37 research outputs found

    Effect of Application of Transient Electromagnetic Method in Detection of Water-Inrushing Structures in Coal Mines

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    AbstractInfluenced by topographical and geological conditions, it is difficult for research of mine hydrological geophysics to rapidly and accurately detect passages inducing flooding of mines from water-accumulating abandoned mines, to detect precisely small structures causing flooding of mines. Through the study of the key technical difficult problems of the application of transient electromagnetic method(TEM) in hydrogeological exploration in coal mines, the characteristics of TEM such as sensibility to low resistivity, high transverse resolution and high speed have been sufficiently utilized. New inversion technologies have been used to improve the precision of TEM detection. During many rescues of water flooding induced by water inrush in coal mines, TEM has rapidly and accurately located water-inrushing structures in coal mines. It gains time for emergency rescue in coal mines, has significant social and economical benefits. TEM technology has become an important means for water control exploration in coal mines and has optimistic prospect of application


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    Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran jarak jauh, terdapat beberapa hal yang harus dihadapi salah satunya adalah kendala mengenai kedisiplinan siswa. Penelitian ini memaparkan mengenai proses yang dilakukan guru dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan, tingkat disiplin belajar siswa di SDN 1 Galihpakuwon, dan tingkat disiplin belajar siswa kelas rendah dan kelas tinggi di SDN 1 Galihpakuwon. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif yang pengumpulan datanya dilakukan melalui wawancara terhadap guru dan penyebaran kuesioner kepada 143 orang siswa di SDN 1 Galihpakuwon. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah upaya guru dalam meningkatkan disiplin belajar siswa adalah dengan cara memberikan arahan, dorongan, motivasi, dan berkolaborasi bersama orang tua siswa. Tingkat disiplin siswa selama pelaksanaan pembelajaran jarak jauh adalah sebesar 8,40% berada dikategori rendah, 81,1% berada dikategori sedang, dan 10,5% dikategori tinggi. Kemudian tingkat disiplin kelas rendah diantaranya adalah 8,6% dikategori rendah, 72,9% dikategori sedang, dan 18,6 dikategoi tinggi. Tingkat disiplin siswa kelas tinggi diantaranya adalah 8,2% dikategori rendah, 89% dikategori sedang, dan 2,7% dikategori tinggi. Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan informasi mengenai proses yang dilakukan guru guna meningkatkan disiplin belajar siswa dan dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan mengenai disiplin belajar siswa. ------ In the implementation of distance learning, there are several things that must be faced, one of which is the problem of student discipline. This study describes the process carried out by the teacher in improving discipline, the level of student learning discipline at SDN 1 Galihpakuwon, and the level of discipline for low-grade and high-grade students at SDN 1 Galihpakuwon. This study uses a descriptive quantitative method where data collection is done through interviews with teachers and distributing questionnaires to 143 students at SDN 1 Galihpakuwon. The result of this research is that the teacher's efforts to improve student learning discipline are by providing direction, encouragement, motivation, and collaborating with students' parents. The level of student discipline during the implementation of distance learning is 8.40% in the low category, 81.1% in the medium category, and 10.5% in the high category. Then the level of discipline in the low class includes 8.6% in the low category, 72.9% in the medium category, and 18.6 in the high category. The discipline level of high grade students includes 8.2% in the low category, 89% in the medium category, and 2.7% in the high category. This research can be used as information about the process carried out by teachers to improve student learning discipline and can be used as consideration for student learning discipline


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    This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the production of palm oil in Indonesia . This study uses panel data, which is a combination of 7-year time series data and 23 provinces of cross section data from during 2014 to 2020. To analyze the data, this uses panel data analysis methods. Based on technique model selection, the best choices model in study is fixed effects models . The results showed from the partial test of the three independent variables, land area, labor and the number of palm oil processing companies have a positive and significant effect on palm oil production in Indonesia. Further more, The simultaneously results showed that. the area of land, the number of workers, the number of palm oil processing companies have a positive and significant effect on palm oil production in Indonesi


