2,327 research outputs found

    A study of serum ferritin levels among voluntary blood donors

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    Background: The frequent blood donations may lead on to iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia. Estimation of haemoglobin and hematocrit levels alone in voluntary blood donors may not be adequate. Hence this study was taken to estimate the serum ferritin level among voluntary blood donors with different frequency of donation and compare with hemoglobin levels.Methods: A Cross sectional study consisted of 314 voluntary blood donors, they were grouped into control groups donating blood for the first time and group donating blood once, twice and thrice in a year. The red cell parameters were measured by automatic cell count analyzer and estimation of serum ferritin by ELISA method.Results: There were 88.2% males and 11.8% females. The distribution of donors on the basis of the frequency of donation per year were 50% first time, 23.9% once a year, 19.7% twice a year and 6.4% thrice a year donation. A statistically significant correlation was seen between frequency of donation and total number of life time donations and serum ferritin levels. Distribution on the basis of number of donations per year and serum ferritin <15 ng/ml in male donors were 6.9 % in first time, 19.4 % in once a year, 26.7% in twice a year and 50% in thrice year donation. Among female donors 40.7% in first time, 50% in once a year, 50% in twice a year donation had serum ferritin levels <15 ng/ml.Conclusions: In this study, there was a definite correlation between dwindling of serum Ferritin level and the frequency of donation. As a part of donor haemovigilance program, our study suggests estimation of serum ferritin level, iron supplementation and donor health education on balanced nutritious diet for at least female donors and regular male donors to maintain adequate donor pool

    Fixed Drug Eruption - An analysis.

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    INTRODUCTION : World Health Organisation has defined a drug as “a substance or product that is used or intended to be used to modify or explore physiological system or pathological state of the recipient”. Adverse drug reaction is defined by WHO as “a response to a drug that is noxious, unintended and undesired and occurs at doses used in man for modification of physiological function”. ADRs affect upto 7% of the general population and constitute upto 8% of hospital admissions. Cutaneous ADRs are among the more commonly observed adverse reactions to medications. Among the various morphological drug reaction patterns encountered, Fixed Drug Reactions account for upto one third of cases. According to many Indian studies, Fixed drug eruption is the most common cutaneous adverse drug reaction pattern, constituting 25-40% of cases. In the western world, it is next only to maculopapular rash as the common cause of CADR. Several studies analysing the epidemiological, pathophysiological, pharmacological and clinical aspects of FDE are available in literature. Though clinically less severe, FDE causes cosmetic embarrassment in many patients. AIMS OF THE STUDY : To find out the incidence, age and sex distribution of Fixed Drug Eruption among patients attending the Department of Dermatology, Government General Hospital, Chennai. * To find out the proportion of FDE cases among various cutaneous adverse drug reactions. * To find out the common offending drugs and study the drug specific clinical patterns and sites of involvement in the FDE cases. * To study the different parameters of fixed drug reaction - Number of episodes in a patient and mean length of time from drug exposure to the development of FDE lesions during initial and subsequent episodes. * To confirm the drugs responsible for causation through patch testing. * To study the various histopathological characteristics of fixed drug eruptions. * To ascertain the role of CD8+ T-cells in causation through Immunohistochemistry. CONCLUSION : 1. The incidence of Fixed Drug Eruption among Dermatology OPD attendees from Aug 2008 to Aug 2010 was found to be 0.54%. 2. The main age group affected was 21 – 30 years. 3. An almost equal sex incidence. was observed with the male to female ratio being 1.23:1. 4. The incubation period observed during the first and subsequent episodes was 13.4 days and 4.6hrs respectively. 5. The most common offenders were fluoroquinolones especially ciprofloxacin seen in 14.5% of cases and levofloxacin in 10.5% of cases. The next common offender was cotrimoxazole inducing FDE in 11.8% of cases. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs were the causative drugs in 19.73% of cases with diclofenac being the main inducer followed by paracetamol. 6. Classical presentation was seen in 81.57% of cases. The other two morphological patterns encountered were Bullous FDE(18.42%) and Nonpigmenting FDE(1.33%). 7. Multifocal pattern was the most common pattern of distribution of lesions. Solitary and generalised patterns were also encountered. 8. Extremities were the most frequently involved sites seen in 44.73% of cases, followed in decreasing order of frequency by trunk, face, oral mucosa, genital mucosa, lips and palms and soles. 9. There was no statistically significant difference between males and females regarding the site of involvement . Clinically mucosal lesions and lesions on the palms and soles were more commonly encountered in males. Involvement of the lip was commonly seen in females. 10. Though statistically insignificant, clinically significant associations were observed regarding drug specific site of involvement. Phenytoin induced FDE exclusively on the trunk. Paracetamol was observed to induce bullous FDE preferentially on palms and soles Ciprofloxacin induced lesions mainly on the extremities. 11. The rate of occurrence of associated local and systemic symptoms was 78.95% and 14.47% respectively which is relatively high when compared to previous studies. 74 12. Drug patch tests done to establish the causality of offending drugs revealed positivity in 32.9% of patients. The testing was found to be positive when done on lesional skin when compared to nonlesional skin. 13. Histopathological examination of biopsy specimens produced consististent findings in all the 33 cases in whom biopsy was performed. 14. Immunohistochemical analysis done using antibodies to CD8 revealed positivity in both acute and chronic cases, establishing the role of these cells in causation of FDE. In the current study, the number of patients observed was less when compared to the previous studies. So statistical analysis did not reveal any significance regarding the sex specific and drug specific site of involvement

