Testosterone replacement and improved memory


Dr Lyon is Associate Professor of Family Medicine, Dr Wong is an instructor and fellow in family medicine, and Ms DeSanto is a clinical librarian, all at the University of Colorado in Denver.Clinical Inquires question: Does testosterone replacement improve cognition in memory-impaired older men with low testosterone? Evidence-based answer: Testosterone therapy does not appear to improve cognition in older men with low testosterone and memory impairment (strength of recommendation B, based on systematic reviews of small, low-quality randomized controlled trials [RCTs] and individual, small RCTs).Corey Lyon, DO; Alicia Wong, MD, MPH, MA; Kristen DeSanto, MSLS, MS, RD, AHIPCan Fam Physician 2021;67:e9. DOI: 10.46747/cfp.6701e9Includes bibliographical reference

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