406 research outputs found


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    The current era gave birth to a new concept, both personal and social, one of the concepts is Smart City. The digital era is known as 4.0 where all activities have relied on the availability of high technology, one of which is the Internet of Things (IoT), in the view of the 4.0 era, humans only use these facilities with all the consequences.  Meanwhile, the era of society 5.0 focuses on the ability of humans to play a role with the technology around them perfectly. This study aims to align all elements that represent generations to jointly prepare themselves for the concept of SMART CITY in which there is the sophistication of technology and the ability of the community in it to use it. In order to overcome this gap, this study uses the Theory of Evolution to understand social change can be carried out using communication techniques that are conveyed to heterogeneous communities. Through research, it was found that there was a concern from people representing a generation who did not expect something more sophisticated to be carried out in the future, the inability to adapt was one of the reasons. Meanwhile, future generations think the opposite that they feel comfortable with this massive development of digital technology continues to develop. So it is important for us to understand that social change can occur if the activity of social communication is carried out massively and understands the object is transformed as a whole

    Alice and Larissa

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    pages 44-4

    Pattern of malocclusion in orthodontic patients at a tertiary care centre

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    Introduction: Malocclusion is the most common dentofacial abnormality in human population, which can cause dental caries, periodontal disease and aesthetic problems. It is closely related to psychosocial wellbeing. The prevalence of malocclusion varies among different age and ethnic groups. The aim of this study was to assess the pattern of malocclusion occurring in orthodontic patients. Method: A 4 year data from 14 Apr 2018 to 13 Apr 2022 were collected retrospectively by the principal investigator (PI) from the pre-treatment record and an acceptable study cast from the Dental Department at Patan Hospital, Patan Academy of Health Sciences. Angle’s classification of malocclusion was used to classify malocclusion. The collected data were entered, and statistical analysis was carried out by using SPSS version 25. Chi-square test was applied to test the significant differences. The comparison was made between male and female and age group 6-12 years and 13 years and above for the Angle’s classification. Result: A total of 384 patients included in the study, female patients were 263(68.5%). Prevalence for malocclusion was 267(69.5%) of Angle’s class I, while Class II and Class III were 111(28.9%) and 6(1.6%) respectively. The study revealed not statistically significant. Majority 372(96.9%) belong to 13 y and above age group while only 12(3.1%) belong to 6-12 y age group. Conclusion: Angle’s Class I malocclusion was most prevalent with the least common being Angle’s Class III malocclusion. No statistically significant relationship was found. Almost all subjects were 13 years and above age group


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    Vertical garden atau taman tegak adalah taman yang dibangun pada bidang yang beridiri tegak lurus dengan tanah, kondisi lahan yang terbatas dan polusi udara yang tidak sehat menjadikan teknik vertical garden menjadi solusi, untuk mengatasi terbatasnya ruang terbuka hijau khususnya diperkotaan besar. Tanaman hias bromelia dengan teknik tanam vertical garden dapat mengurangi panasnya suhu udara di perkotaan dan mengurangi polusi suara atau kebisingan. Bromelia adalah tanaman hias yang dapat beradaptasi dengan baik didataran tinggi maupun didataran rendah yang memiliki suhu optimal 15° C - 30° C dan kelembaban tanaman hias bromelia adalah 60%. Dengan pemantauan dan pengendalian adalah salah satu cara yang dapat digunkan agar tanaman tetap dalam kondisi yang baik. Pada sistem pemantauan dan pengendalian suhu dan kelembaban tanah pada multi vertical garden dengan tanaman bromelia yang akan dibuat, dengan teknik tanam vertical garden khususnya yang di gunakan pada jalan trotoar. Pada sistem ini terdiri dari berbagai sensor yang saling terhubung dengan mikrokontroler dan sebuah website untuk melakukan pemantauan dan pengendalian. NodeMcu ESP8266 sebagai mikrokontroler dihubungkan dengan sensor suhu yaitu DS18B20 dan sensor kelembaban soil moisture. Sensor tersebut akan mengirimkan data pada firebase yang bertindak sebagai basis data. Pada tempat terpisah sebuah web yang sudah disiapkan untuk dapat melakukan pemantauan dan pengendalian guna melengkapi sistem yang dibangun. Pada skenario pengujian parameter jarak dilakukan untuk mengetahui performansi sistem yang dirancang. Dalam pengujian dialakukan pengukuran untuk menguji kualitas jaringan dengan skenario yang berbeda. Parameter jarak dari pengujian mempengaruhi delay dan throughput, Delay firebase terkecil adalah 0,1403 detik dengan nilai throughput 802,466 bytes/s pada jarak terdekat yaitu 5 meter. Kemudian diapat jarak yang optimal untuk sistem yang dirancang ini yaitu pada jarak 5 meter – 25 meter untuk kondisi non-LOS dan 5 meter – 30 meter pada kondisi LOS Kata Kunci: Vertical garden, Tanaman Hias Bromelia, IoT, NodeMcu ESP8266

