7 research outputs found

    Stress on College Students Who Do Merantau

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    Merantau is activity when someone is leaving his/her residence area to the other are that far from his/her residence area. Many college students is far from their residence area for study. In their daily activities, there are many problems that have to be faced because the differentiation of their own culture and at the end it creates stress. The aim of this study is to gain the description about stres that felt by the college students who go far from their own residence area for study. Participant of this study is a female college student. The result shows that stress symptoms happened to the participant area sleep problem, mood problem, and skin problem. The academic stressors are transportation problem, adaptation problem, the task from lecturers, and the use of college facilities. The family problems are about health and her little boy. The economic stressor is about living alowences. And, the environmental stresso are about socialization and adaptation problems in the neighbourhood

    Studi Metaanalisis: Musik Untuk Menurunkan Stres

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    Music has been considered as a widespread social phenomenon recently. A meta‐analysis review of research articles using music to decrease stress was conducted on 20 quantitative articles, consisted 40 studies and involving 1555 participants. The participants in this research consisted from four to eighty years old. The result showed that music could decrease stress. However, this finding supports previous researches and further analysis revealed that music can improve aspects of stress, such as physical, behavior, and psychological


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    Psikologi transpersonal adalah mazhab baru dalam psikologi setelah psikoanalisis. behavioristilc, & humanistik. Mazhab ini lahir dari kelompok psikolog maupun profesional yang berminat pada bidang yang berkaitan dengan kapasitas dan potensialitas manusia (Sutich. /969 dalam Tart. 1973). Istilah trans personal dapat berarti "beyond" the personal. diatas atau mengatasi yang personal. psikologi, atau dapat berarti pula "across" the personal. lintas atau melintasi yang personal. Intinya transpersonal mempunyai kerangka yang jauh lebih luas dari pada yang personal. Psikologi Iranspersonal mempelajari bagaimana yang spiritual diekspresikan di dalam dan melalui yang personal atau transendensi dari keakuan (Adi. 2002). Psikologi transpersonal juga bersijat longgar dan menerima masukan tentang permasalahan spiritual. baik dari tradisi kebijaksanaan dunia spiritual maupun psikologi moden. Dalam psikologi transpersonal. meditasi merupakan teknik yang banyak digunakan untuk mencapai kondisi transpersonal (Rowan, 1995) yang berikatan pula dengan pengendalian emosi (MacGregor. 2001). Dalam tradisi Jawa, terdapat pula beberapa teknik meditasi yang dilrenal dengan nama samadi dan tapa brata (Koentjaraningrat. 1994) maupun pengendalian emosi yang tercermun dalam sedulur papal lima pancer(Negoro. 1999). Tulisan ini mencoba menggali meditasi Jawa (samadi dan tapa brata) dan pengendalian emosi dalam persepektif budaya Jawa. Data digali terutama melalui naskah Arjunowiwaha (Wiryamartana. 1990) dan sumber-sumber lainnya. Hasilnya diharapkan dapat memperkuat psikologi trans personal di Indonesia yang menekankan pada kearifan lokal

    Pengaruh Persepsi Kompensasi dan Motivasi Berprestasi terhadap Komitmen Organisasi pada Multi Level Marketing Representatif

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    Perkembangan bisnis pun semakin meluas, salah satu bisnis yang tetap bertahan hingga kini yakni bisnis multi level marketing. Kekuatan MLM support system dan koperasi bahwa komitmen termasuk dalam kekuatan dalam menjalankan bisnis multi level marketing. Salah satu faktor meningkatkan komitmen adalah pemberian upah yang sesuai. Selain itu motivasi juga mempengaruhi pada kinerja member multi level marketing sehingga timbul komitmen organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh persepsi terhadap kompensasi dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap komitmen organisasi pada multi level marketing representative. Partisipan sebanyak 60 orang yang bergabung dengan multi level marketing bidang kecantikan dan kesehatan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi sederhana dan regresi ganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh persepsi kompensasi terhadap komitmen organisasi pada multi level marketing representative dengan koefisien nilai F sebesar 64,825 (p<0,00) dengan nilai R Square sebesar 0,528. Kedua, Ada pengaruh motivasi berprestasi terhadap komitmen organisasi pada multi level marketing representative dengan nilai koefisen F sebesar 46,367 dengan R Square sebesar 0,444. Ketiga, ada pengaruh persepsi kompensasi dan motivasi berprestasi secara bersama-sama terhadap komitmen organisasi pada multi level marketing representative dengan nilai koefisien F 0,745 dengan R Square sebesar 0,555. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa memiliki pengaruh sebesar 55,5% terhadap komitmen organisasi, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 45,5% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain, misalnya budaya keterbukaan, kepuasan kerja, budaya organisasi, kepribadian dan sebagainya

    Preferensi Sivitas Akademika Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Terhadap Moda Penyeberangan Surabaya-madura

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    The Suramadu Bridge is a bridge that connects the island of Java in Surabaya with Madura Island in Kamal, Bangkalan, and that crosses Madura Strait. The Suramadu Bridge has a length of 5,438 meters, which is the longest bridge in Indonesia. The construction of the Suramdu Bridge wass intended to accelerate development in Madura Island which covers the economy and infrastructure in the Madura Region, which wass still relatively underdeveloped compared to other areas in East Java. Although the bridge has been serving people, many academicians of Trunojoyo University still choose feri services as a mode for crossing towards Madura and vice versa. This study aims to investigate the preferences of the academicians of Trunojoyo University in selecting transportation mode for traveling Surabaya-Madura. This study was conducted by interviewing some academicians who are traveling to Madura using the feri mode. The results show that there are some preference attribution which the academicians choose feri services namely security, closer location, higher accessibility, and comfor

    Outgroup Residents Attitude Towards the Existence of Special Islamic Housing

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    A gated community is a gated residential area its mean as a term with a negative connotation related to social segregation. Today there has also been a growing upper-class housing that is devoted to Muslims in Jakarta. One of them is Light Islamic Townhouse in East Jakarta. This case study examines the attitude of the out-group resident to the housing, where the out-group resident is the same neighborhood with the resident of the housing (living in the same Rukun Tetangga). With interviewed to 16 participants and did participant observation, the results show that middle class from the out-group resident consider the existence of the housing as closed, unwilling to blend, and exclusive. While the lower class from the out-group resident considered the existence of the housing to be positive and profitable because of cross-subsidies. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.