323 research outputs found

    Urban public spaces in the context of Centennial Olympic Park, Atlanta, USA

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    Kentsel ortak mekanlar kentlilerin gündelik ihtiyaçlarını giderdikleri, sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik nedenlerle bir araya geldikleri kamusal ortak kullanım alanlarıdır. Bu alanların, kent güncesinde önemli yer tutan olayları, kent kimligini ve yerel kültürü yansıtan bir yaklasımla düzenlenmesi ve buna paralel tasarım ögelerini barındırması bu alanları daha nitelikli ve anlamlı kılmaktadır. Makalede ele alınan Centennial Olimpiyat Parkı (Atlanta, ABD.) bu özelligiyle bir anı parkı olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Ülkemiz örnegindeki kamusal dıs mekanların, kent belleginin olusturulması ve kent kültürünü yansıtması anlamında yetersiz oldukları göze çarpmaktadır. Çalısmada parkın genel özellikleri incelenmis ve ülkemiz pratigine yansımalar olusturmak üzere degerlendirmelerde bulunulmustur.Public spaces are the central locations, which serve as gathering places for people, and serve as locations for a variety of civic activities. These places play a fundamental role in terms of creating community identity and fostering social and economical interactions. Public places become memorable when they are designed to reflect the character of the community or the significant events that are unique to that community. The Centennial Olympic Park (Atlanta, United States) shows these characteristics. Unfortunately, public places in our country do not reflect our culture and the character of our communities. In this study, the Centennial Olympic Park was investigated in detail to improve our practices in creating memorable and unique public spaces

    Evaluation of the new turkish penal law regarding to environmental crimes

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    In this study, theNewTurkish Penal Law is evaluated in terms of it's implications on protecting and preserving the environment. It is clear that the New Turkish Penal Law contains significant revisions compare to the Former Turkish Penal Law. However, the New Turkish Penal Law appears to be incompatible with the Turkish Constitutional Law. In addition, the punishments and penalties proposed for environmental crimes may be insufficient to protect and to improve the environment.Arastırmada farklı boyutlarıyla kamuoyunda tartısılan Yeni Türk Ceza Kanunu; çevrenin korunması ve gelistirilmesi baglamında incelenmis, yaptırımları, çevre üzerindeki olası etkileri yönüyle degerlendirilmis ve öneriler olusturulmustur. Yürürlükteki Anayasa ve yasalarla olan iliskileri baglamında detaylı yorumların yapıldıgı arastırmanın bulguları Yeni Türk Ceza Kanununun Eski Türk Ceza Kanununa kıyasla yenilikler içerdigini ancak bütüncül bir yaklasımdan uzak oldugunu ve yaptırımlarının çevrenin korunması ve gelistirilmesinde yetersiz kalacagını ortaya koymaktadır

    Potential use of some native herbaceous plants found of Samson mountain as ornamentals

