2,838 research outputs found

    Monoclonal antibodies reacting with the MUC2 mucin core protein.

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    This study sought to produce monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) which reacted with the MUC2 core protein. Two MAbs [3A2 (IgG1) and 4F1 (IgM)] were produced by immunising female BALB/c mice with gel-formed mucin from the LS174T colon cancer cell line followed by a KLH conjugate of a 29 amino acid synthetic peptide whose sequence was derived from the variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) region of a MUC2 cDNA clone. The MAbs reacted with synthetic MUC2 VNTR peptides but not synthetic MUC1 or MUC3 VNTR peptides, and showed specific reactivity in Western blotting with a high molecular weight protein produced by the LS174T colon carcinoma cell line. The use of shorter peptides indicated that the minimum peptide epitopes for these MAbs were different. Mab 3A2 reacted with amino acids 5-19 of the MUC2 VNTR by inhibition ELISA but not by direct ELISA, while 4F1 reacted with this peptide in both assays. Furthermore, 4F1 reacted in direct ELISA when a larger (29 amino acid) MUC2-derived peptide was coated onto the assay plate by incubating in carbonate buffer or by drying the peptide onto the assay plate, while 3A2 only reacted when this peptide was coated in carbonate buffer. The different specificity of the MAbs was also illustrated by the reactivity of 4F1 but not 3A2 with partially deglycosylated cystic fibrosis mucin. Immunohistochemical analysis with these MAbs revealed a strong reactivity with lung, gastric and colon tumours relative to normal tissue, with some breast and ovarian tumours also reacting. Both MAbs stained some normal goblet cells in the perinuclear region but not the mucin droplet or secreted mucin, indicating a reaction with immature (poorly glycosylated) mucin in the endoplasmic reticulum and/or golgi, but not with mature (fully glycosylated) mucin. In contrast, tumours showed strong diffuse cytoplasmic staining. 4F1 also showed weak apical cytoplasmic staining in some goblet cells and stained some tumours which showed no reactivity with 3A2. These antibodies should prove useful in the study of MUC2 structure and function, and in the diagnosis of some tumours

    The role of (de-)essentialisation within siting conflicts: an interdisciplinary approach

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    Large-scale renewable energy and associated technologies (RET), such as high voltage power lines (HVPL), often meet opposition from the local communities living nearby. Research has suggested that one of the main aspects that might contribute to this is the fact that RET are represented as industrial and urban, and thus, as having a different essence from rural landscapes, where they are usually deployed and which are represented as natural and unspoilt. However, this 'hypothesis' of landscape essentialisation shaping people's responses to RET has not been explicitly examined. By drawing upon research from Social Psychology and Human Geography on essentialisation, we will examine if and how landscape (de-)essentialisation plays a role in people's responses to RET. Namely, by examining it as a rhetorical construction that can be strategically used to negotiate and legitimize given relations with place and associated responses to RET.Focus groups were conducted in the UK and Norway with members of local communities to be affected by the construction of HVPLs that will connect to new low carbon energy technologies. Analyses show that participants present British and Norwegian rural landscapes in general and HVPL as having two different essences, which justifies opposition to those infrastructures. However, analyses also show that essentialisation of the countryside is strategically used. Namely, participants also present the countryside in the place where they live as having more of the essence of the British or Norwegian countryside than other areas of the UK and Norway. In turn, this allows them to legitimize claims that whereas HVPL are 'out of place' in the countryside in general, they are more so in the place where they live.The implications of these results for the definition of acceptable locations for RET and for research on people-place relations and responses to place change, are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Comparison of microanalytical methods for estimating H20 contents of silicic volcanic glasses

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    Three methods of estimating H20 contents of geologic glasses are compared: (1) ion microprobe analysis (secondary ion mass spectrometry), (2) Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and (3) electron microprobe analysis using the Na decay-curve method. Each analytical method has its own advantages under certain conditions, depending on the relative importance of analytical accuracy, precision, sensitivity, spatial resolution,and convenience, and each is capable of providing reasonably accurate estimates of the H20, or total volatile, content of geologic glasses. The accuracy of ion microprobe analyses depends critically on the availability of well-characterized hydrous standard glasses. Precision is often better than 0,2 wt% (10). The method provides good spatial resolution (-15 #m) and the capability to determine simultaneously the abundance of other volatile species of interest (e.g., F, B). FTIR spectroscopy provides excellent analytical sensitivity (-10 ppm), accuracy and precision «0.1 wt%), and the capability to determine the abundance of H20 and C02 species (H20, OH-, C02' eOj-) in analyzed glasses, although the spatial resolution (> 25-35 #m) is not as good as that of the ion microprobe. The main advantages of the estimation of H20 contents of hydrous glasses using the electron microprobe are excellent spatial resolution (- 10 #m) and analytical convenience. The disadvantages are that accuracy and precision (>0.5 wt%) are not as good as those associated with the other methods, but, for certain applications, these uncertainties may be acceptable for the estimation of H20 contents of H20-rich (> 1 wt%) samples

    Becoming a (green) identity entrepreneur: learning to negotiate situated identities to nurture community environmental practice

