1,329 research outputs found

    Analytical solution proposal for fast numerical algorithm in special structured higher order differential equations

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    We suggest a practical method for obtaining the particular solution of non-homogeneous higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients. The proposed method can be applied directly and simply to such problems. We revealed that is valid for the different type of problem by using sample solutions. This simple analytical solution that we have introduced will help to create a fast numerical algorithm for computers and thus simplify the numerical solutions of higher order physical problems.Peer Reviewe

    Optical properties of SiGe single crystals grown by liquid phase diffusion

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    In this article, we present measurements for the pseudo-optical functions of germanium-rich SixGe1-x (0.000<x<0.100) single-crystals(grown by Liquid Phase Diffusion; LPD) using spectroscopic ellipsometry and photo reflectance techniques in the energy range of 1.72–3.20 eV. The E1 interband transition energies are obtained from numerically differentiated optical spectra for various crystal compositions. It was shown that the values of E1 interband transition energy determined by both the ellipsometric and photo reflectance measurements for germanium-rich SixGe1-x single-crystals are in agreement with those of bulk SiGe crystals reported in the literature[21–24].The interband transition energies are found to be in the range of 2.100 and 2.215 eV for the composition values of 0.000<x0.100. The surface morphology of the crystals assayed via atomic force microscopy shows fibrous surfaces with the average grain size of 250 nm. The measured root-mean-square (rms) roughness and maximum height are in the range of 3.78–5.40 and 32.42–67.84 nm, respectively, with increasing germanium composition

    Beating the reaction limits of biosensor sensitivity with dynamic tracking of single binding events

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    The clinical need for ultrasensitive molecular analysis has motivated the development of several endpoint-assay technologies capable of single-molecule readout. These endpoint assays are now primarily limited by the affinity and specificity of the molecular-recognition agents for the analyte of interest. In contrast, a kinetic assay with single-molecule readout could distinguish between low-abundance, high-affinity (specific analyte) and high-abundance, low-affinity (nonspecific background) binding by measuring the duration of individual binding events at equilibrium. Here, we describe such a kinetic assay, in which individual binding events are detected and monitored during sample incubation. This method uses plasmonic gold nanorods and interferometric reflectance imaging to detect thousands of individual binding events across a multiplex solid-phase sensor with a large area approaching that of leading bead-based endpoint-assay technologies. A dynamic tracking procedure is used to measure the duration of each event. From this, the total rates of binding and debinding as well as the distribution of binding-event durations are determined. We observe a limit of detection of 19 fM for a proof-of-concept synthetic DNA analyte in a 12-plex assay format.First author draf


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    Uluslararası Bakalorya Programı, A1 Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı alanında ele alınan bu tezde, İnci Aral’ın Mor adlı yapıtında ölüm temasının figürler üzerindeki etkisi neden ve sonuçlarıyla incelenmiştir. Bu tezin amacı, yapıtta temel değişken olarak ele alınan ölüm temasının, kişinin kendi ölümü, yakınının ölümü, intiharı ve birini öldürme ya da öldürtme hakkındaki düşünce, tutum ve davranışlarının figürlerin yaşadıkları olaylarla ve içinde bulundukları toplum yapısını da göz önünde bulundurarak diğerlerinden nasıl farklılıklar gösterdiğini incelemektir. Üç gelişme bölümünden oluşan tezin giriş bölümünde ölüme karşı olan bakış açısının figürlerin içinde bulundukları toplum ve sınıf farkının da etkisiyle kişiden kişiye farklılık gösterdiği belirtilmiştir. Birinci bölümünde figürlerin genel olarak ölüm hakkındaki görüşleri ve yakınlarının ölümleri hakkındaki düşünceleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu görüş İlhan, Armağan, Renginur, Gülcan ve Âdem figürleri üzerinden incelenmiştir. İkinci bölümde figürlerin öldürme, öldürtme ve cinayet hakkındaki görüşleri dikkate alınmıştır. Bu görüş Fikran, Ramazan ve Revan figürleri üzerinden okuyucuya aktarılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde ise figürlerin kendi ölümleri ve intihar hakkındaki düşünceleri incelenmiştir. Bu düşünceler İlhan, Gülcan, Âdem ve Armağan figürleri üzerinden verilmiştir. Tezin sonucunda figürlerin sahip oldukları ölüm hakkındaki tutum ve düşüncelerinde bireysel ve toplumsal faktörlerin etkili olduğu gözlemlenmiştir

    Development of a digital microarray with interferometric reflectance imaging

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    This dissertation describes a new type of molecular assay for nucleic acids and proteins. We call this technique a digital microarray since it is conceptually similar to conventional fluorescence microarrays, yet it performs enumerative (‘digital’) counting of the number captured molecules. Digital microarrays are approximately 10,000-fold more sensitive than fluorescence microarrays, yet maintain all of the strengths of the platform including low cost and high multiplexing (i.e., many different tests on the same sample simultaneously). Digital microarrays use gold nanorods to label the captured target molecules. Each gold nanorod on the array is individually detected based on its light scattering, with an interferometric microscopy technique called SP-IRIS. Our optimized high-throughput version of SP-IRIS is able to scan a typical array of 500 spots in less than 10 minutes. Digital DNA microarrays may have utility in applications where sequencing is prohibitively expensive or slow. As an example, we describe a digital microarray assay for gene expression markers of bacterial drug resistance

