16 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Modernisme terhadap Aplikasi Ragam Hias pada Desain Masjid Salman-ITB Karya Ahmad Noe’man

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    This research will focus on the Ir. Achmad Noe'man perspective symptoms of decoration on the Salman ITB mosque that are designed around 5 (five) decades ago, namely in 1959. Methodologically this study is a descriptive research approach to the Social History of Art. Objects are selected based on observation and the assumption that the role of decoration in the mosque he designed had a very strong reduction compared to the tradition of decorating the mosque during this time both in Indonesia and foreign countries. Ornamental pattern as the heart of Islamic art is not as important anymore in the eyes of the architect. And of course it contains a variety of reasons or background concepts and ideas that cannot be separated from the situation at that time. In Salman mosque seemed how strong the desire of Achmad Noe'man to go with the flow and current popularity of modernism which is too simple and functional, also inspired by the purism, though as a Muslim architect, he has the concept and other perceptions about the value of beauty in a more contemplative and transcendent. That is, although the ideology that is reflected in the Salman mosque is very secular in accordance with the concept of modernism, but Achmad Noe'man not lose power as well as spiritual. From the observations made can be concluded that the spirit factor of the time was very influential towards the constellation of decoration on some modern mosques in Indonesia at that time (Istiqlal, for example), but understanding the sense in the application shift of decoration on the modern mosque's created by Noe'man Achmad means that it also refers to the private contemplation (inner value) which tend to be more stable than the influence of his understanding of the flow of thought, academic factors, political, and spirits that tend to be volatile times like a fashion phenomenon

    Kajian Terhadap Kecenderungan Aspek Visual Dalam Perancangan Produk Mode Berbasis Tenun Gedhog Khas Tuban

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    Abstract- Indonesia has a lot of cultural diversity which able to support the sustainability of the Creative Industries. Among them is gedhog woven, a traditional weaving cloth. Compared to other types of weaving such as ikat or songket, gedhog woven still lack in popularity in the consumer market. However, gedhog woven has the opportunity of further development into a weaving-based product in the fashion industry to aim high recognization in society. Consumer interests and perceptions of weaving-based products are analyzed through qualitative  method in order to understand the consumer market. Experiment also conducted to obtain the final form of fashion products made from gedhog woven material. Product diversification refers to visual aspects in design such as shape, color, size, and proportion. Analysis of tendencies towards fashion product from woven materials obtained through this research. This can be utilized both for the foundation of further research as well as improving the quality and value of selling products in the consumer market.Keywords: visual aspect, fashion, gedhog woven Abstrak- Indonesia memiliki banyak kekayaan budaya yang dapat mendukung keberlangsungan Dari Industri Kreatif. Salah satunya adalah wastra nusantara berupa tenun gedhog. Dibandingkan dengan jenis tenun yang lain seperti ikat atau songket, tenun gedhog masih kurang popularitasnya di dalam pasar konsumen. Meski demikian, tenun gedhog tetap memiliki peluang pengembangan lebih lanjut menjadi sebuah produk dalam industri mode supaya makin dikenal oleh masyarakat. Minat dan persepsi konsumen terhadap produk berbasis tenun dianalisis melalui metodologi kualitatif dalam rangka memahami keinginan pasar. Selain itu, dilakukan pula eksperimen untuk memperoleh bentuk akhir produk mode yang terbuat dari material tenun gedhog. Diversifikasi produk mengacu kepada aspek visual dalam desain seperti bentuk, warna, ukuran, dan proporsi. Melalui penelitian ini diperoleh analisis dari kecenderungan masyarakat terhadap pemilihan produk mode yang terbuat dari material tenun. Hal ini dapat dimanfaatkan baik bagi landasan penelitian selanjutnya maupun bagi peningkatan kualitas dan nilai jual produk dalam pasar konsumen.Kata kunci: aspek visual, mode, tenun gedho