    Wireless Sensing for the Respiratory Activity of Human Beings: Measurements and Wide-band Numerical Analysis

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    An electromagnetic sensing system for the measurement of the respiratory activity is presented. The aims are to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach and in particular to evaluate the effect on the measured signal of the distance between the subject and the sensing apparatus. Moreover, an electromagnetic model of the system, including the monitored subject, is proposed as a tool to solve the problem of selecting working parameters for system design. The sensing system is based on the measurement of the phase variation of the reflection coefficient caused by the respiratory activity. The phase signal compared with the thorax displacement measured by a reference instrument shows a high correlation () for different subject postures (sitting, standing, and lying) and a reduction of the signal amplitude with the distance  dB/cm is reported. The numerical simulations performed on a wide-band highlight the frequencies where the method exhibits the highest sensitivity to thorax movements. The sensitivity can be further improved by reducing the antenna beamwidth. Despite the signal amplitude reduction, the proposed system makes it possible to correctly operate at distances up to 2.5 m


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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berfokus pada pelatihan public speaking untuk meningkatkan komunikasi sosial. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan komunikasi sosial serta keterampilan berbicara didepan umum yang efektif Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) Pengkot Kota Bekasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan offline/luring di Institut STIAMI yang berlokasi di Jalan Kartini, Bekasi. Pelatihan ini menghadirkan narasumber yaitu Bapak Dr. Geofakta Razali, seorang dosen Ilmu Komunikasi Institut STIAMI yang berpengalaman. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa peserta mengalami peningkatan keterampilan berbicara di depan umum, pengelolaan kegugupan, kemampuan komunikasi sosial, dan kepercayaan diri. Peserta mampu mengorganisir pikiran mereka dengan lebih baik, menggunakan teknik komunikasi yang efektif, dan membangun hubungan yang baik dengan audiens. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini yaitu pelatihan public speaking ini berhasil meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi sosial peserta, dengan memberikan peningkatan dalam keterampilan berbicara di depan umum, pengelolaan kegugupan, dan kepercayaan diri. Hasil ini mendukung pentingnya kemampuan public speaking dalam meningkatkan komunikasi sosial individu. Kegiatan pengabdian ini memberikan manfaat yang signifikan bagi peserta dalam kehidupan pribadi dan profesional mereka

    Quality of life and experiences of sarcoma trajectories (the QUEST study):Protocol for an international observational cohort study on diagnostic pathways of sarcoma patients

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    Introduction Sarcomas are rare tumours with considerable heterogeneity. Early and accurate diagnosis is important to optimise patient outcomes in terms of local disease control, overall survival (OS) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Time to diagnosis is variable in bone as well as soft tissue sarcoma. Possible factors for a long time from first symptom to diagnosis (the total interval) include patient, tumour and healthcare characteristics, but until now the most relevant risk factors and its association with outcomes remain unknown. Our study aims to (1) quantify total interval, the time interval from first symptom until (histological) diagnosis; (2) identify factors associated with interval length and (3) determine the association between total interval and HRQoL, stage and tumour size at diagnosis, progression-free survival (PFS) and OS. Methods and analysis We will conduct a longitudinal, prospective, international, multicentre cohort study among patients aged ≥18 years with newly diagnosed bone or soft tissue sarcoma at eight centres (three in UK, five in The Netherlands). Patients will be asked to complete questionnaires at five points in time; one at diagnosis and at follow-up points of 3, 6, 12 and 24 months. Questionnaire data is collected within the Patient Reported Outcomes Following Initial treatment and Long term Evaluation of Survivorship (PROFILES) registry: an international data management system for collection of patient-reported outcomes. Clinical data will be extracted from patient records. The primary endpoint is HRQoL at diagnosis, measured with the EORTC QLQ-C30. Secondary endpoints are stage and tumour size at diagnosis, PFS, OS, additional patient-reported outcomes, such as quality-adjusted life years and psychological distress. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval was given by the Health Research Authority and Research Ethics Committee for the United Kingdom (18/WA/0096) and medical ethical committee of Radboudumc for The Netherlands (2017-3881). Results will be presented in peer-reviewed journals and presented at meetings. Trial registration number NCT03441906

