619 research outputs found

    The poisons centres networks—toxicosurveillance

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    EFEKTIVITAS IKLAN RETAIL GIANT SUN CITY SIDOARJO (Studi Deskriptif Kuantitatif Efektivitas Iklan Retail Giant Sun City Sidoarjo)

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    Iklan yang efektif adalah iklan yang dapat membuat penonton memahami apa yang menjadi pesan iklannya. Selain itu, iklan yang efektif dapat dimulai dengan menarik perhatian penonton melalui kreativitas iklannya. Periklanan dipandang sebagai media yang paling lazim digunakan perusahaan untuk mengarahkan komunikasi yang persuasif kepada konsumen. “Iklan ditujukan untuk mempengaruhi perasaan, pengetahuan, makna, kepercayaan, sikap dan citra konsumen yang berkaitan dengan suatu produk atau merek”. Jika pesan yang disampaikan mengena dengan tepat sasaran, maka iklan tersebut akan efektif dimata masyarakat. Salah satu metode pengujian pesan iklan adalah dengan Direct Rating Method (DRM) atau disebut juga Metode Penentuan Peringkat Langsung. Tujuanya adalah untuk mengevaluasi kekuatan sebuah iklan yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan iklan itu untuk mendapatkan perhatian, mudah tidaknya iklan itu dibaca secara seksama, mudah dipahami, kemampuan iklan itu untuk menggugah perasaan, dan kemampuanya untuk mempengaruhi perilaku. Melalui metode ini, makin tinggi peringkat sebuah iklan, semakin tinggi pula kemungkinan iklan tersebut efektif Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskripsi kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan atau mendeskripsikan secara kuantitatif Efektivitas Iklan Giant Sun City Sidoarjo dalam mensosialisasikan promo “Giant Sun City” kepada masyarakat. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner. Responden diminta memberi jawaban terhadap pertanyaanpertanyaan yang terdapat dalam kuesioner tersebut. Setelah data diperoleh penelitian akan mengevaluasi efektivitas iklan dengan DRM dengan menggunakan Analisis Tabulasi Sederhana dan penghitungan rata-rata terbobot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi variabel akan diukur untuk menghasilkan tingkat efektivitas iklan yang akhirnya dapat ditarik kesimpulan iklan yang lebih efektif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh nilai DRM untuk iklan spanduk Giant Sun City sebesar 71,25, hal ini berarti iklan Giant Sun City Sidoarjo efektif

    Optical probes of intradiskal processes in rod photoreceptors. II: Light-scattering study of ATP-dependent light reactions.

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    Rod outer segment (ROS) disks, either stacked or freely floating, respond to flash illumination to yield a specific, ATP-dependent, light-scattering signal AL. In broken ROS AL signals occur only when AD signals (see Part I) have preceded them, The degree to which the preceding AD signal has been completed determines the amplitude of the following AL signal. However, in freshly detached ROS from dark-adapted frogs AL signals with maximal size can be obtained without pre-incubation with exogenous ATP. The energized state, which is restored in broken ROS with the help of ATP, appears to prevail in the living retina and must therefore be considered to be “physiological”. AL signals require structurally intact disks. Neither peripheral ROS proteins nor connecting filaments between adjacent disks are necessary. Their structural origin is the same as that of the preceding AD signal, i.e. osmotic disk swelling. AL signals consist of a single slow kinetic component (half-life 10 s at room temperature) and multiphase fast kinetic component (70 ms). The slow phase corresponds to a light-stimulated resumption of ATPase activity (this has been dealt with in a previous paper) whereas the fast component reflects an immediate response of the energized disk to the metarhodopsin I to metarhodopsin II transition. The latter effect is the subject of this paper. A variety of experiments, using different ATPase inhibitors, ionophores and membrane-permeable salts, have been carried out; they are all consistent with the notion that AL originates in the disk interior and probes the existence of a proton electrochemical potential difference ΔΌ(H+) across the disk membrane. A model is presented which can explain all given properties of AL satisfactorily. According to this model the photolysis of rhodopsin causes a proton release in the disk lumen. This, in turn, results in osmotic swelling of the disks, provided that the internal buffer sites have been (at least partially) titrated with protons prior to the flash. Such conditions, i.e. a low internal pH, are provided by the proton transport across the disk membrane, which presumably takes place during the course of the preceding AD signal

    On Negotiation as Concurrency Primitive

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    We introduce negotiations, a model of concurrency close to Petri nets, with multiparty negotiation as primitive. We study the problems of soundness of negotiations and of, given a negotiation with possibly many steps, computing a summary, i.e., an equivalent one-step negotiation. We provide a complete set of reduction rules for sound, acyclic, weakly deterministic negotiations and show that, for deterministic negotiations, the rules compute the summary in polynomial time

    Traps characterize home states in free choice systems

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    AbstractFree choice nets are a subclass of Petri nets allowing to model concurrency and nondeterministic choice, but with the restriction that choices cannot be influenced externally. Home states are ground markings which can be reached from any other reachable marking of a system. A trap is a structurally defined part of a net with the property that once it is marked (that is, carries at least one token), it will remain remarked in any successor marking.The main result of this paper characterizes the home states of a live and bounded free choice system by the property that all traps are marked. This characterization leads to a polynomial-time algorithm for deciding the home state property. Other consequences include the proof that executing all parts of a net at least once necessarily leads to a home state; this has been a long standing conjecture