    4-[(E)-(Hy­droxy­imino)­meth­yl]-N,N-di­methyl­anilinium chloride

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    In the title compound, C9H13N2O+·Cl−, the cation, apart from the methyl groups, is almost planar, with a maximum deviation of 0.040 (1) Å; the methyl C atoms deviate by 0.389 (2) and −1.247 (1) Å, from the mean plane. In the crystal, cations and anions associate through C—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds, forming a helical arrangement. In addition, inter­molecular O—H⋯Cl, N—H⋯Cl and C—H⋯N inter­actions are observed

    Analisis Yuridis Pemberian Kredit oleh Koperasi terhadap Pengusaha Kecil dan Menengah Berdasarkan UU No.17 Tahun 2012 Tentang Perkoperasian (Studi pada Koperasi Kredit Union Sejahtera Tebing Tinggi)

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    Cooperatives as people's economic movement give their contribution to small and middle businesses in increasing the welfare, especially for their members. A cooperative is both the guidance for people's economic policy and a part of national economic order. How is the regulation of giving credit to small and middle businesses according to Law No. 17/2012 on Cooperatives? How is the implementation of giving credit to small and middle businesses at Koperasi Kredit CU Sejahtera, Tebing Tinggi? Are there any obstacles and how to solve them? The regulation of giving credit in Law No. 17/2012 on Cooperatives should be in savings and loan. In this case, the credit at Koperasi Kredit CU Sejahtera, Tebing Tinggi is given only to its registered members. The main obstacle is the incapability of its members to pay off the credit. It is recommended that the cooperative adapt its statutes to Law No. 17/2012 on Cooperatives by amending USP to KSP, giving credit should be based on the capability and compatibility, and special advisors who give sanction to fraudulent field workers should be supported. Kata Kunci : Savings and Loan Cooperative, Small and Middle Businesses, Kopdit CU Sejahtera Tebing Tingg

    Unraveling Genetic Diversity Through Molecular Insights: RAPD Profiling of Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.) F. Muell.

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    Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.) F. Muell, commonly known as the Indian Violets or Purple Balsam, is a flowering plant belonging to the family Violaceae. It is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. It holds cultural and medicinal importance in various traditional systems of medicine. Extracts from different parts of the plant have been traditionally employed to address ailments ranging from respiratory conditions to skin disorders. RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) analysis is a molecular biology technique used to generate fingerprint-like patterns of genomic DNA. In this study, we employ RAPD analysis to investigate the genetic diversity and relationships within species/Population/group of interest. Through the amplification of random genomic regions, we aim to generate informative banding patterns that will serve as molecular fingerprints for the individuals under investigation. This study clearly demonstrates the efficacy of this technique as a robust tool for molecular characterization, underscoring its relevance in contemporary genetic research

