632 research outputs found

    A GIS solution to evaluating remedial alternatives in sediment remediation and recovery

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    NewFields supports the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) with sediment issues related to cleanup in various ports and harbors in Puget Sound, Washington. To be compliant with Ecology’s regulations, sites must attain sediment cleanup levels (SCLs) for hazardous substances within a reasonable timeframe through a combination of active remediation and natural recovery. To derive optimal site cleanup scenarios compliant with regulations a methodology was needed to estimate the spatial and temporal extent of remediation. A GIS-based sediment remediation/recovery model was designed using ESRI ArcGIS Model Builder. The model incorporates the SEDCAM sediment attenuation model and analytical results derived from field samples producing various cleanup scenarios that are further evaluated as remedial alternatives. On a chemical-by-chemical basis, the model determines active remediation footprints required to meet SCLs at the end of a defined natural recovery period. Post-remediation natural recovery is incorporated through site-specific parameters such as sedimentation rate, watershed loading chemical concentrations, and the depth of the biologically active zone. The model can also be used to test the site-specific sensitivity to model input parameters. Such information can potentially identify data gaps required for the accurate prediction of future sediment conditions

    Monitoring of firmness evolution of peaches during storage by combining acoustic and impact methods

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    Firmness is a very important quality property in peach. The storage of peach affects its subsequent softening process and shelf life. The temperature and duration of storage mainly influence the firmness of stored fruit, and monitoring the evolution of fruits enables producers to manage its commercial life. The objective of the present study was to use non-destructive acoustic and impact tests to estimate firmness of peaches and to elucidate the influence of storage temperature and of time on the softening process of peach. Continuous and classification models based on variables obtained from non-destructive methods were developed. Parameters obtained from non-destructive methods were compared to destructive reference tests. The maximum force in ball compression correlated well with the maximum acceleration from impact test (r2 = 0.75), and with a band magnitude parameter from acoustic test (r2 = −0.71). Combining impact and acoustic parameters, the multiple correlation coefficient increases up to 0.91 (adjusted R2 = 0.82) in the prediction of the maximum force in ball compression. Classification models based on both non-destructive parameters and sorting peaches into two classes of firmness, showed scores of well classified higher than 90%

    Addressing potential sources of variation in several non-destructive techniques for measuring firmness in apples

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    Measurements of firmness have traditionally been carried out according to the Magness Taylor (MT) procedure; using a texture analyser or penetrometer in reference texture tests. Non-destructive tests like the acoustic impulse response of acoustic firmness sensors (AFSs), a low-mass impact firmness sensor Sinclair International (SIQ-FT) and impact test (Lateral Impact – UPM) have also been used to measure texture and firmness. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the influence of different sources of variation in these three non-destructive tests and to evaluate their respective capabilities of discriminating between fruit maturity at two different harvest dates, turgidity before and after dehydration treatment and ripening after different storage periods. According to our results, fruit studied an unexpected AFS trend with turgidity. Contact measurements (Lateral Impact – UPM and SIQ-FT) appeared highly sensitive to changes in turgidity, but were less able to follow changes in ripening caused by storage period. Contact measurements were suitable for detecting differences between fruits from different harvest dates and showed higher correlation coefficients with reference texture tests than acoustic measurements. The Lateral Impact – UPM test proved better at separating fruits according to turgidity than the SIQ-FT instrumen

    Isobutyl acetate: electronic state spectroscopy by high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption, He(I) photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio calculations

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    The high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption spectrum of isobutyl acetate, C6H12O2, is presented here and was measured over the energy range 4.3–10.8 eV (290–115 nm). Valence and Rydberg transitions with their associated vibronic series have been observed in the photoabsorption spectrum and are assigned in accordance with new ab initio calculations of the vertical excitation energies and oscillator strengths. The measured photoabsorption cross sections have been used to calculate the photolysis lifetime of this ester in the Earth’s upper atmosphere (20–50 km). Calculations have also been carried out to determine the ionization energies and fine structure of the lowest ionic state of isobutyl acetate and are compared with a photoelectron spectrum (from 9.5 to 16.7 eV), recorded for the first time. Vibrational structure is observed in the first photoelectron band of this molecule