    The Nineteenth Century British Workhouse: Mission Not Accomplished

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    How to correct poverty in a society is extremely complex. In the nineteenth century, the British struggled to house, feed and care for the unemployed and destitute men, women and children created by the Industrial Revolution. Many in the upper classes considered poverty a moral failure, yet they had little impetus to end it. Poverty, as defined by an inability to provide for one’s needs due to a variety of factors, was seen as necessary, for without it there would be no motivation for the lower classes to work and provide a luxurious life for the wealthy. Although some in government argued that the basic needs of the poor (such as, nutrition, housing, and medical care) could be provided through outdoor relief, others contended that the poor should labor for any assistance they received through a form of indoor aid called the workhouse system. This paper examines the mission of the workhouse and 1) the implementation of work as punishment, 2) the institution of harsh rules in the workhouse, 3) the restrictions to personal freedoms, and 4) the overall treatment of workhouse inmates. The environment in the workhouse was so demeaning, cruel, and dangerous that it often defeated the mission of the workhouse system to sustain the populace it was built to support. Evidence of the failure to fulfill its mission is found in an analysis of primary sources such as workhouse guardians\u27 reports, letters from inmates, statements from medical examiners as well as other first-hand written accounts from occupants of the workhouse. In addition, a review of scholarly articles, literature, satirical cartoons, paintings and newspaper accounts from the time confirm that conditions in the workhouse did not match those expected from its mission statement

    A digital microarray using interferometric detection of plasmonic nanorod labels

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    DNA and protein microarrays are a high-throughput technology that allow the simultaneous quantification of tens of thousands of different biomolecular species. The mediocre sensitivity and dynamic range of traditional fluorescence microarrays compared to other techniques have been the technology's Achilles' Heel, and prevented their adoption for many biomedical and clinical diagnostic applications. Previous work to enhance the sensitivity of microarray readout to the single-molecule ('digital') regime have either required signal amplifying chemistry or sacrificed throughput, nixing the platform's primary advantages. Here, we report the development of a digital microarray which extends both the sensitivity and dynamic range of microarrays by about three orders of magnitude. This technique uses functionalized gold nanorods as single-molecule labels and an interferometric scanner which can rapidly enumerate individual nanorods by imaging them with a 10x objective lens. This approach does not require any chemical enhancement such as silver deposition, and scans arrays with a throughput similar to commercial fluorescence devices. By combining single-nanoparticle enumeration and ensemble measurements of spots when the particles are very dense, this system achieves a dynamic range of about one million directly from a single scan

    Chapter Power, Patronage, and Confessionalism

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    The present article aims to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of both the politics of Sufism and the practice of politics in the Ottoman Empire in the late sixteenth century through a contextual study of the collection of letters written by the Halveti sheikh İbrahim-i Kırımî (d. 1593) to Murad III (r. 1574-1595)

    From Rabi'a to Ibn al-Farid : towards some paradigms of the Sufi conception of love

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    This thesis aims to investigate the significance of Divine Love in the Islamic tradition with reference to Sufis who used the medium of Arabic to communicate their ideas. Divine Love means the mutual love between God and man. It is commonly accepted that the Sufis were the forerunners in writing about Divine Love. However, there is a relative paucity of literature regarding the details of their conceptions of Love. Therefore, this attempt can be considered as one of the first of its kind in this field. The first chapter will attempt to define the nature of love from various perspectives, such as, psychology, Islamic philosophy and theology. The roots of Divine Love in relation to human love will be explored in the context of the ideas that were prevalent amongst the Sufi authors regarded as authorities; for example, al-Qushayri, al-Hujwiri and al-Kalabadhi. The second chapter investigates the origins Of Sufism with a view to establishing the role that Divine Love played in this. The etymological derivations of the term Sufi will be referred to as well as some early Sufi writings. It is an undeniable fact that the Qur'an and tladith are the bedrocks of the Islamic religion, and all Muslims seek to justify their ideas with reference to them. This was especially true for the Sufis. The third and fourth chapters will, therefore, focus on the concept of Divine Love in the textual sources of Islam in order to determine the role that these played in the development of the Sufi conceptions of love in general. Having highlighted the origins and general context of Divine Love, the following five chapters will focus on selected Sufis whose contributions can be regarded as significant, original and representative of the Sufi tradition. The exclusive characteristics of each Sufi's concept of love will be analysed and an attempt will be made to present them as a paradigm of Sufi love. The paradigms of love of the following Sufis will be presented: Rabi`a, al-I-Jallaj, al-Ghazäli, Ibn 'Arabi and Ibn al-F5ricl. The concluding chapter will provide a synthesis of these paradigms of love by putting forward a framework which identifies the key stages in the development of the Sufi paradigm of love. Regarding the scope and limitations of this study, it should not be seen as a historical or biographical research. The historical analysis and information are presented merely to give some insight into the social and historical context of the Sufi's time. The primary aim of this research is to establish the different paradigms of love of the Sufis referred to above, by analysing the exclusive motives specific to each paradigm. Finally, this research is by no means a comprehensive account of the Sufi paradigms of love. The development of the thesis showed that this research can be approached from many different angles. For example, the concept of love is closely associated with the concept of ma`rifia, and the concept of God. The relationship of the two with the concept of love is a possible area of further research. In addition, the historical information available on each individual Sufi provides ample material for a detailed study of the concept of love in that particular Sufis paradigm. This work provides a general framework for further studies