649 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan adanya kenyataan di lapangan bahwa hasil belajar siswa kelas III SDN Cirateun masih rendah. Karena guru masih menggunakan metode pembelajarn yang sederhana seperti ceramah dan juga kekurangan fasilitas sarana dan prasana. Hal ini mengakibatkan siswa kurang mampu menyerap dan mengikuti materi pembelajaran dengan baik sehingga ada beberapa siswa yang kemampuan berpikir dan hasil belajarnya masih jauh dibandingkan dengan siswa yang lainnya. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dengan menggunakan model Talking Stick. PTK menurut (Kemmis S & Mc Taggart, 1992) dengan langkah-langkah penelitian meliputi tahap-tahap berikut: 1) Perencaan, 2) Pelaksanaan tindakan, 3) Observasi, 4) Refleksi. dengan tiga siklus dan pokok bahasan yang digunakan membaca dan menyimpulkan teks cerita “Benda-benda dikelasku”. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa instrumen pengumpulan data. Instrumen pembelajaran terdiri dari RPP dan Lembar Kerja Siswa, sedangkan instrumen pengumpulan data berupa format penilaian RPP, lembar evaluasi dan lembar observasi aktivitas guru serta lembar observasi aktivitas siswa. Langkah-langkah penerapan model talking stick sebagai berikut: 1) tahap pendahuluan, dimana guru dan siswa bertanya jawab serta guru mengemukakan kegiatan sehari-hari siswa, sambil tongkat disediakan oleh guru, 2) tahap pembentukan konsep, pada tahap ini guru menggunakan model talking stick yang akan disertai dengan lagu nyanyian dalam tongkat tersebut ada pertanyaan yang sudah di buat oleh guru, 3) tahap selanjutnya, guru melakukan penjelasan kembali tentang materi teks cerita yang sudah diberikan pada siswa, 4) tahap pemantapan konsep melalui tanya jawab dimana guru dan siswa bertanya jawab serta guru membenarkan konsep yang belum di pahami siswa, 5) tahap evaluasi, siswa mengerjakan soal evaluasi untuk mengukur sejauh mana penguasaan materi yang telah dipelajari. Meskipun terjadi beberapa kendala dalam pelaksanaan, namun secara keseluruhan pembelajaran terlah terlaksana dengan baik dan efektif. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil penelitian dilapangan pada siklus I melalui kegiatan berkelompok nilai rata-rata 40, dengan ketuntasan 65,34%, dan pada siklus II melalui kegiatan berpasangan nilai rata-rata 94,70 dengan ketuntasan 88,15%, dan pada siklus III melalui kegiatan individu nilai rata-rata 81,40 dengan ketuntasan 88,52%. Data tersebut menunjukan bahwa pada penelitian ini dalam penerapan model talking stick pada pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di kelas III SDN Cirateun terlaksana efektif. Oleh karena itu peneliti menerapkan suatu model pembelajaran, yaitu model pembelajaran talking stick yang mampu memotivasi siswa sehingga hasil belajar siswa sangat meningkat. This research is motivated by the facts on the ground that the results of the third grade students of SDN Cirateun still low. Because teachers are still using simple methods such as lectures pembelajarn and also shortage of infrastructure facilities and infrastructures. This resulted in students less able to absorb and follow the learning material so well that there are some students thinking skills and learning results are still far compared with other students. For this study aims to determine the increase in student learning outcomes in learning Indonesian by using models Talking Stick. PTK according to (Kemmis S &Mc Taggart, 1992) with research steps include the following phases: 1) Planning, 2) Implementation of the action, 3) Observation, 4) Reflection. with three cycles and subject matter that is used to read and text concludes the story "The objects in my class". Data collection is done by using several data collection instruments. Learning instrument consists of RPP and the Student Worksheet, while the data collection instruments such as the format of the RPP assessment, evaluation sheets and sheets of observations observation of teacher activity and student activity sheets. Step-by-step implementation of the model talking stick as follows: 1) the preliminary stage, where teachers and students as well as teachers' questioning suggests the daily activities of students, while the stick is provided by teachers, 2) the stage of concept formation, at this stage, the teacher uses a model talking stick which will be accompanied by singing songs in the sticks there are questions that have been created by teachers, 3) the next stage, teachers are doing back annotation of text material the story that has been given to the student, 4) strengthening the concept stage through debriefing where teachers and students ask responsibility and justify the concept of teachers who have not understood the students, 5) evaluation phase, students work on the problems of evaluation to measure the extent of mastery of the material that has been studied. Despite a few obstacles in the implementation, but the overall learning superbly implemented properly and effectively. It can be seen from the results of research in the field in the first cycle through group activities an average value of 40, with mastery 65.34%, and the second cycle through the average value pairs 94.70 with 88.15% completeness, and in III cycle through individual activity average value of 81.40 with 88.52% completeness. Data show that in this study the application of the model talking stick on Indonesian lessons in class III SDN Cirateun been effective. Therefore, researchers applied a model of learning, ie learning model talking stick that can motivate students so that greatly improved student learning outcomes

