20 research outputs found

    polaroids: um experimento metodológico na Serra Leoa (África do Oeste)

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    O presente ensaio fotográfico faz parte de uma metodologia experimental de trabalho de campo com o uso de fotografias polaroides. Foram tiradas pela antropóloga e por sobreviventes da epidemia do Ebola dos anos 2000 na comunidade de Komende Luyama, Serra Leoa, em 2015. Portanto, o ensaio visa revelar uma experimentação durante o trabalho de campo em Serra Leoa e posteriormente na etnografia de uma forma mais ampla e elaborada

    Rupturas e Continuidades em Moçambique: Entrevista com Teresa Cruz e Silva

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    No segundo semestre de 2014, conhecemos a professora moçambicana Teresa Cruz e Silva, do Departamento de História da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane UEM, Moçambique. Ela esteve na Universidade de São Paulo, por algumas semanas, ministrando a disciplina África e a Descolonização dos Saberes: o caso de Moçambique 1930-2014, no Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social FFLCH-USP. Não poderíamos perder a oportunidade de dialogar com uma pesquisadora que sempre buscou repensar a história de Moçam..

    Public Involvement & Engagement in health inequalities research on COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of CIDACS/FIOCRUZ BAHIA

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    Introduction Health inequalities in Brazil have deepened on Covid-19 pandemic, and the most vulnerable people were the more affected. A multidisciplinary team from Cidacs/Fiocruz Bahia developed a Social Disparities Index for Covid-19 (IDS-COVID-19) to support the evaluation of effects of health inequalities on the pandemic in Brazil. Public Involvement and Engagement were the pillars of this research because they allowed us to access first hand experiences about the social context in our country. Objectives This paper aims to describe our Public Involvement and Engagement experience by analysing our challenges, strategies, activities, results, and lessons learned during the construction of IDS-COVID-19. Methods The basis of the IDS-Covid-19 public engagement model was the participation of different social groups through methods and techniques that allow dialogue. Several activities and communication products supported the continuous interactions. Another guideline was the inclusion and the welcoming of participants from the beginning of the project to ensure that the participant's contributions could drive decision-making about the research. Results Participants made several contributions to the research as a new layer of information to the Index, and improvements were made to the interactive panel. They also compromised to support the dissemination and use of the product. Eight representatives of community groups and 29 policymakers participated in our engagement activities during the project. More than 500 people were in our open webinars. In addition, more than 140 news items about IDS-Covid-19 were published in national and international media. Conclusions We highlight as lessons learned the adaptation of some dissemination formats to the public, and the necessity of being flexible and accessible to participants. We strengthened the relationship with relevant stakeholders by exploring individual conversations by phone, WhatsApp, email, and interviews to produce a documentary that registered this whole experience. Cidacs/Fiocruz Bahia has also embedded public engagement and involvement in the study agenda


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    O Ambulatório do IFC-Campus Camboriú foi criado em 1993, quando a instituição ainda se chamava Colégio Agrícola de Camboriú. Suas atividades são direcionadas em ações que visam à promoção, prevenção e recuperação, referenciadas nas necessidades de saúde individuais e coletivas de toda a comunidade escolar

    Use of the mini-mental state examination in research on the elderly in Brazil: a systematic review

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    The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is the most widely used cognitive screening test around the world. In Brazil, different MMSE versions and many cut-off points have been used. A systematic review of papers indexed in Scielo was conducted in order to analyze use of the MMSE in Brazilian empirical studies with elderly people. To search for these texts, the complete name of the instrument and its abbreviation were used. A growth trend in the scientific production during the 1998 to 2013 period was observed. Eleven versions of the MMSE were identified and the Bertolucci et al. version was the most cited. Over half of the studies used schooling as the criteria to establish cut-off points. The studies were predominantly conducted using samples recruited from large cities in the Southeastern region and in the community. Despite the growing trend of research with the elderly using the MMSE, the psychometric properties of this scale of measurement have been the subject of little investigation. Despite the widespread use of the MMSE in Brazil, there is a lack of standardization and evidence of validity for this this scale of measurement.O Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) é o teste de rastreio cognitivo mais utilizado no mundo. No Brasil, diferentes versões e pontos de corte do MEEM têm sido usados. Para analisar seu uso em estudos empíricos brasileiros com idosos, efetuou-se uma revisão sistemática de artigos indexados na SciELO. Foram utilizados o nome completo do instrumento e sua abreviação para recuperar os textos. Observou-se uma tendência de crescimento da produção científica analisada, no período de 1998 a 2013. Foram mencionadas 11 versões do MEEM, destacando-se a de Bertolucci et al. Mais da metade das investigações fizeram uso da escolaridade como critério para estabelecer pontos de corte. Os estudos têm sido realizados predominantemente com amostras recrutadas em grandes cidades da região Sudeste e na comunidade. Não obstante a tendência de crescimento de pesquisas com idosos que utilizam o MEEM, as propriedades psicométricas dessa medida têm sido pouco investigadas. Apesar da ampla utilização do MEEM no Brasil, faltam padronização e evidências de validade para essa medida

    Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil

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    The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (http://fauna.jbrj.gov.br/), made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others

    The dangerous care: webs of affection and risk in Sierra Leone (the Ebola epidemic tod by women, alive and dead)

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    Durante os anos de 2013 a 2016, a África do Oeste, mais precisamente a região do Mano River Union Libéria, Serra Leoa e Guiné-Conacri viveu sob uma das piores epidemias do vírus do ebola ocorridas desde 1976, ano do primeiro relato do vírus no antigo Zaire (atual Congo). Entendendo a epidemia como locus privilegiado para a compressão das estruturas de uma sociedade, podendo descortinar conflitos políticos e desigualdades sociais e econômicas, dediquei-me à feitura de uma etnografia na Serra Leoa, durante 9 meses, momento em que morei em Freetown, a capital do país, e também em comunidades rurais. Na medida em que a epidemia neste país matou mais mulheres do que homens, busquei entender o porquê deste fato. Para tanto, segui as histórias de três mulheres mortas por conta do vírus: Jinnah Amana da comunidade de Komende-Luyama, Isha Tullah de Devil Hole e Fatmata de John Thorpe. A partir de um intenso trabalho de campo, concluí que a maior mortandade de mulheres serra-leonenses estava diretamente relacionada ao trabalho do cuidado dispendido a seus familiares e amigos. Deste modo, a epidemia do ebola na Serra Leoa era generificada, colocando mulheres em risco por conta da pesada responsabilização destas perante a trama de parentesco e afetos. Diante disso, cunhei o termo cuidado perigoso como uma categoria boa para pensar as relações de gênero por detrás da epidemia do ebola na Serra Leoa. Portanto, esta pesquisa segue as narrativas reveladoras de mulheres, vivas e mortas, a respeito do ebola na Serra Leoa. Narrativas estas que apontaram para a impossibilidade de se entender a epidemia do Ebola ou qualquer outro fenômeno social da Serra Leoa - sem se acessar as memórias da guerra civil vivida no país durante os anos de 1991 a 2002.From 2013 to 2016, the West Africa, more precisely the Mano River Union region Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea-Conakry went through one of the worst Ebola virus epidemics since 1976, the year when the virus was first reported in Zaire (now, Congo). Understanding the epidemic as a privileged locus to understand the structures of a society, revealing political conflicts and social and economic inequalities, I dedicated myself to do ethnography in Sierra Leone for 9 months, when I lived in Freetown, the capital of the country, but also in rural communities. As the epidemic in this country killed more women than men, I sought to understand why this was occurred. In this way, I followed the stories of three women killed by the virus: Jinnah Amana from Komende-Luyama community, Isha Tullah from Devil Hole and Fatmata from John Thorpe. From an intensive fieldwork, I concluded that the large number of female death in Sierra Leonean was directly related to the work of the care expended on their relatives and friends. Thus, the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone was gendered, placing women at risk because of their heavy accountability to the network of kinship and affections. Faced with this, I coined the term \"dangerous care\" as a good category to think about the gender relations behind the ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone. Therefore, this research follows the revealing narratives of women, alive and dead, regarding the ebola in Sierra Leone. These narratives pointed to the impossibility of understanding the Ebola epidemic - or any other social phenomena in Sierra Leone - without accessing the memories of the civil war in the country during the years 1991 to 2002

