilitas lereng Jalan Kemuning Lor Kecamatan Arjasa Kabupaten Jember dan perkuatan lereng dengan menggunakan kantilever dengan tanah timbunan menggunakan tanah yang parameternya bagus. Longsor yang terjadi pada musim hujan, mengakibatkan tanah menjadi jenuh dan memungkinkan terjadinya kelongsoran susulan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, dilakukan analisis terhadap stabilitas lereng pada saat lereng dalam kondisi existing, dan setelah adanya penambahan perkuatan dinding penahan tanah tipe kantilever. Dalam menganalisis stabilitas lereng digunakan bantuan program komputer yaitu SLOPE/W untuk mengetahui angka keamanan secara akurat dalam waktu yang singkat. Analisis ini juga menggunakan Methode Irisan Bishop untuk megetahui stabilitas terhadap kelongsoraan lereng. Berdasarkan hasil analisis stabilitas lereng pada saat kondisi existing pada lereng didapat bahwa angka keamanan terhadap longsoran lebih kecil dari pada 1. Untuk mencegah terjadinya longsor, maka dilakukan perbaikan lereng dengan menggunakan timbunan dan perkuatan. Lereng pada kondisi existing mempunyai kemiringan 32°, dan dengan ketinggian 24 m. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh setelah lereng diperbaiki dan penambahan pemasangan kantilever, didapat angka keamanan terhadap guling, geser lebih besar dari 1,5 dan daya dukung tanah yang aman (sesuai yang diisyaratkan). Dengan demikian stabilitas lereng pada Jalan Kemuning Lor Kecamatan Arjasa Kabupaten Jember menjadi aman


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    This research aims to develop the lesson study modelling as a practical approach to the mentoring of professional capability (Pemantapan Kemampuan Profesional/PKP) practices, to know the results of the use of lesson study and to know the results of the evaluation of the lesson study of teacher attitude change students. The study was conducted with the paradigm of participatory or emancipatory approach as a fundamental concept that set out the participatory action research. The research method used observation techniques, learning journals, interviews, and documentaries in depth. The results showed that the lesson study is a model of professional development of educators through collaborative learning and continuous assessment based on the principles of collegiality and mutual learning to build a learning community. There are six phases of the lesson study on PKP mentoring activities. These six stages are implemented in the form of a cycle plan-do-see (reflection). Through lesson study under the guidance of the Consolidation Professional Competencies program occurred an increasing competence and professionalism of teachers, improving process quality and learning outcomes, development of a democratic learning paradigm based on constructivism to build a scientific mindset.  Article visualizations

    Hubungan Frekuensi Konsumsi The Dengan Kejadian Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III

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    Anemia dapat terjadi pada masa kehamilan dimana ibu hamil memiliki kadar hemoglobin <11 gr/dL. Ibu hamil rentan terjadi anemia terutama pada trimester III. Salah satu faktor penyebab anemia adalah konsumsi teh pada masa kehamilan. Teh mengandung tanin yang dapat menggangu penyerapan besi. Dampak anemia pada kehamilan salah satunya dapat menyebabkan terjadinya perdarahan pada ibu hamil. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan frekuensi konsumsi teh dengan kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil Trimester III. Jenis penelitian ini observasional analitik dengan metode cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil trimester III dengan tehnik Accidental sampling responden berjumlah 43 responden. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah kuesioner Semi Quantitative-Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQ-FFQ). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji koefisien kontingensi pada taraf signifikasi 5%. Hasil penelitian didapatkan p-value 0,024 (P-value <0,05) sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara frekuensi konsumsi teh dengan kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil trimester III. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini terdapat konsumsi teh pada ibu hamil trimester III dapat menyebabkan terjadinya anemia pada kehamilan


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    This article is the result of research on face-to-face tutorial services for students participating in distance education programs. The research was conducted during the months April to June 2009 in tutorial centers in the district of Tangerang located at SMPN XIII and SD Sukasari 1. Subjects were participants of primary school teacher training program (PGSD), tutors, managers and organizers of the program. Observations focused on the administrative services, academic services, and facilities for tutorial activities. Results showed that there was no special briefing for participants. As a result many students are not prepared to follow the tutorial. The location viewed from the perspective of affordability was very low, because most students live in the suburbs. Tutorial classroom conditions do not meet minimum service standards of a conducive learning space as a result tutors were difficult to develop an instructional system optimally. It is advisable to give a special briefing for the students so that participants had an understanding of the nature of the tutorial, the need to increase the quality of facilities and infrastructure, review the location of activities, and the need for strict academic requirements for tutors


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    This research aims to improve the learning results operation count through the Method of Problem Solving.Subject research is teacher and students off class 1 Pujokusuman elementary school, Keparakan, Mergangsan Yogyakarta.Research instruments validated the approval from expert judgment. Data research collected by a test and a observation. Data analysis should be conducted in every cycles. Quantitative data analyzed using analysis descriptive quantitative. Qualitative analyzed data on using analysis descriptive qualitative with a step reduction data, exposure, and resume. This result of the study provide a there is an increase study results operation count, through a method of the problem Solving. This increase seen in the Minimal Achievement Criteriaat least which was originally at the cycle of 46, 25 % to 86, 43 in the cycle to two

    Pemilihan dan Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran

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    Pengembangan Kurikulum "Alternativ Dalam Pendidikan Teori dan Praktek"

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