    Convergence of knowledge in a cultural evolution model with population structure, random social learning and credibility biases

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    25 pagesUnderstanding how knowledge is created and propagates within groups is crucial to explain how human populations have evolved through time. Anthropologists have relied on different theoretical models to address this question. In this work, we introduce a mathematically oriented model that shares properties with individual based approaches, inhomogeneous Markov chains and learning algorithms, such as those introduced in [F. Cucker, S. Smale, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc, 39 (1), 2002] and [F. Cucker, S. Smale and D. X Zhou, Found. Comput. Math., 2004]. After deriving the model, we study some of its mathematical properties, and establish theoretical and quantitative results in a simplified case. Finally, we run numerical simulations to illustrate some properties of the model

    Le dĂ©cret du 14 frimaire an II sur l’assĂšchement des Ă©tangs  : folles espĂ©rances et piĂštres rĂ©sultats. L’application du dĂ©cret en Brie

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    Le dĂ©cret du 14 frimaire an II dĂ©cidait l’assĂšchement de tous les Ă©tangs de la RĂ©publique. VotĂ© pour des raisons de circonstances autant qu’idĂ©ologiques, il faut aussi replacer cette dĂ©cision dans la politique d’assĂšchement menĂ©e depuis le milieu du xviiie siĂšcle. MenĂ©e d’une maniĂšre brutale et prĂ©cipitĂ©e, l’application du dĂ©cret suscita de nombreuses oppositions dans le pays. Elle rĂ©vĂ©la la mauvaise apprĂ©ciation de la rĂ©alitĂ© hydrologique des milieux politiques parisiens.The Decree of 14 Frimaire Year II on the Drainage of Ponds : Wild Hopes and Dismal Results. The Implementation of the Decree in Brie. The decree of 14 Frimaire YearII prescribed the drainage of ponds throughout the Republic. Adopted for circumstantial as much as ideological reasons, the decision needs also to be viewed in the context of the drainage policy pursued since the middle of the eighteenth century. Brutally and hastily conducted, the implementation of the decree gave rise to widespread opposition in the country. It revealed the poor assessment made of  hydrological reality by political circles in Paris

    L'histoire des zones humides

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    ESPACES DE TRANSITION entre la terre et l'eau, Ă©tapes essentielles au cycle de la vie, les zones humides constituent des lieux de rencontre privilĂ©giĂ©s entre l'homme et la nature. Elles suscitent aujourd'hui un intĂ©rĂȘt croissant tant de la part du grand public que du milieu scientifique. Pour satisfaire cette curiositĂ© relativement rĂ©cente, un Groupe d'histoire des zones humides s'est constituĂ© en 2002 dans le but de parvenir Ă  une meilleure connaissance du passĂ© de ces espaces. Cette crĂ©atio..

