65 research outputs found


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    ‘Drama is creating meaning and visible mental models of our understanding together, in imaginative contexts and situations. It is not about performance, but exploration. And the teacher in drama becomes a learner among learners, a participant, and a guide, who lends expertise to the students’. So writes Jeffrey Wilhelm in the introduction to Imagining to Learn: Inquiry, Ethics, and Integration through Drama, a fascinating and enthusiastic book coauthored with Brian Edmiston. In this book they present their experiences as teachers, their analyses, and their research in an attempt to make drama an attractive and realistic methodology for teachers. The goal is to make drama a more integral part of teaching and learning in classrooms at all levels of education


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    Teachers need the training to use Drama as a methodology in the classroom as Dorothy Heathcote did in the UK. But teachers of High School may use elements of drama such as asking students in the class to adopt different roles and act them out, watch how they improvise, use their imagination which urges their creativity and speaks about their own life experiences in different situations. Sometimes unknowingly teachers have used it by just asking students' opinion to express their ideas in group works or write questions after reading a story aloud. Drama may be used as a teaching methodology not only during drama or literature classes but also in other ESL classes like Business English, PR classes or research methodology. The primary aim of this qualitative research is to use drama as a method in the classroom to teach English as a foreign language and to use it as an emancipating praxis. What do I mean by emancipating praxis?By using a well-selected drama, students not only acquire language skills but also grow and evolve as social human beings through drama practice and rehearsal. The impact my practices have on the personal and artistic development of students is examined while integrating drama in the instructional process (language use, writing and acting to involve the whole class). This is written from the perspective of a reflective practitioner researcher using reflection in action to guide the research in the classroom. The work demonstrates how reflections inform practice in Drama classes. Drama as a method contributes evidence of students potential to change, analyze and improve whilst roleplaying a certain piece of drama. Drama is used to improve their ability to speak and learn English.Keywords: research on practice, reflective notes, drama elements, action research, etc

    A Universal RAM Machine Resistant to Isolated Bursts of Faults

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    The most natural question of reliable computation, in every computation model and noise model,is whether given a certain level of noise, a machine of that model exists that canperform arbitrarily complex computations under noise of that level. This question has positive answers for circuits, cellular automata, and recently for Turing machines. Here, we raise the question of the existence of a random access machine that---with some moderate slowdown --- can simulate any other random access machine even if the simulator is subjected to constant size bursts of faults separated by a certain minimum number of steps from each other. We will analyze and spell out the problems and difficulties that need to be addressed in such construction


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    Anton Pashku is one of the most important writers of Albanian literature. His writing model makes him special and important. By reversing the structure and the traditional writing of the time he brought innovation to his writings, becoming the leader of modernity among us. Through supporting folk language and phraseology, theme selection, narration, etc., he gained the nickname of the master of writing.The marking title: The formative and semantic features of Anton Pashku’s novel, marks the object of this paper and the study's approach within it. Therefore, the subject of the study will be the novel “Oh”, while the study approach will be its formative and semantic features. Basically, the study approach of this paper will start from text markers as the first step to entering the text; the oral premodel as a figure and discourse, marking the substrate on which the roots of the works lie; the text layers, which, as narrative levels, keep the story and story-narrator connected to the text; themes grounding from history and modernity, as the "arena" from which ideas will be brought.  All the aforementioned elements will lead us to the conclusion that: considering Anton Pashku’s novel “Oh” as a synthesis work, from which the threads of later scripts are also taken into account, but in which are seen the signs of previous writings, it follows that , this novel, is based on profound, consolidated, restructured, transposed, and materialized recent thoughts in the work.Keywords: figure, folk language, modernity, history, narration, narration levels, etc

    The Perception and Attitude of Residential Care Elders at the House of Elders in Tirana towards Residential Services and the Approach of Integrated Social Services

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    This study is a quantitative study which is aimed at showing the perception and atittude of residential elders at the House of Elders in Tirana. For three different days, I obtained questionnaires from all elders of these institutions. At the start of this study, I analysed the available literature as a method of data collection, from which I got the topic of this analysis. From the collection of the basic data of this study, I created and used a 10 question questionnaire. The method of census was choosen as the method of deciding the measurements, because of my intention of studying all the elders of the House of Elders in Tirana. The excel program was used for working through the statistics. After analysing the quantitative data, there were three conclusions. Firstly, males and females prefer more integrated social services than residential services. Secondly, even though the elders feel protected and safe at the House of Elders in Tirana, they mostly expressed that they missed the family environment. They emphasized that if the System of Social Defence offered them home social services, a high number of elders will not remain at the House of Elders. However, this study can be used by policy makers of the elders services and institutions from which we obtained the data for this study to improve their services as well as offer services in the home-family way

    Individual Valuation And Mass Valuation. Problems Of The Application Of Mass Valuation On Land Valuation In Albania

