75 research outputs found

    Liquid crystal cell as a model of a biological system: biosensor

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    The relevance of the work is determined by the constant search for new solutions in biology and medicine to create biomaterials and suspensions with specified physicochemical properties. The paper considers nematic liquid crystals of the class of two ringed ethers with different terminal groups. Thin layers (8 -100 microns) of liquid crystals were affected by an electric field. In the case when the electric field was directed perpendicular to the molecules (homeotropic orientation), a torsion moment occurred. In the case of the planar orientation of the crystal molecules with the application of an electric field, the formation of a domain pattern of the type of concentric circles was observed. It is found that the magnitude of the wave vector changes in direct proportion to the applied field. The results of the presented studies can be used in biology and medicine. The proposed liquid crystal cell can be used as a cell model of a living organism, as a biosensor or for molecular imaging to study the issues of drug delivery to cells, tissue regeneration, and the creation of new biomaterials

    Desenvolvimento do turismo regional: fatores que afetam a formação de competências profissionais em futuros profissionais do turismo

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    The socio-political changes faced by Russia force universities to adjust the theoretical training and practical skills of students. These changes need to focus on the development of domestic tourism in Russia. In one hand, this brings about the need for a large number of specialists in domestic tourism and, on the other hand, for systemic adjustments to the training of future specialists in the organization of tourism. Thus, the study aims to identify factors in the formation of professional competence in future specialists in the organization of regional tourism in higher education. These factors are established through analysis of scientific sources and the results of an expert survey. We have identified to two groups of the major factors that need to be taken into consideration when training specialists. The first group of factors affects the content of training and, in particular, includes targeted formation of student motivation to master professional skills and abilities in developing regional tourist products using national experience. The second group influences the methods of training (e.g. including the use of group training methods and interactive technologies). conclusions show that he effectiveness of the formation of the professional competence of future specialists in the organization of regional tourism will be ensured primarily by targeted formation of students' motivation to master professional skills and abilities to form a regional tourist product and the use of national experience of formation and implementation of regional tourist products in the activities of tourist enterprises. Moreover, such formation will be facilitated by the use of group teaching methods and interactive technologies in teaching the development of regional programs, as well as by opportunities to take internships in the tourism support system at national enterprises.Los cambios sociopolíticos a los que se enfrenta Rusia obligan a las universidades a ajustar la formación teórica y las habilidades prácticas de los estudiantes. Estos cambios deben centrarse en el desarrollo del turismo interno en Rusia. Por un lado, esto conlleva la necesidad de un gran número de especialistas en turismo interno y, por otro, de ajustes sistémicos en la formación de los futuros especialistas en la organización del turismo. El estudio tiene como objetivo identificar los factores en la formación de la competencia profesional en los futuros especialistas en la organización del turismo regional en la educación superior. Estos factores se establecen mediante el análisis de fuentes científicas y los resultados de una encuesta a expertos. Se han identificado dos grupos de los principales factores que hay que tener en cuenta en la formación de especialistas. El primer grupo afecta al contenido de la formación y, en particular, incluye la formación dirigida a la motivación de los estudiantes para dominar las habilidades y capacidades profesionales en el desarrollo de productos turísticos regionales utilizando la experiencia nacional. El segundo grupo influye en los métodos de formación (e.g. usando métodos de formación en grupo y tecnologías interactivas). Se puede decir que la eficacia de la formación de la competencia profesional de los futuros especialistas en la organización del turismo regional estará garantizada principalmente por la formación específica de la motivación de los estudiantes para dominar las habilidades y capacidades profesionales para formar un producto turístico regional y el uso de la experiencia nacional de formación e implementación de productos turísticos regionales en las actividades de las empresas turísticas. Además, dicha formación se verá facilitada por el uso de métodos de enseñanza en grupo y tecnologías interactivas en la enseñanza del desarrollo de programas regionales, así como por las oportunidades de realizar prácticas en el sistema de apoyo al turismo en empresas nacionales.As mudanças sócio-políticas enfrentadas pela Rússia obrigam as universidades a ajustar a formação teórica e as competências práticas dos estudantes. Estas mudanças têm de se concentrar no desenvolvimento do turismo interno na Rússia. Por um lado, isto traz a necessidade de um grande número de especialistas em turismo doméstico, e por outro, de ajustamentos sistêmicos na formação de futuros especialistas na organização do turismo. O estudo visa identificar fatores na formação de competência profissional em futuros especialistas na organização do turismo regional no ensino superior. Estes fatores são estabelecidos através da análise de fontes científicas e dos resultados de uma pesquisa com experts no tema. Identificam-se dois grupos dos principais fatores que precisam de ser tomados em consideração na formação de especialistas: o primeiro relacionado ao conteúdo da formação e, em particular, a formação orientada da motivação dos estudantes para dominarem as competências e capacidades profissionais no desenvolvimento de produtos turísticos regionais utilizando a experiência nacional. Jjá o segundo grupo influencia os métodos de treinamento (por exemplo, com o uso de métodos de treinamento em grupo e tecnologias interativas). Pode-se concluir que a eficácia da formação da competência profissional dos futuros especialistas na organização do turismo regional será assegurada principalmente pela formação orientada da motivação dos estudantes para dominar as habilidades e habilidades profissionais para formar um produto turístico regional e o uso da experiência nacional de formação e implementação de produtos turísticos regionais nas atividades das empresas turísticas. Além disso, tal formação deverá ser facilitada pelo uso de métodos de ensino em grupo e tecnologias interativas no ensino do desenvolvimento de programas regionais, bem como por oportunidades de fazer estágios no sistema de apoio ao turismo em empresas nacionais

    Organization of project activities in the system of advanced training of teachers

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    Project activity occupies an important place in the system of professional development. Focused on a rapidly changing environment, it provides the widest opportunities for innovative development of the field of additional education. The implementation of project activities allows you to form important for students of courses, leading decisions in the context of global educational competition and high uncertainty of the educational environment. The purpose of the article is to study the experience of organizing project activities in the system of professional development of teachers. Project activity is a joint educational creative activity of course participants that has a common goal and agreed methods to achieve it. The article reveals the experience of project activities of students in the framework of the course "Management in education". In the process of implementing project activities, the project competence of students is formed. Project activity occupies an important place in the system of professional development. Its implementation allows you to radically change the entire learning process, make it active, creative and independent.


