58 research outputs found

    Hydrological modeling in semi-arid region using HEC-HMS model. case study in Ain Sefra watershed, Ksour Mountains (SW-Algeria)

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    Ain Sefra is one of the Algerian cities that had been experienced several devastating floods during the past 100 years. The purpose of this study is to simulate rainfall-runoff in the semi-arid region of Ain Sefra watershed through the employing of HEC-HMS model. In this paper, the frequency storm is used for the meteorological model, the SCS curve number is selected to calculate the loss rate and SCS unit hydrograph method have been applied to simulate the runoff rate. After calibration and validation, the simulated peak discharges were very closed with observed values.The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient was 0.95 which indicated that the hydrological modeling results are satisfactory and accepted for simulation of rainfall-runoff. The peak discharges obtained for the 10, 50, 100 and 1000 years storms were respectively 425.8m3/s, 750.5m3/s, 904.3m3/s and 1328.3m3/s.Keywords: Ain Sefra, Floods, HEC-HMS, Frequency storm, Hydrological Modeling,Semi-ari

    Identification de composé sensibilisant préférentiellement les cellules exprimant les protéines E6 et E7 du VPH à l'irradiation

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    Le cancer du col utérin (CCU) est dans plus de 99% des cas provoqué par une infection avec le virus du papillome humain (VPH), dont le potentiel oncogénique réside dans l'expression des proto-oncogènes viraux E6/E7. Le potentiel carcinogénique de ces protéines virales réside essentiellement dans leurs actions sur les produits des gènes suppresseurs de tumeur p53 et RB. Les produits de ces gènes, p53 et Rb, font parti des voies de signalisation de réponse aux dommages de l'ADN cellulaire (RDA) et leur perte entraine une perte de fonctionnalité qui mène à une instabilité génomique. À long terme et en présence de d'autres facteurs ceux-ci mèneront au développement d'un cancer. Les protéines E6 et E7 sont constitutivement exprimées dans les cellules du CCU ainsi que dans les cellules de tout autre cancer induit par le VPH et seulement dans ces dernières. La prise en charge des cas avancés de ces cancers se fait principalement par radiothérapie et chimiothérapie concomitante. La chimio-radiothérapie utilisée en traitement est efficace mais résulte en un taux élevé de morbidité et un nombre important de patientes récidiveront. Nous proposons que l'exploitation de l'expression spécifique d’E6 et d’E7 dans les cellules du CCU permette d’envisager une stratégie de létalité synthétique afin d'amplifier l'effet létal de l'irradiation sur les cellules CCU. Ceci permettrait potentiellement d'augmenter l'efficacité du traitement et de diminuer les récidives, ainsi que la morbidité liée au traitement. En s'appuyant sur cette hypothèse, notre objectif est d’identifier des composés dont l'action seule ou couplée à l'irradiation provoquerait préférentiellement la mort des cellules exprimant les protéines E6 et E7 du VPH. Les cellules testées comprennent des cellules isogéniques humaines issues de kératinocytes normaux que nous avons modifiées séquentiellement pour obtenir les modifications associées aux cellules CCU (hTERT, E6 et E7), ainsi que les lignées de cellules de CCU HeLa et CaSki .Nous avons procédé à la mise au point et à la validation du protocole de criblage et des méthodes d’évaluation de la sensibilisation, qui se définit comme une perte de viabilité, un arrêt ou ralentissement de la croissance, par détection d’ATP ainsi que par coloration d’ADN génomique au DRAQ5. Suite à un criblage ciblé impliquant des inhibiteurs connus de la voie de réparation des dommages à l’ADN, nous avons identifié l’inhibiteur de mdm2, Nutlin-3, comme étant un composé sensibilisant et radio-sensibilisant préférentiellement les cellules exprimant E6 et E7 du VPH. La Nutlin-3 a été testée sur des cellules HEKn-hTERT-E6-E7, des cellules CaSki et HeLa. L’effet de sensibilisation et de radio-sensibilisation a été