22 research outputs found

    Nouvelle technique de dĂ©tection simultanĂ©e des variant ponctuels et des copy number variants dans l’obĂ©sitĂ© monogĂ©nique

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    Genetics, and by extention DNA sequencing, are tools that have modified the understanding of the mechanisms involved in genetic diseases, like obesity. Today’s technology has allowed us to rapidly find if a patient carries a genetic event that may explain his/her pathology. One of the most used technology for diagnostic is exome sequencing, or WES, which enables an excellent detection of point mutations in coding regions of the genome. However other events, such as copy number variations, or CNV, can also explain some pathologies, like a severe form of obesity due to CNV in the chr16p11.2 region. Actually, the gold standard method for an accurate detection of CNV is array CGH, but this technology cannot detect new point mutations. Exome sequencing can be used to detect CNV, but the lack of coverage in non-coding regions limits CNV detection sensitivity. Of note, whole genome sequencing can detect both CNVs and point mutations, but it is still very expensive and needs huge informatics capacities, which is an obvious limitation for a routine diagnostic use.For now, we have had to use two different methods in order to accurately detect both CNVs and point mutations. In other words, we have had to use precious samples two times, to assume the cost of two different methods (which is nearly 450 euros in the laboratory for exome sequencing, and a bit more for array CGH in a clinical laboratory), and to consider the time of the realization of two different methods in order to achieve a complete diagnostic.In this context, we aimed to develop an innovative sequencing method, named CoDE-seq (Copy number variation Detection and Exome sequencing), which would allow us to simultaneously detect both CNVs and point mutations, in order to reduce the time of diagnostic, the cost, and the needed quantity of sample.This work included the method conception, and the data analysis steps. The method conception has been done through the creation of a new capture enabling the detection of point mutations in the exome, and CNVs all along the genome. Furthermore, the data analysis step included the choice of the bioinformatics methods to be used, in order to get a specific and sensitive CNV detection, all along the genome.We were also interested in the fonctional significance of identified CNV, and tried to decipher it by the study of chromatine spacial conformation and the influence of these CNV.La gĂ©nĂ©tique, et par extension le sĂ©quençage de l’ADN, sont des outils qui ont transformĂ© la comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes impliquĂ©s dans la survenue de nombreuses pathologies, dont l’obĂ©sitĂ©. Les technologies aujourd’hui Ă  notre disposition nous permettent de dĂ©terminer rapidement si un patient est ou non porteur d’un Ă©vĂšnement gĂ©nĂ©tique pouvant expliquer sa pathologie. L’une des techniques les plus utilisĂ©es en diagnostic aujourd’hui est le sĂ©quençage d’exome, ou WES, qui permet une excellente dĂ©tection des mutations ponctuelles dans les rĂ©gions codantes du gĂ©nome. Mais d’autres Ă©vĂšnements comme les copy number variants, ou CNV, peuvent Ă©galement expliquer certaines pathologies, dont l’obĂ©sitĂ©, via entre autres les CNV de la rĂ©gion 16p11.2. Actuellement, la technique de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour la dĂ©tection de ces copy number variants est l’analyse de puces CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridization), mais celles-ci ne permettent pas de dĂ©tecter des mutations non rĂ©pertoriĂ©es au prĂ©alable lors de la crĂ©ation de la puce. Sur le principe, le sĂ©quençage d’exome peut lui aussi ĂȘtre utilisĂ© pour dĂ©tecter les CNV, mais son absence de couverture des rĂ©gions non codantes du gĂ©nome ne permet pas une dĂ©tection efficace de ces CNV, car ceux-ci peuvent survenir sur l’ensemble du gĂ©nome, en englobant des rĂ©gions codantes et non codantes au sein d’un seul Ă©vĂšnement. Le sĂ©quençage gĂ©nome complet peut dĂ©tecter ces deux types d’évĂšnement, mais son cout est encore Ă©levĂ© ce qui freine sa dĂ©mocratisation, et l’analyse de donnĂ©es associĂ©es nĂ©cessite d’importantes ressources informatiques, et le rend difficilement utilisable en diagnostic de routine en l’état actuel des choses. Il est donc pour l’instant nĂ©cessaire d’avoir recours Ă  deux techniques diffĂ©rentes pour couvrir ces deux types d’évĂšnements gĂ©nĂ©tiques. Cela implique d’utiliser des Ă©chantillons parfois trĂšs prĂ©cieux Ă  deux reprises, de supporter les couts liĂ©s Ă  deux techniques diagnostiques (d’environ 450 euros pour le sĂ©quençage d’exome au laboratoire et un cout un peu plus Ă©levĂ© pour une puce Ă  ADN dans un laboratoire clinique), et d’allonger les temps de rendu de rĂ©sultats et donc la durĂ©e d’établissement du diagnostic du patient. Cet Ă©tat de fait nous a conduit Ă  dĂ©velopper une technique de sĂ©quençage, que nous avons nommĂ© CoDE-seq (Copy number variation Detection and Exome sequencing), et qui permettra la dĂ©tection simultanĂ©e de ces deux types d’évĂšnements, pour diminuer les temps d’établissement de diagnostics, leurs couts, et la quantitĂ© d’échantillon nĂ©cessaire. Ce travail a nĂ©cessitĂ© deux aspects : la mise au point technique et la mise au point analytique. La mise au point technique est passĂ©e par la crĂ©ation d’une nouvelle « capture », permettant une dĂ©tection correcte des mutations ponctuelles de l’exome et des CNV de tout le gĂ©nome. La mise au point analytique a consistĂ© Ă  dĂ©finir la mĂ©thode Ă  employer, et Ă  permettre d’arriver Ă  une dĂ©tection fiable, Ă  la fois sensible et spĂ©cifique, des CNV sur l’ensemble du gĂ©nome. Une fois ces CNV identifiĂ©s, la question de leur signification fonctionnelle se pose Ă©galement, et une seconde partie de ma thĂšse porte sur l’étude de cette signification fonctionnelle, via l’étude de la conformation spaciale de la chromatine et de l’influence des CNV sur celle-ci