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    With the accession of Albania on the path of market economy and the return of realestate in commodity, was born and the need to evaluate them. The main basis of evaluation ofreal estate is the market value. There are two the main systems for determining market value,used even in Albania, individual and mass valuation.In the case of individual valuation one or some of real property objects are assessed. This is aprocess widely used in assessing property for mortgages, loans, financial reporting, etc.In mass valuation the main stresses are laid upon valuation of a large amount of property byapplying standardized statistical data processing. The mass valuation is used in Albania forthe purpose of determining the value of property for compensation.The paper demonstrates the relationship and differences between the two systems,focusing on issues encountered in the case of application of mass valuation on land valuationin Albania for compensation purposes. In light of these issues, the paper, gives at the endsome recommendations for improving the current methodology, aiming at determining the fair market value of property for compensation

    Seismic Design Of Tunnels In Fault Zones

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    The tunnels due to their restrictions as a infrastructure work often overpass very disturbed tectonic zones. In those zones due to overthrust geological processes the rockquality are extremely poor in one side, and changes abruptly on the other side. These changes impose differential deformation on soil and tunnel linings. Especially for near faults tunnelswhere the directivity pulse and fling step phenomena plays an important role in the characterization of the seismic motion. This article gives the theoretical explanation and design consideration concerning the above mention problems. A numerical simulation whichis indented to study the behavior of the tunnel during this type of seismic events is presented.This example is taken from the design of a tunnel that shall be constructed in Albania

    A Dramatic Text is a Fully Rounded Unit Only when it is Performed, Since it is Only in the Performance that its Full Potential is Realized

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    The study focuses on different approaches to the study of drama put forward by different semioticians. It also demonstrates how all theater semioticians' agreement that the dramatic text (written text) is radically conditioned by its performability (miseen scène) has had a great impact upon translation studies and has led some theoreticians of translation studies to reexamine their position towards translating theater texts. It dwells upon the interface of two theoretical frameworks—the Semiotics of Theater and Theater Translation—as well as on the theoretical polarization between the notions of performability and readability in Theater Translation since the mid-1980s. A dramatic text is a fully rounded unit only when it is performed, since it is only in the performance that its full potential is realized. Real translation takes place on the level of the ‘miseen scène as a whole’ according to Patrice Pavis(1989, 41; author's emphasis)in his article "Problems of Translation for the Stage: Intercultural and Post-Modern Theatre,". The second part of the paper presents how Susan Bassnett and Patrice Pavis, a translation theoretician and a theater semiotician, respectively, have polarized the theory of theater translation into the notions of performability (or playability) and readability since the mid-1980s. In conclusion, the research endeavors to explicate the current theoretical polarization between performability and readability and suggests that this polarization is merely a reductionist illusion.Keywords: Performability/miseen scène, qualitative data, Intercultural and Post-Modern Theatre, interface of two theoretical frameworks, theoretical polarization

    E. Pennington on D.Heathcote's Rules in Using Drama Strategies

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    Students are engaged in an examination or exploration through the art form. They are not seen as empty vessels to be filled with knowledge and values; rather as crucibles, where attitudes, values, and understandings are stirred around, questioned and challenged. The primary aim therefore is not necessarily to do with acquiring knowledge or accumulating facts, although these may well be incorporated into the practical experience according to the founder of drama as a method of teaching, Dorothy Heathcoat. The teacher has to be able to: avoid/withhold telling, tolerate apparent confusion, value each student's contribution, put to use the student's logic, utilize Tasks not Plot to maintain the Dramatic Tension, encourage Interaction, Feed in and demand relevant Vocabulary. The teacher pushes the students to complexities in the nicest way through possible useful enterprises. He or she teaches them the expertise through different activities as: device a system of security whilst planning the Layout of the Company Campus, Introduction of the New job, Global Warming issue, National discrimination, etc. The teacher gives instructions and prepares the gradual walking of the student into a role. Eileen used her Special teaching skills in applying Dorothy's method of teaching

    Resilience assessment at the state level

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    This paper presents an analytical approach to evaluate the level of post-disaster adaptation (Bounce-Back) of communities based on their resilience. While resilience is the intrinsic characteristics of a system, adaptation considers external agents in its assessment. The presented work is to some extent a parallelism to the risk assessment concept. Generally, risk is a function of vulnerability, exposure, and hazard, whereas adaptation considers resilience instead of vulnerability in its estimation. This leads to the evaluation of a system’s ability to cope with after-shock consequences and to return back to a functional state rather than the likelihood of a system to experience damage. The paper also proposes a quantitative framework for assessing resilience at the state level based on the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), a work done by the UN. HFA has succeeded in assessing the resilience of every state in a quantifiable fashion. HFA estimates the resilience of countries based on a number of indicators that are weighted equally. Those indicators, however, do not contribute equally to the resilience output; therefore, it is necessary to weigh those indicators according to their contribution towards resilience. To do so, we are introducing the Dependence Tree Analysis (DTA), which identifies the strength of relationships between the indicators and the resilience, giving weights to the indicators accordingly. A full case study composed of 37 countries is presented in this paper, where the resilience and the Bounce Back indices of each country are evaluated
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