52 research outputs found

    Agency, resistance and (forced) mobilities.The case of Syrian refugees in transit through Italy.

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    Abstract During the biennium 2013–2014 Syrian refugees started to reach Italy through Mediterranean seaborne migration routes, from Libya and Egypt. Their presence contributed to partially modifying the configuration of the incoming migration flows to Italy, both in terms of socio-demographic composition and access to the European asylum system. Data shows that most of the Syrian refugees who landed in Italy between 2013 and 2014 decided to pursue their journeys to Northern Europe, by overcoming the restrictions imposed by the Dublin Regulation. The article focuses on the phenomenon of transit, as an interesting standpoint from which to observe certain acts of agency and resistance, put in place by refugees in order to "choose the country where to live" (Denaro, 2016): the refusal to provide fingerprints during identification, the organization of hunger strikes, the secondary mobility per se. Moreover, the article attempts to shed light on the relational and socio-political context in which these practices have taken shape, by focusing on the construction of relationships with activists and volunteers, and the (explicit and tacit) processes of negotiation which refugees conducted with police authorities and other stakeholders

    Amniotic membrane application in complex cases of penetrating keratoplasty surgery

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    INTRODUCTION. The aim of the study is to investigate the ability of an amniotic membrane implant combined with penetrating keratoplasty to reduce early and mid-term complications in complex cases such as penetrating burns, infective ulcers, keratitis, or corneal graft failure. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Fifty patients: 12 with keratitis, 24 with infective ulcers, 10 with penetrating trauma, and four with a history of corneal graft failure, were divided into two groups. The first group of 25 patients (Group A) underwent penetrating keratoplasty alone, while the second group of 25 patients (Group B) received penetrating keratoplasty associated with an amniotic membrane implant. Amniotic membrane implantation was performed in a ‘patch modality’, and the membrane was sewn to the graft with the epithelium/basement membrane side facing inwards. All patients were evaluated, respectively, 3, 15, 30, 90, and 180 days after surgery. At each visit a slit-lamp examination was performed together with corneal thickness and endothelial cell count assessment. All the data were subjected to statistical analysis with Student’s t-test. RESULTS. At the slit-lamp examination in Group A 48% of patients showed Descemet folds at one and three months, respectively, while 80% of patients of Group B did not show any Descemet folds. In Group A we registered two cases of early graft failure and two cases of shallow anterior chamber, while none of these complications appeared in Group B. In Group A the average corneal thickness at 15, 30, 90, and 180 days post-operatively was, respectively, 695 ± 43 μm, 658 ± 31 μm, 588 ± 12 μm, and 518 ± 20 μm, while in Group B it was found to be, respectively, 667 ± 12 μm, 632 ± 17 μm, 562 ± 16 μm, and 516 ± 10 μm. Differences in corneal thickness between Group A and Group B were found to be statistically significant (p = 0.05). Endothelial cell count was in Group A 2582 c/mm2 at 15 days, 2500 c/mm2 at one month, 2335 c/mm2 at three months, and 2111 c/mm2 at six months, while the average count for Group B patients was 2607 c/mm2, 2503 c/mm2, 2299 c/mm2, and 2086 c/mm2, respectively. Differences in endothelial cell count between the two groups did not show any statistical significance (p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS. Amniotic membrane implantation associated with penetrating keratoplasty reduces early and mid-term complications of corneal grafts in patients with high risk of failure. This positive effect may be due to the anti-inflammatory, neurotrophic, and anti-angiogenetic properties of the amniotic membrane. Longer observation and larger case series can be useful in evaluation of the functional outcome of grafts in these patients

    mRNA and miRNA expression profiling of follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma with and without distant metastases

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    Follicular Variant of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (FVPTC) is usually associated with a good outcome. Nevertheless, in rare cases, it develops distant metastases (1–9%). Our goal was to investigate whether mRNA and miRNA expression profiles may help distinguish between metastatic versus non-metastatic FVPTCs. Twenty-four primary FVPTCs, 12 metastatic and 12 non-metastatic, with similar clinicopathological features were selected and analyzed by nanoString nCounter technology using two distinct panels for expression analysis of 740 mRNA and 798 miRNAs. Data analysis was performed using the nanoString nSolver 3.0 software. Forty-seven mRNA and 35 miRNAs were differentially expressed between the two groups. Using these mRNA and miRNAs, metastatic and non-metastatic FVPTCs were clearly divided into two distinct clusters. Our results indicate that FVPTCs with metastatic abilities have different expression profiles compared to the non-metastatic. A prospective validation is needed to evaluate the usefulness of this molecular approach in the early identification of high-risk FVPTCs

