62 research outputs found

    The Presumption of Payment

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    At Gettysburg College, students invest a considerable amount of money to make their experiences rewarding for future aspirations. Enrollment at this school, like others, I am sure, seems to breed a special type of student: the students who view themselves as paying and therefore deserving consumers. [excerpt

    Human Disease - Unintended Globalization

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    Before man was exchanging goods and ideas, he was exchanging germs. As such, the spread of infectious disease constitutes the first truly global phenomenon and, therefore, marks the beginnings—primitive though they may have been—of what today we have finally termed ‘globalization.’ The global spread of disease, then, proves that globalization is not new and that its origins were the result of a different narrative than the ones we read from globalization theorists; it further demonstrates that the modern conception of the phenomenon is only now so well recognized because the accelerated and efficient processes that inform its daily activities have heightened our conscious acknowledgement of its existence

    Application Of Total Quality Management To Research And Development: An Historical Perspective

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    This paper discusses the historical applications of Total Quality Management (TQM) to Research and Development (R&D). Research aimed at establishing an effective model for the application of TQM philosophies and tools to the R&D environment must start from this historical perspective. The emphasis of this paper is on the relationship of quality tools and techniques to the application of TQM in R&D, providing the foundation for further model development. The scope and definition of R&D is presented and is followed by an overview of the TQM philosophy and its associated tools and techniques. Special attention is given to defining performance measures for R&D as a back-drop to measuring the success of TQM actions in an R&D organization. Implementation models for TQM in R&D, which are derived from an extensive review of the open literature, are also examined. Industry controversies surrounding the applicability of TQM philosophies and tools in professional work environments is discussed. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of future work that will be necessary to develop a complete model for the application of Total Quality Management to R&D

    A public health appraisal of good samaritan legislation

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    Good Samaritan laws are, at their core, legislative public health interventions. These laws abrogate the common law right of redress and the public interest in criminal justice to promote a greater good—encouraging would-be Levites to become Samaritans for fellow citizens in their hours of need. As such, these laws embody public health significance. But do they achieve as much? While most traditional Good Samaritan laws in the United States have been around for more than half of a century, there exists very little insight into whether they have actually achieved their basic public health purpose of encouraging (or compelling) spontaneous care in emergency situations. A public health appraisal of these Good Samaritan laws is difficult, in part, because of the statutory variability among them and the lack of reliable data sources or legislative benchmarks informing them. A wide array of laws might be considered related to or aligned with Good Samaritan ideology, but this paper focuses only on laws that indemnify actors from liability for spontaneously rendering emergency aid in emergency situations. This paper discusses various methods for measuring the policy outcome of these laws and insists on greater intentionality in the legislative process to urge that future policymaking in this area be the product of responsible, evidence-based decisions rather than uninformed guesswork

    Back-Projective Priming: Toward Efficient 3d Model-based Object Recognition via Preemptive Top-down Constraints

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    This thesis introduces back-projective priming, a computer vision technique that synergistically fuses object recognition and pose estimation by augmenting 3D models with geometric constraints. It also enables the use of image features too indistinct for use by other model fitting algorithms such as geometric hashing. To efficiently accommodate features that do not provide a scale attribute, we've developed a "match pair" finding heuristic called second-order similarity that reduces model fitting time complexity from a worst case of O(N^2) to O(N*Log(N)). An object recognition problem that is simple, practical, and well explored by other researchers is the problem of locating electrical outlets from the vantage point of a mobile robot. To demonstrate the relative merits of back-projective priming, we use it to build a system capable of locating generic electrical outlets in unmapped environments. Compared to our baseline algorithm, back-projective priming is shown to provide superior sensitivity when dealing with the challenges of low contrast, perspective distortion, partial occlusion, and decoys

    Transfer Function Modeling of Processes with Dynamic Inputs

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    Time series structures, which are common occurrences with data in many industrial processes, complicate a quality practitioner\u27s efforts to accurately position control chart limits. ARIMA modeling and a variety of control charting methods have been recommended for monitoring process data with a time series structure. Estimates of ARIMA model parameters may not be reliable, however, if assignable causes of variation are present in the process data used to fit the time series model. Control limits may also be misplaced if the process inputs are dynamic and exhibiting a time series structure. Our purpose in this paper is to explore the ability of a transfer function model to identify assignable causes of variation and to model dynamic relationships between process inputs and outputs. A transfer function model is developed to monitor biochemical oxygen demand output from a wastewater treatment process, a process with dynamic inputs. This model is used to identify periods of disturbance to the wastewater process and to capture the relationship between the variable nature of the input to the process and the resulting output. Simulation results are included in this study to measure the sensitivity of transfer function models and to highlight conditions where transfer function modeling is critical