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    Türkiye sahip oldugu zengin biyoçesitlilikle dünyanın sayılı gen merkezlerinden biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Ancak bu kadar büyük bir potansiyele sahip olmasına ragmen kültüre alınan bitki türlerine, bu zenginligin yeterince yansıtılamadıgı, uygulamalarda yogun olarak egzotik türlerin yer aldıgı görülmektedir. Günümüzde çevre sorunlarına yönelik ilginin artması ve ekolojik söylemin gündelik hayatta artan bir ilgiyle takip edilmesiyle beraber olusan bilinçlenme, insanları yeni beklenti ve arayıslara itmekte, bunun sonucu olarak da bitkilendirme çalısmalarında dogal bitki türlerinin kullanımının önemi giderek artmaktadır. Literatürde, dogal bitki türlerinin kentsel ve kırsal alanlarda kullanımının ekosistem bütünlügüne sagladıgı katkıları isaret eden sayısız arastırma mevcuttur. Ancak dogal bitki türlerinin sagladıgı katkılardan faydalanılabilmesi öncelikle her bölgeye özgü bitki türlerinin tanınması, arastırılması ve üretim yöntemlerinin ayrıntılı olarak belirlenmesine baglıdır. Bu baglamda yürütülen çalısmada Samson Dagı dogal bitki örtüsünde mevcut olan bazı otsu karakterdeki bitki türlerinin belirlenmesi ve peyzaj mimarlıgı uygulamalarında kullanımolanaklarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıstır. Çalısma sonucu amacımıza uygun özelliklere sahip ve bu özellikleri itibari ile bitkilendirme çalısmalarında kullanım potansiyeli tasıyan otsu karakterdeki bitki türlerinden 14 adedi degerlendirmeye alınmıs ve bu türlerin peyzaj mimarlıgı uygulamalarında kullanımolanakları irdelenmistir.Turkey is recognized as an important gene source, because of the rich genetic diversity found in Turkey's flora. Turkey has a great variety of native plant species. However, the number of cultivated plant species doesn't reflect this richness. Exotic species are extensively used for planting applications. Nowadays, environmental problems have attracted an increasing interest in public agenda raising the public awareness for ecological issues and creating significantly higher expectations. Using native species in landscape applications is becoming a more common practice. There is a great body of literature that denotes using native plant species to support ecological integrity of urban and rural spaces. To utilize these benefits, first of all, the flora of the each region has to be elaborately recognized and specific propagation methods have to be determined. The goal of this research was to determine some native herbaceous species present in Samson Mountain flora and their possible use as ornamental plants in landscape applications. As a result of this study, a total 14 native plant species to Mount Samson were selected and examined for their potential use in landscape architecture applications

    The Predictivity of Serum Biochemical Markers in Acute Biliary Pancreatitis

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    Background and Aim. There are no accurate methods of differentiating acute biliary pancreatitis. Obstructions of biliary ducts, idiopathic pancreatitis may be related with biliary origin which needs identification for acute treatment. We searched for the predictivity of biochemical markers in early acute biliary pancreatitis. Patients and Methods. Serum levels of AST (Aspartate Transaminase),ALT (Alanine Transaminase), ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase), GGT (Gamma Glutamyl Transferase), total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase), amylase, lipase, CRP (C-Reactive Protein) and WBC (White Blood Cell) were measured in 157 patients with acute pancreatitis. Biliary and nonbiliary pancreatitis were differentiated by Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), Intraoperative Cholangiopancreatography (IOC). Cut-off points of admission biochemical markers with sensitivity, specifity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were determined after identification of significant variables. Receiver Operator Curves were plotted for each biochemical marker. Results. Serum Alkaline Phosphatase, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, amylase and lipase levels were significantly higher in biliary pancreatitis with a positive predictive value of 80.8%, 83.9%, 81.6%, 78.8%, 79.7%. Conclusion. Increased Alkaline Phosphatase,total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, amylase and lipase levels may be used in prediction of biliary pancreatitis

    Agile development approach for the observatory control software of the DAG 4m telescope

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    Observatory Control Software for the upcoming 4m infrared telescope of DAG (Eastern Anatolian Observatory in Turkish) is in the beginning of its lifecycle. After the process of elicitation-validation of the initial requirements, we have been focused on preparation of a rapid conceptual design not only to see the big picture of the system but also to clarify the further development methodology. The existing preliminary designs for both software (including TCS and active optics control system) and hardware shall be presented here in brief to exploit the challenges the DAG software team has been facing with. The potential benefits of an agile approach for the development will be discussed depending on the published experience of the community and on the resources available to us

    Results of Our Patients with Proximal Humerus Fractures above 60 Years of Age, in which We Applied Osteosynthesis with Locked Humerus Plate

