378 research outputs found

    Effect of high temperature deposition on CoSi 2 phase formation

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    Abstract: This paper discusses the nucleation behaviour of the CoSi to CoSi2 transformation from cobalt silicide thin films grown by deposition at elevated substrate temperatures ranging from 375 °C to 600 °C. A combination of channelling, real-time Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, real-time x-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy was used to investigate the effect of the deposition temperature on the subsequent formation temperature of CoSi2, its growth behaviour, and the epitaxial quality of the CoSi2 thus formed. The temperature at which deposition took place was observed to exert a significant and systematic influence on both the formation temperature of CoSi2 and its growth mechanism. CoSi films grown at the lowest temperatures were found to increase the CoSi2 nucleation temperature above that of CoSi2 grown by conventional solid phase reaction, whereas the higher deposition temperatures reduced the nucleation temperature significantly. In addition, a systematic change in growth mechanism of the subsequent CoSi2 growth occurs as a function of deposition temperature. First, the CoSi2 growth rate from films grown at the lower reactive deposition temperatures is substantially lower than that grown at higher reactive deposition temperatures, even though the onset of growth occurs at a higher temperature, Second, for deposition temperatures below 450 °C, the growth appears columnar, indicating nucleation controlled growth. Elevated deposition temperatures, on the other hand, render the CoSi2 formation process layer-by-layer which indicates enhanced nucleation of the CoSi2 and diffusion controlled growth. Our results further indicate that this observed trend is most likely related to stress and changes in microstructure introduced during reactive deposition of the CoSi film. The deposition temperature therefore provides a handle to tune the CoSi2 growth mechanism

    The role of culture and society in the development of plot in tanushree podders escape from harem and gita mehtas a river sutra: a feminist reading

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    Culture and Society are often the main gist of most novels. These two factors often influence and control the characters, thus helping in the development of the plot. A plot, as defined by Egan (1978), is used to indicate an outline of events and serves as a skeleton in a literary piece. In other words, it is a tool in making sure the main incidents or scenarios are presented in a particular order to establish a clear understanding of what is being written. Culture and society plays the essence in a novel as it constructs these main ideas in engaging the interest of a reader and also extends the intended message of the particular writer. This paper looks into how culture and society helps in developing the plots of the selected novels using the feminist approach. Tanushree Podder’s, Escape from Harem (2013) and Gita Mehta’s A River Sutra (1993) amazingly are both set in India. Podder and Mehta have inserted the perception society had over women and how male supremacy was glorified in many aspects. The essence of feminist approach was very much present in these two novels. According to Tyson (2006), feminism concerns the ways in which literature undermines the economic, political, social and psychological oppression on women. Though the setting of both novels fall in different eras but the theme of female oppression remains the same. The patriarchal society uses culture and religion as a tool to control women and oppress them. Both authors have shown how the women in the 17th century and in the 20th century face the same kind of judgment from the society and men in general

    Diarrhoea in general practice: when should a Clostridium difficile infection be considered? Results of a nested case-control study

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    AbstractClostridium difficile infections (CDIs) are frequent in hospitals, but also seem to increase in the community. Here, we aim to determine the incidence of CDI in general practice and to evaluate current testing algorithms for CDI. Three Dutch laboratories tested all unformed faeces (12 714) for C. difficile when diagnostic testing (for any enteric pathogen) was requested by a general practitioner (GP). Additionally, a nested case-control study was initiated, including 152 CDI patients and 304 age and sex-matched controls. Patients were compared using weighted multivariable logistic regression. One hundred and ninety-four samples (1.5%) were positive for C. difficile (incidence 0.67/10 000 patient years). This incidence was comparable to that of Salmonella spp. Compared with diarrhoeal controls, CDI was associated with more severe complaints, underlying diseases, antibiotic use and prior hospitalization. In our study, GPs requested a test for C. difficile in 7% of the stool samples, thereby detecting 40% of all CDIs. Dutch national recommendations advise testing for C. difficile when prior antibiotic use or hospitalization is present (18% of samples). If these recommendations were followed, 61% of all CDIs would have been detected. In conclusion, C. difficile is relatively frequent in general practice. Currently, testing for C. difficile is rare and only 40% of CDI in general practice is detected. Following recommendations that are based on traditional risk factors for CDI, would improve detection of CDI

