450 research outputs found

    InGaAs/GaAs/alkanethiolate radial superlattices: Experimental

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    A radial InGaAs/GaAs/1-hexadecanethiol superlattice is fabricated by the roll-up of a strained InGaAs/GaAs bilayer passivated with a molecular self-assembled monolayer. Our technique allows the formation of multi-period inorganic/organic hybrid heterostructures. This paper contains the detailed experimental description of how to fabricate these structures.Comment: 2 pages, no figures, Version 2; minor changes (fixed typos and update references

    Evaluation of the shortwave cloud radiative effect over the ocean by use of ship and satellite observations

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    In this study the shortwave cloud radiative effect (SWCRE) over ocean calculated by the ECHAM 5 climate model is evaluated for the cloud property input derived from ship based measurements and satellite based estimates and compared to ship based radiation measurements. The ship observations yield cloud fraction, liquid water path from a microwave radiometer, cloud bottom height as well as temperature and humidity profiles from radiosonde ascents. Level-2 products of the Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM~SAF) from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) have been used to characterize clouds. Within a closure study six different experiments have been defined to find the optimal set of measurements to calculate downward shortwave radiation (DSR) and the SWCRE from the model, and their results have been evaluated under seven different synoptic situations. Four of these experiments are defined to investigate the advantage of including the satellite-based cloud droplet effective radius as additional cloud property. The modeled SWCRE based on satellite retrieved cloud properties has a comparable accuracy to the modeled SWCRE based on ship data. For several cases, an improvement through introducing the satellite-based estimate of effective radius as additional information to the ship based data was found. Due to their different measuring characteristics, however, each dataset shows best results for different atmospheric conditions

    Ueber eine neue den Choleraspirillen ähnliche Spaltpilzart

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    Direct strain and elastic energy evaluation in rolled-up semiconductor tubes by x-ray micro-diffraction

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    We depict the use of x-ray diffraction as a tool to directly probe the strain status in rolled-up semiconductor tubes. By employing continuum elasticity theory and a simple model we are able to simulate quantitatively the strain relaxation in perfect crystalline III-V semiconductor bi- and multilayers as well as in rolled-up layers with dislocations. The reduction in the local elastic energy is evaluated for each case. Limitations of the technique and theoretical model are discussed in detail.Comment: 32 pages (single column), 9 figures, 39 reference

    Structural and magnetic properties of an InGaAs/Fe3_3Si superlattice in cylindrical geometry

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    The structure and the magnetic properties of an InGaAs/Fe3Si superlattice in a cylindrical geometry are investigated by electron microscopy techniques, x-ray diffraction and magnetometry. To form a radial superlattice, a pseudomorphic InGaAs/Fe3As bilayer has been released from its substrate self-forming into a rolled-up microtube. Oxide-free interfaces as well as areas of crystalline bonding are observed and an overall lattice mismatch between succeeding layers is determined. The cylindrical symmetry of the final radial superlattice shows a significant effect on the magnetization behavior of the rolled-up layers

    Outcome of Different Sequencing and Assembly Approaches on the Detection of Plasmids and Localization of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in Commensal Escherichia coli

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major threat to public health worldwide. Currently, AMR typing changes from phenotypic testing to whole-genome sequence (WGS)-based detection of resistance determinants for a better understanding of the isolate diversity and elements involved in gene transmission (e.g., plasmids, bacteriophages, transposons). However, the use of WGS data in monitoring purposes requires suitable techniques, standardized parameters and approved guidelines for reliable AMR gene detection and prediction of their association with mobile genetic elements (plasmids). In this study, different sequencing and assembly strategies were tested for their suitability in AMR monitoring in Escherichia coli in the routines of the German National Reference Laboratory for Antimicrobial Resistances. To assess the outcomes of the different approaches, results from in silico predictions were compared with conventional phenotypic- and genotypic-typing data. With the focus on (fluoro)quinolone-resistant E.coli, five qnrS-positive isolates with multiple extrachromosomal elements were subjected to WGS with NextSeq (Illumina), PacBio (Pacific BioSciences) and ONT (Oxford Nanopore) for in depth characterization of the qnrS1-carrying plasmids. Raw reads from short- and long-read sequencing were assembled individually by Unicycler or Flye or a combination of both (hybrid assembly). The generated contigs were subjected to bioinformatics analysis. Based on the generated data, assembly of long-read sequences are error prone and can yield in a loss of small plasmid genomes. In contrast, short-read sequencing was shown to be insufficient for the prediction of a linkage of AMR genes (e.g., qnrS1) to specific plasmid sequences. Furthermore, short-read sequencing failed to detect certain duplications and was unsuitable for genome finishing. Overall, the hybrid assembly led to the most comprehensive typing results, especially in predicting associations of AMR genes and mobile genetic elements. Thus, the use of different sequencing technologies and hybrid assemblies currently represents the best approach for reliable AMR typing and risk assessment