    Amniotic membrane application in complex cases of penetrating keratoplasty surgery

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    INTRODUCTION. The aim of the study is to investigate the ability of an amniotic membrane implant combined with penetrating keratoplasty to reduce early and mid-term complications in complex cases such as penetrating burns, infective ulcers, keratitis, or corneal graft failure. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Fifty patients: 12 with keratitis, 24 with infective ulcers, 10 with penetrating trauma, and four with a history of corneal graft failure, were divided into two groups. The first group of 25 patients (Group A) underwent penetrating keratoplasty alone, while the second group of 25 patients (Group B) received penetrating keratoplasty associated with an amniotic membrane implant. Amniotic membrane implantation was performed in a 'patch modality', and the membrane was sewn to the graft with the epithelium/basement membrane side facing inwards. All patients were evaluated, respectively, 3, 15, 30, 90, and 180 days after surgery. At each visit a slit-lamp examination was performed together with corneal thickness and endothelial cell count assessment. All the data were subjected to statistical analysis with Student's t-test. RESULTS. At the slit-lamp examination in Group A 48% of patients showed Descemet folds at one and three months, respectively, while 80% of patients of Group B did not show any Descemet folds. In Group A we registered two cases of early graft failure and two cases of shallow anterior chamber, while none of these complications appeared in Group B. In Group A the average corneal thickness at 15, 30, 90, and 180 days post-operatively was, respectively, 695 ± 43 μm, 658 ± 31 μm, 588 ± 12 μm, and 518 ± 20 μm, while in Group B it was found to be, respectively, 667 ± 12 μm, 632 ± 17 μm, 562 ± 16 μm, and 516 ± 10 μm. Differences in corneal thickness between Group A and Group B were found to be statistically significant (p = 0.05). Endothelial cell count was in Group A 2582 c/mm2 at 15 days, 2500 c/mm2 at one month, 2335 c/mm2 at three months, and 2111 c/mm2 at six months, while the average count for Group B patients was 2607 c/mm2, 2503 c/mm2, 2299 c/mm2, and 2086 c/mm2, respectively. Differences in endothelial cell count between the two groups did not show any statistical significance (p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS. Amniotic membrane implantation associated with penetrating keratoplasty reduces early and mid-term complications of corneal grafts in patients with high risk of failure. This positive effect may be due to the anti-inflammatory, neurotrophic, and anti-angiogenetic properties of the amniotic membrane. Longer observation and larger case series can be useful in evaluation of the functional outcome of grafts in these patients

    Ацетил-L-карнитин при дистимических расстройствах в пожилом возрасте: двойное слепое, мультицентровое, контролируемое рандомизированное исследование в сравнении с флуоксетином