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    INTRODUCTION: There is controversy about the treatment of proximal humeral fracture (PHF) in elderly patients. Surgery should be considered especially for comminuted and advanced displacement fractures. Due to factors such as osteoporosis caused by advanced age, locked proximal humeral plates (LPHP) with good bone involvement are preferred. We examined the results of the LPHP that we applied for PHF over 60 years. METHODS: Patients with PHF over the age of 60 were included in the study. Patients underwent open reduction with a deltopectoral incision and osteosynthesis with a LPHP. Patients are followed up for at least 1 year radiologically and clinically. After the first year, our patients were evaluated according to the Constant-Murley shoulder score (CMSS) and complications were followed up. RESULTS: 31 patients with PHF who were operated on by us were included in our study (25 females,6 males). The mean age is 71.22(62-87). Our patients; According to the Neer classification, 1 has 1-part,13 has 2-part,12 has 3-part, 5 has 4-part and 3 has fracture-dislocations. Mean follow-up time: 13.9(12-18) months. Average union time: 13.55 weeks(12-20). The mean CMSS was found to be 49.74(23-98). There was no significant difference between the CMSS of patients above and below 70 years. No significant difference was found between the CMSS of Neer type 1,2 and 3,4 patients. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Since locked humeral plate application in patients with PCC over 60 years is prone to complications and poor functional results,we think that it would be appropriate to plan the surgeries accordingly by considering alternative treatment options for these patients

    Engelli çocuğa sahip olan ebeveynlerin durumluk-sürekli kaygı ve yaşam doyumlarının incelenmesi

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    The aim of  this research is to examine the effects of state-trait anxiety and life satisfaction, of parents’ with disabled children and changes related to the children’s sex, kind of disability and their attendance/nonattendance to the training groups. The participatens consist of total 407 parents,consisting of  293 women and 114 men. The data is collected using state and trait anxiety inventory, satisfaction with life scale,and personal information form. The current  research found out  that the state and trait anxiety affects parents’satisfaction with life scale significantly. The level of tarit anxiety changes considerably according to the child’s sex-variation, it’s also observed that parents’ state and trait anxiety and their satisfaction with life scale change according to the kind of disability. While this variation is observed for parents’average marks of satisfaction with life scale with regard to child’s attendance variability to the training groups , the same change is not found for the state and trait anxiety marks.Bu araştırmanın amacı engelli çocuğa sahip olan ebeveynlerin durumluk-sürekli kaygılarının yaşam doyumları üzerindeki etkisini incelemek ve ebeveynlerin durumluk-sürekli kaygıları ve yaşam doyumlarının cinsiyet, çocuğun engel türü ve eğitim gruplarına katılıp katılmama değişkenlerine göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığını saptamaktır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu 293 kadın ve 114 erkek olmak üzere toplam 407 ebeveynden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma verileri durumluk-sürekli kaygı envanteri, yaşam doyumu ölçeği ve kişisel bilgi formu kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda durumluk-sürekli kaygının yaşam doyumunu anlamlı düzeyde yordadığı görülmüştür (p<0.01). Ebeveynlerin sürekli kaygı düzeyleri cinsiyet değişkeni açısından anlamlı düzeyde farklılaşmaktadır, çocuğun engel türüne göre ebeveynlerin durumluk-sürekli kaygıları ve yaşam doyumları da anlamlı düzeyde farklılaştığı saptanmıştır. Eğitim gruplarına katılma değişkeni açısından ise ebeveynlerin yaşam doyumları puan ortalamaları arasında anlamlı bir farklılaşma gözlenirken durumluk-sürekli kaygı puan ortalamaları arasında anlamlı farklılaşma bulunmamıştır

    A study on marital relationship and marital life satisfaction with regard to values of marital couplesEvlilik içi ilişki ile evlilikteki yaşam doyumunun evli çiftlerin değerleri açısından incelenmesi