    Long-term stability calculation of reservoir bank slope considering water-rock interaction

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    Rano upozorenje i prognoza oduvijek su ključne točke u istraživanju klizišta jer katastrofa koju izaziva klizište rezultira ogromnim gubitkom života i imetka. U radu se transformirani rezultati degradacije mase jedne stijene u odnosu na drugu primjenjuju u izračunu promjena stanja stabilnosti i propadanja klizišta tijekom vremena te kao vodič kroz eksperiment zasnovan na interakciji voda-stijena hidro fluktuacijskog pojasa područja akumulacije Three Gorges. Rezultati su pokazali da dok stijenska masa ne degradira do određene mjere, područje klizišta se povećava, klizna površina se kreće ka površini, spušta se napukla površina stražnjeg ruba i masa klizišta se postepeno sužava. Budući da se sposobnost hidro-fluktuacijskog pojasa da se odupre težini gornje stijenske mase smanjuje, hidro-fluktuacijski pojas se najprije urušava, a zatim dovodi do pucanja stražnjeg ruba što rezultira klizanjem velike količine stijenske mase. Doprinos stabilnosti klizišta svakog parametra u raznim slojevima proučava se analizom senzitivnosti. Na temelju toga parametar čvrstoće se može procijeniti i izračunati u kombinaciji s trajnim padom kvalitete hidro-fluktuacijskog pojasa. Parametar potpune čvrstoće može odražavati uključenu sposobnost klizišta da se odupre katastrofi. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na postojeći projekt, a metode istraživanja predstavljaju novi način za rano upozorenje i predviđanje klizišta.Early warning and forecast have always been the key points for landslide research because the disaster caused by landslide leads to enormous life and property loss. This article applies the transformed degradation results of rock to rock mass to calculate the stability and failure mode changes of landslide over time, and to guide engineering through experiment based on hydro-fluctuation belt water-rock interaction of Three Gorges Reservoir area. The results showed that until the rock mass degrades to a certain extent, the sliding zone export gets rise, the slip plane moves to surface, the back edge crack surface gets down, and the sliding mass gradually narrows down. As the ability of hydro-fluctuation belt to resist upper rock mass load reduces, the hydro-fluctuation belt collapses at the first, and then causes the back edge crack resulting in huge amount of rock mass slip. The contribution of each parameter in different stratum to landslide stability is studied through sensitivity analysis. Based on this, the comprehensive strength parameter can be evaluated and calculated combined with continuous deterioration of hydro-fluctuation belt. The comprehensive strength parameter can reflect comprehensive disaster resist capacity of landslide. The research results provide a reference for actual project, and the research methods provide a new way for landslide early warning and forecast

    Analysis of 105.000 patients with cancer: have they been discussed in oncologic multidisciplinary team meetings? A nationwide population-based study in the Netherlands

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    Contains fulltext : 208965.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)INTRODUCTION: For optimal oncological care, it is recommended to discuss every patient with cancer in a multidisciplinary team meeting (MDTM). This is a time consuming and expensive practice, leading to a growing demand to change the current workflow. We aimed to investigate the number of patients discussed in MDTMs and to identify characteristics associated with not being discussed. METHODS: Data of patients with a newly diagnosed solid malignant tumour in 2015 and 2016 were analysed through the nationwide population-based Netherlands Cancer Registry (NCR). We clustered tumour types in groups that were frequently discussed within a tumour-specific MDTM. Tumour types without information about MDTMs in the NCR were excluded. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to analyse factors associated with not being discussed. RESULTS: Out of 105.305 patients with cancer, 91% were discussed in a MDTM, varying from 74% to 99% between the different tumour groups. Significantly less frequently discussed were patients aged >/=75 years (odds ratio [OR] = 0.7, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.6-0.7), patients diagnosed with disease stage I (OR = 0.5, 95% CI = 0.5-0.6), IV (OR = 0.4, 95% CI = 0.4-0.4) or unknown (OR = 0.2, 95% CI = 0.2-0.2) and patients who received no treatment (OR = 0.3, 95% CI = 0.3-0.3). Patients who received a multidisciplinary treatment were more likely to be discussed in contrary to a monodisciplinary treatment (OR = 4.6, 95% CI = 4.2-5.1). CONCLUSION: In general, most patients with cancer were actually discussed in a MDTM, although differences were observed between tumour groups. Factors associated with not being discussed may, at least partially, reflect the absence of a multidisciplinary question. These results form a starting point for debate on a more durable and efficient new MDTM strategy