4,147 research outputs found

    Line positions and intensities for the gamma 1 + gamma 2 and gamma 2 + gamma 3 bands of (16)O3

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    Using 0.005 cm-resolution Fourier transform spectra of (16)O3, generated by electric discharge from a greater than 99.98 percent pure sample of (16)O3, an extensive analysis of the gamma 1 + gamma 2 and the gamma 2 + gamma 3 bands in the 5.7 micron region was performed. The rotational energy levels of the upper (110) and (011) vibrational states of (16)O3 were reproduced within their experimental uncertainties using a Hamiltonian which takes explicitly into account the Coriolis-type interaction occurring between the rotational energy levels of both states. Improved vibrational energies and rotational and coupling constants were also derived for the (110) and (011) states. Precise transition moment constants for these two bands were deduced from analysis of 220 measured line intensities. Finally, a complete list of line positions, intensities, and lower state energies for both bands has been generated

    The effect of light, temperature, ph on stability of anthocyanin pigments in Musa acuminata bract

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    The anthocyanin pigment was extracted from Musa acuminata bract using the acidified methanol. The extracted anthocyanin pigments then were exposed to number of environmental conditions, which could destabilize the anthocyanin molecules. These environmental conditions were included fourteen different pHs, various temperatures and presence or absence of light. The temperature stability of the anthocyanin extract was calculated by reaction velocity constants (k) as well as the half-life time (t1/2). The results of the study showed that increasing in pH, temperature or exposure to light is able to spoil the anthocyanin molecule. Copigmentation of anthocyanin resulting in increase in both hypochromic effects and bathochromic shifts. Musa acuminata bract anthocyanin extract was more stable at pH 5.1 and 6.0, temperature at 20° C and 30° C both in the presence and absence of light. This characteristic differs from other anthocyanins. This property could facilitate its application as a natural food colorant

    Pengaruh Capital Adequacy Ratio, Biaya Operasional Per Pendapatan Operasional, Non Performing Loan, Net Interest Margin Dan Loan to Deposit Ratio Terhadap Return on Asset (Studi Pada Perusahaan Sektor Perbankan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Perio

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    This rеsеarch aims to invеstigatе thе еffеct financial ratio toward financial performance, financial ratio in this research variabel include Capital Adеquacy Ratio (CAR), Opеrational Еfficiеncy Ratio (OЕR), Non Performing Loan (NPL) Nеt Interest Margin (NIM) and Loan to Dеposit Ratio (LDR), while the performance financial measurured with profitability through Return on Assets (ROA). This typе of rеsеarch is еxplanatory rеsеarch with approach quantitativе. This rеsеarch population is a wholе bank listеd rеspеctivеly in Indonеsia stock еxchangе 2012-2015 pеriod. Thе samplе in this rеsеarch totallеd 23 companiеs obtainеd from sampling purposivе mеthod. This typе of data usеd is an sеcondary data. Thе tеchniquе of data collеction was donе with thе mеthods documеntation. Thе data analysis in this rеsеarch is using a multiplе linеar rеgrеssion analysis. Thе rеsеarch findings indicatе that thе CAR, OЕR, LDR, NIM and NPL variablеs arе simultanеously affеctеd on ROA. Thе findings partially indicatе OЕR, NIM and LDR еffеct significantly to Rеturn On Assеts, Whilе CAR and NPL has no еffеct significant to ROA

    The Interference Term between the Spin and Orbital Contributions to M1 Transitions

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    We study the cross-correlation between the spin and orbital parts of magnetic dipole transitions M1 in both isoscalar and isovector channels. In particular, we closely examine certain cases where B(M1)\sum B(M1) is very close to B(M1)σ+B(M1)l\sum B(M1)_{\sigma} + \sum B(M1)_l, implying a cancellation of the summed interference terms. We gain some insight into this problem by considering special cases approaching the SU(3) limit, and by examining the behaviour of single-particle transitions at the beginning and towards the end of the s-d shell.Comment: 9 pages of latex file and no figure

    Macrorealism from entropic Leggett-Garg inequalities

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    We formulate entropic Leggett-Garg inequalities, which place constraints on the statistical outcomes of temporal correlations of observables. The information theoretic inequalities are satisfied if macrorealism holds. We show that the quantum statistics underlying correlations between time-separated spin component of a quantum rotor mimics that of spin correlations in two spatially separated spin-ss particles sharing a state of zero total spin. This brings forth the violation of the entropic Leggett-Garg inequality by a rotating quantum spin-ss system in similar manner as does the entropic Bell inequality (Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 662 (1988)) by a pair of spin-ss particles forming a composite spin singlet state.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX, 2 eps figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    GPCR-OKB: the G protein coupled receptor oligomer knowledge base

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    Rapid expansion of available data about G Protein Coupled Receptor (GPCR) dimers/oligomers over the past few years requires an effective system to organize this information electronically. Based on an ontology derived from a community dialog involving colleagues using experimental and computational methodologies, we developed the GPCR-Oligomerization Knowledge Base (GPCR-OKB). GPCR-OKB is a system that supports browsing and searching for GPCR oligomer data. Such data were manually derived from the literature. While focused on GPCR oligomers, GPCR-OKB is seamlessly connected to GPCRDB, facilitating the correlation of information about GPCR protomers and oligomers

    Evaluation Of Haemolytic Potential, Cytotoxic Effect And Anti-Proliferative Property Of Boerhavia Diffusa (Linn) Root Extract Using Hela Cell Line By Clonogenic Assay

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    Plant origin natural compounds believed to be safe for human have received much attention all over the world in the recent years. In ayurveda and unani medicine, different parts of the renowned herbal medicinal plant Boerhavia diffusa have been used for treating several human disorders. But very little is known about the antiproliferative activity of B. diffusa root extract. Hence investigation was carried out on the growth inhibitory property of B. diffusa on HeLa cell line. Results showed maximum of 28.95 % of hemolysis at 320 µg/ml test concentration and good cytotoxiic effect with an IC50 value of 54.06 μg/ml inhibition on HeLa cell line. The present research work using the ethanolic extract of B. diffusa root has demonstrated the antiproliferative property on HeLa cell line

    Brown carbon aerosol in the North American continental troposphere: sources, abundance, and radiative forcing

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    Chemical components of organic aerosol (OA) selectively absorb light at short wavelengths. In this study, the prevalence, sources, and optical importance of this so called brown carbon (BrC) aerosol component are investigated throughout the North American continental tropospheric column during a summer of extensive biomass burning. Spectrophotometric absorption measurements on extracts of bulk aerosol samples collected from an aircraft over the central USA were analyzed to directly quantify BrC abundance. BrC was found to be prevalent throughout the 1 to 12 km altitude measurement range, with dramatic enhancements in biomass-burning plumes. BrC to black carbon (BC) ratios, under background tropospheric conditions, increased with altitude, consistent with a corresponding increase in the absorption Ångström exponent (AAE) determined from a three-wavelength particle soot absorption photometer (PSAP). The sum of inferred BC absorption and measured BrC absorption at 365 nm was within 3 % of the measured PSAP absorption for background conditions and 22 % for biomass burning. A radiative transfer model showed that BrC absorption reduced top-of atmosphere (TOA) aerosol forcing by ∼ 20 % in the background troposphere. Extensive radiative model simulations applying this study background tropospheric conditions provided a look-up chart for determining radiative forcing efficiencies of BrC as a function of a surface-measured BrC : BC ratio and single scattering albedo (SSA). The chart is a first attempt to provide a tool for better assessment of brown carbon’s forcing effect when one is limited to only surface data. These results indicate that BrC is an important contributor to direct aerosol radiative forcing