112 research outputs found

    Renormalization group approach to a pp-wave superconducting model

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    We present in this work an exact renormalization group (RG) treatment of a one-dimensional pp-wave superconductor. The model proposed by Kitaev consists of a chain of spinless fermions with a pp-wave gap. It is a paradigmatic model of great actual interest since it presents a weak pairing superconducting phase that has Majorana fermions at the ends of the chain. Those are predicted to be useful for quantum computation. The RG allows to obtain the phase diagram of the model and to study the quantum phase transition from the weak to the strong pairing phase. It yields the attractors of these phases and the critical exponents of the weak to strong pairing transition. We show that the weak pairing phase of the model is governed by a chaotic attractor being non-trivial from both its topological and RG properties. In the strong pairing phase the RG flow is towards a conventional strong coupling fixed point. Finally, we propose an alternative way for obtaining pp-wave superconductivity in a one-dimensional system without spin-orbit interaction.Comment: 14 pages and 4 figures, to appear in Physics Letters

    Expectations associated with the informal care of older generations

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    The informal care between generations deal with the important challenge of reconciling family life with the demands of professional life, and reveals how important it is to acknowledge the expectations of adults facing the eventual need of caring of older generations, by understanding and analyzing the differences in phratries, comparing single sons/daughters and sons/daughters in phratries. This paper presents a prospective, transversal and quantitative study, using an inquiry to data collecting by indirect administration. The sample of this study is constituted by Portuguese adults aged between 25 and 65, no caregivers, having unless one of the parents alive. We had 186 participants with an average age of 32 years old, the majority of this inquires where women (88%), with high level education (91%). The results indicate that all pointed love and tenderness as the most important motive for caring. The only sons/daughters previously see an economic difficulty and ponder a major source for external resources in opposite to the members of phratries that prefer a strategy of exclusivity. The domestic routines, the leisure routines and productivity at work are the main problems in their lives that they imagine that could be affected. We understand that the option for caring can’t penalize families. To anticipate eventual difficulties during the live cycle, the families should be stimulated of thinking how to conciliate their lives with the eventual needs of informal caring for the oldest. Social Work should promote the responsibility that the public politics presented about this subject, such as for the definition, amplification of programs that give an effective response to the needs of the dependents, the caregivers and families


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    É nossa intenção fazer um apanhado por algumas regiões do Mundo onde a presença portuguesa, atualmente é mais manifesta para posteriormente, passarmos a discutir a importância da Lusofonia e o papel da CPLP, na atualidade

    “Antes um quintal, hoje um laboratório”: aprendendo botânica em plena pandemia

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    How to study a discipline of practical content in the middle of a pandemic? Is it possible to make the backyard a laboratory for the study of botany? Answering such questions is turning to the need for emergency remote education. "Nurseries, schools and universities have closed their doors!" This report explains experiences emerged in this period when studying disciplines related to botany in the Degree course in Biological Sciences of the Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB). Walking runs through the plants of the backyard, great villains of learning. In view of this, based on the principles of scholars such as Paulo Freire and David Ausubel, it is concrete to see the University "at home" and the valorization of each reality, besides recognizing the environment as great instruments to acquire new knowledge.Como estudar uma disciplina de teor prático em plena pandemia? É possível fazer do quintal de casa um laboratório para o estudo de botânica? Responder tais questões é voltar-se para a necessidade do ensino remoto emergencial: As creches, escolas e universidades fecharam! Assim, este relato explicita experiências de uma licencianda em Ciências Biológicas pela Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB) ao cursar disciplinas relacionadas à botânica no período remoto. Com a pandemia veio o retorno para a casa de origem, na roça e rodeada por plantas. Logo, um olho na aula e a mente no quintal! As atividades práticas antes feitas nos laboratórios, agora não tinham dias e horas específicas. Concretiza assim, o ver a Universidade em casa, reconhecendo o quintal como grande instrumento para adquirir novos conhecimentos. Tudo isso consolida o pensar a botânica como uma área prazerosa e de compreensão facilitada ao ter representações palpáveis do cotidiano

    Entendendo o tráfico de pessoas : uma tradução funcionalista do relatório global da ONU sobre o tráfico de pessoas