    New method for the simultaneous detection of punctual variations and copy number variants in monogenic obesity

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    La gĂ©nĂ©tique, et par extension le sĂ©quençage de l’ADN, sont des outils qui ont transformĂ© la comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes impliquĂ©s dans la survenue de nombreuses pathologies, dont l’obĂ©sitĂ©. Les technologies aujourd’hui Ă  notre disposition nous permettent de dĂ©terminer rapidement si un patient est ou non porteur d’un Ă©vĂšnement gĂ©nĂ©tique pouvant expliquer sa pathologie. L’une des techniques les plus utilisĂ©es en diagnostic aujourd’hui est le sĂ©quençage d’exome, ou WES, qui permet une excellente dĂ©tection des mutations ponctuelles dans les rĂ©gions codantes du gĂ©nome. Mais d’autres Ă©vĂšnements comme les copy number variants, ou CNV, peuvent Ă©galement expliquer certaines pathologies, dont l’obĂ©sitĂ©, via entre autres les CNV de la rĂ©gion 16p11.2. Actuellement, la technique de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour la dĂ©tection de ces copy number variants est l’analyse de puces CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridization), mais celles-ci ne permettent pas de dĂ©tecter des mutations non rĂ©pertoriĂ©es au prĂ©alable lors de la crĂ©ation de la puce. Sur le principe, le sĂ©quençage d’exome peut lui aussi ĂȘtre utilisĂ© pour dĂ©tecter les CNV, mais son absence de couverture des rĂ©gions non codantes du gĂ©nome ne permet pas une dĂ©tection efficace de ces CNV, car ceux-ci peuvent survenir sur l’ensemble du gĂ©nome, en englobant des rĂ©gions codantes et non codantes au sein d’un seul Ă©vĂšnement. Le sĂ©quençage gĂ©nome complet peut dĂ©tecter ces deux types d’évĂšnement, mais son cout est encore Ă©levĂ© ce qui freine sa dĂ©mocratisation, et l’analyse de donnĂ©es associĂ©es nĂ©cessite d’importantes ressources informatiques, et le rend difficilement utilisable en diagnostic de routine en l’état actuel des choses. Il est donc pour l’instant nĂ©cessaire d’avoir recours Ă  deux techniques diffĂ©rentes pour couvrir ces deux types d’évĂšnements gĂ©nĂ©tiques. Cela implique d’utiliser des Ă©chantillons parfois trĂšs prĂ©cieux Ă  deux reprises, de supporter les couts liĂ©s Ă  deux techniques diagnostiques (d’environ 450 euros pour le sĂ©quençage d’exome au laboratoire et un cout un peu plus Ă©levĂ© pour une puce Ă  ADN dans un laboratoire clinique), et d’allonger les temps de rendu de rĂ©sultats et donc la durĂ©e d’établissement du diagnostic du patient. Cet Ă©tat de fait nous a conduit Ă  dĂ©velopper une technique de sĂ©quençage, que nous avons nommĂ© CoDE-seq (Copy number variation Detection and Exome sequencing), et qui permettra la dĂ©tection simultanĂ©e de ces deux types d’évĂšnements, pour diminuer les temps d’établissement de diagnostics, leurs couts, et la quantitĂ© d’échantillon nĂ©cessaire. Ce travail a nĂ©cessitĂ© deux aspects : la mise au point technique et la mise au point analytique. La mise au point technique est passĂ©e par la crĂ©ation d’une nouvelle « capture », permettant une dĂ©tection correcte des mutations ponctuelles de l’exome et des CNV de tout le gĂ©nome. La mise au point analytique a consistĂ© Ă  dĂ©finir la mĂ©thode Ă  employer, et Ă  permettre d’arriver Ă  une dĂ©tection fiable, Ă  la fois sensible et spĂ©cifique, des CNV sur l’ensemble du gĂ©nome. Une fois ces CNV identifiĂ©s, la question de leur signification fonctionnelle se pose Ă©galement, et une seconde partie de ma thĂšse porte sur l’étude de cette signification fonctionnelle, via l’étude de la conformation spaciale de la chromatine et de l’influence des CNV sur celle-ci.Genetics, and by extention DNA sequencing, are tools that have