    Potensi Limbah Padat sebagai Benang Gintir Berbasis Sistem Interlacing

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    Sistem pengelolaan sampah di tempat pembuangan sampah menjadi masalah lingkungan yang besar seiring dengan pertumbuhan industri pulp dan kertas di Indonesia. Konversi limbah padat menjadi bahan bakar pelengkap untuk industri kertas juga tidak memberikan hasil yang signifikan untuk memecahkan masalah pencemaran udara pada saat karbon aktif dibebaskan dari proses pembakaran. Masalah ini secara khusus menuntut sistem pengelolaan sampah yang maju dan efektif secara terus-menerus. Baru-baru ini, optimasi pemanfaatan serat-limbah menjadi alternatif khusus untuk mengurangi tumpukan sampah di tempat pembuangan sampah. Namun, tidak semua dapat didaur ulang. Karakteristik limbah padat berserat dari industri kertas tisu cenderung menurun gramaturnya, sehingga sangat disayangkan pemanfaatannya akan berkurang bahkan setelah proses daur ulang. Di sisi lain, struktur kimianya yang telah rusak selama proses produksi tampaknya menjadi semangat baru bagi industri tekstil di masa depan dalam mengembangkan teknologi daur ulang limbah padat berserat, yang menghasilkan benang tekstil generasi baru. Fokus dalam penelitian ini ditekankan pada penemuan tas yang terbuat dari bahan serat-limbah menggunakan metode eksperimental. Identifikasi karakteristik serat-sampah berbasis padat dikembangkan melalui teknik eksplorasi multi-ply yarns berdasarkan sistem interlace. Hubungan antara penciptaan produk dan forecasting  tren pada tahun 2013 akan menjadi analisis berikutnya sebagai salah satu cara untuk memecahkan masalah sampah.Kata Kunci: limbah; multi-ply yarns; sistem interlacing.The Potential of Solid Waste as Multiply Yarn Based on Interlacing SystemsSolid-waste disposal in landfills is becoming a massive environmental problem as a result of the growth of the pulp and paper industry in Indonesia. The conversion of solid waste to complementary fuel for the paper industry is also not giving any significant results to solve air contamination, as active carbon is released into the atmosphere by the burning process. This particular problem demands an advanced and effective continuous waste management system. Recently, optimized waste-fiber utilization has come forward as a promising alternative to reduce the waste pile in landfills. However, not all of it can be recycled. Fibered solid waste from the tissue-paper industry tends to decrease its grammage, which unfortunately will eventually reduce its utilization after recycling. On the other hand, its chemical structure, which has already been damaged during the production process, appears to be giving inspiration for a future textile industry based on the development of fibered solid-waste recycling technology, resulting in a new generation of textile yarns. In this research, the focus is on the invention of a handbag made from fiber-waste material using experimental methods. Solid-based fiber waste characteristics identification was developed through a multi-ply yarn exploration technique based on an interlacing system. The relationship between product creation and the trend forecasting for 2013 will be our next goal as one way of solving Indonesia's waste problem.Keywords: interlacing system; multi-ply yarns; waste


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    Local brand  is a fashion creative industry which is favored by young people. There are many local brands in Bandung City. T-shirt is one of local brand products which is related to graphic design. Concept and meaning in graphic design on T-shirt can be researched using The Iconography Theory of Erwin Panofsky. Graphic design on local brands T-shirt in Bandung City leads to simple graphic design trends, display direct branding and variation of color in T-shirts. However, one of brand, Wellborn, features graphic design with its own characteristics on the T-shirt as a creativity, that is surrealistic style graphics design on T-shirt. It is a sub category of T-shirt that can be studied through the meaning of graphic design on T-shirt. It underlies the research on graphic design of Wellborn T-shirt. The research stages are observation, interview, literature study, documentation and analysis which includes pre-iconography, iconography and iconology. The purpose of this study is to know the meaning of Wellborn T-shirt design based on The Iconography Theory of Erwin Panofsky and its association with Wellborn branding. The research method is descriptive qualitative. Objects studied are the surrealistic style graphic designs of Wellborn T-shirts 2017 collection. The samples of data are selected using purposive sampling. The result of the analysis shows that in pre-iconography, there are various objects placed in one graphic design on T-shirt. In iconography, it has a secondary meaning that there are things which are limitless, and in iconology, it has the meaning of freedom of mind/thought because it is related to freedom in imagination, infinity and a difference. They show the characteristics of the Wellborn brand. Keywords: Iconography, Graphic Design, Surrealistic Wellborn T-shirt, Bandung