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, Letras-Tradução-Inglês, 2014.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo oferecer uma tradução funcionalista de uma parte do Relatório Global sobre o Tráfico de Pessoas de 2012, desenvolvido pelo Escritório das Nações Unidas Contra Drogas e Crimes. A tradução funcionalista tem como base o Modelo Circular de tradução proposto por Christiane Nord, que consiste basicamente na análise do escopo do texto-alvo, do texto-fonte e na identificação dos elementos relevantes para a tradução. Essas análises são de extrema importância para a realização do texto-alvo, pois faz o tradutor reconhecer e apontar todos os aspectos comunicativos do texto-fonte que devem ser passados para o texto-alvo, uma vez que o propósito da teoria funcionalista de Nord é o processo comunicativo orientado para o receptor na cultura de chegada. A fim de complementar a análise textual na aplicação do Modelo Circular, também será utilizado o material da análise crítica do discurso de Norman Fairclough, focando na questão da linguagem enquanto prática social. __________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe present paper aims at offering a functionalist translation of a part of the 2012 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons, written by the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime. The functionalist translation is based on the Looping Model proposed by Christiane Nord, which basically consists on the analysis of the target text skopos, of the source text skopos, and on the identification of the translation relevant elements. These analyses are extremely important for the target text composition, because it makes the translator acknowledge and pinpoint all communicative aspects that must be transferred to the target text, as the purpose of Nord’s functional theory is the recipient-oriented communicative process. In order to complement the textual analysis during the application of the Looping Model, Norman Fairclough’s material on critical discourse analysis will also be used, with focus on the language as social practice

    O papel do intérprete comunitário na entrevista de solicitação de refúgio

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução, 2019.O objetivo desta dissertação é estudar o papel do intérprete comunitário voluntário na interação entre o oficial de elegibilidade e o solicitante de refúgio no contexto das entrevistas de solicitação de refúgio no Comitê Nacional para Refugiados (Conare). Analisamos como a presença do intérprete é um elemento central da comunicação durante a entrevista, e de que forma essa importância se manifesta. Como suporte teórico, nos pautamos nas produções sobre a interpretação comunitária, um tipo de serviço tradutório caracterizado pelo seu cunho social. Abrangemos questões relacionadas a suas características centrais, como o fato de ser dialógica e estar ligada a contextos em que a presença do intérprete é mais notada do que em outras modalidades de interpretação. Isso nos leva a estudar o conjunto de papéis que o intérprete tem como gestor da interação e mediador linguístico e cultural, em contraste com o senso comum e as diretrizes oficiais de como a atuação do intérprete deve ser. Para tanto, nos baseamos na abordagem sociolinguística interacional, que se aprofunda nos estudos sobre relações entre cultura, sociedade e língua, além de levantamos o debate acerca da fidelidade e equivalência nos Estudos da Tradução. Para conduzir o estudo para esta dissertação, foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo no Conare, após uma parceria firmada com o grupo de pesquisa e extensão Mobilang, do Instituto de Letras da UnB. A partir de uma observação participante, trazemos uma análise qualitativa das estratégias discursivas produzidas pelos intérpretes, as quais sistematizamos em algumas categorias: confirmação, adição explicativa, apropriação da autoridade do discurso e gestão. A partir dessa análise, identificamos dados que embasam o argumento de que o intérprete comunitário atua de forma a trespassar os limites do que se entende tradicionalmente por tradução e se mostra como um agente ativo na interação comunicativa enquanto gestor e mediador cultural e linguístico.This thesis aims at studying the role of the volunteer community interpreter during the interaction between the eligibility officer and the asylum seeker in the context of official interviews to seek asylum at Conare (Brazilian National Committee for Refugees). The purpose is to analyze in what ways the interpreter plays a central role in the communication during the interviews, and how such importance is expressed. For theoretical support, this paper is based on the studies about community interpreting, a type of translation service characterized by its social nature. Matters related to its key characteristics are addressed, such as the fact that it is dialogical and is linked to situations in which the presence of the interpreter is more noticed that in other translation modalities. This has also led to the investigation of the combination of roles the interpreter plays as manager of the interaction, as well as linguistic and cultural mediator, diverging from the common sense and official guidelines of how an interpreter should behave. To do so, this paper relies on interactionist sociolinguistics as its framework, as its approach focuses on the relations between culture, society and language. Concepts of fidelity and equivalence in Translation Studies have also been discussed. A field research at Conare was conducted, after a partnership was established with the University of Brasilia through Mobilang, a group of research and extension of the Language Institute. After a participant observation period, a qualitative analysis is presented of some discursive strategies produced by the interpreters, which are systematized into some categories: confirmation, explanatory addition, appropriation of the discourse authority and management. Within the analysis, there can be identified some data that give grounds to the argument that the community interpreter acts in such a way that trespasses the limits of what is traditionally understood by translation and shows to be an active agent in the communicative interaction by playing the role of manager and linguistic and cultural mediator

    O impacto dos ajustes de exercícios anteriores no patrimônio líquido e no ROE de companhias listadas no novo mercado da B3