    The Lattice structure of Chip Firing Games and Related Models

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    In this paper, we study a famous discrete dynamical system, the Chip Firing Game, used as a model in physics, economics and computer science. We use order theory and show that the set of reachable states (i.e. the configuration space) of such a system started in any configuration is a lattice, which implies strong structural properties. The lattice structure of the configuration space of a dynamical system is of great interest since it implies convergence (and more) if the configuration space is finite. If it is infinite, this property implies another kind of convergence: all the configurations reachable from two given configurations are reachable from their infimum. In other words, there is a unique first configuration which is reachable from two given configurations. Moreover, the Chip Firing Game is a very general model, and we show how known models can be encoded as Chip Firing Games, and how some results about them can be deduced from this paper. Finally, we define a new model, which is a generalization of the Chip Firing Game, and about which many interesting questions arise.Comment: See http://www.liafa.jussieu.fr/~latap

    Optical probes of intradiskal processes in rod photoreceptors I: Light-scattering study of ATP-dependent dark reactions.

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    ATP can cause dramatic structural changes in the outer segment of rod photoreceptors. These changes can be visualized by means of a concomitant light-scattering signal AD, a decrease in scattered light intensity of over 20%. The large size of the signal suggests that the major structural changes occur. The underlying molecular events may reflect an important, yet still unknown, part of the photoreceptor machinery. AD signals reflect ATPase-driven transmembrane events which occur in and at the disk membrane. Their only structural prerequisite is the structural integrity of the disk compartment. The angular dependence of AD, which can be mimicked by an osmotically-induced disk-swelling, suggests that the disk compartment swells during the production of the AD signal. AD signals proceed with first-order kinetics (half-life = 1 min at 20 °C and ATP concentrations of greater than 100 /gmM) and are accompanied by the hydrolysis of approximately 4 mol ATP (mol rhodopsin)−1. The AD signal is inhibited by a number of transport ATPase inhibitors (quercetin, NBD·Cl, vanadate, DCCD), but not by oligomycin, azide and ouabain. The sensitivity to DCCD, together with the fact that except magnesium no other cation has to be present, points to a proton translocation. This proton transport appears to be electrogenic, since AD signals require the presence of a permeant anion. In physiological saline this is chloride, and the chloride flux is facilitated by a DIDS-sensitive anion transport unit in the disk membrane

    Chromosomale Lokalisierung von repetitiven und unikalen DNA-Sequenzen durch Fluoreszenz-in situ-Hybridisierung in der Genomanalyse der Beta-Arten

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    Durch sensitive und hochauflösende Verfahren der Fluoreszenz-in situ-Hybridisierung (FISH) wurde die Genomstruktur, Genomorganisation und –zusammensetzung von nematodenresistenten RĂŒbenhybriden untersucht. Durch FISH wurde die Struktur und der Aufbau der Chromosomen im Genom von ZuckerrĂŒbenlinien (Beta vulgaris) und in WildrĂŒbenarten (z.B. Beta procumbens) vergleichend analysiert. Multi-colour FISH erlaubte die chromosomale Lokalisierung von DNA-Sequenzen der ribosomalen DNA, unterschiedlicher Satelliten-DNA-Familien als auch von Elemente verschiedener Retrotransposonklassen im Beta-Genom. Ein Karytyp der ZuckerrĂŒbenchromsomen konnte durch Kombination der FISH-Hybridisierungmuster erstellt werden. Die EinfĂŒhrung von hochauflösenden und hochsensitiven FISH-Verfahren (wie fibre-FISH und Hybridisierung an PachytĂ€nchromosomen) und der Nachweis von unikalen Sequenzen ermöglichte erstmalig eine physikalische Feinkartierung chromosomaler Segmente und die Genlokalisierung auf Chromosomen der Beta-Arten durch FISH. In funktionellen chromosomalen Regionen (Telomere und Centromere) konnte die genaue Organisation verschiedener Repeatfamilien ermittelt werden. Im Genom einer nematodenresistenten Translokationslinie von B. vulgaris wurden unikale DNA-Sonden detektiert. Zwei YACs als auch eine Gensonde, die eine interne DNA-Sequenz des Nematodenresistenzgens Hs1pro-1 mit der LĂ€nge 684 bp enthielt, wurden erfolgreich nachgewiesen

    Aggregating causal runs into workflow nets

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    This paper provides three algorithms for constructing system nets from sets of partially-ordered causal runs. The three aggregation algorithms differ with respect to the assumptions about the information contained in the causal runs. Specifically, we look at the situations where labels of con- ditions (i.e. references to places) or events (i.e. references to transitions) are unknown. Since the paper focusses on aggregation in the context of process mining, we solely look at work ow nets, i.e. the class of Petri nets with unique start and end places. The dierence of the work presented here and most work on process mining is the assumption that events are logged as partial orders instead of linear traces. Although the work is inspired by applications in the process mining and work ow domains, the results are generic and can be applied in other application domains. Keywords: Process mining, Petri net Synthesis, Aggregation, Runs, Process net