    Les micro-éveils chez l'homme : étude par enregistrements intracérébraux

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    Wakefulness, non rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep are characterized by specific brain activities. However, recent experimental findings as well as various clinical conditions (parasomnia, sleep inertia) have revealed the presence of transitional states. Brief intrusions of wakefulness into sleep, namely arousals, appear as relevant phenomena to characterize how brain commutes from sleep to wakefulness. Using intra-cerebral recordings in 8 drug-resistant epileptic patients we analyzed electroencephalographic (EEG) activity during spontaneous or nociceptive-induced arousals in NREM and REM sleep. Wavelet spectral analyses were performed to compare EEG signals during arousals, sleep and wakefulness, simultaneously in the thalamus, and primary, associative or high order cortical areas. We observed that: 1) thalamic activity during arousals is stereotyped and its spectral composition corresponds to a state in-between wakefulness and sleep 2) patterns of cortical activity during arousals are heterogeneous, their manifold spectral composition being related to several factors such as sleep stages, cortical areas, arousal modality ("spontaneous" vs nociceptive-induced) and homeostasis; 3) spectral compositions of EEG signals during arousal and wakefulness differ from each other. Thus, stereotyped arousals at the thalamic level seem to be associated with different patterns of cortical arousals due to various regulation factors. These results suggest that human cortex does not shift from sleep to wake in an abrupt binary way. Arousals may be considered more as different states of the brain than as "short awakenings". This phenomenon may reflect the mechanisms involved in the compromise needed to be found between two main contradictory functional necessities, preserving the continuity of sleep and maintaining the possibility to reactTrois Ă©tats de vigilance, caractĂ©risĂ©s par une activitĂ© cĂ©rĂ©brale spĂ©cifique, sont habituellement dĂ©crits chez l'Homme: la veille, le sommeil lent et le sommeil paradoxal. Cependant, certaines situations cliniques comme les parasomnies ou l'inertie de sommeil, ainsi que des travaux expĂ©rimentaux rĂ©cents chez l'animal et chez l'homme, suggĂšrent la possibilitĂ© d'Ă©tats intermĂ©diaires ou transitionnels. L'Ă©tude des micro- Ă©veils apparait pertinente pour apprĂ©hender les phĂ©nomĂšnes de transition entre Ă©tats de vigilance. Pour caractĂ©riser les micro-Ă©veils chez l'Homme, nous avons enregistrĂ© l'activitĂ© EEG au cours de micro-Ă©veils "spontanĂ©s" ou dĂ©clenchĂ©s par des stimulations nociceptives, en sommeil lent et en sommeil paradoxal, chez 8 patients Ă©pileptiques pharmaco-rĂ©sistants bĂ©nĂ©ficiant d'un bilan prĂ©-chirurgical invasif stĂ©rĂ©o-Ă©lectro- encĂ©phalographique. Les puissances spectrales dans diffĂ©rentes bandes de frĂ©quence au cours des micro-Ă©veils ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es Ă  celles dĂ©terminĂ©es sur le signal prĂ©cĂšdant le micro-Ă©veil. Le thalamus (pulvinar mĂ©dian), le cortex sensorimoteur primaire et plusieurs aires corticales associatives ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. Nous avons observĂ© 1) une grande reproductibilitĂ© intra et interindividuelle des modifications d'activitĂ© EEG associĂ©es aux micro-Ă©veils dans le thalamus, et qui correspondent Ă  un Ă©tat intermĂ©diaire entre la veille et le sommeil. 2) une importante hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des modes d'activation corticale au cours des micro-Ă©veils, quand bien mĂȘme l'activation sous- corticale est stĂ©rĂ©otypĂ©e. DiffĂ©rents facteurs participent Ă  cette variabilitĂ© : le cortex considĂ©rĂ©, le stade de sommeil au cours duquel le micro-Ă©veil survient, la nature du stimulus Ă  l'origine du micro-Ă©veil, ou encore des phĂ©nomĂšnes homĂ©ostatiques. 3) que la composition spectrale du signal au cours des micro-Ă©veils dansle cortex Ă©tait diffĂ©rente de l'Ă©tat de veille, ce qui situe les micro-Ă©veils hors du spectre des Ă©tats de vigilance classiquement diffĂ©renciĂ©s et constitue un argument en faveur du fait que la transition entre le sommeil et la veille au niveau cortical ne se fait pas de façon abrupte et binaire. Ainsi, les micro-Ă©veils apparaissent comme des Ă©tats d'activation cĂ©rĂ©brale rĂ©gulĂ©s au moins en partie localement par des mĂ©canismes impliquĂ©s dans la gestion d'une double nĂ©cessitĂ© thĂ©oriquement contradictoire : permettre au dormeur de rĂ©agir Ă  des stimulations pertinentes, tout en prĂ©servant la continuitĂ© du sommei

    Cumulative cultural evolution within evolving population structures

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordOur species has the peculiar ability to accumulate cultural innovations over multiple generations, a phenomenon termed ‘cumulative cultural evolution’ (CCE). Recent years have seen a proliferation of empirical and theoretical work exploring the interplay between demography and CCE. This has generated intense discussion about whether demographic models can help explain historical patterns of cultural changes. Here, we synthesize empirical and theoretical studies from multiple fields to highlight how both population size and structure can shape the pool of cultural information that individuals can build upon to innovate, present the potential pathways through which humans’ unique social structure might promote CCE, and discuss whether humans’ social networks might partly result from selection pressures linked to our extensive reliance on culturally accumulated knowledge

    Silent Microbleeds and Hemorrhagic Conversion of an Embolic Infarction

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    We report a patient with multiple simultaneous embolic infarctions with localized hemorrhagic conversion. A 75-year-old male patient had several silent microbleeds (SMBs) exclusively in the cerebral cortex, and underwent angioplasty and stenting for bilateral carotid stenosis. He subsequently experienced embolic infarctions in the cortex and the striatum: the cortical infarction, where an SMB had been present, showed hemorrhagic conversion, whereas the striatal infarction did not. This case suggests that SMBs are indicators of an underlying hemorrhage-prone state

    Understanding cumulative cultural evolution

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.No abstract availabl

    Convergence of knowledge in a cultural evolution model with population structure, random social learning and credibility biases

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    Understanding how knowledge is created and propagates within groups is crucial to explain how human populations have evolved through time. Anthropologists have relied on different theoretical models to address this question. In this work, we introduce a mathematically oriented model that shares properties with individual based approaches, inhomogeneous Markov chains and learning algorithms, such as those introduced in [F. Cucker, S. Smale, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 39 (1), 2002] and [F. Cucker, S. Smale and D.~X Zhou, Found. Comput. Math., 2004]. After deriving the model, we study some of its mathematical properties, and establish theoretical and quantitative results in a simplified case. Finally, we run numerical simulations to illustrate some properties of the model
