22 research outputs found

    The Representation of Ottoman Architecture Developed Under The Influence of Westernization in Giresun: The Kapu Mosque

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    Tanzimat Fermanı ve devamı niteliğindeki Islahat Fermanı, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda batılılaşma yolunda atılan çok önemli adımlar olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu dönemlerde gerçekleştirilen askeri, siyasi, sosyal ve ekonomik değişimler Osmanlı devletinin idari ve kurumsal yapısında da önemli değişiklikler getirmiştir. Başkent İstanbul’da başlayan öncelikle askeri ardından toplumsal ve kültürel bir modernleşme programına dönüşen bir dizi uygulama Osmanlı mimarlığının Anadolu’daki temsillerini de fiziki ve yapısal olarak değiştirmiştir. Söz konusu dönemde Osmanlı’nın Anadolu’daki küçük bir kazası olan Giresun gerek Osmanlı’nın başkentiyle gerekse diğer Avrupa kentleriyle kurduğu liman ticareti sayesinde bu gelişmelerden etkilenmiştir. Osmanlı batılılaşmasının Anadolu’da ki temsilleri olarak kamusal, dini ya da sivil mimarlık örneği pek çok yapı inşa edilmiştir ve ‘Giresun Kapu Camii’ bu temsillerin bir örneğidir. Dönem camilerinin en önemli ortak özelliği olarak dikkati çeken süsleme programlarındaki üslup birliği, Kapu Camii barok süslemelerinde de gözlenmektedir. Bu eksende çalışmanın amacı; Lale devriyle başlayarak Osmanlı modernleşmesi olarak okunan ve Osmanlı Mimarlığını da etkileyen batılılaşma sürecinin Giresun’daki temsilinin ‘Kapu Camii’ üzerinden okunmasıdır.Tanzimat Edict and its successor Islahat Edict come forward as very important steps taken towards westernization in the Ottoman Empire. Military, political, social and economic transformations that were put into practice in this period, also brought about significant modifications in the administrative and institutional structure of the Ottoman State. A range of practices that at first started in the capital city of Istanbul as military applications and then turned into a social and cultural modernization program, also physically and structurally changed the representations of the Ottoman architecture in Anatolia. In that period, Giresun, which was a small town of the Ottoman Empire in Anatolia, was influenced by these developments thanks to its port trade network established in connection with the capital of the Ottoman State and various other European cities. Several structures that are examples of public, religious or civil architecture were built as representations of the Ottoman Westernization in Anatolia and 'the Giresun Kapu Mosque' is an example of these representations. The stylistic association in the decorative designs of the mosques of that era, which is remarkable as the most important common feature, is also observed in the baroque ornaments of the Kapu Mosque. The aim of the study within this context; is to examine the Ottoman westernization process, also accepted as the Ottoman modernization, which was started with the Tulip Era and affected the Ottoman architecture as well, over the case of the Kapu Mosque

    “The Lolelaplap (Marshall Islands) in Us: Sailing West to East (Ralik→Ratak) to These Our Atolls (Aelon Kein Ad) Ad Jolet Jen Anij (Our Blessed Inheritance from God)”

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    This paper discusses the expansion of Oceania through a Marshallese indigenous lens as a focal point. It explains that decolonizing methodologies allows reclaiming of space for mental liberation and reassurement of constitutional rights. It highlights similar occurrences of decolonization practices meeting resistance in the 21st century all while strengthening the human right argument that no human deserves any less than their fellow human brothers and sisters. It argues that an indigenous imagery can only be viewed through an indigenous lens where the researches’ level of purity is retained and unfiltered. It nevertheless argues that Marshallese ethnolinguistics reveal the same cultural practices in America, Judeo-Christianity, and Oceania thus dictating the reality that “we are the same not withstanding one stays here and one there (Bedbedjin Bedbedjen, Bedbedjinma wot Kwe)”. It further explains the importance in these similarities and how Marshallese spirituality predates introduced American Judeo-Christianity despite the latter attempting to marginalize the former. It concludes by stating that Marshallese contributions on the global stage are rooted in that culture of love (IaKwe) which is echoed by the custom(s) revealing the significance of Marshallese validation academically, spiritually, economically, & socially to prevent institutionalized discrimination. This paper ends stating that the agency to know one’s self and how one should fit in the world, is a human right in itself and Marshallese are entitled to this sense of self worth through knowing thy self by thy self where real thinking takes place in one’s own mind as we all live our own lives

    Construction Of Physical Space In Historical Projection; Education Structures From Ottoman To Republic Era In Giresun

