5,486 research outputs found

    On detection of narrow angle e+e- pairs from dark photon decays

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    A class of models of dark sectors consider new very weak interaction between the ordinary and dark matter transmitted by U'(1) gauge bosons A' (dark photons) mixing with our photons. If such A's exist, they could be searched for in a light-shining-through-a-wall experiment with a high energy electron beam from the CERN SPS. The proposed search scheme suggests detection of the e+e- pairs produced in the A' -> e+e- decay with a very small opening angle. Coordinate chambers based on the thin-wall drift tubes with a minimal material budget and a two-hit resolution for e+ and e- tracks separated by more than 0.5 mm are considered as an option for detecting such pairs

    Search for invisible decays of sub-GeV dark photons in missing-energy events at the CERN SPS

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    We report on a direct search for sub-GeV dark photons (A') which might be produced in the reaction e^- Z \to e^- Z A' via kinetic mixing with photons by 100 GeV electrons incident on an active target in the NA64 experiment at the CERN SPS. The A's would decay invisibly into dark matter particles resulting in events with large missing energy. No evidence for such decays was found with 2.75\cdot 10^{9} electrons on target. We set new limits on the \gamma-A' mixing strength and exclude the invisible A' with a mass < 100 MeV as an explanation of the muon g_\mu-2 anomaly.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; Typos corrected, references adde

    Constraints on New Physics in the Electron g-2 from a Search for Invisible Decays of a Scalar, Pseudoscalar, Vector, and Axial Vector

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    We performed a search for a new generic XX boson, which could be a scalar (SS), pseudoscalar (PP), vector (VV) or an axial vector (AA) particle produced in the 100 GeV electron scattering off nuclei, eZeZXe^- Z \to e^- Z X, followed by its invisible decay in the NA64 experiment at CERN. No evidence for such process was found in the full NA64 data set of 2.84×10112.84\times 10^{11} electrons on target. We place new bounds on the S,P,V,AS, P, V, A coupling strengths to electrons, and set constraints on their contributions to the electron anomalous magnetic moment aea_e, ΔaX10151013|\Delta a_{X}| \lesssim 10^{-15} - 10^{-13} for the XX mass region mX1m_X\lesssim 1 GeV. These results are an order of magnitude more sensitive compared to the current accuracy on aea_e from the electron g2g-2 experiments and recent high-precision determination of the fine structure constant.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Hunting down the X17 boson at the CERN SPS

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    Recently, the ATOMKI experiment has reported new evidence for the excess of e+ee^+ e^- events with a mass \sim17 MeV in the nuclear transitions of 4^4He, that they previously observed in measurements with 8^8Be. These observations could be explained by the existence of a new vector X17X17 boson. So far, the search for the decay X17e+eX17 \rightarrow e^+ e^- with the NA64 experiment at the CERN SPS gave negative results. Here, we present a new technique that could be implemented in NA64 aiming to improve the sensitivity and to cover the remaining X17X17 parameter space. If a signal-like event is detected, an unambiguous observation is achieved by reconstructing the invariant mass of the X17X17 decay with the proposed method. To reach this goal an optimization of the X17X17 production target, as well as an efficient and accurate reconstruction of two close decay tracks, is required. A dedicated analysis of the available experimental data making use of the trackers information is presented. This method provides independent confirmation of the NA64 published results [Phys. Rev. D101, 071101 (2020)], validating the tracking procedure. The detailed Monte Carlo study of the proposed setup and the background estimate shows that the goal of the proposed search is feasible

    Statistique mensuelle de la viande. 1968 N° 4 APRIL-AVRIL = Monthly statistiques of meat. 1968 No. 4 April

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    In high energy experiments such as active beam dump searches for rare decays and missing energy events, the beam purity is a crucial parameter. In this paper we present a technique to reject heavy charged particle contamination in the 100 GeV electron beam of the H4 beam line at CERN SPS. The method is based on the detection with BGO scintillators of the synchrotron radiation emitted by the electrons passing through a bending dipole magnet. A 100 GeV pi- beam is used to test the method in the NA64 experiment resulting in a suppression factor of 10−5 while the efficiency for electron detection is 95%. The spectra and the rejection factors are in very good agreement with the Monte Carlo simulation. The reported suppression factors are significantly better than previously achieved.ISSN:0168-9002ISSN:1872-957

    New solar axion search in CAST with 4^4He filling

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    The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) searches for aγa\to\gamma conversion in the 9 T magnetic field of a refurbished LHC test magnet that can be directed toward the Sun. Two parallel magnet bores can be filled with helium of adjustable pressure to match the X-ray refractive mass mγm_\gamma to the axion search mass mam_a. After the vacuum phase (2003--2004), which is optimal for ma0.02m_a\lesssim0.02 eV, we used 4^4He in 2005--2007 to cover the mass range of 0.02--0.39 eV and 3^3He in 2009--2011 to scan from 0.39--1.17 eV. After improving the detectors and shielding, we returned to 4^4He in 2012 to investigate a narrow mam_a range around 0.2 eV ("candidate setting" of our earlier search) and 0.39--0.42 eV, the upper axion mass range reachable with 4^4He, to "cross the axion line" for the KSVZ model. We have improved the limit on the axion-photon coupling to gaγ<1.47×1010GeV1g_{a\gamma}< 1.47\times10^{-10} {\rm GeV}^{-1} (95% C.L.), depending on the pressure settings. Since 2013, we have returned to vacuum and aim for a significant increase in sensitivity.Comment: CAST Collaboration 6 pages 3 figure

    Search for chameleons with CAST

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    In this work we present a search for (solar) chameleons with the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST). This novel experimental technique, in the field of dark energy research, exploits both the chameleon coupling to matter (βm\beta_{\rm m}) and to photons (βγ\beta_{\gamma}) via the Primakoff effect. By reducing the X-ray detection energy threshold used for axions from 1\,keV to 400\,eV CAST became sensitive to the converted solar chameleon spectrum which peaks around 600\,eV. Even though we have not observed any excess above background, we can provide a 95% C.L. limit for the coupling strength of chameleons to photons of βγ ⁣ ⁣1011\beta_{\gamma}\!\lesssim\!10^{11} for 1<βm<1061<\beta_{\rm m}<10^6.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figure

    Precision measurement of the neutrino velocity with the ICARUS detector in the CNGS beam

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    During May 2012, the CERN-CNGS neutrino beam has been operated for two weeks for a total of 1.8 10^17 pot in bunched mode, with a 3 ns narrow width proton beam bunches, separated by 100 ns. This tightly bunched beam structure allows a very accurate time of flight measurement of neutrinos from CERN to LNGS on an event-by-event basis. Both the ICARUS-T600 PMT-DAQ and the CERN-LNGS timing synchronization have been substantially improved for this campaign, taking ad-vantage of additional independent GPS receivers, both at CERN and LNGS as well as of the deployment of the "White Rabbit" protocol both at CERN and LNGS. The ICARUS-T600 detector has collected 25 beam-associated events; the corresponding time of flight has been accurately evaluated, using all different time synchronization paths. The measured neutrino time of flight is compatible with the arrival of all events with speed equivalent to the one of light: the difference between the expected value based on the speed of light and the measured value is tof_c - tof_nu = (0.10 \pm 0.67stat. \pm 2.39syst.) ns. This result is in agreement with the value previously reported by the ICARUS collaboration, tof_c - tof_nu = (0.3 \pm 4.9stat. \pm 9.0syst.) ns, but with improved statistical and systematic errors.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, 1 tabl