confirmé dans ces trois lignées. Tel que suggéré par son action sur mdmd2, la Nutlin-3 permet la stabilisation de p53 dans les cellules HEKn-hTERT-E6-E7 et CaSki et sa réactivation dans les lignées cellulaires HeLa et CaSki. Malgré cette stabilisation de p53, de façon surprenante, l’effet de la Nutlin-3 sur la sensibilisation et la radio-sensibilisation des cellules HeLa et CaSki semble indépendant de p53, tel qu’observé en utilisant des cellules HeLa-GSE et CaSki-GSE dont le p53 est déficient. In vivo la Nutlin-3a montre dans un essai préliminaire l’inhibition de la croissance tumorale des xénogreffes HeLa chez des souris RAG2γc. Ce résultat reste à confirmer avec un essai impliquant un nombre d’échantillons plus grand. À plus long terme, nous comptons étudier l’implication de mdm2 dans l’effet de sensibilisant de la Nutlin-3 dans les cellules CCUs, ainsi que les autres cibles pouvant être impliquées dans la création de cet effet sensibilisant observé.More than 99% of uterine cervical cancer (UCC) are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. The oncogenic potential of this virus lies in the expression of the proto-oncogenes E6/E7. These viral proteins are considered carcinogenic because of their effects on tumor suppressor proteins p53 and Rb. E6 and E7 promote p53 and Rb inactivation resulting in a loss of function in the DNA damage response pathways (DDR), genomic instability, and cancer development. The E6 and E7 proteins are expressed constitutively and specifically in cervical cancer cells and in the cells of other HPV-induced cancers. The treatment of advanced UCC is based on simultaneous radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Although these strategies are somewhat efficacious, there are still significant co-morbidities and cancer relapses. We hypothesized that the specific expression of E6 and E7 in cervical cancer cells can be exploited in a synthetic lethality strategy to amplify the lethal effect of irradiation. Thus, the efficacy of treatment could be increased, while reducing the cancer recurrence and treatment-related morbidities. Our objective is to identify chemical compounds that if used alone or coupled with irradiation, would preferentially induce the death of cells expressing proteins E6 and E7 of HPV. We used a cellular model of human keratinocytes that were modified to obtain the genetic signature associated with cervical cancer cells (the expression of E6 and E7). We then proceeded to the optimization and validation of the methods used to evaluate the sensitization of the tested cells. To measure sensitization, we evaluated the quantity of cellular ATP by ATPlite assay and the cellular DNA content with the DNA stain DRAQ5. After establishing a screening protocol, we proceeded to a low-density screening to identify a compound that can sensitize or radio-sensitize cervical cancer cells expressing the HPV proteins E6 and E7. We identified Nutlin-3 a mdm2, inhibitor, as a radio-sensitizing component for cells expressing E6 and E7 of HPV. Nutlin-3 was tested and sensitization confirmed in HEKn-hTERT-E6-E7 and in the cervical cancer cell lines HeLa and CaSki. We confirmed by Western-Blot the stabilisation of p53 in HEKn-hTERT-E6-E7 and CaSki cells treated with Nutlin-3. Moreover, Nutlin-3 promotes p53 reactivation in the HeLa and CaSki cell lines. Surprisingly, the effect of Nutlin-3 on the sensitization and radio-sensitization of the HeLa and CaSki cell lines appears to be p53-independent. This is based on the observations made using p53-deficient HeLa-GSE and CaSki-GSE cell lines, which were also sensitized by Nutlin-3. In addition, preliminary experiments showed that Nutlin-3a inhibits in vivo tumor growth, as seen using xenografts of HeLa in mice with a RAG2γc genetic background. This remains to be confirmed using an extended cohort of mice. In the future, it will be important to examine the implication of mdm2 in the sensitization effect of Nutlin-3 in cervical cancer cells and to find others possible targets that may play a role in the sensitization effect of Nutlin-3 observed in cervical cancer cells

