237 research outputs found

    Frequency of Drug Resistance Gene Amplification in Clinical Leishmania Strains

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    Experimental studies about Leishmania resistance to metal and antifolates have pointed out that gene amplification is one of the main mechanisms of drug detoxification. Amplified genes code for adenosine triphosphate-dependent transporters (multidrug resistance and P-glycoproteins P), enzymes involved in trypanothione pathway, particularly gamma glutamyl cysteine synthase, and others involved in folates metabolism, such as dihydrofolate reductase and pterine reductase. The aim of this study was to detect and quantify the amplification of these genes in clinical strains of visceral leishmaniasis agents: Leishmania infantum, L. donovani, and L. archibaldi. Relative quantification experiments by means of real-time polymerase chain reaction showed that multidrug resistance gene amplification is the more frequent event. For P-glycoproteins P and dihydrofolate reductase genes, level of amplification was comparable to the level observed after in vitro selection of resistant clones. Gene amplification is therefore a common phenomenon in wild strains concurring to Leishmania genomic plasticity. This finding, which corroborates results of experimental studies, supports a better understanding of metal resistance selection and spreading in endemic areas

    Three-dimensional organization of dendrites and local axon collaterals of shell and core medium-sized spiny projection neurons of the rat nucleus accumbens

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    Medium-sized spiny projection neurons (MSN) in the head of the primate caudate nucleus are thought to have preferred dendritic orientations that tend to parallel the orientations of the striosomes. Moreover, recurrent axon collaterals of MSN in the rat dorsal striatum have been categorized into two types, i.e., restricted and widespread. The nucleus accumbens (Acb) has a highly complex compartmental organization, and the spatial organization of dendritic and axonal arbors of MSN has not yet been systematically studied. In this study, using single-cell juxtacellular labeling with neurobiotin as well as anterograde neuroanatomical tracing with biotinylated dextran amine, we investigated the three-dimensional (3D) organization of dendrites and axons of MSN of the rat Acb in relation to subregional (shell-core) and compartmental (patch-matrix) boundaries. Our results show that dendritic arbors of MSN in both the Acb shell and core subregions are preferentially oriented, i.e., they are flattened in at least one of the 3D-planes. The preferred orientations are influenced by shell-core and patch-matrix boundaries, suggesting parallel and independent processing of information. Dendritic orientations of MSN of the Acb core are more heterogeneous than those of the shell and the dorsal striatum, suggesting a more complex distribution of striatal inputs within the core. Although dendrites respect the shell-core and patch-matrix boundaries, recurrent axon collaterals may cross these boundaries. Finally, different degrees of overlap between dendritic and axonal arborizations of individual MSN were identified, suggesting various possibilities of lateral inhibitory interactions within and between, functionally distinct territories of the Acb

    A cortical motor nucleus drives the basal ganglia-recipient thalamus in singing birds

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    The pallido-recipient thalamus transmits information from the basal ganglia to the cortex and is critical for motor initiation and learning. Thalamic activity is strongly inhibited by pallidal inputs from the basal ganglia, but the role of nonpallidal inputs, such as excitatory inputs from cortex, remains unclear. We simultaneously recorded from presynaptic pallidal axon terminals and postsynaptic thalamocortical neurons in a basal ganglia–recipient thalamic nucleus that is necessary for vocal variability and learning in zebra finches. We found that song-locked rate modulations in the thalamus could not be explained by pallidal inputs alone and persisted following pallidal lesion. Instead, thalamic activity was likely driven by inputs from a motor cortical nucleus that is also necessary for singing. These findings suggest a role for cortical inputs to the pallido-recipient thalamus in driving premotor signals that are important for exploratory behavior and learning.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01DC009183)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant K99NS067062)Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (Postdoctoral Fellowship)Charles A. King Trust (Postdoctoral Fellowship

    Hunting indicators for community-led wildlife management in tropical Africa

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    Engaging local communities is pivotal for wildlife conservation beyond protected areas, aligning with the 30 × 30 target of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. We assessed the effectiveness of 33 offtake indicators, derived from hunter declarations, in monitoring the status and extent of degradation of hunted wildlife sourced from camera trap surveys and faunal composition analysis. The rodents:ungulates ratio in offtake and the mean body mass of total offtake emerged as practical and robust indicators of faunal degradation within hunting systems, with significant potential for broader application in similar tropical forest environments. Our findings provide a blueprint for managing and conserving natural resources in tropical regions through community-based initiatives. Involving local stakeholders ensures sustainable wildlife use and fosters ownership and responsibility. This study advances conservation efforts, bridging scientific rigor with community engagement for effective biodiversity preservation

