88 research outputs found

    Surface Texturization of Breast Implants Impacts Extracellular Matrix and Inflammatory Gene Expression in Asymptomatic Capsules:

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    Background: Texturing processes have been designed to improve biocompatibility and mechanical anchoring of breast implants. However, a high degree of texturing has been associated with severe abnormalities. In this study, the authors aimed to determine whether implant surface topography could also affect physiology of asymptomatic capsules. Methods: The authors collected topographic measurements from 17 different breast implant devices by interferometry and radiographic microtomography. Morphologic structures were analyzed statistically to obtain a robust breast implant surface classification. The authors obtained three topographic categories of textured implants (i.e., “peak and valleys,” “open cavities,” and “semiopened cavities”) based on the cross-sectional aspects. The authors simultaneously collected 31 Baker grade I capsules, sorted them according to the new classification, established their molecular profile, and examined the tissue organization. Results: Each of the categories showed distinct expression patterns of genes associated with the extracellular matrix (Timp and Mmp members) and inflammatory response (Saa1, Tnsf11, and Il8), despite originating from healthy capsules. In addition, slight variations were observed in the organization of capsular tissues at the histologic level. Conclusions: The authors combined a novel surface implant classification system and gene profiling analysis to show that implant surface topography is a bioactive cue that can trigger gene expression changes in surrounding tissue, even in Baker grade I capsules. The authors’ new classification system avoids confusion regarding the word “texture,” and could be transposed to implant ranges of every manufacturer. This new classification could prove useful in studies on potential links between specific texturizations and the incidence of certain breast-implant associated complications

    Multicultural mediations, developing world realities: Indians, Koreans and Manila’s entertainment media

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    In this article, I examine the mediation of multiculturalism in the developing world city of Manila, the Philippines. Drawing on both a thematic analysis of the Manila-centric Philippine entertainment media and six focus group discussions with the city’s local Filipinos, I reveal that this instance of mediation is entangled with the broader discourses of the Philippine postcolonial nationalist project. For one, the mediation of multiculturalism in Manila tends to symbolically marginalize the city’s Indians and Koreans and, in so doing, reinforces existing negative discourses about them. I contend that this is linked to the locals’ preoccupation with establishing a unifying cultural identity that tends to make them elide the issue of their own internal cultural diversity, as well as of the increasing diasporic population of the city. Second, the said mediation also tends to valorize the lighter-skinned Koreans over the darker-skinned Indians. I posit that this is related to how the locals’ discourse of cultural homogeneity has resulted in their continued reluctance to publicly discuss the persistence of their unspoken skin-tone-based racial hierarchy not only of themselves, but also of their cultural others

    Capsulite rétractile de hanche : à propos de trois cas

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    Adhesivecapsulitisofthehip(ACH)isduetoretractionof thefibrousjointcapsuleofthehip.Despitethefact thatACH wasfirst describedbyCaroit et al. [2], therehavebeenfew publications on the condition since then [3,8,9,12] and its preciseaetiologyremainsunknown.Lequesneetal.described two kinds of ACH: idiopathicACH (due to diabetes, for example)andsecondaryACH(duetoosteochondromatosis,for example)[8,12].TheclinicalassessmentofACHissimilarto thatforadhesivecapsulitisoftheshoulder(ACS)andfeaturesa combinationof pain and restricted active andpassive joint motion. Thetreatmentcanbepharmacological,physicalorsurgical. Allincases,physiotherapyisessentialforlimitingdeficitsand functional impairments. Thepurposeofthispaperistoreviewthediagnosisofthis underestimated pathology [12] and examine therapeutic strategies.Wepresent threeclinicalcasereports

    Modélisation et caractérisation des joints collés à hautes vitesses de déformation Modeling and characterization of bonded joints at high strain rates

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    Ce papier traite de la modélisation de joints collés pour les structures soumises à des sollicitations de type crash. Cette nouvelle modélisation basée sur un élément cohésif tient compte du comportement viscoplastique, de l'endommagement ainsi que de la rupture de l'adhésive. Sensible à la vitesse de déformation l'identification du critÚre de rupture nécessite une base expérimentale allant jusqu'à de trÚs hautes vitesses de déformations. Un nouveau dispositif d'essais a donc été mis en place sur les barres de Hopkinson afin de solliciter des assemblages à haute vitesse et sous différents angles de chargement. <br> This paper deals with the modeling of bonded joints for structures subjected to dynamic crash loading. This new model based on a cohesive element takes into account the viscoelastic behavior, the damage and the failure of the adhesive. Due to the strain rate sensitivity, the identification of failure criterion requires experimental tests, up to very high strain rates. A new testing device has then been set up on the Hopkinson bar in order to load the assemblies with high strain rates and with different angles