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    Bu çalışma Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e modernleşme düşüncesinden beklentilerinve bu beklentilerin varlık bulduğu kamu yapıları olarak eğitim yapılarının, merkezkentler dışında, periferideki kentler bağlamında okunabileceği üzerine geliştirilmiştir. Bueksende hem Osmanlı hem de Cumhuriyet döneminde Anadolu’nun periferinde bulunanbir kent olan Giresun çalışmaya konu edilmiştir. İktisadi gelişimini tarımsal bir ürün olanfındık ve kıyı kenti olmasının getirileri üzerinden sürdüren kentte, Osmanlı dönemindekentin merkezinde yaşayan gayrimüslim nüfusun, Cumhuriyet döneminde ise ürününişlenmesi konusuna yönelen müslüman nüfusun etkinliği söz konusu olmuş; kent, dışa açıkkonumu sayesinde ulusal ölçekte gerçekleştirilen modernleşme ve eğitim reformlarındanetkilenmiştir. Bu anlamda ulusal eğitim tarihinin yerel ölçekteki izdüşümünün Giresun’dakieğitim yapılarına ve bu yapıların kent mekanının inşasına etkisinin okunması çalışmanınamacıdır. Eğitim tarihi, mimari ve kent mekanı ortak paydasında kurgulanan çalışmada; ülketarihinde etkili olan olayların eğitim tarihi ile harmanlanarak merkezden perifere yansımasıve fiziksel mekanın inşası bağlamında tartışılması çalışmanın yöntemini belirlemiştir. Böylecegerek tarih araştırmalarında gerekse kent ve mimarlık araştırmalarında kendine fazla yerbulamamış ancak sahip olduğu içsel dinamikler nedeniyle her iki dönemde de modernleşmereformlarından etkilenmiş bir kentin mekansal gelişimi izlenebilmiştir.This study was developed on the grounds that the expectations of modernizationfrom the Ottoman to the Republic era and the public structures in which these expectationsmaterialized can be read in the context of the cities in the periphery except the central cities. Inthis axis, Giresun was the subject of study as a city located at the periphery of Anatolia duringboth Ottoman and Republican eras. In the city, whose economic development is based on thereturn of agricultural products such as hazelnut and due to the fact that it is a coastal city,Non-Muslim population which was living in the center of the city during the Ottoman periodwas effective and Muslim population was effective in Republic period as they had a tendencyto process the products. Accordingly the city was effected from the modernization andeducation reforms realized in national scale, thanks to its outward oriented location. For thesereasons, the aim of this study is to read the effect of local education in the local scale on theeducational structures in Giresun and the construction of these buildings in the urban space.In the study which was built on common denominator of history of education, architectureand urban space; the method was determined by the discussion of effects of the events inthe history of the country were blended with the history of education and their reflectionfrom the center to the periphery and the construction of the physical space. Thus, the spatialdevelopment of a city, which was affected by modernization reforms in both periods due toits internal dynamics but which could not find much space in history research or in urban andarchitectural studies, could be followed

    Tıbbi Girişim Öncesi Bilgilendirilmiş Rızanın Alınması ile İlgili Bir Anket Çalışması

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    Sivas’ta SSK, Numune ve Üniversite hastanelerinin Genel Cerrahi kliniklerinde cerrahi girişim uygulanmış olguların girişim öncesi bilgilendirilmiş rızalarının alınması ile ilgili bilgilerin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla 20 Mart-01 Mayıs 2001 tarihleri arasında anket çalışması yapıldı. SSK hastanesinden 89, Üniversite hastanesinden 96 ve Numune hastanesinden 167 olmak üzere toplam 352 hastaya birebir sorularak anket formu uygulandı. Ameliyattan önce bilgilendirilmeyen 44 (% 12.5) olgunun 23’ünü (% 52.3) Üniversite hastanesindeki olgular oluşturmakta olup, bunların çoğu küçük yaşta veya acil olgulardı. SSK hastanesindeki bütün olguların kendilerinden veya yasal temsilciden rızası alınmış olup, Üniversite hastanesindeki olguların % 5.2’sinin, Numune hastanesindeki olguların % 7.2’sinin rızasının alınmamış olduğu belirlendi. Bu çalışmada, tıbbi girişimlerde yasal bir zorunluluk olan bilgilendirilmiş rızanın alınmasında karşılaşılan sorunlar vurgulandı ve bu olgulara yaklaşım biçimi önerildi. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bilgilendirilmiş rıza, tıbbi malpraktis, adli tıp