modified the understanding of the mechanisms involved in genetic diseases, like obesity. Today’s technology has allowed us to rapidly find if a patient carries a genetic event that may explain his/her pathology. One of the most used technology for diagnostic is exome sequencing, or WES, which enables an excellent detection of point mutations in coding regions of the genome. However other events, such as copy number variations, or CNV, can also explain some pathologies, like a severe form of obesity due to CNV in the chr16p11.2 region. Actually, the gold standard method for an accurate detection of CNV is array CGH, but this technology cannot detect new point mutations. Exome sequencing can be used to detect CNV, but the lack of coverage in non-coding regions limits CNV detection sensitivity. Of note, whole genome sequencing can detect both CNVs and point mutations, but it is still very expensive and needs huge informatics capacities, which is an obvious limitation for a routine diagnostic use.For now, we have had to use two different methods in order to accurately detect both CNVs and point mutations. In other words, we have had to use precious samples two times, to assume the cost of two different methods (which is nearly 450 euros in the laboratory for exome sequencing, and a bit more for array CGH in a clinical laboratory), and to consider the time of the realization of two different methods in order to achieve a complete diagnostic.In this context, we aimed to develop an innovative sequencing method, named CoDE-seq (Copy number variation Detection and Exome sequencing), which would allow us to simultaneously detect both CNVs and point mutations, in order to reduce the time of diagnostic, the cost, and the needed quantity of sample.This work included the method conception, and the data analysis steps. The method conception has been done through the creation of a new capture enabling the detection of point mutations in the exome, and CNVs all along the genome. Furthermore, the data analysis step included the choice of the bioinformatics methods to be used, in order to get a specific and sensitive CNV detection, all along the genome.We were also interested in the fonctional significance of identified CNV, and tried to decipher it by the study of chromatine spacial conformation and the influence of these CNV

    Epigenetic and Transcriptomic Programming of HSC Quiescence Signaling in Large for Gestational Age Neonates

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    Excessive fetal growth is associated with DNA methylation alterations in human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC), but their functional impact remains elusive. We implemented an integrative analysis combining single-cell epigenomics, single-cell transcriptomics, and in vitro analyses to functionally link DNA methylation changes to putative alterations of HSPC functions. We showed in hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) from large for gestational age neonates that both DNA hypermethylation and chromatin rearrangements target a specific network of transcription factors known to sustain stem cell quiescence. In parallel, we found a decreased expression of key genes regulating HSC differentiation including EGR1, KLF2, SOCS3, and JUNB. Our functional analyses showed that this epigenetic programming was associated with a decreased ability for HSCs to remain quiescent. Taken together, our multimodal approach using single-cell (epi)genomics showed that human fetal overgrowth affects hematopoietic stem cells’ quiescence signaling via epigenetic programming

    What Is the Best NGS Enrichment Method for the Molecular Diagnosis of Monogenic Diabetes and Obesity?

