18 research outputs found

    Religious Involvement, the Serotonin Transporter Promoter Polymorphism, and Drug Use in Young Adults

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    We examine whether the genetic basis for religious involvement is common to the genetic basis for drug use/abuse, helping to explain the inverse relationship between religiosity and drug use. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed data on 2,537 young adult siblings participating in Wave III of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health on whom both genetic characteristics and religious participation were collected. Religion/spirituality was assessed with four measures: frequency of attendance at religious services and other religious youth meetings, frequency of private prayer, self-rated importance of religion and spirituality, and self-reported history of a life-changing spiritual experience. Each religious measure was examined individually and combined together into a summary scale. Illicit drug use (including prescription drug abuse) was assessed. Polymorphisms of the promoter region of the serotonin transporter gene, SLC6A4 (i.e., LL, SL, SS genotypes) were determined. Results indicated that (1) all religious measures were inversely related to drug use/abuse, (2) the SLC6A4 genotypes SS and SL were less common among those who were more religious, especially among non-whites, and (3) SS/SL genotypes were less common among those who used illegal drugs. Despite being less likely to have the protective SS/SL genotype, religious adolescents were still less likely to use drugs. (4) There was no evidence that the serotonin transporter genotype mediated the relationship between religiosity and illegal drug use. These findings suggest that genetic factors play a role in religiosity, especially in non-whites, and that both genotype and religiosity independently predict substance abuse

    Informed consent for research in Borderline Personality Disorder

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous research on informed consent for research in psychiatric patients has centered on disorders that affect comprehension and appreciation of risks. Little has been written about consent to research in those subjects with Borderline Personality Disorder, a prevalent and disabling condition.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Despite apparently intact cognition and comprehension of risks, a borderline subject may deliberately choose self-harm in order to fulfill abnormal psychological needs, or due to suicidality. Alternatively, such a subject may refuse enrollment due to transference or the desire to harm him or herself. Such phenomena could be precipitated or prevented by the interpersonal dynamics of the informed consent encounter.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>Caution should be exercised in obtaining informed consent for research from subjects with Borderline Personality Disorder. A literature review and recommendations for future research are discussed.</p

    High performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry dual extraction method for identification of green tea catechin metabolites excreted in human urine

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    The simultaneous analysis of free-form and conjugated flavonoids in the same sample is difficult but necessary to properly estimate their bioavailability. A method was developed to optimise the extraction of both free and conjugated forms of catechins and metabolites in a biological sample following the consumption of green tea. A double-blind randomised controlled trial was performed in which 26 volunteers consumed daily green tea and vitamin C supplements and 24 consumed a placebo for 3 months. Urine was collected for 24h at 4 separate time points (pre- and post-consumption) to confirm compliance to the supplementation and to distinguish between placebo and supplementation consumption. The urine was assessed for both free and conjugated metabolites of green tea using LC-MS2 analysis, after a combination extraction method, which involved an ethyl acetate extraction followed by an acetonitrile protein precipitation. The combination method resulted in a good recovery of EC-O-sulphate (91±7%), EGC-O-glucuronide (94±6%), EC (95±6%), EGC (111±5%) and ethyl gallate (74±3%). A potential total of 55 catechin metabolites were investigated, and of these, 26 conjugated (with methyl, glucuronide or sulphate groups) and 3 free-form (unconjugated) compounds were identified in urine following green tea consumption. The majority of EC and EGC conjugates significantly increased post-consumption of green tea in comparison to baseline (pre-supplementation) samples. The conjugated metabolites associated with the highest peak areas were O-methyl-EC-O-sulphate and the valerolactones M6/M6'-O-sulphate. In line with previous studies, EC and EGC were only identified as conjugated derivatives, and EGCG and ECG were not found as mono-conjugated or free-forms. In summary, the method reported here provides a good recovery of catechin compounds and is appropriate for use in the assessment of flavonoid bioavailability, particularly for biological tissues that may contain endogenous deconjugating enzymes

    Patient and stakeholder engagement learnings: PREP-IT as a case study

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    Correction to: Cluster identification, selection, and description in Cluster randomized crossover trials: the PREP-IT trials

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    An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article

    A Pilot Survey of Clergy Regarding Mental Health Care for Children

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    Collaborations between healthcare and faith-based organizations have emerged in the drive to improve access to care. Little research has examined clergy views on collaborations in the provision of mental healthcare, particularly to children. The current paper reports survey responses of 25 clergy from diverse religious traditions concerning mental health care in children. Subjects queried include clergy referral habits, specific knowledge of childhood conditions such as depression and anxiety, past experiences with behavioral health workers, and resources available through their home institutions. Overall, surveyed clergy support collaborations to improve childhood mental health. However, they vary considerably in their confidence with recognizing mental illness in children and perceive significant barriers to collaborating with mental health providers

    Depresyonda DinĂź Ve ManevĂź Faktörler AraƟtırmaları Biraraya Getirme Ve Değerlendirme

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    Depresif semptomlar ve dinĂź/manevĂź pratikler tĂŒm dĂŒnyada yaygındır, fakat bunların kesiƟim noktası genel ruh sağlığı uzmanlarının nispeten çok az ilgisini çekmektedir. Bu makale son elli yıl sĂŒresince (1962’den 2011’e kadar) dinĂź /manevĂź bağlanma (involvement)* ile depresif semptomlar ya da bozukluklar arasındaki iliƟkileri inceleyen nicel araƟtırmaları gözden geçirmekte ve bir sentez yapmaktadır. ƞu anda en azından 444 araƟtırma nicel olarak bu iliƟkileri incelemiƟtir. Bunların % 60’ından fazlası, daha fazla dindar / manevĂź yaƟantısı olanlarda daha az depresyon ve depresyondan daha hızlı bir Ɵekilde iyileƟmenin var olduğunu ya da dinĂź/manevĂź bir mĂŒdahaleye karĆŸÄ±lık olarak depresyon Ɵiddetinde bir azalma olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Buna karĆŸÄ±lık araƟtırmaların sadece % 6’sı daha fazla depresyonu ortaya koymaktadır. Metodolojik olarak en titiz olan 178 araƟtırmadan 119’u (% 67), din / maneviyat ile depresyon arasında ters iliƟki olduğunu ortaya çıkarmÄ±ĆŸtır. DinĂź inançlar ve pratikler, insanlara stresli yaƟam koƟulları ile daha iyi baƟa çıkmada yardım edebilir, (hayatlarına) umut ve anlam verebilir ve destek verici bir toplulukla depresyonlu kimseleri çepeçevre kuƟatabilir. Bununla birlikte bazı topluluklarda veya bireylerde dinĂź inançlar suçluluk duygusunu arttırabilir ve insanlar, dinĂź geleneklerindeki yĂŒksek standartlara göre yaƟamakta baƟarısız olduklarında cesaretsizliğe yol açabilir. DinĂź / manevĂź faktörlerin depresyonu önlemedeki rolĂŒnĂŒ anlama, çözĂŒmĂŒ kolaylaƟtırma ya da daha fazla depresyona neden olma yönĂŒnde klinisyenlerin, bunun baƟlı baĆŸÄ±na hastalar için bir engel ya da kaynak olup olmadığını tespit etmelerine yardımcı olacaktı