1,067 research outputs found

    Entanglement vs. the quantum-to-classical transition

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    We analyze the quantum-to-classical transition (QCT) for coupled bipartite quantum systems for which the position of one of the two subsystems is continuously monitored. We obtain the surprising result that the QCT can emerge concomitantly with the presence of highly entangled states in the bipartite system. Furthermore the changing degree of entanglement is associated with the back-action of the measurement on the system and is itself an indicator of the QCT. Our analysis elucidates the role of entanglement in von Neumann's paradigm of quantum measurements comprised of a system and a monitored measurement apparatus

    Recovering Classical Dynamics from Coupled Quantum Systems Through Continuous Measurement

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    We study the role of continuous measurement in the quantum to classical transition for a system with coupled internal (spin) and external (motional) degrees of freedom. Even when the measured motional degree of freedom can be treated classically, entanglement between spin and motion causes strong measurement back action on the quantum spin subsystem so that classical trajectories are not recovered in this mixed quantum classical regime. The measurement can extract localized quantum trajectories that behave classically only when the internal action also becomes large relative to ħ

    The Landauer Resistance and Band Spectra for the Counting Quantum Turing Machine

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    The generalized counting quantum Turing machine (GCQTM) is a machine which, for any N, enumerates the first 2N2^{N} integers in succession as binary strings. The generalization consists of associating a potential with read-1 steps only. The Landauer Resistance (LR) and band spectra were determined for the tight binding Hamiltonians associated with the GCQTM for energies both above and below the potential height. For parameters and potentials in the electron region, the LR fluctuates rapidly between very high and very low values as a function of momentum. The rapidity and extent of the fluctuations increases rapidly with increasing N. For N=18, the largest value considered, the LR shows good transmission probability as a function of momentum with numerous holes of very high LR values present. This is true for energies above and below the potential height. It is suggested that the main features of the LR can be explained by coherent superposition of the component waves reflected from or transmitted through the 2N12^{N-1} potentials in the distribution. If this explanation is correct, it provides a dramatic illustration of the effects of quantum nonlocality.Comment: 19 pages Latex, elsart.sty file included, 12 postscript figures, Submitted to PhysComp96 for publication in Physica-

    Accurate and efficient linear scaling DFT calculations with universal applicability

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    Density Functional Theory calculations traditionally suffer from an inherent cubic scaling with respect to the size of the system, making big calculations extremely expensive. This cubic scaling can be avoided by the use of so-called linear scaling algorithms, which have been developed during the last few decades. In this way it becomes possible to perform ab-initio calculations for several tens of thousands of atoms or even more within a reasonable time frame. However, even though the use of linear scaling algorithms is physically well justified, their implementation often introduces some small errors. Consequently most implementations offering such a linear complexity either yield only a limited accuracy or, if one wants to go beyond this restriction, require a tedious fine tuning of many parameters. In our linear scaling approach within the BigDFT package, we were able to overcome this restriction. Using an ansatz based on localized support functions expressed in an underlying Daubechies wavelet basis -- which offers ideal properties for accurate linear scaling calculations -- we obtain an amazingly high accuracy and a universal applicability while still keeping the possibility of simulating large systems with only a moderate demand of computing resources

    Atomic Motion in Magneto-Optical Double-Well Potentials: A Testing Ground for Quantum Chaos

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    We have identified ultracold atoms in magneto-optical double-well potentials as a very clean setting in which to study the quantum and classical dynamics of a nonlinear system with multiple degrees of freedom. In this system, entanglement at the quantum level and chaos at the classical level arise from nonseparable couplings between the atomic spin and its center of mass motion. The main features of the chaotic dynamics are analyzed using action-angle variables and Poincaré surfaces of section. We show that for the initial state prepared in current experiments [D. J. Haycock et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 3365 (2000)], classical and quantum expectation values diverge after a finite time, and the observed experimental dynamics is consistent with quantum-mechanical predictions. Furthermore, the motion corresponds to tunneling through a dynamical potential barrier. The coupling between the spin and the motional subsystems, which are very different in nature from one another, leads to interesting questions regarding the transition from regular quantum dynamics to chaotic classical motion

    Controlling nuclear spin exchange via optical Feshbach resonances in 171{}^{171}Yb

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    Nuclear spin exchange occurs in ultracold collisions of fermionic alkaline-earth-like atoms due to a difference between s- and p-wave phase shifts. We study the use of an optical Feshbach resonance, excited on the 1S03P1{}^1S_0 \to {}^3P_1 intercombination line of 171{}^{171}Yb, to affect a large modification of the s-wave scattering phase shift, and thereby optically mediate nuclear exchange forces. We perform a full multichannel calculation of the photoassociation resonances and wave functions and from these calculate the real and imaginary parts of the scattering length. As a figure of merit of this interaction, we estimate the fidelity to implement a SWAP\sqrt{SWAP} entangling quantum logic gate for two atoms trapped in the same well of an optical lattice. For moderate parameters one can achieve a gate fidelity of 95\sim95% in a time of 50μ\sim 50 \mus.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    The wandering mind and performance routines in golf

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    The past decade of research has brought about new understandings in the study of pre-shot routines, with multiple researchers advancing the field of knowledge surrounding the usage of pre-shot routines as a performance enhancement mechanism. Across golfers of novice to expert skill-levels, the results of peer-reviewed studies have clearly presented the potential benefits of incorporating pre-shot routines for all golfers in improving their play. However, with the current state of research serving as an indicator as to how far we have come in our learning of pre-shot routines in golf, researchers and practitioners in the field understand that there is still a long way to go in expanding our knowledge base on pre-shot routines and their role in the golf performance spectrum. The paper reviews the concept of the wandering mind, attentional control theory, performance routines in general, and more specifically, pre-shot routines in golf

    Daubechies Wavelets for Linear Scaling Density Functional Theory

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    We demonstrate that Daubechies wavelets can be used to construct a minimal set of optimized localized contracted basis functions in which the Kohn-Sham orbitals can be represented with an arbitrarily high, controllable precision. Ground state energies and the forces acting on the ions can be calculated in this basis with the same accuracy as if they were calculated directly in a Daubechies wavelets basis, provided that the amplitude of these contracted basis functions is sufficiently small on the surface of the localization region, which is guaranteed by the optimization procedure described in this work. This approach reduces the computational costs of DFT calculations, and can be combined with sparse matrix algebra to obtain linear scaling with respect to the number of electrons in the system. Calculations on systems of 10,000 atoms or more thus become feasible in a systematic basis set with moderate computational resources. Further computational savings can be achieved by exploiting the similarity of the contracted basis functions for closely related environments, e.g. in geometry optimizations or combined calculations of neutral and charged systems

    Interfaces in partly compatible polymer mixtures: A Monte Carlo simulation approach

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    The structure of polymer coils near interfaces between coexisting phases of symmetrical polymer mixtures (AB) is discussed, as well as the structure of symmetric diblock copolymers of the same chain length N adsorbed at the interface. The problem is studied by Monte Carlo simulations of the bond fluctuation model on the simple cubic lattice, using massively parallel computers (CRAY T3D). While homopolymer coils in the strong segregation limit are oriented parallel to the interface, the diblocks form ``dumbbells'' oriented perpendicular to the interface. However, in the dilute case (``mushroom regime'' rather than ``brush regime''), the diblocks are only weakly stretched. Distribution functions for monomers at the chain ends and in the center of the polymer are obtained, and a comparison to the self consistent field theory is made.Comment: to appear in Physica