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    Molecular diagnosis of monogenic diabetes and obesity is of paramount importance for both the patient and society, as it can result in personalized medicine associated with a better life and it eventually saves health care spending. Genetic clinical laboratories are currently switching from Sanger sequencing to next-generation sequencing (NGS) approaches but choosing the optimal protocols is not easy. Here, we compared the sequencing coverage of 43 genes involved in monogenic forms of diabetes and obesity, and variant detection rates, resulting from four enrichment methods based on the sonication of DNA (Agilent SureSelect, RainDance technologies), or using enzymes for DNA fragmentation (Illumina Nextera, Agilent HaloPlex). We analyzed coding exons and untranslated regions of the 43 genes involved in monogenic diabetes and obesity. We found that none of the methods achieves yet full sequencing of the gene targets. Nonetheless, the RainDance, SureSelect and HaloPlex enrichment methods led to the best sequencing coverage of the targets; while the Nextera method resulted in the poorest sequencing coverage. Although the sequencing coverage was high, we unexpectedly found that the HaloPlex method missed 20% of variants detected by the three other methods and Nextera missed 10%. The question of which NGS technique for genetic diagnosis yields the highest diagnosis rate is frequently discussed in the literature and the response is still unclear. Here, we showed that the RainDance enrichment method as well as SureSelect, which are both based on the sonication of DNA, resulted in a good sequencing quality and variant detection, while the use of enzymes to fragment DNA (HaloPlex or Nextera) might not be the best strategy to get an accurate sequencing

    Pathogenic monoallelic variants in GLIS3 increase type 2 diabetes risk and identify a subgroup of patients sensitive to sulfonylureas

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    International audienceAims/hypothesis: GLIS3 encodes a transcription factor involved in pancreatic beta cell development and function. Rare pathogenic, bi-allelic mutations in GLIS3 cause syndromic neonatal diabetes whereas frequent SNPs at this locus associate with common type 2 diabetes risk. Because rare, functional variants located in other susceptibility genes for type 2 diabetes have already been shown to strongly increase individual risk for common type 2 diabetes, we aimed to investigate the contribution of rare pathogenic GLIS3 variants to type 2 diabetes. Methods: GLIS3 was sequenced in 5471 individuals from the Rare Variants Involved in Diabetes and Obesity (RaDiO) study. Variant pathogenicity was assessed following the criteria established by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). To address the pathogenic strong criterion number 3 (PS3), we conducted functional investigations of these variants using luciferase assays, focusing on capacity of GLIS family zinc finger 3 (GLIS3) to bind to and activate the INS promoter. The association between rare pathogenic or likely pathogenic (P/LP) variants and type 2 diabetes risk (and other metabolic traits) was then evaluated. A meta-analysis combining association results from RaDiO, the 52K study (43,125 individuals) and the TOPMed study (44,083 individuals) was finally performed. Results: Through targeted resequencing of GLIS3, we identified 105 rare variants that were carried by 395 participants from RaDiO. Among them, 49 variants decreased the activation of the INS promoter. Following ACMG criteria, 18 rare variants were classified as P/LP, showing an enrichment in the last two exons compared with the remaining exons (p3.5). The burden of these P/LP variants was strongly higher in individuals with type 2 diabetes (p=3.0×10−3; OR 3.9 [95% CI 1.4, 12]), whereas adiposity, age at type 2 diabetes diagnosis and cholesterol levels were similar between variant carriers and non-carriers with type 2 diabetes. Interestingly, all carriers with type 2 diabetes were sensitive to oral sulfonylureas. A total of 7 P/LP variants were identified in both 52K and TOPMed studies. The meta-analysis of association studies obtained from RaDiO, 52K and TOPMed showed an enrichment of P/LP GLIS3 variants in individuals with type 2 diabetes (p=5.6×10−5; OR 2.1 [95% CI 1.4, 2.9]). Conclusions/interpretation: Rare P/LP GLIS3 variants do contribute to type 2 diabetes risk. The variants located in the distal part of the protein could have a direct effect on its functional activity by impacting its transactivation domain, by homology with the mouse GLIS3 protein. Furthermore, rare P/LP GLIS3 variants seem to have a direct clinical effect on beta cell function, which could be improved by increasing insulin secretion via the use of sulfonylureas. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Contribution of heterozygous PCSK1 variants to obesity and implications for precision medicine: a case-control study

