324 research outputs found


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    In the title compound, C16H16, the central benzene ring adopts a boat conformation, with a dihedral angle of 34.7 (9)° between the mean planes of the two fused benzene rings. The two methyl groups at the apex of the central benzene ring are in axial and equatorial conformations. The crystal packing is stabilized by weak C—H⋯π inter­molecular inter­actions

    Whole mitochondrial DNA sequencing in Alpine populations and the genetic history of the Neolithic Tyrolean Iceman

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    The Tyrolean Iceman is an extraordinarily well-preserved natural mummy that lived south of the Alpine ridge ~5,200 years before present (ybp), during the Copper Age. Despite studies that have investigated his genetic profile, the relation of the Iceman´s maternal lineage with present-day mitochondrial variation remains elusive. Studies of the Iceman have shown that his mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) belongs to a novel lineage of haplogroup K1 (K1f) not found in extant populations. We analyzed the complete mtDNA sequences of 42 haplogroup K bearing individuals from populations of the Eastern Italian Alps – putatively in genetic continuity with the Tyrolean Iceman—and compared his mitogenome with a large dataset of worldwide K1 sequences. Our results allow a re-definition of the K1 phylogeny and indicate that the K1f haplogroup is absent or rare in present-day populations. We suggest that mtDNA Iceman´s lineage could have disappeared during demographic events starting in Europe from ~5,000 ybp. Based on the comparison of our results with published data, we propose a scenario that could explain the apparent contrast between the phylogeographic features of maternal and paternal lineages of the Tyrolean Iceman within the context of the demographic dynamics happening in Europe from 8,000 ybp.This study was financed by the Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano – Alto Adige, Ripartizione Diritto allo studio, università e ricerca scientifica, funds to VCS

    Genome-Wide snp analysis of southern african populations provides new insights into the dispersal of bantu-Speaking groups

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    The expansion of Bantu-speaking agropastoralist populations had a great impact on the genetic, linguistic, and cultural variation of sub-Saharan Africa. It isgenerally accepted that Bantulanguages originated inanarea around thepresent borderbetweenCameroon and Nigeria approximately 5,000 years ago, from where they spread South and East becoming the largest African linguistic branch. The demic consequences of this event are reflected in the relatively high genetic homogeneity observed acrossmost of sub-Saharan Africapopulations. Inthiswork, weexploredgenome-wide singlenucleotidepolymorphismdata from28populations to characterize the genetic components present in sub-Saharan African populations. Combining novel data from four SouthernAfrican populations withpreviouslypublishedresults,we reject the hypothesis that the" non-Bantu" geneticcomponent reported inSouth-Eastern Africa (Mozambique) reflects extensive gene flow between incoming agriculturalist and resident hunter-gatherer communities.We alternatively suggest that this novel component is the result of demographic dynamics associated with the Bantu dispersal

    Complex ancient genetic structure and cultural transitions in Southern African populations

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    The characterization of the structure of southern African populations has been the subject of numerous genetic, medical, linguistic, archaeological, and anthropological investigations. Current diversity in the subcontinent is the result of complex events of genetic admixture and cultural contact between early inhabitants and migrants that arrived in the region over the last 2000 years. Here, we analyze 1856 individuals from 91 populations, comprising novel and published genotype data, to characterize the genetic ancestry profiles of 631 individuals from 51 southern African populations. Combining both local ancestry and allele frequency based analyses, we identify a tripartite, ancient, Khoesan-related genetic structure. This structure correlates neither with linguistic affiliation nor subsistence strategy, but with geography, revealing the importance of isolation-by-distance dynamics in the area. Fine-mapping of these components in southern African populations reveals admixture and cultural reversion involving several Khoesan groups, and highlights that Bantu speakers and Coloured individuals have different mixtures of these ancient ancestries

    Ethnic fragmentation and degree of urbanization strongly affect the discrimination power of Y-STR haplotypes in central Sahel

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    Y chromosome short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) are commonly used to identify male lineages for investigative and judicial purposes and could represent the only source of male-specific genetic information from unbalanced female-male mixtures. The Yfiler Plus multiplex, which includes twenty conventional and seven rapidly-mutating Y-STRs, represents the most discriminating patrilineal system commercially available to date. Over the past five years, this multiplex has been used to analyze several Eurasian populations, with a reported discrimination capacity (DC) approaching or corresponding to the highest possible value. However, despite the inclusion of rapidly mutating Y-STRs, extensive haplotype sharing was still reported for some African populations due to a number of different factors affecting the effective population size. In the present study, we analyzed 27 Y-STRs included in the Yfiler Plus multiplex and 82 Y-SNPs in central Sahel (northern Cameroon and western Chad), an African region characterized by a strong ethnic fragmentation and linguistic diversity. We evaluated the effects of population sub-structuring on genetic diversity by stratifying a sample composed of 431 males according to their ethnicity (44 different ethnic groups) and urbanization degree (four villages and four towns). Overall, we observed a low discrimination capacity (DC = 0.90), with 71 subjects (16.5 %) sharing 27 Y-STR haplotypes. Haplotype sharing was essentially limited to subjects with the same binary haplogroup, coming from the same location and belonging to the same ethnic group. Haplotype sharing was much higher in rural areas (average DC = 0.83) than urban settlements (average DC = 0.96) with a significant correlation between DC and census size (r = 0.89; p = 0.003). Notably, we found that genetic differentiation between villages from the same country (ΦST = 0.14) largely exceeded that found among countries (ΦST = 0.02). These findings have important implications for the choice of the appropriate reference population database to evaluate the statistical relevance of forensic Y-haplotype matches

