E. Pennington on D.Heathcote's Rules in Using Drama Strategies


Students are engaged in an examination or exploration through the art form. They are not seen as empty vessels to be filled with knowledge and values; rather as crucibles, where attitudes, values, and understandings are stirred around, questioned and challenged. The primary aim therefore is not necessarily to do with acquiring knowledge or accumulating facts, although these may well be incorporated into the practical experience according to the founder of drama as a method of teaching, Dorothy Heathcoat. The teacher has to be able to: avoid/withhold telling, tolerate apparent confusion, value each student's contribution, put to use the student's logic, utilize Tasks not Plot to maintain the Dramatic Tension, encourage Interaction, Feed in and demand relevant Vocabulary. The teacher pushes the students to complexities in the nicest way through possible useful enterprises. He or she teaches them the expertise through different activities as: device a system of security whilst planning the Layout of the Company Campus, Introduction of the New job, Global Warming issue, National discrimination, etc. The teacher gives instructions and prepares the gradual walking of the student into a role. Eileen used her Special teaching skills in applying Dorothy's method of teaching

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