    Essay on the promise: circulation of devotees, words, graces and objects

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    A dissertação de mestrado a ser apresentada tem como foco a experiência da devoção a Nossa Senhora Aparecida. Desta maneira, desde 2010, faço trabalho de campo em Aparecida do Norte, cidade do interior de São Paulo, junto aos devotos de vários lugares do país, acompanhando a forma como se relacionam com a Santa Aparecida, fazendo promessas, romarias. Assim, dividi minha dissertação em duas partes, que são, porém, interligadas. Na primeira parte, faço uma etnografia de uma romaria à pé (100km) de São José dos Campos (SP) até Aparecida, à qual acompanhei. A segunda parte trata da circulação de objetos e palavras de devoção, estes que possuem agência e transformam mundos e curam pessoas. Em Ensaio sobre a promessa tenho como autores clássicos norteadores Walter Benjamin, Victor Turner, Marcel Mauss. Tento entender a promessa muito além de uma forma direta da fórmula: dar, receber e retribuir. Ou seja, faço reflexões que me fazem pensar que entre estes verbos e ações transformadores, existem piscadelas, detalhes, mosaicos e muitas quinquilharias e inúmeras miudezas de coisas, sendo assim, foi preciso atentar para as fendas, os interstícios, os pontos crepusculares. Portanto, volto o olhar para a promessa enquanto circulação, movimento, passagem e espera. A promessa ou a graça não constituem um fim em si, o que mais me absorveu em campo foram os redemoinhos, os caminhos e os movimentos e toda a circulação de devotos, objetos, sacrifícios e palavras de fé. A circulação é o próprio motor da promessa, esta que só se estabelece na medida em que existem relações de intimidade entre Nossa Senhora Aparecida e seus devotos. Dessa forma, minha dissertação trata da experiência da devoção, da experiência do sensível, contando com muitas fotografias, músicas, contadores de histórias, amigos e estrada, pois a passagem e a estrada é o percurso mais longo, porém, mais certeiro para os que caminham com fé. E foi na estrada que eu comecei a vislumbrar que terríveis bons-espíritos me protegem, que eu quase nada não sei. Mas desconfio de muita coisa. Mas que fique claro, esta é uma etnografia, e que eu creio e não creio. Tem coisa e cousa... (Citações de João Guimarães Rosa, Grande Sertão Veredas, Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 2001).The research to be presented focuses on the experience of devotion to Nossa Senhora Aparecida. Thus, since 2010, I do fieldwork in Aparecida do Norte, a city in São Paulo, with devotees from many places in the country, watching how they make relation with Santa Aparecida, making promises, pilgrimages. So, I divided my research into two parts, which are, however, interrelated. In the first part: an ethnography of a pilgrimage on foot (100km) from São José dos Campos until Aparecida which I followed. The second part deals with the movement of objects and words of devotion that have agency and transform worlds and heal people. In \"Essay on the promise\", I have Walter Benjamin, Victor Turner, Marcel Mauss like the guiding classical authors. I try to understand the promise far beyond a direct way of the formula: give, receive and give back.\" It means that I do reflections which make me think that between these transformers verbs and actions, there are winks, details, mosaics and many trinkets and numerous offal of things, so it was need to look for cracks, interstices, twilight points. So, I return my gaze to the promise while circulation, movement, passing and waiting. The promise or grace do not consist in an end in itself, what most absorbed me in the field were swirls, paths and movements and all circulations of devotees, objects, words of faith and sacrifice. The movement is the engine of promise, which only is established the extent that there are intimate relationships between Nossa Senhora Aparecida and his devotees. Thus, my work is about the experience of devotion, sensitive experience, with many photographs, music, storytellers, friends and the road, because the road crossing and the route is longer but more accurate for those who walk with faith. And it was on the road I started to envision what \"terrible good-spirits protect me\", \"I do not know almost nothing. But I suspect a lot\". But, be warned, this is an ethnography, and I \"believe and do not believe. Has thing and thing...\" (João Guimarães Rosa, \"Grande Sertão: Veredas\", Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 2001)


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    O Ambulatório do IFC-Campus Camboriú foi criado em 1993, quando a instituição ainda se chamava Colégio Agrícola de Camboriú. Suas atividades são direcionadas em ações que visam à promoção, prevenção e recuperação, referenciadas nas necessidades de saúde individuais e coletivas de toda a comunidade escolar

    Reversible posterior encephalopathy syndrome in a 10-year-old child

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    Abstract Introduction: The posterior reversible encephalopathy (PRES) syndrome encompasses a set of clinical-radiological findings associated with severe systemic arterial hypertension. This case report proposes to discuss the identification, diagnosis, and management of PRES in the pediatric population. Case presentation: Female patient, 10 years old, admitted to the emergency room with complaint of oliguria and generalized edema. At the initial physical exam, the only alteration present was anasarca. The diagnostic investigation revealed nephrotic syndrome, and clinical treatment was started. She evolved on the 8th day of hospitalization with peak hypertension, sudden visual loss, reduced level of consciousness, nystagmus, and focal seizures requiring intubation. She was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit, with neurological improvement, after the established therapy. CT scan revealed a discrete hypodense area in the white matter of the occipital lobe and anteroposterior groove asymmetry, compatible with PRES. Discussion: PRES is due to vasogenic cerebral edema of acute or subacute installation. Symptoms include headache and altered consciousness, stupor, coma, neurological deficits, seizures and cortical blindness. Nephropathies are the main cause of PRES in pediatrics. Magnetic resonance imaging with diffusion of molecules is the gold standard for diagnosis. The initial treatment objectives are the reduction of blood pressure, antiepileptic therapy, correction of hydroelectrolytic and acid-base disorders and management of intracranial hypertension. Conclusion: PRES is associated with acute hypertension. Early diagnosis and proper management may determine a better prognosis and minimize the severity of the clinical course