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    Purpose: The current situation shows that women, in comparison with men, are a more vulnerable social group. Gender stereotypes lead to an underestimation of the abilities of women and their labor input. Methodology: The paper analyzes two groups of gender stereotypes, which in fact represent barriers that impede the professional development of women in the Russian labor market.  The authors established a level of agreement with the influence of barriers on female professional activity in two groups of respondents - women with or without professional experience.  Result: The authors identified and compared the leading barriers to female professional activities. In general, in the structure of the female professional mentality, there are certain personal stereotypes that, together with socially determined gender stereotypes, have a complex impact on unlocking the female employment potential. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of barriers in the professional development of women is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Innovative Teaching Methods In Formation Of Professional Competencies Of Future Mathematics Teachers

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    At this time, the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, demand new requirements on results of education related to mastering the use of mathematical algorithms, including using modern computer systems. Therefore, the modern educational trend is aimed at introducing various types of information resources into the educational process of universities. The problem of this study is to find effective methods for using computer technology as a means of implementing the principle of visualization in the study of higher mathematics by future mathematics teachers. Software products are widely used for the teaching of various disciplines for professional and educational purposes. It is important to use mathematical software in universities to study mathematical disciplines. The study proposes a technique associated with the systematic use of mathematical software in the process of teaching higher mathemat

    Cognitive Coherence as the Element of Functional Valence in COVID-19 Terminological System

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    Background. The relevance of the study is predetermined by the uniqueness of the communicative and discursive field formed during COVID-19 pandemic. The manifestation of COVID-19-related nominative categories occurs spontaneously and depends on pragmatic motives of social interaction at the global international level. The atypicality of COVID-19 terminological system development sets up the research course directed at both the process of diffuse terminological conglomerate formation and its conceptualization based on the mechanisms of cognitive activity implementation viewed through the cultural specificity revealed at the level of terminological functioning and terminological systemic unity. Objective. This article presents the results of a corpus-based research of cognitive and discursive features of COVID-19 terminological system development. Methods. The research material is a sample of Russian and English media texts selected via automatized algorithms of data parsing. Media discourse reflects short-term socially significant fluctuations in global information agenda directly related to semantic shifts in COVID-19 representation that are revealed through the variety of linguistic and extralinguistic discursive means and compared within the linguo-cultural communities under study. Results. As a result of content analysis and subsequent component analysis the peculiarities of COVID-19 terminological system development appear to be predetermined by the parallel structuring and transformation of COVID-19 semantic representation formed in the temporal perspective of pandemic waves on the basis of fundamental mechanisms of cognitive activity. The functional valence of COVID-19 terminological system is explicated through the convergence of cognitive components that result in terminological coherence and gradual formation of the denotative component of meaning through cognitive compilation of occasional semic characteristics. Conclusion. Cognitive coherence as the element of COVID-19 terminological system functional valence contributes to its gradual structuring and determines the features of semantic arrangement of COVID-19 conceptual field

    The effect of sprinkler irrigation on the soil

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    The article presents the results of research on the effect of sprinkling on the structural and aggregate composition of soil and its density. The high quality of sprinkling irrigation is achieved with uniform distribution of rain over the area, acceptable intensity with drop diameter and impact force, at which plants and soil structure are not damaged, puddles and surface runoff are not formed. For complete absorption of water into the soil and preservation of soil structure the rain of low intensity, with small drops is required. When applying sprinkling it is necessary to take into account the granulometric composition of the soil, slope, classification of the cultivated crop to coordinate it with the permissible intensity of rain. Erosion control measures should be applied only in a complex, as some of them cannot be replaced by any other. The system of erosion control measures should be properly combined and adapted to the forms of the land surface and local soil and climatic conditions and to develop measures to minimize the negative impact of irrigation on the soil

    Evaluating the effectiveness of filter media in the treatment of poultry wastewater

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    The technology of sorption treatment of wastewater of poultry farms is considered. A comparative assessment of two ameliorants in terms of chemical absorption properties is carried out. The result of a comparative assessment of two natural sorbents for the sorption properties of heavy metals, shows that the best absorption effect has a natural zeolite. Natural ameliorant adsorbed in the studied effluents more than 60 percent of harmful impurities at optimum contact time of 12 hours of stay in the aggressive liquid medium of waste water, and activated charcoal showed less effective properties of sorption of chemical impurities. Experimental data focuses on reducing the environmental load of water bodies in which wastewater is discharged

    Cascade method of wastewater treatment using various natural sorbents

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    In the presented paper the sorption properties of natural sorbents were studied. Quartz sand, activated carbon with a fraction of 0.3 mm and zeolite with a fraction of 0.75 mm were selected. Experiments were carried out in laboratory conditions, filtration was carried out through each of the presented sorbents, then chemical analysis was performed for residual concentration of chemical impurities in wastewater. There was also a comparison when filtering through each sorbent and cascade. The best result is filtering by cascade method, where the sorption of chemical impurities was more than 90%, which is a satisfactory result for compliance with sanitary norms