    Liken Planus Pigmentosus-İnversus: İki Olgu Sunumu

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    Lichen planus pigmentosus (LPP)-inversus has been identified in a few East European cases primarily intertriginous areas such as axilla and groin which is not contacting with sunlight, and involvement in other skin areas was rarely detected. Because the lesions are similar to LPP in clinical and histological appearance, this condition, which is characterized by hyperpigmented, brown macules or plaques, is called LPP-inversus. Until today, actinic LP, linear LP, zosteriform, and LP pigmentosus clinical subtypes of lichen planus have been described. LPP-inversus is a rare form of LP and so far, there have been few case reports. LPP-inversus has been reported mostly in Caucasians and Asians, and axilla was the most involved body region. In a small proportion (approximately 10%) of the cases, classical LP or LPP lesions may be located outside the flexural areas. So far, about 50 cases have been reported; also we presented two new cases that we diagnosed.Liken planus pigmentosus (LPP)-inversus Doğu Avrupalı birkaç olguda primer olarak aksilla ve kasık gibi güneş görmeyen intertriginöz alanlarda tanımlanmış olup, diğer deri bölgelerinde tutulum ise nadiren saptanmıştır. Lezyonlar klinik ve histolojik görünüm olarak LPP’ye benzediğinden dolayı, hiperpigmente, kahverengi makül veya plaklarla karakterize bu durum LPP-inversus olarak adlandırılmıştır. Liken planusun günümüze kadar aktinik LP, lineer LP, zosteriform, LP pigmentosus klinik alt tipleri tanımlanmıştır. LPP-inversus; LP’nin nadir bir formudur ve çok az vaka bildirimi olmuştur. Beyaz ırk ve Asyalılarda en fazla bildirilmiş olup aksilla olgularda en fazla tutulan bölge olmuştur. Olguların az bir kısmında (yaklaşık %10) klasik LP veya LPP lezyonları fleksural alanların dışında bulunabilmektedir. Şu ana kadar yaklaşık 50 olgu bildirimi olmuştur; biz de tanı koyduğumuz iki yeni olguyu sunmayı uygun bulduk

    Bir Tasarim Öğretisi Olarak Archi-Mimesis

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    This study was based on a discussion of the relationship between mimesis and architectural design. Mimesis was accepted as one of the oldest and most basic concepts of artistic and literary efforts, a method to learn and produce a representation of reality from ancient periods to today. However, mimesis is not simply used as imitation, even in ancient periods. Mimesis has a strong relationship with various parameters like the physical material reality of the world, the era, the things the era brings, and the worldview, knowledge, and experience of the designer. In this context, this study is based on the theorem of the internalization of the objective world in the designing process and the mimetic approach in the designing process by including individual approaches in the creation process. To test this theorem, a workshop, conceptualized as “Archi-Mimesis,” and accepting mimesis as creative designing doctrine, was organized. We describe Archi-Mimesis as mimesis or re-representation of the architecture, which is different from other nature-based methods like biomimetic, through the interface of mimetic methods maintained by considering reality through the creativity of architectural design and innovation oriented structure.Bu çalışma; mimesis ve mimari tasarım arasındaki ilişkinin varlığının tartışılması üzerine temellendirilmiştir. Mimesis, antik dönemden günümüze gerçekliğin temsili, öğrenmenin ve üretmenin yöntemi olarak sanatsal ve yazınsal kuramların en eski ve en temel kavramlarından birisi kabul edilmiştir. Ancak antik dönemde bile sadece taklit etmek anlamında kullanılmayan mimesis; bir tarafta dünyanın maddesel gerçekliğiyle diğer taraftan da üretenin dünya görüşü, bilgisi ve deneyimi, zaman ve zamanın getirdikleri gibi çeşitli parametrelerle güçlü bir ilişkiye sahiptir. Bu bağlamda yapılan çalışmanın önermesi; tasarlama sürecinde nesnel dünyanın içselleştirmesi ve bireysel yaklaşımların yaratma sürecine dahil edilmesinin aslında tasarlama deneyiminde mimetik bir yaklaşım içerdiğidir. Bu önermenin sınanması amacıyla ‘Archi-Mimesis’ olarak kavramsallaştırılan ve mimesisin yaratıcı bir tasarlama öğretisi olarak kabul edildiği bir workshop etkinliği düzenlenmiştir. Archi-MİMESİS; mimari tasarımın yaratıcılığa ve yeniliğe odaklı yapısı ile bir gerçekliğe bağlı kalınarak sürdürülen mimetik yöntemlerin arayüzünde ancak biomimesis gibi doğayı referans alan yöntemlerden farklı olarak mimarinin kendisinin yeniden temsili ya da mimesis olarak tanımlanmıştır