    Batik Fractal: Marriage of Art and Science

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    By applying Fourier Transformation, this paper shows that batik has fractal characteristic. This character is shown in batik's fractal dimension between 1 and 2. The isen process in batik is one factor that contributes to create self affine as one of fractal's important characteristic. Anova Test for fractal dimension in this method classifies batik according to patterns and its region. Fractal in batik shows the presence of complexity in traditional art. This complexity arises because the effort to obey pakem rule and media. Furthermore, the presence of fractal in batik becomes the foundation of this paper to create algorithm which will produce new kind of patterns: Batik Fractal. The method used for creating the pattern is L-System and Fractal Dimension. L-System is used to create pattern, while Fractal Dimension is used as a measurement tool for Batik Fractal to compare with traditional batik. Algorithm to create Batik Fractal has been developed into a software known as jBatik. As a software, jBatik becomes a helping tool for batik makers to create new patterns. jBatik v 2.0 has been used as a tool to create new batik patterns in creative industry by involving several batik makers

    Potensi Limbah Padat sebagai Benang Gintir Berbasis Sistem Interlacing

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    Sistem pengelolaan sampah di tempat pembuangan sampah menjadi masalah lingkungan yang besar seiring dengan pertumbuhan industri pulp dan kertas di Indonesia. Konversi limbah padat menjadi bahan bakar pelengkap untuk industri kertas juga tidak memberikan hasil yang signifikan untuk memecahkan masalah pencemaran udara pada saat karbon aktif dibebaskan dari proses pembakaran. Masalah ini secara khusus menuntut sistem pengelolaan sampah yang maju dan efektif secara terus-menerus. Baru-baru ini, optimasi pemanfaatan serat-limbah menjadi alternatif khusus untuk mengurangi tumpukan sampah di tempat pembuangan sampah. Namun, tidak semua dapat didaur ulang. Karakteristik limbah padat berserat dari industri kertas tisu cenderung menurun gramaturnya, sehingga sangat disayangkan pemanfaatannya akan berkurang bahkan setelah proses daur ulang. Di sisi lain, struktur kimianya yang telah rusak selama proses produksi tampaknya menjadi semangat baru bagi industri tekstil di masa depan dalam mengembangkan teknologi daur ulang limbah padat berserat, yang menghasilkan benang tekstil generasi baru. Fokus dalam penelitian ini ditekankan pada penemuan tas yang terbuat dari bahan serat-limbah menggunakan metode eksperimental. Identifikasi karakteristik serat-sampah berbasis padat dikembangkan melalui teknik eksplorasi multi-ply yarns berdasarkan sistem interlace. Hubungan antara penciptaan produk dan forecasting  tren pada tahun 2013 akan menjadi analisis berikutnya sebagai salah satu cara untuk memecahkan masalah sampah.Kata Kunci: limbah; multi-ply yarns; sistem interlacing.The Potential of Solid Waste as Multiply Yarn Based on Interlacing SystemsSolid-waste disposal in landfills is becoming a massive environmental problem as a result of the growth of the pulp and paper industry in Indonesia. The conversion of solid waste to complementary fuel for the paper industry is also not giving any significant results to solve air contamination, as active carbon is released into the atmosphere by the burning process. This particular problem demands an advanced and effective continuous waste management system. Recently, optimized waste-fiber utilization has come forward as a promising alternative to reduce the waste pile in landfills. However, not all of it can be recycled. Fibered solid waste from the tissue-paper industry tends to decrease its grammage, which unfortunately will eventually reduce its utilization after recycling. On the other hand, its chemical structure, which has already been damaged during the production process, appears to be giving inspiration for a future textile industry based on the development of fibered solid-waste recycling technology, resulting in a new generation of textile yarns. In this research, the focus is on the invention of a handbag made from fiber-waste material using experimental methods. Solid-based fiber waste characteristics identification was developed through a multi-ply yarn exploration technique based on an interlacing system. The relationship between product creation and the trend forecasting for 2013 will be our next goal as one way of solving Indonesia's waste problem.Keywords: interlacing system; multi-ply yarns; waste

