702 research outputs found

    Modelling the measured local time evolution of strongly nonlinear heat pulses in the Large Helical Device

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    In some magnetically confined plasmas, an applied pulse of rapid edge cooling can trigger either a positive or negative excursion in the core electron temperature from its steady state value. We present a new model which captures the time evolution of the transient, non-diffusive local dynamics in the core plasma. We show quantitative agreement between this model and recent spatially localized measurements (Inagaki et al 2010 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 52 075002) of the local time-evolving temperature pulse in cold pulse propagation experiments in the Large Helical Device

    Robustness of predator-prey models for confinement regime transitions in fusion plasmas

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    Energy transport and confinement in tokamak fusion plasmas is usually determined by the coupled nonlinear interactions of small-scale drift turbulence and larger scale coherent nonlinear structures, such as zonal flows, together with free energy sources such as temperature gradients. Zero-dimensional models, designed to embody plausible physical narratives for these interactions, can help to identify the origin of enhanced energy confinement and of transitions between confinement regimes. A prime zero-dimensional paradigm is predator-prey or Lotka-Volterra. Here, we extend a successful three-variable (temperature gradient; microturbulence level; one class of coherent structure) model in this genre [M. A. Malkov and P. H. Diamond, Phys. Plasmas 16, 012504 (2009)], by adding a fourth variable representing a second class of coherent structure. This requires a fourth coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equation. We investigate the degree of invariance of the phenomenology generated by the model of Malkov and Diamond, given this additional physics. We study and compare the long-time behaviour of the three-equation and four-equation systems, their evolution towards the final state, and their attractive fixed points and limit cycles. We explore the sensitivity of paths to attractors. It is found that, for example, an attractive fixed point of the three-equation system can become a limit cycle of the four-equation system. Addressing these questions which we together refer to as “robustness” for convenience is particularly important for models which, as here, generate sharp transitions in the values of system variables which may replicate some key features of confinement transitions. Our results help to establish the robustness of the zero-dimensional model approach to capturing observed confinement phenomenology in tokamak fusion plasmas

    Quantifying fusion born ion populations in magnetically confined plasmas using ion cyclotron emission

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    Ion cyclotron emission (ICE) offers unique promise as a diagnostic of the fusion born alpha-particle population in magnetically confined plasmas. Pioneering observations from JET and TFTR found that ICE intensity PICEP_{ICE} scales approximately linearly with the measured neutron flux from fusion reactions, and with the inferred concentration, nα/nin_\alpha/n_i, of fusion-born alpha-particles confined within the plasma. We present fully nonlinear self-consistent kinetic simulations that reproduce this scaling for the first time. This resolves a longstanding question in the physics of fusion alpha-particle confinement and stability in MCF plasmas. It confirms the magnetoacoustic cyclotron instability (MCI) as the likely emission mechanism and greatly strengthens the basis for diagnostic exploitation of ICE in future burning plasmas

    Reforming perpendicular shocks in the presence of pickup protons: initial ion acceleration

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    International audienceAcceleration processes associated with the heliospheric termination shock may provide a source of anomalous cosmic rays (ACRs). Recent kinetic simulations of supercritical, quasi-perpendicular shocks have yielded time varying shock solutions that cyclically reform on the spatio-temporal scales of the incoming protons. Whether a shock solution is stationary or reforming depends upon the plasma parameters which, for the termination shock, are ill defined but believed to be within the time-dependent regime. Here we present results from high phase space resolution particle-in-cell simulations for a three-component plasma (solar wind protons, electrons and pickup protons) appropriate for the termination shock. We find reforming shock solutions which generate suprathermal populations for both proton components, with the pickup ions reaching energies of order twenty times the solar wind inflow energy. This suprathermal "injection" population is required as a seed population for subsequent acceleration at the shock which can in turn generate ACRs

    Surfatron and stochastic acceleration of electrons in astrophysical plasmas

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    Electron acceleration by large amplitude electrostatic waves in astrophysical plasmas is studied using particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. The waves are excited initially at the electron plasma frequency ωpe\omega_{\rm pe} by a Buneman instability driven by ion beams: the parameters of the ion beams are appropriate for high Mach number astrophysical shocks, such as those associated with supernova remnants (SNRs). If ωpe\omega_{\rm pe} is much higher than the electron cyclotron frequency Ωe\Omega_{\rm e}, the linear phase of the instability does not depend on the magnitude of the magnetic field. However, the subsequent time evolution of particles and waves depends on both ωpe/Ωe\omega_{\rm pe}/\Omega_{\rm e} and the size of the simulation box LL. If LL is equal to one wavelength, λ0\lambda_0, of the Buneman-unstable mode, electrons trapped by the waves undergo acceleration via the surfatron mechanism across the wave front. This occurs most efficiently when ωpe/Ωe100\omega_{\rm pe}/\Omega_{\rm e} \simeq 100: in this case electrons are accelerated to speeds of up c/2c/2 where cc is the speed of light. In a simulation with L=4λ0L=4\lambda_0 and ωpe/Ωe=100\omega_{\rm pe}/\Omega_{\rm e} = 100, it is found that sideband instabilities give rise to a broad spectrum of wavenumbers, with a power law tail. Some stochastic electron acceleration is observed in this case, but not the surfatron process. Direct integration of the electron equations of motion, using parameters approximating to those of the wave modes observed in the simulations, suggests that the surfatron is compatible with the presence of a broad wave spectrum if ωpe/Ωe>100\omega_{\rm pe}/\Omega_{\rm e}> 100. It is concluded that a combination of stochastic and surfatron acceleration could provide an efficient generator of mildly relativistic electrons at SNR shocks

    Transitions to improved confinement regimes induced by changes in heating in zero-dimensional models for tokamak plasmas

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    It is shown that rapid substantial changes in heating rate can induce transitions to improved energy confinement regimes in zero-dimensional models for tokamak plasma phenomenology. We examine for the first time the effect of step changes in heating rate in the models of E-J.Kim and P.H.Diamond, Phys.Rev.Lett. 90, 185006 (2003) and M.A.Malkov and P.H.Diamond, Phys.Plasmas 16, 012504 (2009) which nonlinearly couple the evolving temperature gradient, micro-turbulence and a mesoscale flow; and in the extension of H.Zhu, S.C.Chapman and R.O.Dendy, Phys.Plasmas 20, 042302 (2013), which couples to a second mesoscale flow component. The temperature gradient rises, as does the confinement time defined by analogy with the fusion context, while micro-turbulence is suppressed. This outcome is robust against variation of heating rise time and against introduction of an additional variable into the model. It is also demonstrated that oscillating changes in heating rate can drive the level of micro-turbulence through a period-doubling path to chaos, where the amplitude of the oscillatory component of the heating rate is the control parameter.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figure