24 research outputs found
Îealth policy in interwar Greece : the intervention by the League of Nations Health Organisation
The first serious attempts to deal with public health problems in Greece were undertaken between 1925 and 1935. This period also witnessed setbacks to developments in public health, caused by the lack of welfare infrastructure for social relief, as well as extensive health problems brought about by the settlement in Greece of 1,300,000 refugees from Asia Minor. In 1928 following the example set by other European countries, the Liberal Government appealed to international health organisations for support in order to effectively deal with these problems. This contribution constitutes a case study addressing the following issues: a) the impact the League of Nations Health Organisation intervention had on the establishment of public health services; b) the framework for a collaboration of the Rockefeller Foundation and the League of Nations Health Organisation; and c) the factors that led to the failure of the health care reorganisation
Eugenic Concerns, Population Policies and Puericulture in Interwar Greece
The scientific origins and the development of eugenic and racial theoriesformulated by physicians, jurists and intellectuals since the early twentieth century have only recently attracted scholarly attention. However, the dissemination of eugenic measures regarding the social policy that Greek interwar governments implemented to protect the health of mothers and children still remains an underresearched topic. Our contribution presents the main points of the discussion about the relation of eugenics and puericulture and traces its development among paediatricians in the 1920s and 1930s. It further looks into the stakes, the ambivalent attitude and the eugenic proposals of both liberal and authoritarian governments concerning the protection of childhood and motherhood as well as into their respective demographic policies during the interwar period
Eugenic Concerns, Population Policies and Puericulture in Interwar Greece
The scientific origins and the development of eugenic and racial theoriesformulated by physicians, jurists and intellectuals since the early twentieth century have only recently attracted scholarly attention. However, the dissemination of eugenic measures regarding the social policy that Greek interwar governments implemented to protect the health of mothers and children still remains an underresearched topic. Our contribution presents the main points of the discussion about the relation of eugenics and puericulture and traces its development among paediatricians in the 1920s and 1930s. It further looks into the stakes, the ambivalent attitude and the eugenic proposals of both liberal and authoritarian governments concerning the protection of childhood and motherhood as well as into their respective demographic policies during the interwar period
Insegnare lâEuropa. Concetti e rappresentazioni nei libri di testo europei
Il volume presenta i risultati di una ricerca comparata che ha analizzato i manuali scolastici utilizzati oggi nei diversi paesi europei per verificare quale spazio abbia in essi la trattazione dellâEuropa, quali valori e concetti vengano presentati come caratterizzanti la civiltĂ europea, e in quali modi lâattenzione alle appartenenze nazionali venga coniugata con la nuova centralitĂ dellâEuropa.- Indice #5- Introduzione Nazioni ed Europa nellâeducazione scolastica: come vediamo noi stessi e gli âaltriâ?, Falk Pingel #13- Insegnare la singolaritĂ dellâEuropa, Charles Olivier Carbonell #75- Tradizione religiosa e identitĂ nazionale nellâEuropa sudorientale, RÄzvan Theodorescu #103- Cittadino, europeo e cosmopolita: scopi e compiti dellâeducazione civica, Alistair Ross #119- Diversi modi di vedere lâintegrazione europea, Juan DĂez Medrano #153- Tendenze attuali nei manuali spagnoli di storia e di geografia dellâeducazione secondaria obbligatoria, Rafael Valls #173- LâEuropa nei programmi e nei manuali scolastici francesi: verso una nuova comunitĂ immaginaria europea?, HĂ©lĂšne Baeyens #189- LâEuropa del Novecento: unâanalisi dei manuali di storia della scuola media italiana degli anni Novanta, Luigi Cajani #141- âUna nuova cultura capace di superare nazionalismi e separatismiâ. Esempi da libri di educazione civica italiani, Olga Bombardelli #239- LâEuropa nei libri di testo di storia del Regno Unito: insegnamento e apprendimento, Keith Crawford #265- LâEuropa nei testi di geografia inglesi, John Hopkin #295- âUn lento avvicinamento allâEuropaâ: la dimensione europea nei testi britannici di storia contemporanea, Mark Engel #319- LâEuropa si sta aprendo al resto del mondo? I cambiamenti avvenuti nella rappresentazione dellâEuropa nei testi scolastici della Germania dopo la riunificazione (Wende) del 1989/90, Rolf Westheider #329- Visioni del mondo legate alla geografia: lâEuropa vista dagli studenti della Germania, Armin HĂŒttermann #353- Cittadini della Germania e dellâUe. La rappresentazione dellâEuropa nei manuali scolastici tedeschi di educazione politica, K. Peter Fritzsche #375- LâEuropa nei manuali greci di educazione civica, Despina Karakatsani #395- Dalla rivoluzione mondiale al dominio degli ambienti culturali? La rappresentazione dellâEuropa nei testi scolastici russi di âstoria mondialeâ, Michail A. Bojcov #417- Alla ricerca di un cammino verso lâEuropa: la dimensione europea nei testi di storia del XX secolo della Russia, Vera Kaplan #441- Lâimmagine dellâEuropa nei libri di testo della Romania, Mirela LuminiĆŁa Murgescu #473- Lââaltraâ entitĂ politica esterna e le immagini dellâEuropa nei manuali di storia moderna della Bulgaria successivi al 1917, Snezhana Dimitrova #501- La storia europea allâuniversitĂ di Belgrado: momenti concettuali della sua rappresentazione, Milan RistoviÄ #521- Ricerca storica e redazione dei libri di testo nelle entitĂ statali nate dalla Jugoslavia socialista, Neven Budak #535- Tra euforia, moderazione e isolamento: lâEuropa nei testi scolastici di storia delle repubbliche della ex Jugoslavia, Heike Karge #551- Prospettive sullâeducazione ai diritti dellâuomo nella Repubblica serba, Aleksandra PetroviÄ #59
La citoyenneté dans le systÚme éducatif grec : matiÚres, activités et pratiques
