
Preferensi Sivitas Akademika Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Terhadap Moda Penyeberangan Surabaya-madura


The Suramadu Bridge is a bridge that connects the island of Java in Surabaya with Madura Island in Kamal, Bangkalan, and that crosses Madura Strait. The Suramadu Bridge has a length of 5,438 meters, which is the longest bridge in Indonesia. The construction of the Suramdu Bridge wass intended to accelerate development in Madura Island which covers the economy and infrastructure in the Madura Region, which wass still relatively underdeveloped compared to other areas in East Java. Although the bridge has been serving people, many academicians of Trunojoyo University still choose feri services as a mode for crossing towards Madura and vice versa. This study aims to investigate the preferences of the academicians of Trunojoyo University in selecting transportation mode for traveling Surabaya-Madura. This study was conducted by interviewing some academicians who are traveling to Madura using the feri mode. The results show that there are some preference attribution which the academicians choose feri services namely security, closer location, higher accessibility, and comfor

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