    Efforts to Preserve Padung-Padung as a Cultural Identity of Karo Women

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    Padung-padung is a large, double spiral-shaped piece of jewelry worn by Karo women in the 19th to 20th centuries. Efforts to preserve this cultural artifact need to be made. This study aimed to describe the various efforts that have been made to revive padung-padung in the present. The methods used in this study are literature studies and secondary data collection. The results show that several efforts to lift the existence of padung-padung have been made in the creative industry and academics. Keywords: Efforts to preserve, padung-padung, cultural identity, Karo women, current context

    Phenomenology: Adaptation of Poleng Motifs in Facing Bali Tourism

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    The poleng motif is defined as a combination of black and white, configured in a decorative pattern in the form of a checkerboard resembling a chessboard. Lifestyle changes occur in aspects and forms of culture. This study aims to analyze the meaning of the poleng motif. The method used is phenomenology. The results show that Balinese people accept the changes that occur with predetermined boundaries. These limits are by the awig-awig that exists in Balinese society. Keywords: Adaptation, Poleng Motif, Phenomenolog


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    The need for the application of digital technology in the process of education and research, especially in the field of art and design that is implemented by modeling of digital media interactively on crafts center and art to improve the English language skills for students, lecturers/ researchers and practitioners of arts and crafts that will be very useful in the research process. The method used is i-LEAP (Interactive Learning English Through Actions & Photos) method of learning English that combines audio, photos and action packed in a digital media with interactive applications that have multiple menus that can be selected to display certain information is accompanied by audio. Photos and actions needed to provide context so that the context of language learners make vocabulary and expressions learned easily understood and remembered. While audio facilitate learners imitate the correct pronunciation of the English language. The results of this study indicate a variety of interactive digital media innovation that is very useful to enhance the learning process, research data and sale of ceramic craft centers Plered. Keywords: Decorative Ceramics, Digital Media, Interactive, Craft Center, Plered ___________________________________________________________________ Perlunya penerapan teknologi digital pada proses pendidikan dan penelitian khususnya dalam bidang seni rupa dan desain yang diimplementasikan dengan pembuatan model media digital interaktif pada sentra kerajinan dan kesenian untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris bagi mahasiswa, dosen/ peneliti dan praktisi seni dan kerajinan yang akan sangat berguna dalam proses penelitian. Metode yang digunakan yaitu i-LEAP (Interactive Learning English Through Actions & Photos) metode pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang menggabungkan audio, foto dan aksi yang dikemas dalam sebuah media digital dengan aplikasi interaktif yang mempunyai beberapa menu yang dapat dipilih untuk menampilkan suatu informasi tertentu disertai dengan audio. Foto dan aksi menyediakan konteks yang dibutuhkan pembelajar bahasa sehingga konteks membuat kosa kata dan ekspresi yang dipelajari mudah dipahami dan diingat. Sedangkan audio memudahkan pembelajar meniru pelafalan bahasa Inggris yang benar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan berbagai inovasi media digital interaktif yang sangat berguna untuk meningkatkan proses pembelajaran, data penelitian dan promosi sentra kerajinan keramik Plered di Kabupaten Purwakarta.Kata Kunci: Keramik Hias, Media Digital, Interaktif, Sentra Kerajinan, Plere