    Naringenin Prevents Dyslipidemia, Apolipoprotein B Overproduction, and Hyperinsulinemia in LDL Receptor–Null Mice With Diet-Induced Insulin Resistance

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    OBJECTIVE: The global epidemic of metabolic syndrome and its complications demands rapid evaluation of new and accessible interventions. Insulin resistance is the central biochemical disturbance in the metabolic syndrome. The citrus-derived flavonoid, naringenin, has lipid-lowering properties and inhibits VLDL secretion from cultured hepatocytes in a manner resembling insulin. We evaluated whether naringenin regulates lipoprotein production and insulin sensitivity in the context of insulin resistance in vivo. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: LDL receptor-null (Ldlr(-/-)) mice fed a high-fat (Western) diet (42% calories from fat and 0.05% cholesterol) become dyslipidemic, insulin and glucose intolerant, and obese. Four groups of mice (standard diet, Western, and Western plus 1% or 3% wt/wt naringenin) were fed ad libitum for 4 weeks. VLDL production and parameters of insulin and glucose tolerance were determined. RESULTS: We report that naringenin treatment of Ldlr(-/-) mice fed a Western diet corrected VLDL overproduction, ameliorated hepatic steatosis, and attenuated dyslipidemia without affecting caloric intake or fat absorption. Naringenin 1) increased hepatic fatty acid oxidation through a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma coactivator 1alpha/PPARalpha-mediated transcription program; 2) prevented sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c-mediated lipogenesis in both liver and muscle by reducing fasting hyperinsulinemia; 3) decreased hepatic cholesterol and cholesterol ester synthesis; 4) reduced both VLDL-derived and endogenously synthesized fatty acids, preventing muscle triglyceride accumulation; and 5) improved overall insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, naringenin, through its correction of many of the metabolic disturbances linked to insulin resistance, represents a promising therapeutic approach for metabolic syndrome

    Chemical, Structural, and Morphological Changes of a MoVTeNb Catalyst during Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane

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    MoVTeNb mixed oxide, a highly active and selective catalyst for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to produce ethylene, exhibits the so-called M1 and M2 crystalline phases. The thermal stability of the MoVTeNb catalytic system was assessed under varying reaction conditions; to this end, the catalyst was exposed to several reaction temperatures spanning from 440 to 550 °C. Both the pristine and spent materials were analyzed by several characterization techniques. The catalyst was stable below 500 °C; a reaction temperature of ≥500 °C brings about the removal of tellurium from the intercalated framework channels of the M1 crystalline phase. Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction patterns and microscopy results showed that the tellurium loss causes the progressive partial destruction of the M1 phase, thus decreasing the number of active sites and forming a MoO2 crystalline phase, which is inactive for this reaction. Raman spectroscopy confirmed the MoO2 phase development as a function of reaction temperature. From highresolution transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analyses it was noticed that tellurium departure occurs preferentially from the end sides of the needlelike M1 crystals, across the [001] plane. Detailed analysis of a solid deposited at the reactor outlet showrf that it consisted mainly of metallic tellurium, suggesting that the tellurium detachment occurs via reduction of Te4+ to Te0 due to a combination of reaction temperature and feed composition. Thus, in order to sustain the catalytic performance exhibited by MoVTeNb mixed oxide, hot spots along the reactor bed should be avoided or controlled, maintaining the catalytic bed temperature below 500 °C.This work was financially supported by the Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo.Valente, JS.; Armendariz-Herrera, H.; Quintana-Solorzano, R.; Del Angel, P.; Nava, N.; Masso Ramírez, A.; López Nieto, JM. (2014). Chemical, Structural, and Morphological Changes of a MoVTeNb Catalyst during Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane. ACS Catalysis. 4:1292-1301. doi:10.1021/cs500143jS12921301

    Substrate cycling between de novo lipogenesis and lipid oxidation: a thermogenic mechanism against skeletal muscle lipotoxicity and glucolipotoxicity