    Polar [3 + 2] cycloaddition of ketones with electrophilically activated carbonyl ylides. Synthesis of spirocyclic dioxolane indolinones.

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    International audienceThe [3 + 2] cycloaddition reaction between carbonyl ylides generated from epoxides and ketones (ethyl pyruvate, ethyl phenylglyoxylate, isatin, N-methylisatin and 5-chloroisatin) to give substituted dioxolanes and spirocyclic dioxolane indolinones was investigated. The effect of microwave irradiation on the outcome of the reaction was studied. The thermal reaction between 2,2-dicyano-3-phenyloxirane and N-methylisatin was theoretically studied using DFT methods. This reaction is a domino process that comprises two steps. The first is the thermal ring opening of the epoxide to yield a carbonyl ylide intermediate, whereas the second step is a polar [3 + 2] cycloaddition to yield the final spiro cycloadducts. The cycloaddition presents a low stereoselectivity and a large regio- and chemoselectivity. Analysis of the electrophilicity values and the Fukui functions of the reagents involved in the cycloaddition step allowed the chemical outcome to be explained

    Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic effects of Anabasis articulata (Forssk) Moq (Chenopodiaceae), an Algerian medicinal plant

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    Anabasis articulata leaves decoction is widely used by Algerian traditional medicine practitioners as a remedy for the treatment of diabetes. The aqueous extract was found to be non-toxic at 1000 mg/kg, asno deaths or hazardous signs were recorded during treatment or the observation period (24 and 72 h) in either control or treated groups of mice. Experiments were performed in non-diabetic mice, and inhyperglycemic mice (glucose treated and alloxan treated mice) to confirm the antidiabetic potential of A. articulata. Our results showed that the orally administration at a dose of 400 mg/kg decreased the glycaemia by 29.89% after 6 h (p < 0.05), corresponding to the greatest decrease of blood glucose in normoglycaemic mice. This dose also lowered blood glucose concentrations in diabetic mice revealing antihyperglycemic effect of A. articulata leaves. The class of phytochemical responsible for antidiabetic effects in aqueous leaf extract was also investigated. Phytochemical screening showed that the aqueous extract contains alkaloids (1.25%) and saponin (1.30%). Our findings showed that saponin (5 mg/Kg) was the active fraction, since it restores the normal blood glucose levels after 21 days of treatment. The alkaloid fraction did not significantly reduce the blood glucose level. The present studyconfirms the antidiabetic proprieties of A. articulata leaves previously reported by Algerian healers

    An Experimental Study of the Drying of Papayes by Solar Panels

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    One of the major problems concerning the use of solar panels for heating is the low level of thermal interchange with air in the dynamic vein of the solar panel. This weakness in such systems does not enable an optimum performance or high level of thermal efficiency to be obtained from their use. There is, however, a very noticeable improvement to thermal transfer when baffles are placed in rows in the ducts. To conduct the experiments, solar energy was simulated, the aim being to improve the ratio between temperature and thermal efficiency of an air heating plane solar panel and to make use of the system to reduce the drying time of papayes

    A combined experimental and theoretical study of the polar [3+2] cycloaddition of electrophilically activated carbonyl ylides with aldehydes and imines

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    International audienceNumerous 2,5-diaryl-1,3-dioxolane-4,4-dicarbonitriles and 2,4-diphenyl-1,3-oxazolidine-5,5- dicarbonitriles have been synthesized by [3+2] cycloaddition reactions between carbonyl ylides generated from epoxides, and aldehydes or imines. In contrast to the use of aldehydes (3,4,5- trimethoxybenzaldehyde, piperonal, 1-naphthaldehyde, indole-3-carboxaldehyde, furan-2- carboxaldehyde and thiophene-2-carboxaldehyde), the reactions performed with imines (N- (phenylmethylene)methanamine, N-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-ylmethylene)propylamine, N-(1,3-benzodioxol- 5-ylmethylene)butylamine and N-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-ylmethylene)benzylamine) proceed diastereoselectively. The effect of microwave irradiation on the outcome of the reaction was studied. The mechanism of these [3+2] cycloaddition reactions has been theoretically investigated using DFT methods. These cycloadditions, which have one-step mechanisms, consist of the nucleophilic attack of the aldehyde oxygen or imine nitrogen on the carbonyl ylide. For the reaction with aldehydes, a back donation effect is responsible for the unexpected reverse charge transfer found at the transition structure. The analysis of the reactivity indices indicates that the large electrophilic character of the carbonyl ylides induces them to act as strong electrophiles in these polar [3+2] cycloaddition reactions

    Métastase orbitaire révélant un carcinome mammaire : A propos d’un cas

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    IntroductionLes métastases orbitaires des cancers solides sont peu fréquentes, elles surviennent généralement chez des patients qui ont un cancer connu et traité. Les métastases du cancer du sein touchent surtout l’os, le foie, le poumon, la peau et le cerveau plus rarement l’orbite.ObservationNous rapportons le cas d’une jeune patiente orientée à notre service pour la prise en charge d’un processus tumoral de l’orbite gauche, qui a révélé un cancer du sein

    A combined experimental and theoretical study of the thermal cycloaddition of aryl azides with activated alkenes.

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    International audienceReactions were performed from aryl azides on the one hand, and activated alkenes coming from β-dicarbonyl compounds or malonodinitrile on the other hand, either with recourse to conventional heating or to microwave activation, to afford 1-aryl-1H-1,2,3-triazoles. The mechanism and the regioselectivity of the reactions involving β-dicarbonyl compounds have been theoretically studied using DFT methods at the B3LYP/6-31G* level: they are domino processes comprising a tautomeric equilibrium of the β-dicarbonyl compounds with their enol forms, a 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of the enol forms with the aryl azides (high activation energy), and a dehydration process (lower activation energy). The effect of non-conventional activation methods on the degradation of 1,2,3-triazolines was next studied experimentally. Finally, some of the 1,2,3-triazoles such synthesized were evaluated for their bactericidal and cytotoxic activities
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