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    Abstrak: Masa remaja merupakan tahapan antara masa kanak-kanak dengan masa dewasa biasanya mulai dari usia 14 tahun pada pria dan usia 12 tahun pada wanita. Pada remaja putri khususnya ditandai dengan dimulainya siklus menstruasi. Salah satu gangguan menstruasi adalah dismenore. Angka kejadian nyeri menstruasi di dunia cukup besar, rata-rata lebih dari 50% perempuan di setiap Negara mengalami nyeri menstruasi. Kriteria umur remaja berkisar antara 10-19 tahun. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengetahuan tentang menstruasi dengan upaya penanganan dismenorea di MTs Alhidayah Tunggul Pawenang Kecamatan Adiluwih Kabupaten Pringsewu. Penelitian ini merupakan penlitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Waktu pelaksanaannya pada bulan juni 2017 di MTs Alhidayah Tunggul Pawenang Kecamatan Adiluwih Kabupaten Pringsewu. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswi kelas 1 dan 2 sejumlah 67 siswi.. Pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan total populasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang menstruasi dengan upaya penanganan dismenorea didapatkan pvalue 0,001 (<0.05). Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat menambah wawasan para siswi pengetahuan tentang menstruasi dengan upaya penanganan dismenorea, serta meningkatkan kemampuan siswi untuk melakukan penanganan pada saat dismenorea. Abstract:  Adolescence is a stage between childhood and adulthood usually ranging from the age of 14 years in men and 12 years of age in women. Young women in particular are characterized by the start of the menstrualcycle. One of menstrual disorders is dysmenorrhoea. The rate of menstrual pain in the world is quite large, on average more than 50% of women in every country experience menstrual pain. When the age of adolescents ranged from 10-19 years. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship of knowledge about menstruation with the efforts of handling dysmenorrhoea in MTs Al-hidayah Tunggul Pawenang Adiluwih Pringsewu. The type of research used in this study is quantitative. The research design used was cross sectional. The time of its implementation in June 2017. in MTs Al-hidayah Tunggul Pawenang Adiluwih Pringsewu. Population in this research is student of class 1 and 2 number of 67 student. Sampling using total population. The result of analysis shows that there is a relationship between knowledge about menstruation with the effort of handling dysmenorrhoea obtained p-value 0,001 (<0.05). It is expected that the results of this study can increase the insight of the students of knowledge about menstruation with the handling of dysmenorrhoea. And increase the willingness of students to perform treatment at the time of dysmenorrhoea


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    Jejaring Hijau Indonesia memiliki jaringan agen usaha yang tersebar di beberapa kota di Indonesia. Penanganan order pelanggan saat ini masih dilakukan tanpa sistem yang terintegrasi, terutama pada proses pengiriman produk yang di order pelanggan. PT. JHI mempunyai petugas kurir yang telah terdaftar. Namun pada saat membutuhkan jasa petugas kurir, petugas admin penjualan PT. JHI mengalami kesulitan untuk mengetahui petugas kurir yang siap untuk melakukan pengiriman. Selain itu, petugas admin saat ini tidak dapat memantau posisi petugas kurir saat melaksanakan tugas pengiriman, sehingga petugas admin tidak dapat memberikan informasi kepada pelanggan progress pengiriman. Aplikasi yang dibuat pada penelitian ini berhasil membantu petugas admin penjualan PT. JHI untuk mengelola pengiriman. Pada sistem, petugas admin dapat mengetahui petugas kurir yang siap untuk melaksanakan tugas pengiriman dan melakukan pemantauan progress pengiriman secara tepat dengan informasi posisi petugas di peta. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini, petugas kurir juga memiliki fasilitas untuk mengetahui tugas yang diberikan, rute ke lokasi tujuan dan mengetahui jumlah komisi yang didapatkan dari tugas yang berhasil diselesaikan. Aplikasi dibangun dengan teknologi microservice yang terbagi menjadi 4 bagian yaitu bagian yang mengelola data petugas kurir, bagian pemberian tugas ke petugas kurir, bagian yang mencatat data agen atau merchant dan bagian yang mencatat data pelanggan. Aplikasi telah diuji dengan menggunakan metode blackbox testing dan telah terbukti berjalan sesuai dengan perancangan dan kebutuhan PT. JHI