    Retrospective analysis of endemic melasma patients

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    Melasma is an acquired diffuse hypermelanosis characterized by localized, symmetrical, irregular, light-to-dark brown maculae occurring in sun-exposed areas of skin. The aim of this retrospective study was to determine demographics of patients, analysis of etiologic factors, clinical features, efficacy and side effects of available topical treatments due to high incidence of melasma patients. In this study melasma patients in Birecik State Hospital were investigated retrospectively. Between January 2014 and October 2015, 1008 patients had diagnosis of melasma in 49,809 applications of 24,603 different patients who admitted to Dermatology Outpatient Clinics. Of the 1008 patients, 263 had completed 3-month treatment period. These patients did not receive treatment in June, July, August and September. All melasma patients were rural and dealing with agriculture. There was no significant difference between female and male patients in terms of age. Of the 253 female melasma patients, only 2 of them had not child and none of them were using hormone drug. Of the 263 patients with melasma, Fitzpatrick skin type was 3 in 79 (30%) patients, 4 in 184 (70%) patients. Şanlıurfa city showed higher fertility rate, sun exposure, and skin type than Turkey as a whole. These predisposing factors may explain higher melasma occurrence in Şanlıurfa. Patient information about preventive measures and treatment play important role in treatment of cosmetic condition. The most important measure seems to advise patients about sun-protection especially during pregnancy

    The effects of type I collagen on bone defects and gene expression changes for osteogenesis: In a rat model

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of type I collagen on bone defects and on genes specifically for osteogenesis in a rat model. Two millimeter drill hole bone defect was created in the femur of rats. In the experimental group, type I collagen was applied in bone defects whereas in control group defects were left empty. Inflammation, development of connective tissue, osteogenesis, and foreign body reaction parameters evaluated with histologically and genes evaluated by blood samples. In the experimental group, the histopathologically significant change was found in favor of bone healing only at the first week. A significant increase was found in genetic expressions of BMP-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, TGF-βRII, Smad-1, IL-6, BMPR-IA, BMPR-IB, Eng, BMPR-II, c-fos, Cdkn1a, Chrd, Gdf-5, Id-1, PDGF-β, IGF-1, Serpine-1, and TGF-βRI at the first hour. At the first, third, and sixth week, no significant increase was found in any of the gene expressions. Type I collagen is found to be effective in favor of bone healing through increased inflammatory cytokines and expression of BMP genes in the early stages of fracture healing. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Decreased choroidal thickness in vitiligo patients

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    Abstract Background Vitiligo is a disease characterized by depigmented macules and patches that occur as a result of the loss of functional melanocytes from the affected skin through a mechanism which has not been elucidated yet. Destruction of pigment cells in vitiligo may not remain limited to the skin; the eyelashes, iris, ciliary body, choroid, retinal pigment epithelium and meninges may also be affected. This study aims to compare the choroidal thickness of patients with and without vitiligo using optical coherence tomography (OCT). Methods Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) (Retina Scan Advanced RS-3000 NIDEK, Japan) instrument (with λ = 840 nm, 27,000 A-scans/second and 5 μm axial resolution) was used for the imaging. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 21.0 software package. Results In all values except optic nevre area measurements, the choroidal thickness of all vitiligo patients was found out to be thinner compared to the control group. Conclusions In vitiligo, the choroidal thickness may be affected by the loss of melanocytes

    Alt ekstremite kompleks bölgesel ağrı sendromu (KBAS) tip 1 erken ve objektif tanısında kantitatif üç fazlı kemik sintigrafisinin (QTPBS) önemi

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    In this study, we aimed to assess the effect of quantitative 3-phase bone scintigraphy (QTPBS) in patients with musculoskeletal patologies at lower extremity regarding early diagnosis and clinical outcomes. 42 patients having musculoskeletal pathologies at lower extremity who were prediagnosed as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) were evaluated. Roentgenograms, SPECT and 3- phase bone scintigraphy were obtained for all patients. Patients who had trauma history to the intact side and patients with microfractures according to SPECT were excluded from the study. The affected limb of patients is compared with patients' intact side. There were no statistical significance for Phase 1 and Phase 2 related areas when we compared the intact side and effected site of the extremity. However, 14 of 16 areas for Phase 3 showed statistical signifance while only two of the areas (P3-PP1 and P3-MPJ) did not show any difference. Specifically, P3-L Tibia related area show strong statistical significance of p=0.0001. Quantitative analysis of 3-phase bone scintigraphy(QTPBS) supports early diagnoses and treatment in CRPS. Beside this, it contributes to eliminate arthritis and metbaolic diseases in differential diagnosis. Among the other existing techniques, QTPBS is the most sensitive and reliable one for now