    Hubungan Antara Dukungan Sosial Dengan Loneliness Pada Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Perempuan Klas IIA Semarang

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    Lembaga Pemasyarakatan atau yang disebut LAPAS adalah tempat melaksanakan pembinaan Narapidana dan Anak Didik Pemasyarakatan yang diatur Dalam pasal 1 angka 3 UU Nomor 12 Tahun 1995. Warga Binaan pemasyarakatan/WBP adalah individu yang sedang menjalani masa hukuman dikarenakan tindak pidana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan sosial dan loneliness pada WBP di Lapas Perempuan Klas-II A Semarang. Sebanyak 35 orang Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan menjadi partisipan dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Sampling Insidental. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala dukungan sosial dan skala loneliness UCLA Loneliness versi 3. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi dengan Pearson Product Moment. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya nilai korelasi (r) sebesar -0,420 dan signifikansi sebesar 0,012 (p < 0,05) terdapat hubungan signifikan negatif antara dukungan sosial dan loneliness artinya, semakin tinggi dukungan sosial yang diterima warga binaan pemasyarakatan, maka semakin rendah tingkat kesepian yang dirasakan. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar partisipan memiliki skor dukungan sosial yang tergolong tinggi dan skor tingkat kesepian yang tergolong sedang. Untuk itu, pihak keluarga dapat mempertahankan dan meningkatkan dukungan sosial yang diberikan kepada Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan agar kesepian yang dirasakan dapat berkurang.Correctional Institutions or what are called LAPAS are places where the training for Prisoners and Correctional Students is carried out as regulated in article 1 point 3 of Law Number 12 of 1995. Correctional Inmates/WBPs are individuals who are serving a sentence due to a criminal act. The emotions and psychology of WBP and men will be different, women appear to experience more pressure. This research aims to determine whether there is a significant relationship between social support and loneliness among inmates in the Class-II A Semarang Women's Prison. A total of 35 correctional inmates became participants by taking samples using the incidental sampling method. Data collection used the social support scale and the UCLA Loneliness scale version 3. Data analysis used the correlation test with Pearson Product Moment. The results of this research show that there is a correlation value (r) of -0.420 and a significance of 0.012 (p < 0.05). There is a significant negative relationship between social support and loneliness, meaning that the higher the social support received by correctional inmates, the lower the level of loneliness. that is felt. The results of the descriptive analysis showed that the majority of participants had social support scores that were relatively high and loneliness scores that were classified as moderate. For this reason, families can maintain and increase the social support provided to correctional inmates so that the loneliness they feel can be reduced

    Perancangan Creative Storytelling Book tentang Creativepreneur

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    Indonesia adalah negara yang dikenal dengan budaya konsumtif. Meski pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia sedang melemah tetapi daya beli masyarakatnya masih sangat tinggi, yang kemudian pada akhirnya selalu menjadi sasaran empuk bagi para negara produsen. Karena kemampuan untuk memproduksi masih sangat rendah, pertumbuhan wirausaha pun juga masih sangat minim padahal dengan diberlakukannya AFTA 2015 seharusnya dapat menjadi jembatan bagi Indonesia untuk menggerakkan roda perekonomian, namun sebaliknya, AFTA 2015 justru berbalik menjadi tantangan. Judul karya tugas akhir ini adalah “Perancangan Creative Storytelling Book tentang Creativepreneur” tujuannya adalah menanamkan minat entrepreneur sejak dini khususnya pada remaja dan dewasa muda dengan cara menceritakan pengalaman segelintir creativepreneur muda dengan media buku berillustrasi dan tutorial membuat kerajinan tangan, sehingga mereka tertarik untuk menjelajahi dunia kewirausahaan lebih jauh lagi. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan adalah studi pustaka, survei lapangan dan wawancara narasumber yang terkait. Piranti lunak yang digunakan dalam merancang buku creative storytelling ini adalah Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator dan Adobe InDesign. Promosi yang dilakukan menggunakan media sosial, yaitu Instagram dan Fan Page Facebook. Dari hasil publikasi beberapa bagian buku, respon yang didapat adalah positif, terutama target audience yang mulai tertarik untuk ikut aktif mengerjakan hal-hal yang produktif. Kata kunci: craft market, creativepreneurship, creative storytelling book, entrepreneurship, kerajinan tanga
