842 research outputs found

    Scholarly Metrics Baseline: A Survey of Faculty Knowledge, Use, and Opinion About Scholarly Metrics

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    This article presents the results of a faculty survey conducted at the University of Vermont during academic year 2014-2015. The survey asked faculty about: familiarity with scholarly metrics, metric seeking habits, help seeking habits, and the role of metrics in their department’s tenure and promotion process. The survey also gathered faculty opinions on how well scholarly metrics reflect the importance of scholarly work and how faculty feel about administrators gathering institutional scholarly metric information. Results point to the necessity of understanding the campus landscape of faculty knowledge, opinion, importance, and use of scholarly metrics before engaging faculty in further discussions about quantifying the impact of their scholarly work

    Closing the Loop: Creating Deliverables That Add Value

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    As special collections librarians and liaison librarians work together to create in­novative experiences working with primary source material, it is important to remember students have much to offer in the collaborative design process. In this case study, Prudence Doherty, a special collections librarian, and Daniel DeSanto, an instruction librarian, describe a project they initiated and implemented with upper-level education majors at the University of Vermont (UVM). The students were pre-service teachers (student teachers working toward degree and licensure) enrolled in Social Education and Social Studies, a course that focuses on teaching methods, assessment alternatives, and resources used in the elementary (K–4) classroom. The project gave the pre-service teachers an opportunity to work with three digital collections in order to design lesson plans for elementary-aged stu­dents. The project closed the loop of learn, create, and teach by requiring students to learn evaluative approaches to working with historical material and then create lesson plans based on those approaches. By creating professional resources for other teachers, the students added value to the digital collections

    Meeting users where they are: Delivering dynamic content and services through a campus portal

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    Campus portals are one of the most visible and frequently used online spaces for students, offering one-stop access to key services for learning and academic self-management. This case study reports how instruction librarians at the University of Vermont collaborated with portal developers in the registrar’s office to develop high-impact, point-of-need content for a dedicated “Library” page. This content was then created in LibGuides and published using the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for LibGuides boxes. Initial usage data and analytics show that traffic to the libraries’ portal page has been substantially and consistently higher than expected. The next phase for the project will be the creation of customized library content that is responsive to the student’s user profile

    Professors, Grocery Stores, and Social Media

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    This presentation compares the elements on your traditional desk and presents them as the now “social” tools that can be controlled by you, be instantly available, and showcase your voice and tell your story. Participants learn what social media tools can do and how to be a trusted information source

    Testosterone replacement and improved memory

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    Dr Lyon is Associate Professor of Family Medicine, Dr Wong is an instructor and fellow in family medicine, and Ms DeSanto is a clinical librarian, all at the University of Colorado in Denver.Clinical Inquires question: Does testosterone replacement improve cognition in memory-impaired older men with low testosterone? Evidence-based answer: Testosterone therapy does not appear to improve cognition in older men with low testosterone and memory impairment (strength of recommendation B, based on systematic reviews of small, low-quality randomized controlled trials [RCTs] and individual, small RCTs).Corey Lyon, DO; Alicia Wong, MD, MPH, MA; Kristen DeSanto, MSLS, MS, RD, AHIPCan Fam Physician 2021;67:e9. DOI: 10.46747/cfp.6701e9Includes bibliographical reference

    How effective is spironolactone for treating resistant hypertension?

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    Q: How effective is spironolactone for treating resistant hypertension? EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: VERY EFFECTIVE. Spironolactone reduces systolic blood pressure (SPB) by 11 to 17 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure (DPB) by up to 6 mm Hg in patients with resistant hypertension taking 3 or more medications (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C, meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials [RCTs] of disease-oriented evidence).Corey Lyon, DO; Brigitte Utter, MD, University of Colorado, Family Medicine Residency, Denver; Kristen DeSanto, MSLS, MS, RD, University of Colorado, Health Sciences Library, Denve

    Evaluating Standardized Assessments’ Ability to Capture Lived Experience of Cancer Patients and Survivors in Art Therapy Groups

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    This paper explores the use of quantitative assessments typically used in research to evaluate experiences of cancer patients and survivors receiving group art therapy services. Literature exploring program evaluation as a methodology, how current research selects standardized measurement tools for the evaluation of art therapy interventions with adult cancer patients and survivors, and on the efficacy of art therapy with this population is reviewed. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected from four participants, who were clients in two eight-week art therapy groups. Quantitative data were collected in the form of pre- and post-test measurements using six commonly used standardized quality of life assessment tools. Qualitative data were collected via focus groups and art responses. Quantitative data were analyzed to identify general trends in the pre- and post-test measures, demonstrating that no significant positive shifts in symptoms or well-being were documented in the tests. Qualitative data were then analyzed to identify six prominent themes, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the participants’ experience of the tests, the participants’ perceived personal value of the tests, pre- and post-test measures as containment of experience, art responses as accurate representations of the benefits of art therapy, participants’ passion for art therapy, and participants’ feelings that standardized tests did not accurately capture their experience in the group. These findings were then examined in the context of the literature reviewed, and it was concluded that while standardized assessments have a valuable place in research, they do not effectively capture the lived experience of participants in art therapy groups. Furthermore, future research should continue to explore the value of qualitative research, including that which uses art-making, in evaluating art therapy programs and effectiveness

    Asset Based Community Development Sebagai Metode Pendampingan Penguatan Nilai Karakter bagi Remaja

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    Abstract: Asset-based community development is one of the accompaniment methods used to strengthen character values in youth during Community Service activity (PKM) held in Samosir Island. The reinforcement of character values was carried out through visual culture. The visual culture that emanated from the local genius was explored and its character values were identified. They were codified to be educational media for youth to learn the character values contained in the visual culture of Samosir Island. The Community Service is expected to contribute to the formal, non-formal, and informal educational institutions by providing a method for consolidating character values in youth through local-genius-based visual cultures. In addition, the output of this community service is promotional media for educational tourism on Samosir Island.Abstrak: Asset Based Community Development merupakan salah satu metode pendampingan penguatan nilai karakter bagi remaja dalam kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang dilakukan di Pulau Samosir. Penguatan nilai karakter ini dilakukan melalui budaya visual, dengan cara menggali budaya visual berbasis kearifan lokal yang terdapat di wilayah tersebut dan menemukan nilai-nilai karakter yang terkandung di dalamnya, sehingga bisa dijadikan sebagai media edukasi bagi remaja tentang kandungan nilai karakter melalui budaya visual yang terdapat di Pulau Samosir. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini diharapkan mampu berkontribusi bagi Lembaga Pendidikan formal, informal, maupun non formal dalam rangka memberikan penguatan nilai karakter bagi remaja melalui budaya visual berbasis kearifan lokal, serta luaran yang dihasilkan dalam kegiatan ini dapat menjadi salah satu media promosi wisata edukasi di Pulau Samosir
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