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    This paper explores the relationship between ‘green’ identity and community environmental practice. It focuses on the ways in which professional community development facilitators and lead members of community groups attempt to actively shape how environmental projects are locally received. Drawing principally on identity, social sustainability and social practice theory scholarship, it reviews the often very personal and place-specific ways in which appeals to green identity are variously understood and applied, or are actively avoided, by community group leaders. Individuals who have become skilful in negotiating and influencing the presentation of environmental projects to the local community are understood here as (green) identity entrepreneurs. Arguably, it is the situated entrepreneurial skilfulness of lead individuals in negotiating the multiple and evolving (green) identities circulating through any one project, which plays a significant part in determining its subsequent impact and longevity. In understanding the contribution of (green) identity entrepreneurship, however, its relational association with everyday practices, routines and meanings of community and place is brought to the fore. The paper also considers how divergent external interpretations of what constitutes legitimate environmental practice at a local level further shape project identity. The discussion is informed by evidence drawn from a qualitative study of seventeen community groups and seven professional environmental support officers participating in a Welsh Government led programme aimed at facilitating 'community action on climate change'

    Electron-deuteron scattering in a current-conserving description of relativistic bound states: formalism and impulse approximation calculations

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    The electromagnetic interactions of a relativistic two-body bound state are formulated in three dimensions using an equal-time (ET) formalism. This involves a systematic reduction of four-dimensional dynamics to a three-dimensional form by integrating out the time components of relative momenta. A conserved electromagnetic current is developed for the ET formalism. It is shown that consistent truncations of the electromagnetic current and the NNNN interaction kernel may be made, order-by-order in the coupling constants, such that appropriate Ward-Takahashi identities are satisfied. A meson-exchange model of the NNNN interaction is used to calculate deuteron vertex functions. Calculations of electromagnetic form factors for elastic scattering of electrons by deuterium are performed using an impulse-approximation current. Negative-energy components of the deuteron's vertex function and retardation effects in the meson-exchange interaction are found to have only minor effects on the deuteron form factors.Comment: 42 pages, RevTe

    “We could have been leaders”: The rise and fall of offshore wind energy on the political agenda in Ireland

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    This is the final version. Available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record. Data availability: This paper is the first output from an on-going study. Pseudonymised interview transcripts and Nvivo coding of all documents will be made publicly available once the full study is complete.Many countries have ambitious plans for increasing the generation of electricity from offshore wind energy in the coming decades. Realising these ambitions requires concerted, often innovative, political action across several policy domains. To understand the unique political challenges facing offshore wind deployment, this article presents a case study of the Republic of Ireland, where decades of sporadic political ambition to support offshore wind energy has not yet translated into commercial deployment. We use the Multiple Streams Framework to guide data collection, 29 elite interviews and extensive documentary analysis, and offer an historical explanation for why political actors did not meet long-standing market ambition. We analyse the battle of ideas between alternative policy approaches that emerge through distinct policy networks and institutions spanning marine planning, grid development, and energy price support. In Ireland, two key drivers restrained political support for offshore wind for over a decade: competition with onshore wind for limited grid connection capacity and resilience, and calibration of policy instruments to attain decadal renewable energy target at least cost. The study shows the value of a deviant case to demonstrate the political complexities of developing and adopting technology-specific policy instruments to support offshore wind energy in the context of long-term climate change targets, grid development, and grid system services plans.Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action

    The Discovery of Six Recycled Pulsars from the Arecibo 327-MHz Drift-Scan Pulsar Survey

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    Recycled pulsars are old (108\gtrsim10^{8} yr) neutron stars that are descendants from close, interacting stellar systems. In order to understand their evolution and population, we must find and study the largest number possible of recycled pulsars in a way that is as unbiased as possible. In this work, we present the discovery and timing solutions of five recycled pulsars in binary systems (PSRs J0509++0856, J0709++0458, J0732++2314, J0824++0028, J2204++2700) and one isolated millisecond pulsar (PSR J0154++1833). These were found in data from the Arecibo 327-MHz Drift-Scan Pulsar Survey (AO327). All these pulsars have a low dispersion measure (DM) (45pccm3\lesssim 45 \, \rm{pc}\, cm^{-3}), and have a DM-determined distance of \lesssim 3 kpc. Their timing solutions, have data spans ranging from 1 to \sim 7 years, include precise estimates of their spin and astrometric parameters, and for the binaries, precise estimates of their Keplerian binary parameters. Their orbital periods range from about 4 to 815 days and the minimum companion masses (assuming a pulsar mass of 1.4 M\rm{M_{\odot}}) range from \sim 0.06--1.11 M\rm{M_{\odot}}. For two of the binaries we detect post-Keplerian parameters; in the case of PSR~J0709++0458 we measure the component masses but with a low precision, in the not too distant future the measurement of the rate of advance of periastron and the Shapiro delay will allow very precise mass measurements for this system. Like several other systems found in the AO327 data, PSRs J0509++0854, J0709++0458 and J0732++2314 are now part of the NANOGrav timing array for gravitational wave detection

    Thermal expansion, heat capacity and magnetostriction of RAl3_3 (R = Tm, Yb, Lu) single crystals

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    We present thermal expansion and longitudinal magnetostriction data for cubic RAl3 (R = Tm, Yb, Lu) single crystals. The thermal expansion coefficient for YbAl3 is consistent with an intermediate valence of the Yb ion, whereas the data for TmAl3 show crystal electric field contributions and have strong magnetic field dependencies. de Haas-van Alphen-like oscillations were observed in the magnetostriction data of YbAl3 and LuAl3, several new extreme orbits were measured and their effective masses were estimated. Zero and 140 kOe specific heat data taken on both LuAl3 and TmAl3 for T < 200 K allow for the determination of a CEF splitting scheme for TmAl3