1,016 research outputs found

    Human immunodeficiency virus antibodies and antigen in infants born to seropopositive mothers

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    Challenges of Humanistic Psychology for Secondary Education

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    A new conception of man is now being unfolded in a very different orientation toward psychology or in a new psychology called Humanistic Psychology. It is the purpose of this thesis to arrive at these new concepts of man through research into the writings of and about four humanistic psychologists--Gordon W. Allport, James F. T. Bugental, Abraham H. Maslow, and Carl R. Rogers--and to use their own writings to interpret what may be the effects of the major concepts of their humanistic psychology on education. I have used the historical approach in my own study of the movement in the sense that I have reviewed, studied and synthesized ideas from the recent past writings of these major humanistic psychologists and critical books and articles about them. Even at this early stage of the movement a study of humanistic psychology must be limited. From the universe of all the major works of all the humanistic psychologists and books and articles written about them and their ideas, I have selected four humanistic psychologists for my study in my thesis. Gordon W. Allport, James F. T. Bugental, Abraham H. Maslow, and Carl R. Rogers. I have chosen to study these four psychologists for different reasons. I have chosen to study Gordon W. Allport because he is one of the older, most frequently cited, and conservative of the humanistic psychologists whom I have read, and his inclusion should give a better range and balance to the ideas that I gather in my study of humanistic psychology. James F. T. Bugental has been included in my study because I consider him one of the most essential, though one of the most complex, of the humanistic psychologists. Abraham H. Maslow has been selected because I consider him a pioneer and founder of the entire humanistic psychology movement. I chose Carl R. Rogers because of the profound effect he has had on personalistic theories and the impact he has already made on education as the founder of client-centered or non-directive counseling. The movement called Humanistic Psychology is very young. The author of this thesis would mark its official birth as 1961 when Anthony J. Sutich launched The Journal of Humanistic Psychology and with the collaboration of Abraham H. Maslow formulated the first formal definition of Humanistic Psychology in that issue. Because the movement is so young, a comparatively limited amount of formal studies has been made on this topic. In the second chapter of the thesis I shall try to place Humanistic Psychology in its historical context and give both a definition and description through the work of its originators. In Chapters III to VI, I wish to take each of the four major humanistic psychologists in tum--Allport, Bugental, Maslow and Rogers--and try to arrive at what I will call the structure of his major conceptions of man the structure of his views concerning the growing human being, and I hope to arrive at this structure through a study of the writings of each psychologist and research into writings about him and his work. In Chapter VII I shall review and synthesize the major concepts of man as developed by Allport , Bugental, Maslow and Rogers. In Chapter VIII I shall use the ideas developed in previous chapters and some writings of these psychologists on education to summarize the possible effects of their concepts of man on education. In the final chapter, Chapter IX, I shall draw conclusions in three parts: first, the conclusions concerning the common emphases all four humanistic :psychologists develop in their concept of man; second, the summary conclusions of the impact of their thinking on education; and third, I shall present my own personal conclusions in two parts: I shall cite several characteristics of our present secondary school education that I believe are dehumanizing and outmoded; then, I shall review and evaluate what I believe are the effects of the thinking of Allport, Bugental, Maslow and Rogers, and humanistic psychologists generally, on education

    Large-amplitude chirped coherent phonons in tellurium mediated by ultrafast photoexcited carrier diffusion

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    We report femtosecond time-resolved reflectivity measurements of coherent phonons in tellurium performed over a wide range of temperatures (3K to 296K) and pump laser intensities. A totally symmetric A1_{1} coherent phonon at 3.6 THz responsible for the oscillations in the reflectivity data is observed to be strongly positively chirped (i.e, phonon time period decreases at longer pump-probe delay times) with increasing photoexcited carrier density, more so at lower temperatures. We show for the first time that the temperature dependence of the coherent phonon frequency is anomalous (i.e, increasing with increasing temperature) at high photoexcited carrier density due to electron-phonon interaction. At the highest photoexcited carrier density of \sim 1.4 ×\times 1021^{21}cm3^{-3} and the sample temperature of 3K, the lattice displacement of the coherent phonon mode is estimated to be as high as \sim 0.24 \AA. Numerical simulations based on coupled effects of optical absorption and carrier diffusion reveal that the diffusion of carriers dominates the non-oscillatory electronic part of the time-resolved reflectivity. Finally, using the pump-probe experiments at low carrier density of 6 ×\times 1018^{18} cm3^{-3}, we separate the phonon anharmonicity to obtain the electron-phonon coupling contribution to the phonon frequency and linewidth.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    La Audiencia Obligatoria en la Constitución en Actor Civil, como Afectación al Debido Proceso, Tacna 2011, Problemática Vigente al 2017