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    International audienceBackground: Rare biallelic pathogenic mutations in PCSK1 (encoding proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1 [PC1/3]) cause early-onset obesity associated with various endocrinopathies. Setmelanotide has been approved for carriers of these biallelic mutations in the past 3 years. We aimed to perform a large-scale functional genomic study focusing on rare heterozygous variants of PCSK1 to decipher their putative impact on obesity risk. Methods: This case-control study included all participants with overweight and obesity (ie, cases) or healthy weight (ie, controls) from the RaDiO study of three community-based and one hospital-based cohort in France recruited between Jan 1, 1995, and Dec 31, 2000. In adults older than 18 years, healthy weight was defined as BMI of less than 25·0 kg/m2, overweight as 25·0–29·9 kg/m2, and obesity as 30·0 kg/m2 or higher. Participants with type 2 diabetes had fasting glucose of 7·0 mmol/L or higher or used treatment for hyperglycaemia (or both) and were negative for islet or insulin autoantibodies. Functional assessment of rare missense variants of PCSK1 was performed. Pathogenicity clusters of variants were determined with machine learning. The effect of each cluster of PCSK1 variants on obesity was assessed using the adjusted mixed-effects score test. Findings: All 13 coding exons of PCSK1 were sequenced in 9320 participants (including 7260 adults and 2060 children and adolescents) recruited from the RaDiO study. We detected 65 rare heterozygous PCSK1 variants, including four null variants and 61 missense variants that were analysed in vitro and clustered into five groups (A–E), according to enzymatic activity. Compared with the wild-type, 15 missense variants led to complete PC1/3 loss of function (group A; reference) and rare exome variant ensemble learner (REVEL) led to 15 (25%) false positives and four (7%) false negatives. Carrying complete loss-of-function or null PCSK1 variants was significantly associated with obesity (six [86%] of seven carriers vs 1518 [35%] of 4395 non-carriers; OR 9·3 [95% CI 1·5–177·4]; p=0·014) and higher BMI (32·0 kg/m2 [SD 9·3] in carriers vs 27·3 kg/m2 [6·5] in non-carriers; mean effect π 6·94 [SE 1·95]; p=0·00029). Clusters of PCSK1 variants with partial or neutral effect on PC1/3 activity did not have an effect on obesity or overweight and on BMI. Interpretation: Only carriers of heterozygous, null, or complete loss-of-function PCSK1 variants cause monogenic obesity and, therefore, might be eligible for setmelanotide. In silico tests were unable to accurately detect these variants, which suggests that in vitro assays are necessary to determine the variant pathogenicity for genetic diagnosis and precision medicine purposes. Funding: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, European Research Council, National Center for Precision Diabetic Medicine, European Regional Development Fund, Hauts-de-France Regional Council, and the European Metropolis of Lille

    Transcriptomic Analysis of Breast Cancer Stem Cells and Development of a pALDH1A1:mNeptune Reporter System for Live Tracking

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    International audienceMany solid cancers are hierarchically organized with a small number of cancer stem cells (CSCs) able to regrow a tumor, while their progeny lacks this feature. Breast CSC is known to contribute to therapy resistance. The study of those cells is usually based on their cell-surface markers like CD44high /CD24low/neg or their aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity. However, these markers cannot be used to track the dynamics of CSC. Here, a transcriptomic analysis is performed to identify segregating gene expression in CSCs and non-CSCs, sorted by Aldefluor assay. It is observed that among ALDH-associated genes, only ALDH1A1 isoform is increased in CSCs. A CSC reporter system is then developed by using a far red-fluorescent protein (mNeptune) under the control of ALDH1A1 promoter. mNeptune-positive cells exhibit higher sphere-forming capacity, tumor formation, and increased resistance to anticancer therapies. These results indicate that the reporter identifies cells with stemness characteristics. Moreover, live tracking of cells in a microfluidic system reveals a higher extravasation potential of CSCs. Live tracking of non-CSCs under irradiation treatment show, for the first time, live reprogramming of non-CSCs into CSCs. Therefore, the reporter will allow for cell tracking to better understand the implication of CSCs in breast cancer development and recurrence

    Venn diagram displaying the total number of variants in the targeted genes (coding exons and UTRs, with 10 bp of intronic flanking regions), which were identified by each enrichment method, in Patient #1 and Patient #2.

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    <p>The presence of mutations colored in red was not confirmed by Sanger sequencing while the presence of mutations colored in green was confirmed by Sanger sequencing (see also <b><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0143373#pone.0143373.s001" target="_blank">S1 Fig</a></b>).</p