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    The objective of this study is to identify and analyze the impact of adjustments from previous years on Shareholders' Equity and Return on Equity. For this, the Statements of Changes in Equity and the Explanatory Notes of companies listed on the Novo Mercado of B3 from 2010 to 2019 were researched. The main contribution of the study lies in evaluating changes in the Shareholders' Equity that do not necessarily result from operating performance or financing strategies, but it arises from changes in accounting criteria or errors, which may affect other equity components. To analyze the impacts of the adjustments from previous years on Shareholders' Equity and Return on Equity, the average percentage changes for each were calculated, computing the adjustments from previous years and without considering the adjustments. Subsequently, the Wilcoxon test was applied to verify the statistical significance of such variations. Most of the adjustments from previous years identified refer to changes in accounting policy, notably related to the application of IFRS 9/CPC 48 and IFRS 15/CPC 47, in 2018. This means that companies chose to recognize the effects of adopting these standards in a manner retrospective, with a cumulative effect on the Shareholders' Equity, without the presentation of comparative information (accounting choice). Regarding the average variations between adjusted and unadjusted Shareholders' Equity and Return on Equity (affected and unaffected by the adjustments from previous years, respectively) there is a statistically significant difference, at the level of 5%, for the financial statements of the companies analyzed. In other words, the impact of adjustments from previous years on Shareholders' Equity and Return on Equity is observed, that is, an influence of changes in accounting policies and/or correction of errors in the analysis of these indicators. It is important to emphasize that the adjustments from previous years should not affect the net result of the current year, that is, the effects arising from changes in accounting policies and errors tend to protect present and/or future results to the detriment of past results.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O objetivo deste estudo é identificar e analisar o impacto dos ajustes de exercícios anteriores (AEA) no Patrimônio Líquido (PL) e no Retorno sobre o Patrimônio Líquido (ROE). Para isso, foram pesquisadas as Demonstrações das Mutações do Patrimônio Líquido (DMPL) e as Notas Explicativas das companhias listadas no Novo Mercado da B3, de 2010 a 2019. A principal contribuição do estudo reside em avaliar alterações no PL que não decorrem, necessariamente, do desempenho operacional ou das estratégias de financiamento, mas advém de mudanças de critérios contábeis ou erros, que podem afetar outros componentes patrimoniais. Para analisar os impactos dos AEA no PL e no ROE, foram calculadas as variações percentuais médias de cada um, computando os AEA e sem considerar os ajustes. Posteriormente, aplicou-se o teste de Wilcoxon para verificar a significância estatística de tais variações. A maior parte dos AEA identificados referem-se a mudanças de política contábil, notadamente relacionadas à aplicação da IFRS 9/CPC 48 e IFRS 15/CPC 47, em 2018. Isso significa que as companhias escolheram reconhecer os efeitos da adoção dessas normas de forma retrospectiva, com efeito cumulativo no PL, sem a apresentação das informações comparativas (escolha contábil). Em relação às variações médias entre o PL e o ROE ajustados e não ajustados (afetados e não afetados pelos AEA, respectivamente) existe diferença estatisticamente significativa, ao nível de 5%, para as demonstrações contábeis das companhias analisadas. Em outras palavras, observa-se o impacto dos AEA no PL e no ROE, ou seja, uma influência de mudanças de políticas contábeis e/ou retificações de erros na análise desses indicadores. Importante ressaltar que os AEA não devem afetar o resultado líquido do exercício corrente, ou seja, os efeitos decorrentes de mudanças de políticas contábeis e erros tendem a proteger resultados presentes e/ou futuros em detrimento de resultados passados

    Influence of pacifier use on the association between duration of breastfeeding and anterior open bite in primary dentition

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    Background: The literature is controversial with regard to the association between longer breastfeeding duration and lower prevalence of anterior open bite. Pacifier use may be involved in this controversy. Thus, the objective of the study was to assess the influence of pacifier use and its duration on the association between longer breastfeeding duration and lower prevalence of anterior open bite in children with primary dentition. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study nested in a cohort study involving 153 infants recruited at a maternity hospital in the municipality of Porto Alegre, southern Brazil. The study outcome (anterior open bite) was assessed when the children were between 3 and 5 years old. Data on breastfeeding and pacifier use were collected at 7, 30, 60, 120, and 180 days of life and on the date of the evaluation here described. Poisson regression with robust variance was used to analyze the association between the prevalence of anterior open bite and breastfeeding duration, expressed in months. Results: The univariate analysis showed a protective effect of breastfeeding against anterior open bite (prevalence ratio [PR] 0.96; 95% confidence interval [95%CI] 0.95–0.98). This effect remained significant after adjustment for pacifier use at any time between birth and the date of dental assessment (PR0.98; 95%CI; 0.96–0.99), i.e., there was a reduction of 2% in the prevalence of anterior open bite for each month of breastfeeding. However, this effect lost significance when pacifier use duration was included in the multivariate analysis (PR1.00; 95%CI; 0.99–1.01). Conclusions: Pacifier use duration influences the association between longer breastfeeding duration and lower prevalence of anterior open bite. It is likely that prolonged pacifier use reduces the magnitude of this association