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    La investigación analiza al Actor Civil y el trámite para constituirse como tal, a partir del Acuerdo Plenario Nº 05-2011/CJ-116 del 06 de diciembre del 2011 que estableció carácter obligatorio a la realización de audiencia pública para resolver la petición del agraviado. Mayoría de Jueces acatan tal obligatoriedad, investigada la duración de los referidos trámites desde su petición hasta la expedición del Auto Resolutivo, se descubre las causas que generan dilaciones. La Investigación alcanza procesos penales en trámite año 2011 validado al 2017en Juzgados de ciudad de Tacna como área geográfica y aplicable resultados para el Distrito Judicial con proyección al resto del país. El método empleado consistió en análisis de gabinete respecto de Casos en trámite representativos en el periodo materia de investigación, la Legislación aplicable, la Jurisprudencia Vinculante y la Doctrina especializada; entrevistándose Fiscales, Jueces y Abogados del ámbito. Los resultados confirman las hipótesis planteadas: la obligatoriedad del trámite de Audiencia afecta al Debido Proceso, en su versión de celeridad procesal, generando victimización secundaria. Pese al tiempo transcurrido, y que el Legislador abordó la problemática via Decreto Legislativo N° 1307 del 29 de diciembre del 2016, se encuentra latente la dilación al 2017, proponiéndose medidas legislativas que contribuirán a solucionar la problemática, como aporte para beneficio de las Víctimas en marco del Debido Proceso, reformándose. el NCPP, : art. 100 inc.2 literal b), supresión del inc.) 1del art. 102 y modificación del inc. 2do,estableciéndose como innecesaria la presencia del Fiscal en la Audiencia y añadiendo responsabilidades al Abogado de la Victima.Tesi

    Evaluación fisicoquímica, sensorial y microbiológica de la mermelada de maracuyá (Passiflora edulis Sims) y camote, Piura

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    El estudio tuvo por finalidad determinar las características fisicoquímicas, sensoriales y microbiológicas de la mermelada de camote amarillo y maracuyá. El diseño utilizado en la investigación fue DCA para los atributos fisicoquímicos y un DBCA para las características sensoriales con arreglo factorial de 3 x 3, donde las variables estudiadas fueron: pulpa (50 Maracuyá: 50 Camote, 60 Maracuyá: 40 Camote y 70 Maracuyá: 30 Camote) y nivel de pectina (0.15; 0.25 y 0.5%). Los resultados mostraron que los parámetros fisicoquímicos fueron: pH: 2.90 – 2.96, grados Brix: 65.3 – 66.3, densidad: 1.19 – 1.33 g/ml y acidez titulable de 1.48 – 1.51%. Por otro lado, T4 fue el tratamiento mejor calificado por los panelistas, ubicándose en la escala sensorial “me gustó moderadamente”. En conclusión, T4 y todos los tratamientos cumplen con la Norma Técnica Peruana para mermeladas de frutas (NTP 203.047, 2017) y la Norma Sanitaria Peruana (Resolución Ministerial N° 591-MINSA/2008)

    Análisis, evaluación y propuesta para el fortalecimiento de las actividades conducentes a la reducción del índice de anemia infantil en el ámbito de la Microred de Salud Zamácola del distrito de Cerro Colorado Arequipa en el periodo 2021-2023

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    El presente plan de gestión se ha presentado con la finalidad de abordar un problema de salud pública latente como es la anemia infantil, con el objetivo de implementar mejoras en la gestión de los procesos sanitarios y administrativos a nivel de los establecimientos de salud, que permitan la reducción de los índices de anemia en la población menor de 36 meses. Se realizó un análisis de la situación de la anemia infantil en el perú y en la región arequipa, así mismo, se revisó información respecto a la implementación de las intervenciones sanitarias priorizadas propuestas en el contexto del plan nacional de control de la anemia, encontrándose diversos nudos críticos que han limitado alcanzar las metas propuestas a nivel nacional, regional y local. Para lograr la reducción y control de la anemia infantil, el presente plan de gestión plantea intervenir con acciones específicas tales como: fortalecimiento de los servicios de salud, capacitación del personal de salud, atención integral del niño y la gestante, promoción de prácticas saludables y aseguramiento de insumos críticos para la prestación adecuada y oportuna de las intervenciones sanitarias priorizadas

    Across space and time: infants learn from backward and forward visual statistics

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    within temporal and spatial visual streams. Two groups of 8-month-old infants were familiarized with an artificial grammar of shapes, comprised of backward and forward base pairs (i.e., two shapes linked by strong backward or forward transitional probability) and part-pairs (i.e., two shapes with weak transitional probabilities in both directions). One group viewed the continuous visual stream as a temporal sequence, while the other group viewed the same stream as a spatial array. Following familiarization, infants looked longer at test trials containing part- pairs than base pairs, though they had appeared with equal frequency during familiarization. This pattern of looking time was evident for both forward and backward pairs, in both the temporal and spatial conditions. Further, differences in looking time to part-pairs that were consistent or inconsistent with the predictive direction of the base pairs (forward or backward) indicated that infants were indeed sensitive to direction when presented with temporal sequences, but not when presented with spatial arrays. These results suggest that visual statistical learning is flexible in infancy and depends on the nature of visual input