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    Life is a combustion, but how the major fuel substrates that sustain human life compete and interact with each other for combustion has been at the epicenter of research into the pathogenesis of insulin resistance ever since Randle proposed a 'glucose-fatty acid cycle' in 1963. Since then, several features of a mutual interaction that is characterized by both reciprocality and dependency between glucose and lipid metabolism have been unravelled, namely: 1. the inhibitory effects of elevated concentrations of fatty acids on glucose oxidation (via inactivation of mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase or via desensitization of insulin-mediated glucose transport), 2. the inhibitory effects of elevated concentrations of glucose on fatty acid oxidation (via malonyl-CoA regulation of fatty acid entry into the mitochondria), and more recently 3. the stimulatory effects of elevated concentrations of glucose on de novo lipogenesis, that is, synthesis of lipids from glucose (via SREBP1c regulation of glycolytic and lipogenic enzymes). This paper first revisits the physiological significance of these mutual interactions between glucose and lipids in skeletal muscle pertaining to both blood glucose and intramyocellular lipid homeostasis. It then concentrates upon emerging evidence, from calorimetric studies investigating the direct effect of leptin on thermogenesis in intact skeletal muscle, of yet another feature of the mutual interaction between glucose and lipid oxidation: that of substrate cycling between de novo lipogenesis and lipid oxidation. It is proposed that this energy-dissipating substrate cycling that links glucose and lipid metabolism to thermogenesis could function as a 'fine-tuning' mechanism that regulates intramyocellular lipid homeostasis, and hence contributes to the protection of skeletal muscle against lipotoxicity

    Codominant scoring of AFLP in association panels

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    A study on the codominant scoring of AFLP markers in association panels without prior knowledge on genotype probabilities is described. Bands are scored codominantly by fitting normal mixture models to band intensities, illustrating and optimizing existing methodology, which employs the EM-algorithm. We study features that improve the performance of the algorithm, and the unmixing in general, like parameter initialization, restrictions on parameters, data transformation, and outlier removal. Parameter restrictions include equal component variances, equal or nearly equal distances between component means, and mixing probabilities according to Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium. Histogram visualization of band intensities with superimposed normal densities, and optional classification scores and other grouping information, assists further in the codominant scoring. We find empirical evidence favoring the square root transformation of the band intensity, as was found in segregating populations. Our approach provides posterior genotype probabilities for marker loci. These probabilities can form the basis for association mapping and are more useful than the standard scoring categories A, H, B, C, D. They can also be used to calculate predictors for additive and dominance effects. Diagnostics for data quality of AFLP markers are described: preference for three-component mixture model, good separation between component means, and lack of singletons for the component with highest mean. Software has been developed in R, containing the models for normal mixtures with facilitating features, and visualizations. The methods are applied to an association panel in tomato, comprising 1,175 polymorphic markers on 94 tomato hybrids, as part of a larger study within the Dutch Centre for BioSystems Genomics

    Basal ganglia dysfunction in OCD: subthalamic neuronal activity correlates with symptoms severity and predicts high-frequency stimulation efficacy

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    Functional and connectivity changes in corticostriatal systems have been reported in the brains of patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD); however, the relationship between basal ganglia activity and OCD severity has never been adequately established. We recently showed that deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN), a central basal ganglia nucleus, improves OCD. Here, single-unit subthalamic neuronal activity was analysed in 12 OCD patients, in relation to the severity of obsessions and compulsions and response to STN stimulation, and compared with that obtained in 12 patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). STN neurons in OCD patients had lower discharge frequency than those in PD patients, with a similar proportion of burst-type activity (69 vs 67%). Oscillatory activity was present in 46 and 68% of neurons in OCD and PD patients, respectively, predominantly in the low-frequency band (1–8 Hz). In OCD patients, the bursty and oscillatory subthalamic neuronal activity was mainly located in the associative–limbic part. Both OCD severity and clinical improvement following STN stimulation were related to the STN neuronal activity. In patients with the most severe OCD, STN neurons exhibited bursts with shorter duration and interburst interval, but higher intraburst frequency, and more oscillations in the low-frequency bands. In patients with best clinical outcome with STN stimulation, STN neurons displayed higher mean discharge, burst and intraburst frequencies, and lower interburst interval. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis of a dysfunction in the associative–limbic subdivision of the basal ganglia circuitry in OCD's pathophysiology

    The LHC Injection Tests

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    A series of LHC injection tests was performed in August and September 2008. The first saw beam injected into sector 23; the second into sectors 78 and 23; the third into sectors 78-67 and sectors 23-34-45. The fourth, into sectors 23-34-45, was performed the evening before the extended injection test on the 10th September which saw both beams brought around the full circumference of the LHC. The tests enabled the testing and debugging of a number of critical control and hardware systems; testing and validation of instrumentation with beam for the first time; deployment, and validation of a number of measurement procedures. Beam based measurements revealed a number of machine configuration issues that were rapidly resolved. The tests were undoubtedly an essential precursor to the successful start of LHC beam commissioning. This paper provides an outline of preparation for the tests, the machine configuration and summarizes the measurements made and individual system performance