    Electronic excitation of carbonyl sulphide (COS) by high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption and electron-impact spectroscopy in the energy region from 4 to 11 eV

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    The electronic state spectroscopy of carbonyl sulphide, COS, has been investigated using high resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption spectroscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy in the energy range of 4.0–10.8 eV. The spectrum reveals several new features not previously reported in the literature. Vibronic structure has been observed, notably in the low energy absorption dipole forbidden band assigned to the (4π←3π) (1Δ←1ÎŁ+) transition, with a new weak transition assigned to (1Σ−←1ÎŁ+) reported here for the first time. The absolute optical oscillator strengths are determined for ground state to 1ÎŁ+ and 1Π transitions. Based on our recent measurements of differential cross sections for the optically allowed (1ÎŁ+ and 1Π) transitions of COS by electron impact, the optical oscillator strength f0 value and integral cross sections (ICSs) are derived by applying a generalized oscillator strength analysis. Subsequently, ICSs predicted by the scaling are confirmed down to 60 eV in the intermediate energy region. The measured absolute photoabsorption cross sections have been used to calculate the photolysis lifetime of carbonyl sulphide in the upper stratosphere (20–50 km)

    Microbial Diversity in the Eukaryotic SAR Clade: Illuminating the Darkness Between Morphology and Molecular Data

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    Despite their diversity and ecological importance, many areas of the SAR—Stramenopila, Alveolata, and Rhizaria—clade are poorly understood as the majority (90%) of SAR species lack molecular data and only 5% of species are from well-sampled families. Here, we review and summarize the state of knowledge about the three major clades of SAR, describing the diversity within each clade and identifying synapomorphies when possible. We also assess the “dark area” of SAR: the morphologically described species that are missing molecular data. The majority of molecular data for SAR lineages are characterized from marine samples and vertebrate hosts, highlighting the need for additional research effort in areas such as freshwater and terrestrial habitats and “non-vertebrate” hosts. We also describe the paucity of data on the biogeography of SAR species, and point to opportunities to illuminate diversity in this major eukaryotic clade. See also the video abstract above

    Multispectral images of peach related to firmness and maturity at harvest

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    wo multispectral maturity classifications for red soft-flesh peaches (‘Kingcrest’, ‘Rubyrich’ and ‘Richlady’ n = 260) are proposed and compared based on R (red) and R/IR (red divided by infrared) images obtained with a three CCD camera (800 nm, 675 nm and 450 nm). R/IR histograms were able to correct the effect of 3D shape on light reflectance and thus more Gaussian histograms were produced than R images. As fruits ripened, the R/IR histograms showed increasing levels of intensity. Reference measurements such as firmness and visible spectra also varied significantly as the fruit ripens, firmness decreased while reflectance at 680 nm increased (chlorophyll absorption peak)

    Electronic state spectroscopy of methyl formate probed by high resolution VUV photoabsorption, He(I) photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio calculations

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    The first ab initio calculations of the vertical excitation energies and oscillator strengths are presented for the neutral electronic transitions of methyl formate, C2H4O2. The highest resolution VUV photoabsorption spectrum of the molecule yet reported is presented over the wavelength range 115 to 310 nm (10.8 to 4.0 eV) revealing several new spectral features. Valence and Rydberg transitions and their associated vibronic series, observed in the photoabsorption spectrum, have been assigned in accordance with new theoretical results. The calculations have been carried out to determine the excitation energies of the lowest energy ionic states of methyl formate and are compared with a newly recorded He(I) photoelectron spectrum (10.4 to 17.0 eV). New vibrational structure is observed in the first photoelectron band. The photoabsorption cross-sections have been used to calculate the photolysis lifetime of methyl formate in the upper stratosphere (20-50 km)
