10 research outputs found

    Les impacts de mitochondries étrangères sur le phénotype : une étude holistique chez le ventre rouge du nord Chrosomus eos

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    Les organismes cybrides souffrent généralement d'une altération de la spécificité des interactions mito-nucléaires, résultant en une détérioration du phénotype. Toutefois, diverses études démontrent que le transfert de mitochondries peut occasionnellement être positif. À l'heure actuelle, de nombreuses questions demeurent quant au degré d'influence de ces transferts sur les différents niveaux d'organisation du phénotype. Afin de répondre à ces questions, les formes sauvages et cybrides du poisson Chrosomus eos sont étudiées. Ainsi, le premier volet de ce projet de recherche démontre un impact des mitochondries Chrosomus neogaeus à différents niveaux d'organisation du phénotype des poissons C. eos, lorsque les formes sauvages et cybrides sont retrouvées en allopatrie. Le deuxième volet de cette thèse révèle, quant à lui, que ces modifications phénotypiques ne sont pas suffisantes pour induire un évènement de spéciation entre les deux biotypes, lorsqu'en sympatrie. De plus, cette étude suggère que la coévolution mito-nucléaire peut ne pas être une condition sine qua non à la perpétuation des individus en milieu naturel. Finalement, l'approche holistique considérée dans le troisième volet de cette recherche atteste de l'influence des mitochondries C. neogaeus à différents niveaux d'organisation du phénotype de C. eos, lorsque les formes sauvages et cybrides sont sympatriques. Cette influence est moins prononcée que celle observée à partir de biotypes allopatriques. Combinés, ces chapitres contribuent à une meilleure compréhension des liens existant entre les mitochondries et le phénotype d'un individu.Cybrid organisms generally suffer from a disruption of the mito-nuclear interactions specificity, resulting in a phenotype deterioration. However, several studies demonstrate that between-species transfers of mitochondria can occasionally be beneficial. Currently, many questions still remain about how much these transfers can impact the various biological organisation levels of the phenotype. To address these questions, Chrosomus eos wild type and cybrids fish are considered. Thus, the first part of this research project demonstrates that Chrosomus neogaeus mitochondria impact the C. eos phenotype, at various levels of biological organisation, when wild type and cybrids are found in allopatry. On the other hand, the second part of this thesis reveals that these phenotypic modifications cannot trigger a speciation event between the two sympatric biotypes. This study also suggests that mito-nuclear coevolution would not be a sine qua non condition to survive and perform in natural environments. Finally, the holistic approach considered in the third part of this research shows that C. neogaeus mitochondria influence various levels of C. eos phenotype, when wild type and cybrids are sympatric. The magnitude of this influence is less pronounced than the one observed from allopatric biotypes. Combined, all these parts contribute to a better understanding of the links existing between mitochondria and the phenotype of an individual

    Early colonization of constructed technosol by microarthropods

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    International audienceTechnosols are defined by the World Reference Base as soils subjected to a strong human influence and containing at least 20% of artefacts. The construction of Technosol using recycled waste material is considered an appealing sustainable use of both natural and anthropic resources. Constructed Technosol can attract and host a multitude of soil organisms, forming a reserve of biodiversity. In this study, we assessed the early colonization – in successional stages – of a constructed Technosol supporting grassland vegetation by the microarthropod community, in particular Collembola. To do this, the taxonomic and functional characteristics of microarthropod communities in a newly constructed Technosol in northeast France were studied for a period of four years. Collembola communities also increased in density and taxonomic richness, as well as in functional richness and dispersion. However, hemiedaphic Collembola dominated the community, particularly in the fourth year. Findings at the end of the survey indicated that the Collembola community in the studied Technosol remained very different to that of natural grassland, while it shared some characteristics with arable land. However, the present research clearly showed that waste material recycling to construct a Technosol could be an opportunity to support soil microarthropod biodiversity

    Organo-mineral imprints in fossil cyanobacterial mats of an Antarctic lake

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    FRFC « Fossilisation of cyanobacteria : phylogenetic, micropaleontological and sedimentological approaches, and implications for the early biosphere evolutio