    On the growth kinetics of Ni(Pt) silicide thin films

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    We report on the effect of Pt on the growth kinetics of δ-Ni2Si and Ni 1−xPtxSi thin films formed by solid phase reaction of a Ni(Pt) alloyed thin film on Si(100). The study was performed by real-time Rutherford backscattering spectrometry examining the silicide growth rates for initial Pt concentrations of 0, 1, 3, 7, and 10 at. % relative to the Ni content. Pt was found to exert a drastic effect on the growth kinetics of both phases. δ-Ni2Si growth is slowed down tremendously, which results in the simultaneous growth of this phase with Ni 1−xPtxSi. Activation energies extracted for the Ni 1−xPtxSi growth process exhibit an increase from Ea = 1.35 ± 0.06 eV for binary NiSi to Ea = 2.7 ± 0.2 eV for Ni 1−xPtxSi with an initial Pt concentration of 3 at. %. Further increasing the Pt content to 10 at. % merely increases the activation energy for Ni 1−xPtxSi growth to Ea = 3.1 ± 0.5 eV

    Sn diffusion during Ni germanide growth on Ge1– xSnx

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    We report on the redistribution of Sn during Ni germanide formation on Ge1– x Sn x /〈Ge(100)〉 and its influence on the thin film growth and properties. These results show that the reaction involves the formation of Ni5Ge3 and NiGe. Sn redistributes homogenously in both phases, in which the Sn/Ge ratio retains the ratio of the as-deposited Ge1– x Sn x film. Sn continues to diffuse after full NiGe formation and segregates in two regions: (1) at the interface between the germanide and Ge1– x Sn x and (2) at the surface, which has major implications for the thin film and contact properties

    Enriched biodiversity data as a resource and service

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    Background: Recent years have seen a surge in projects that produce large volumes of structured, machine-readable biodiversity data. To make these data amenable to processing by generic, open source “data enrichment” workflows, they are increasingly being represented in a variety of standards-compliant interchange formats. Here, we report on an initiative in which software developers and taxonomists came together to address the challenges and highlight the opportunities in the enrichment of such biodiversity data by engaging in intensive, collaborative software development: The Biodiversity Data Enrichment Hackathon. Results: The hackathon brought together 37 participants (including developers and taxonomists, i.e. scientific professionals that gather, identify, name and classify species) from 10 countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the UK, and the US. The participants brought expertise in processing structured data, text mining, development of ontologies, digital identification keys, geographic information systems, niche modeling, natural language processing, provenance annotation, semantic integration, taxonomic name resolution, web service interfaces, workflow tools and visualisation. Most use cases and exemplar data were provided by taxonomists. One goal of the meeting was to facilitate re-use and enhancement of biodiversity knowledge by a broad range of stakeholders, such as taxonomists, systematists, ecologists, niche modelers, informaticians and ontologists. The suggested use cases resulted in nine breakout groups addressing three main themes: i) mobilising heritage biodiversity knowledge; ii) formalising and linking concepts; and iii) addressing interoperability between service platforms. Another goal was to further foster a community of experts in biodiversity informatics and to build human links between research projects and institutions, in response to recent calls to further such integration in this research domain. Conclusions: Beyond deriving prototype solutions for each use case, areas of inadequacy were discussed and are being pursued further. It was striking how many possible applications for biodiversity data there were and how quickly solutions could be put together when the normal constraints to collaboration were broken down for a week. Conversely, mobilising biodiversity knowledge from their silos in heritage literature and natural history collections will continue to require formalisation of the concepts (and the links between them) that define the research domain, as well as increased interoperability between the software platforms that operate on these concepts

    A Hybrid Model for Dynamic Simulation of Custom Software Projects in a Multiproject Environment

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    This paper describes SimHiProS, a hybrid simulation model of software production. The goal is to gain insight on the dynamics induced by resource sharing in multiproject management. In order to achieve it the hierarchy of decisions in a multiproject organization is modeled and some resource allocation methods based on algorithms from the OR/AI domain are used. Other critical issues such as the hybrid nature of software production and the effects of measurement and control are also incorporated in the model. Some first results are presented.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2004-06689-C03-03Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2007-67843-C06-0

    Design of a decision support system for multiobjective activity planning and programming using global bacteria optimization

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    The success of any project lies in a great manner on keeping costs in the estimated values, as well as meeting customer required due date. Therefore, there is a current need of developing an information system that facilitates the creation and managing of projects and their processes, including costing schemes, as well as monitoring an optimizing project’s makespan. In order to address this situation a user-friendly information system (IS) was developed. This IS includes an optimization module that reduces the project’s execution time, thus, minimizing costs and ultimately providing the manager with the right tools for the correct development of the project. Therefore, a better planning of activities in a reduced time is accomplished. In this way, the project manager is equipped with a decision support system (DSS) that allows a better decision making and, thanks to this performance optimization, a cost-effective solution can be delivered to the company. The optimization module is the main innovative component in this IS, considering that addresses the problem as a multiobjective one, considering at the same time makespan and cost. This module is based on global bacteria optimization (GBO). This becomes the most relevant improvement when compared to other ISs in the market