    Pelatihan Pengelolaan Jurnal Ilmiah Pada Portal Open Journal System (OJS) Universitas Malikussaleh Dalam Ruang Lingkup Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB)

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    Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman bagi para pengelola jurnal ilmiah FEB Unimal khususnya terkait mekanisme pengaturan awal, pengumpulan artikel hingga cara mempublikasinya. Selain itu, pengabdian melalui pelatihan ini juga dilaksanakan untuk memberikan wawasan mengenai cara pengeleloaan jurnal ilmiah agar dapat terindex secara nasional maupun internasional, dan diharapkan dengan kehadiran jurnal-jurnal tersebut dapat memberikan manfaat khususnya bagi para akademik. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini ialah berupa sosialisasi, pengenalan Open Journal System (OJS), evaluasi/pendampingan serta refleksi dari para peserta. Hasil yang dicapai dalam pelatihan ini ialah para peserta dapat memahami materi dengan sangat baik serta sangat aplikatif dalam pengoperasian jurnal yang dikelola pada website OJS. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa jurnal-jurnal ilmiah pada FEB Unimal layak untuk menerbitkan karya ilmiah para penulis yang didasarkan pada kompetensi para pengelolanya

    A control method for the single-phase three-leg unified power quality conditioner without a phase-locked loop

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    The single-phase three-leg unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) can achieve the functions of voltage compensation, reactive power compensation, and harmonic compensation. However, traditional control algorithms require a phase-locked loop to obtain the real-time phase angle of the grid voltage, which undoubtedly increases algorithm complexity. To simplify the phase-locked calculation, this paper proposes a control method without the phase-locked loop for the single-phase three-leg UPQC. In the proposed scheme, the instantaneous value of the grid voltage is employed to realize the grid integration control. Then, the load voltage reference is calculated in real time using a second-order generalized integrator. Moreover, a simple algorithm for reactive power and harmonic compensation is discussed, further simplifying the control algorithm. Finally, a small-scale experimental platform is built, and the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by the experimental results

    The Interaction of TPH2 and 5-HT2A Polymorphisms on Major Depressive Disorder Susceptibility in a Chinese Han Population: A Case-Control Study

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    Purpose: TPH2 and 5-HT2A appear to play vital roles in the homeostatic regulation of serotonin levels in the brain, their genetic variations may lead to impaired homeostatic regulation of serotonin resulting in abnormal levels of serotonin in the brain, thus predisposing individuals to MDD. However, research studies have yet to confirm which gene-gene interaction effect between TPH2 and 5-HT2A polymorphisms results in increased susceptibility to MDD.Methods: A total of 565 participants, consisting of 278 MDD patients and 287 healthy controls from the Chinese Han population, were recruited for the present study. Six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of TPH2/5-HT2A were selected to assess their interaction by use of a generalized multifactor dimensionality reduction method.Results: A-allele carriers of rs11178997 and rs120074175 were more likely to suffer from MDD than T-allele carriers of rs11178997, or G-allele carriers of rs120074175. The interaction between TPH2 (rs120074175, rs11178997) and 5-HT2A (rs7997012) was considered as the best multi-locus model upon the MDD susceptibility.Conclusions: Our data identified an important effect of TPH2 genetic variants (rs11178997 and rs120074175) upon the risk of MDD, and suggested that the interaction of TPH2/5-HT2A polymorphism variants confer a greater susceptibility to MDD in Chinese Han population

    fuscc-deep-path/sc_MTOP: For publication

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    sc-MTOP is an analysis framework based on deep learning and computational pathology. This framework aims to characterize the tumor ecosystem diversity at the single-cell level. This code provide 1) Hover-Net-based nuclear segmentation and classification; 2) Nuclear morphological and texture feature extraction; 3) Multi-level pairwise nuclear graph construction and spatial topological feature extraction

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