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    Introduction. L-Acetylcarnitine (LAC), the acetyl ester of carnitine naturally present in the central nervous system and involved in several neural pathways, has been demonstrated to be active in various animal experimental models resembling some features of human depression. The aim of the study is to verify whether LAC can have an antidepressant action in a population of elderly patients with dysthymic disorder in comparison with a traditional antidepressant such as fluoxetine.Methods. Multicentric, double-blind, double-dummy, controlled, randomized study based on a observation period of 7 weeks. 80 patients with DSM-IV diagnosis of dysthymic disorder were enrolled in the study and subdivided into 2 groups. Group A patients received LAC plus placebo; group B patients received fluoxetine 20 mg/die plus placebo. Clinical assessment was performed through several psychometric scales at 6 different moments.Results. Group A patients showed a statistically significant improvement in the following scales: HAM-D, HAM-A, BDI and Touluse–Pieron Test. Comparison between the two groups, A and B, generally showed very similar clinical progression.Discussion. The results obtained with LAC and fluoxetine were equivalent. As the subjects in this study were of senile age, it is possible to hypothesize that the LAC positive effect on mood could be associated with improvement in subjective cognitive symptomatology. The difference in the latency time of clinical response (1 week of LAC treatment, compared with the 2 weeks' latency time with fluoxetine) suggests the existence of different mechanisms of action possibly in relation to the activation of rapid support processes of neuronal activity.Введение. Показано, что ацетил-L-карнитин (АЦ-L-К), ацетиловый эфир карнитина, в норме присутствующий в центральной нервной системе и участвующий в метаболических процессах нервной ткани, обладает активностью в различных экспериментальных моделях животных, напоминающих депрессию у человека. Цель исследования – подтвердить антидепрессивное действие АЦ-L-К у пожилых пациентов с дистимическими расстройствами по сравнению с традиционным антидепрессантом флуоксетином.Материалы и методы. В мультицентровое двойное слепое плацебоконтролируемое рандомизированное исследование продолжительностью 7 нед были включены 80 пациентов с диагнозом дистимического расстройства по DSM-IV. Пациенты были разделены на 2 группы: в группе А получали АЦ-L-К и плацебо; в группе Б получали флуоксетин по 20 мг 2 раза в день и плацебо. Клиническая оценка эффекта проводилась 6 раз по нескольким психометрическим шкалам.Результаты. В группе А отмечено статистически достоверное улучшение по следующим шкалам: HAM-D, HAM-A, BDI и тесту Тулуза–Пьерона. Сопоставление групп А и Б выявило практически одинаковую клиническую динамику.Обсуждение. Получены одинаковые результаты по эффективности приема АЦ-L-К и флуоксетина. В связи с пожилым возрастом пациентов предполагается, что положительное влияние АЦ-L-К на настроение может быть связано с улучшением когнитивных симптомов. Различие во времени наступления клинического эффекта (через 1 нед после начала приема АЦ-L-К и через 2 нед от начала приема флуоксетина) предполагает наличие разных механизмов действия, возможно связанных с быстрой активацией метаболических процессов в нервной ткани

    Long-Term Effects of Breast Cancer Therapy and Care: Calm after the Storm?

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    Breast cancer is still a lethal disease and the leading cause of death in women, undermining patients' survival and quality of life. Modern techniques of surgery and radiotherapy allow for the obtaining of good results in terms of survival, however they cause long-term side effects that persist over time, such as lymphedema and neuropathy. Similarly, the advent of new therapies such as endocrine therapy revolutionized breast cancer outcomes, but side effects are still present even in years of follow-up after cure. Besides the side effects of medical and surgical therapy, breast cancer is a real disruption in patients' lives considering quality of life-related aspects such as the distortion of body image, the psychological consequences of the diagnosis, and the impact on family dynamics. Therefore, the doctor-patient relationship is central to providing the best support both during treatment and afterwards. The aim of this review is to summarize the consequences of medical and surgical treatment on breast cancer patients and to emphasize the importance of early prevention of side effects to improve patients' quality of life

    Hip viscosupplementation under ultra-sound guidance riduces NSAID consumption in symptomatic hip osteoarthritis patients in a long follow-up. Data from Italian registry.

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    Introduction: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) consumption is strictly related to a high gastrointestinal and cardiovascular mortality and morbidity rate. Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) recommendations in patients with symptomatic hip or knee OA stated that NSAIDs should be used at the lowest effective dose but their long-term use should be avoided if possible. OARSI guidelines for the treatment of the hip OA include the use of viscosupplementation, which aims to restore physiological and Theological features of the synovial fluid. Objective: Aim of this multicentric, open and retrospective study is to investigate if NSAID consumption may be reduced by the use of ultrasound-guided intra-articular injection of several hyaluronic acid (HA) products in hip joint administered in patients affected by symptomatic hip OA. Materials and Methods: Patients affected by mono or bilateral symptomatic hip OA according to American Rheumatology Association (ARA) criteria, radiological OA graded II-IV (Kellgren and Lawrence) entered the study and were administered with ultrasound-guided intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid products. As a primary endpoint, consumption of NSAIDs was evaluated by recording the number of days a month (range 0-30) the patient had used NSAID during the previous month, reported at each visit during the 24 months follow-up period. Secondary endpoints included further analysis for subgroups of patients categorized for Lequesne index score, Kellgren-Lawrence score, pain visual analogue scale (VAS) score, ultrasound pattern, age, hyaluronic acid used. Results: 2343 patients entered the study. Regarding primary endpoint, the consumption of NSAIDs was reduced of 48.2% at the third month when compared with baseline values. This sparing effect increased at 12th and 24th month with a reduction respectively of 50% and 61% in comparison to baseline values. These differences were statistically significant. Conclusions: These data point out that intraarticular hyaluronan preparations provide OA pain relief and reduce NSAIDs consumption in a large cohort of patients for a long period of follow-up. Multiple courses of viscosupplementation (vs) are required to maintain low dose of NSAID consumption over time. NSAIDs consumption is strictly related to an high gastrointestinal and cardiovascular mortality and morbidity rate, instead HA intra-articular treatment is well tolerated and is associated with a low incidence of adverse effects. For these reasons further studies evaluating cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of VS in the management of hip OA are required