    MET increased gene copy number and primary resistance to gefitinib therapy in non-small-cell lung cancer patients

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    Background: MET amplification has been detected in ∼20% of non-small-cell lung cancer patients (NSCLC) with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations progressing after an initial response to tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) therapy. Patients and methods: We analyzed MET gene copy number using FISH in two related NSCLC cell lines, one sensitive (HCC827) and one resistant (HCC827 GR6) to gefitinib therapy and in two different NSCLC patient populations: 24 never smokers or EGFR FISH-positive patients treated with gefitinib (ONCOBELL cohort) and 182 surgically resected NSCLC not exposed to anti-EGFR agents. Results: HCC827 GR6-resistant cell line displayed MET amplification, with a mean MET copy number >12, while sensitive HCC827 cell line had a mean MET copy number of 4. In the ONCOBELL cohort, no patient had gene amplification and MET gene copy number was not associated with outcome to gefitinib therapy. Among the surgically resected patients, MET was amplified in 12 cases (7.3%) and only four (2.4%) had a higher MET copy number than the resistant HCC827 GR6 cell line. Conclusions: MET gene amplification is a rare event in patients with advanced NSCLC. The development of anti-MET therapeutic strategies should be focused on patients with acquired EGFR-TKI resistanc

    Blood pressure control and treatment adherence in hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome: protocol of a randomized controlled study based on home blood pressure telemonitoring vs. conventional management and assessment of psychological determinants of adherence (TELEBPMET Study).

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    BACKGROUND: Inadequate blood pressure control and poor adherence to treatment remain among the major limitations in the management of hypertensive patients, particularly of those at high risk of cardiovascular events. Preliminary evidence suggests that home blood pressure telemonitoring (HBPT) might help increasing the chance of achieving blood pressure targets and improve patient's therapeutic adherence. However, all these potential advantages of HBPT have not yet been fully investigated. METHODS/DESIGN: The purpose of this open label, parallel group, randomized, controlled study is to assess whether, in patients with high cardiovascular risk (treated or untreated essential arterial hypertension--both in the office and in ambulatory conditions over 24 h--and metabolic syndrome), long-term (48 weeks) blood pressure control is more effective when based on HBPT and on the feedback to patients by their doctor between visits, or when based exclusively on blood pressure determination during quarterly office visits (conventional management (CM)). A total of 252 patients will be enrolled and randomized to usual care (n = 84) or HBPT (n = 168). The primary study endpoint will be the rate of subjects achieving normal daytime ambulatory blood pressure targets (< 135/85 mmHg) 24 weeks and 48 weeks after randomization. In addition, the study will assess the psychological determinants of adherence and persistence to drug therapy, through specific psychological tests administered during the course of the study. Other secondary study endpoints will be related to the impact of HBPT on additional clinical and economic outcomes (number of additional medical visits, direct costs of patient management, number of antihypertensive drugs prescribed, level of cardiovascular risk, degree of target organ damage and rate of cardiovascular events, regression of the metabolic syndrome). DISCUSSION: The TELEBPMET Study will show whether HBPT is effective in improving blood pressure control and related medical and economic outcomes in hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome. It will also provide a comprehensive understanding of the psychological determinants of medication adherence and blood pressure control of these patients

    The Dynamics of Sensorimotor Cortical Oscillations during the Observation of Hand Movements: An EEG Study

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    Background The observation of action done by others determines a desynchronization of the rhythms recorded from cortical central regions. Here, we examined whether the observation of different types of hand movements (target directed, non-target directed, cyclic and non-cyclic) elicits different EEG cortical temporal patterns. Methodology Video-clips of four types of hand movements were shown to right-handed healthy participants. Two were target directed (grasping and pointing) motor acts; two were non-target directed (supinating and clenching) movements. Grasping and supinating were performed once, while pointing and clenching twice (cyclic movements). High-density EEG was recorded and analyzed by means of wavelet transform, subdividing the time course in time bins of 200 ms. The observation of all presented movements produced a desynchronization of alpha and beta rhythms in central and parietal regions. The rhythms desynchronized as soon as the hand movement started, the nadir being reached around 700 ms after movement onset. At the end of the movement, a large power rebound occurred for all bands. Target and non-target directed movements produced an alpha band desynchronization in the central electrodes at the same time, but with a stronger desynchronization and a prolonged rebound for target directed motor acts. Most interestingly, there was a clear correlation between the velocity profile of the observed movements and beta band modulation. Significance Our data show that the observation of motor acts determines a modulation of cortical rhythm analogous to that occurring during motor act execution. In particular, the cortical motor system closely follows the velocity of the observed movements. This finding provides strong evidence for the presence in humans of a mechanism (mirror mechanism) mapping action observation on action execution motor programs