The socio-political developments in Greece during the 80s had a direct impact on political educationâs orientation : The curriculum no longer aims at enforcing the studentâs adjustment to community life but rather at the student becoming an active and critically thinking citizen. This paper brings the examination of curriculum change in Greece up to the present and the move from a content-driven examination of citizenship to a pro- blem-and theme-based approach that is currently in the process of being introduced. In contemporary educational reality education for citizenship prevails as the basis on which formal education is conceived of and organized. The central discourse for education conceives the whole of the educational process, and not only the transmission of particular contents, as a public social and political task. The institutional difficulties and the didactical problems that cross-curricular innovations have brought in the civic education will be analyzed as well as the contradictions and the dilemmas related with multicultural education.Cet article tente dâanalyser les tendances nouvelles constatĂ©es dans la didactique de lâenseignement civique en GrĂšce en rapport avec les exigences des enseignants et des Ă©lĂšves, ainsi que les nouveaux besoins socio-politiques. Nous nous proposons, entre autres, dâexposer la problĂ©matique crĂ©Ă©e par le phĂ©nomĂšne de la pluralitĂ© des cultures, le dĂ©bat sur lâinterdisciplinaritĂ© et les difficultĂ©s institutionnelles inhĂ©rentes Ă lâĂ©ducation, et notamment au systĂšme Ă©ducatif grec.Karakatsani Despina. La citoyennetĂ© dans le systĂšme Ă©ducatif grec : matiĂšres, activitĂ©s et pratiques. In: Spirale. Revue de recherches en Ă©ducation, n°34, 2004. CitoyennetĂ© et rapport a la loi. pp. 157-170
Teaching Education Process and Citizenship in the Contemporary Digital Environment. Pre and Post-Covid Perspectives
The rapidly changing reality, which has been influenced by the development of technology and the industrial revolution since the nineteenth century, has largely weakened the teaching profession and the form and type of professional certification. This weakening also devaluates the idea of citizenship, which is largely conveyed during the education process. Contemporary education (4.0) is focused on practical education, where the space for shaping attitudes and creating behaviour patterns is marginalised. The relationship between education and industry related to socialisation and culture-forming processes is part of the development of individuals in societies and part of a broader formal development plan for different types of state and national organisations. The processes of systemic changes in education do not always keep up with the changing social, political and economic situation. The authors of this article indicate how the teacher education process looked in the past, through a sociohistorical approach based on the understanding of what teachers think about the meaning of digital learning in everyday school life and work. In order to do this, it was necessary to undertake an investigation from the perspective of the teachers themselves. This was helpful for the analysis of the semantic and ideological imperfection of education 4.0, based on the role of teaching staff in digital citizenship education
Health policy in interwar Greece: the intervention by the League of Nations Health Organisation
The first serious attempts to deal with public health problems in Greece were
undertaken between 1925 and 1935. This period also witnessed setbacks to developments in
public health, caused by the lack of welfare infrastructure for social relief, as well as extensive
health problems brought about by the settlement in Greece of 1,300,000 refugees from Asia
Minor. In 1928 following the example set by other European countries, the Liberal Government
appealed to international health organisations for support in order to effectively deal with
these problems. This contribution constitutes a case study addressing the following issues: a)
the impact the League of Nations Health Organisation intervention had on the establishment
of public health services; b) the framework for a collaboration of the Rockefeller Foundation
and the League of Nations Health Organisation; and c) the factors that led to the failure of
the health care reorganisation
Îealth policy in interwar Greece : the intervention by the League of Nations Health Organisation
The first serious attempts to deal with public health problems in Greece were undertaken between 1925 and 1935. This period also witnessed setbacks to developments in public health, caused by the lack of welfare infrastructure for social relief, as well as extensive health problems brought about by the settlement in Greece of 1,300,000 refugees from Asia Minor. In 1928 following the example set by other European countries, the Liberal Government appealed to international health organisations for support in order to effectively deal with these problems. This contribution constitutes a case study addressing the following issues: a) the impact the League of Nations Health Organisation intervention had on the establishment of public health services; b) the framework for a collaboration of the Rockefeller Foundation and the League of Nations Health Organisation; and c) the factors that led to the failure of the health care reorganisation
Process of introducing principles of New Education in Greece at the beginning of the 20th century : ideological issues and challenges of knowledge
The aim of the article is to provide an analysis of the introduction of
principles of New Education in Greece in the beginning of the twentieth
century. It focuses on the influence of this movement on Greek
pedagogues, especially on those who had studied in Germany, and who
tried afterwards to introduce them in the didactic sphere and in the
pedagogical field. Their ideas and principles related to New Education
and the School of Work (Arbeitschule) and their way of putting them into
practice inside the educational system are analysed, including the
creation of a certain curriculum, the way of teaching some courses, and
the use of certain educational/didactical methods. It is also intended
to show how the most important issues of pedagogy and didactics were
developed and analysed by the most important pedagogical journals of
this period. Attention is paid mainly to the difficulties faced by those
who attempted to introduce this system in Greece with regard to a series
of factors that differentiate the Greek paradigm from similar endeavours
in other European countries. Among these factors one should mention the
problem of the language and the consequent ideological antithesis, and
the educational reforms in relation to the sociopolitical situation in
Greece during the aforementioned period