    Lie symmetry analysis and group invariant solutions of the nonlinear Helmholtz equation

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    We consider the nonlinear Helmholtz (NLH) equation describing the beam propagation in a planar waveguide with Kerr-like nonlinearity under non-paraxial approximation. By applying the Lie symmetry analysis, we determine the Lie point symmetries and the corresponding symmetry reductions in the form of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with the help of the optimal systems of one-dimensional subalgebras. Our investigation reveals an important fact that in spite of the original NLH equation being non-integrable, its symmetry reductions are of Painlev\'e integrable. We study the resulting sets of nonlinear ODEs analytically either by constructing the integrals of motion using the modified Prelle-Singer method or by obtaining explicit travelling wave-like solutions including solitary and symbiotic solitary wave solutions. Also, we carry out a detailed numerical analysis of the reduced equations and obtain multi-peak nonlinear wave trains. As a special case of the NLH equation, we also make a comparison between the symmetries of the present NLH system and that of the standard nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation for which symmetries are long available in the literature.Comment: Accepted for publication in "Applied Mathematics and Computation". 18 pages, 15 figure

    Analisis Rugi-Rugi Panas Pada Tangki Penyimpan Panas Dalam Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Matahari

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    Analysis of heat loss on heat storage tank in solar power generation system is intended to determine the heat loss value during storage. Selection of insulation material, insulation thickness, time of storage and heat storage fluid affects the heat losses. The research was initiated by determining the dimension of the tank and its insulation material, and determining the heat storage time in the tank. Fluid and operating temperature is determined to get the fluid specification to be used as data analysis. The analysis begins with the calculation of storage capacities, followed by making of thermal nets to get the thermal resistance equation which is then used to calculate the heat loss in the tank. The result shows that the heat storage tank with 0.4 m diameter and 0.45 m height and uses ceramic fiber wool insulation with 0.1m thickness gives the value of heat loss of 63.43 W

    Improvement and Optimization of Performance of Iron Ore Beneficiation Plant

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    JSW steel in an integrated steel plant of 2.5 Mtpa crude steel capacity and is being expanded to 10 Mtpa in phases. The plant facilities include 3 Mt Iron Ore Beneficiation Plant, 4.2 Mt Pellet Plant, 1.6 Mt Corex iron making, 0.9 Mt Blast Furnace, 2.5 Mt BOF — CCP and 2 Mt Hot Strip Mill. In order to control alumina in iron ore fines, the iron ore beneficiation plant was installed based on in-house developed process. During its operation of last two years, number of improvements and innovations have been introdu-ced to improve the reduction in alumina, improve yield and reduce moisture of concentrate

    An Experimental Study on Utilization of Iron Ore Tailings (IOT) and Waste Glass Powder in Concrete

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    Cement manufacturing industry is one of the carbon dioxide emitting sources besides deforestation burning of fossil fuels. The global warming is caused by the emission of green house gases, such as CO2, to the atmosphere. Among the greenhouse gases, CO2 contributes about 65% of global warming. The global cement industry contributes about 7% of green house gas emission to the earth’s atmosphere. In order to address environmental effects associated with cement manufacturing, there is a need to develop alternative binders to make concrete. Consequently extensive research is on going into the use of cement replacements, using many waste materials industrial by products. Efforts have been made in the concrete industry to use waste glass as partial replacement of cement and also in recent years almost every mineral producing country is facing the problem of better utilization of mine waste because of its accumulation lack of suitable storage space. In this study, finely powdered waste glass from industries and Iron Ore Tailings (IOT) produced from mining areas are used as a partial replacement  of cement and fine aggregates in concrete respectively.  This work examines the possibility of using Glass powder and iron ore tailing as a partial replacement of cement and fine aggregate in concrete. In the present study  Glass powder and Iron Ore Tailing  ( IOT )  are partially replaced by 10%, 20%, 30% and  40%  tested for its compressive, flexural strength for 7, 28 and 56 days of curing and were compared with those of conventional concrete. Keywords: Glass Powder – GP, Iron Ore Tailings – IOT, Conventional Concrete - C