    Refugiados en movimiento : retos políticos, legales y sociales en tiempos de inestabilidad

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    La conferencia internacional «Refugees on the move: thinking beyong the Euro-Mediterranean crisis» (21 y 22 de abril 2016) que inspira esta publicación, fue organizada gracias a la subvención de la Generalitat de Catalunya, AGAUR, a través el proyecto GRC-SGR 2014 (1524).En el marco del CER-M (UAB-UB), hemos organizado la conferencia internacional «Refugees on the move: thinking beyong the Euro-Mediterranean crisis» celebrada el 21 y 22 de abril 2016 en el CCCB y Espai Contrabandos. Esta conferencia tuvo como objetivo crear un espacio de debate y reflexión en torno a las implicaciones teóricas, político-legales y sociales que estos desplazamientos están conllevando. En el evento participaron académicos de ámbito nacional e internacional, así como personas expertas y profesionales que trabajan sobre el terreno. Fruto de estas jornadas, y a partir de las aportaciones de sus participantes, el equipo del CER-M (UAB-UB) presentamos este monográfico bilingüe.The CER-M (UAB-UB) organised the international conference "Refugees on the move: thinking beyond the Euro-Mediterranean crisis" on the 21st and 22nd of April 2016 at the CCCB and Espai Contrabandos. The conference aimed at creating a space of debate and reflection around the theoretical, political, legal and social implications of these displacements are causing. International and national academics, as well as experts and professionals working in the field participated in the event. As a result of the conference, and based on the contributions of the participants, the CER-M team presents this bilingual monographic

    Reliability of forced internal rotation and active internal rotation to assess lateral instability of the biceps pulley

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    Purpose: the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between positive painful forced internal rotation (FIR) and lateral pulley instability in the presence of a pre-diagnosed posterosuperior cuff tear. The same investigation was conducted for painful active internal rotation (AIR). Methods: a multicenter prospective study was conducted in a series of patients scheduled to undergo arthroscopic posterosuperior cuff repair. Pain was assessed using a visual analog scale (VAS) and the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand questionnaire (DASH) was administered. The VAS score at rest, DASH score, and presence/absence of pain on FIR and AIR were recorded and their relationships with lesions of the lateral pulley, cuff tear patterns and shape of lesions were analyzed. Results: the study population consisted of 115 patients (mean age: 55.1 years) recruited from 12 centers. The dominant arm was affected in 72 cases (62.6%). The average anteroposterior extension of the lesion was 1.61 cm. The mean preoperative VAS and DASH scores were 6.1 and 41.8, respectively. FIR and AIR were positive in 94 (81.7%) and 85 (73.9%) cases, respectively. The lateral pulley was compromised in 50 cases (43.4%). Cuff tears were partial articular in 35 patients (30.4%), complete in 61 (53%), and partial bursal in 19 (16.5%). No statistical correlation between positive FIR or AIR and lateral pulley lesions was detected. Positive FIR and AIR were statistically associated with complete lesions. Negative FIR was associated with the presence of partial articular tears. Conclusions: painful FIR in the presence of a postero-superior cuff tear does not indicate lateral pulley instability. When a cuff tear is suspected, positive FIR and AIR are suggestive of full-thickness tear patterns while a negative FIR suggests a partial articular lesion. Level of evidence: level I, validating cohort study with good reference standards