85 research outputs found

    Влияние модулированного питающего напряжения на межвитковую изоляцию

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    Описание научно-квалификационной работы. В работе исследованы особенности электротеплового старения изоляции низковольтных обмоток электрических двигателей в составе частотно-регулируемого привода и предложены рекомендации по повышению надежности.Description of scientific qualification work. The features of an electrothermal aging of electric motors low-voltage windings insulation in variable frequency drive are studied and recommendations on reliability improving are proposed in this work

    Применение метода фотометрии лежащих капель для задач клинической лабораторной диагностики

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    В статье представлены теоретические обоснования и экспериментальные исследования, посвященные разработке метода диагностики жидких сред на основе фотометрии образцов проб в виде лежащих капель. Приведены обоснования механизмов влияния протекающих в капельных пробах процессов на их оптические свойства. Представлены результаты апробации метода фотометрии капель для оценки динамики оседания эритроцитов и процесса образования фибринового сгустка при проведении клоттинговых тестов

    Analysis of Barriers to the Development of Industrial Internet of Things Technology and Ways to Overcome Them

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    The development of the digital economy requires the compilation of a roadmap for the development of all the end-to-end technologies included in the cluster of technologies that need to be developed to a new level. At the first stage, anticipating decisions on state financing of this cluster, a list of critical end-to-end technologies is compiled. The second step is the preparation of roadmaps for each of the selected critical technologies. As a rule, many experts are involved in drawing up roadmaps, including foreign experts. As a rule, the team of such experts is headed by an organization that has received instructions to develop a roadmap on a competitive basis. Of course, not all the wishes of all experts are taken into account by such an organization; therefore, there may be alternative opinions and alternative roadmaps, or additions to the developed roadmaps. If the roadmap developed by the governing organization is approved, alternative documents are only of perhaps scientific interest. If the roadmap developed by the core team of experts is not approved due to its insufficient completeness, the decision seems to be postponed, and the specified roadmap should be corrected by adding information from alternative documents, which, of course, should be done taking into account the opinion of all experts in the field. Since the approved roadmap for the "Industrial Internet of Things" direction does not yet exist, the authors consider it useful to present their position on this issue

    Monte-Carlo simulations of the two-dimensional NMR T 2 - T 2 exchange of fluids in porous media

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    The effects of molecular exchange processes on the two-dimensional (2D) NMR T2-T2 distributions obtained by Laplace inversion were studied by numerical simulations. The Monte–Carlo technique is used to generate free random walks of a large number of molecules within space regions characterized by different relaxation times. Molecular exchange processes are considered during CPMG encoding periods as well as during the storage period, τstore. Systematic simulations were performed as function of NMR parameters like the storage period, τstore and geometric or physical system properties

    The Redistributive Effects Of The EU Budget: An Analysis And A Proposal Reform

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    This paper analyzes the redistributive effects of the EU budget during the period 1986-98, explores the implications of the Berlin budget agreement and advances a proposal for setting member countries' budgetary balances in a manner consistent with a simple equity criterion based on relative income per capita. Using an extension of a standard methodology, we find that the redistributive impact of the EU budget has been considerable in view of its small size, that it has tended to increase over time, and that it is mostly due to the effects of structural programmes. We also find that, in spite of the relative loss of weight of structural transfers, the expenditure side of the Berlin budget agreement represents a noticeable (but small) improvement over the previous financial perspectives in terms of both its redistributive impact and its horizontal equity properties. Our proposed allocation criterion involves the correction of horizontal inequities while preserving the current degree of redistribution. This would involve a sizable reallocation of net contributions across rich countries and only a modest reduction in north-south fiscal flows.This paper was written as part of a research project cofinanced by the European Fund for Regional Development and Fundación Caixa Galicia. Additional financial support was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture under grants SEC99-1189 and SEC99-0820

    Laplace inversions applied to multi–component T 2 – T 2 exchange experiments

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    Two-dimensional (2D) T2-T2 molecular exchange NMR experiments with a period of magnetization storage between the two T2 relaxation encoding periods are presented. The two-dimensional time map was inverted using a fast Laplace algorithm to obtain the T2–T2 exchange map. T2–MZ(store)–T2 2D 1H NMR spectra recorded at high and low homogeneous magnetic fields of water and oil in sand, air bubbles in water and foams, exchange of liquid / foam and liquid / saturated vapours of chloroform are presented. Uni– and bi–directional exchange was observed for bubbles in water, superficial liquid shell, and foam

    Повышение энергонезависимости для комплекса экологического мониторинга природных водных объектов

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    В этой работе рассмотрены варианты энергонезависимости комплекса экологического мониторинга природных водных объектов. Проанализирована работа комплекса электропитания, подобрано оборудование.In this work, options for energy independence of a complex of environmental monitoring of natural water bodies are considered. The functioning of the power supply complex has been analyzed, equipment has been chosen