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the life satisfaction and marital relationships of married couples with regard to values of them. This study is based on relational scanning model. The scope of this study is composed of married couples living in Konya. The sample of this study consists of voluntarily adults, selected by convenience sampling approach. The sample of this study composed of totally 554 married couples, 377 females (68.1 %) and 177 males (31.9 %). Schwartz Value Survey, Marital Self-efficacy Scale and Marital Life Scale were used in this study. SPSS 16.00 was used to analyze the data.  Pearson product moment correlation coefficient was also used to determine the relationships among marital relationships, marital life satisfaction and values of married couples. A multiple linear regression analysis was used to predict whether the value of married couples explains significantly marital relationships and marital life satisfaction. Results indicated that marital life satisfaction was found to positively and significantly correlate with power, stimulation, benevolence and security sub-dimensions of Schwartz Value Survey. Also, achievement, hedonism, stimulation, universalism, tradition and conformity sub-dimensions of Schwartz Value Survey predicted to marital life satisfaction. ÖzetBu araştırmanın amacı, evlilik içi ilişki ile evlilikte yaşam doyumunun evli çiftlerin değerleri açısından incelenmesidir. Araştırma, ilişkisel tarama modeline uygun olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın evreni Konya da yaşayan evli çiftlerden oluşmaktadır. Örneklem grubu ise araştırmaya gönüllü olarak katılan yetişkinlerden uygun (convenience) örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilmiştir. Örneklem, 377’ si (%68.1) kadın ve 177’ü (%31.9.) erkek olmak üzere 554 evli yetişkinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmada, Schwartz Değerler Listesi, Evlilikte Öz-yetkinlik Ölçeği ve Evlilik Yaşamı Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada uygulanan ölçeklerden elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesi SPSS 16.00 paket programı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Evli çiftlerin, değerler ile evlilik yaşamı doyumu ve evlilik ilişkisi arasındaki ilişkinin ortaya konulmasında Pearson Momentler Çarpımı Korelasyonu tekniği kullanılmıştır. Evli çiftlerin değerlerinin, evlilik içi ilişki ile evlilikteki yaşam doyumunu anlamlı düzeyde açıklayıp açıklamadığı ise çoklu doğrusal regresyon analizi ile test edilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara bakıldığında, evlilik yaşamı doyumunun, değerler ölçeğinin alt boyutlarından güç, uyarılma, yardımseverlik ve güven ile pozitif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Ayrıca değerler ölçeğinin başarı,  hazcılık, uyarılma, evrensellik, geleneksellik ve uyum alt boyutlarının evlilik yaşamı doyumunu yordadığı görülmektedir

    Are there fetal stem cells in the maternal brain?

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    GUZEL, Ali irfan/0000-0002-9720-5920; Tunc, Erdal/0000-0003-4964-1004;WOS: 000317029800002PubMed: 25206703Fetal cells can enter maternal blood during pregnancy but whether they can also cross the blood-brain barrier to enter the maternal brain remains poorly understood. Previous results suggest that fetal cells are summoned to repair damage to the mother's brain. If this is confirmed, it would open up new and safer avenues of treatment for brain damage caused by strokes and neural diseases. in this study, we aimed to investigate whether a baby's stem cells can enter the maternal brain during pregnancy. Deceased patients who had at least one male offspring and no history of abortion and blood transfusion were included in this study. DNA was extracted from brain tissue samples of deceased women using standard phenol-chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation methods. Genomic DNA was screened by quantitative fluorescent-polymerase chain reaction amplification together with short tandem repeat markers specific to the Y chromosome, and 13, 18, 21 and X. Any foreign DNA residues that could be used to interpret the presence of fetal stem cells in the maternal brain were monitored. Results indicated that fetal stem cells can not cross the blood-brain barrier to enter the maternal brain.Research Funds of University of Cukurova, TurkeyCukurova UniversityThe study was supported by Research Funds of University of Cukurova, Turkey

    Imaging Findings of the Morel-Lavellée Lesion

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    Introduction: This study aims to evaluate the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of the Morel-Lavellée lesion (MLL),which described as degloving injury of the subcutaneous fatty tissue.Methods: MRI features of fifteen patients in whom the diagnosis of MLL was established by clinically or surgery retrospec-tively analyzed.Results: All the lesions were located in the lower extremities, and 86.6% (n=13) were located at the knee level or above. Alllesions had an anatomic relationship with deep fascia. The majority of the lesions were in either fusiform or crescentic form.60% (n=9) of the lesions showed a well-defined smooth contour. Pseudocapsules were observed in nine patients (60%).46.6% (n=7) of the lesions had a homogeneous signal property. The intralesional hemorrhagic signal was observed in 26.6%(n=4) of the lesions and intra-lesional fat signal in 46.6% (n=7). One patient had fluid-fluid leveling. In two cases, muscleinjury were accompanied by the MLL. In all cases, no associated bone lesion was noted.Discussion and Conclusion: MLL should be considered if a well-circumscribed, crescentic or fusiform subcutaneous masslesion in association with the deep fascia is present, especially in the presence of a history of previous trauma