1,294 research outputs found

    The Cetina group and the transition from Copper to Bronze Age in Dalmatia

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    Dalmatia, on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea, is a region of contact between the several worlds of the early metal ages-the Danube region inland, the Adriatic coasts and beyond towards the sea. New finds from caves and burial mounds, and new radiocarbon dates help tease out complexities in the region's cultural orde


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    Los Territorios y sus Símbolos: Una lectura a partir de los Tratados de Suppiluliuma I de Hatti con los reyes de Amurru y Ugarit

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    El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis de dos documentos (CTH 46 y CTH 49) referidos por los hititas con los términos de ishiul y lengais (vínculo y juramentos), y conocidos usualmente como tratados. Asimismo, la perspectiva utilizada para abordar tales documentos es simbólico-antropológica puesto que permite abrir los textos al análisis de las representaciones hititas de los territorios; específicamente, aquellas de las tierras de Amurru y las tierras de Ugarit.The present work is focused on the analysis of two documents (CTH 46 and CTH 49) which the Hittites usually referred to by using the terms išḫiul and lengaiš (“binding and oaths”), and which are currently known as treaties. Moreover, the perspective used to approach such documents is both symbolic and anthropologic, since it allows us to open the texts to the analysis of Hittite representation of territories –specifically, those of the “land of Amurru” and the “land of Ugarit”.Fil: Della Casa, Romina Antonella. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas; Argentin

    Thomas Aquinas on the Apprehension of Being: The Role of Judgement in Light of Thirteenth-Century Semantics

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    Aquinas’ famous comments in his early Scriptum on the Sentences (In I Sent., d. 38, q. 1, a. 3) regarding the intellect’s apprehension of essence and esse have traditionally been interpreted as grounding Aquinas’ doctrine on the judgment of esse. For Aquinas, it appears, what the intellect apprehends in a simple concept is essence. Since esse, for him, is not an essence, it cannot, on the received view, be the object of conceptualization. Therefore, esse is grasped by the intellect only in judgment. The claim that no genuine concept of esse is possible, however, is inconsistent with Aquinas’ theory of signification. A term’s signification is constituted, at least in part, in its “signing relation” with some “concept” in the mind. If, as on the traditional reading, there is no concept of esse, the term ‘esse’ is left without signification. To respond that the term ‘esse’ signs, not a concept, but the judgment in which esse is apprehended is in direct conflict with Aquinas’ claim elsewhere that no term, including ‘ens’ and ‘esse’, signifies a judgment. I propose an alternative interpretation to In I Sent., d. 38, q. 1, a. 3, one that allows for the possibility of a conceptual apprehension of esse. The alternative reading explains Aquinas’ remarks there in light of the theoretical context of the discussion, in particular the theory of propositions and their objects. I show how and why Aquinas develops a distinctive theory of the object of the proposition, that it is concerned with “the esse of a thing” as a complex. Although this complex includes the simple act of being, as for the traditional position (contrary to its major critics), it cannot be reduced to anything simple. Despite the Sentences’ affirmation of a real distinction between a thing’s esse and essence, to which correspond two different operations of the intellect, it does not follow that the human intellect cannot conceive esse, just as it conceives essences, in a simple conception

    Tomás de Aquino sobre la aprehensión del ser: el papel del juicio a la luz de la semántica del siglo trece

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    Demuestra la posibilidad de una simple concepción del ser en la filosofía de Tomás de Aquino. Se demuestra la posibilidad de una aprehensión conceptual del ser a través de una nueva lectura de In I Sent., d. 38, q. 1, a. 3., a la luz del contexto teórico del texto, en particular la teoría de la proposición y sus objetos. La afirmación de una distinción real entre esencia y existencia a la cual se corresponden las dos operaciones del intelecto, no elimina la posibilidad de una simple concepción del ser.Aquinas’ famous comments in his early Scriptum on the Sentences (In I Sent., d. 38, q. 1, a. 3) regarding the intellect’s apprehension of essence and esse have traditionally been interpreted as grounding Aquinas’ doctrine on the judgment of esse. For Aquinas, it appears, what the intellect apprehends in a simple concept is essence. Since esse, for him, is not an essence, it cannot, on the received view, be the object of conceptualization. Therefore, esse is grasped by the intellect only in judgment. The claim that no genuine concept of esse is possible, however, is inconsistent with Aquinas’ theory of signification. A term’s signification is constituted, at least in part, in its “signing relation” with some “concept” in the mind. If, as on the traditional reading, there is no concept of esse, the term ‘esse’ is left without signification. To respond that the term ‘esse’ signs, not a concept, but the judgment in which esse is apprehended is in direct conflict with Aquinas’ claim elsewhere that no term, including ‘ens’ and ‘esse’, signifies a judgment. I propose an alternative interpretation to In I Sent., d. 38, q. 1, a. 3, one that allows for the possibility of a conceptual apprehension of esse. The alternative reading explains Aquinas’ remarks there in light of the theoretical context of the discussion, in particular the theory of propositions and their objects. I show how and why Aquinas develops a distinctive theory of the object of the proposition, that it is concerned with “the esse of a thing” as a complex. Although this complex includes the simple act of being, as for the traditional position (contrary to its major critics), it cannot be reduced to anything simple. Despite the Sentences’ affirmation of a real distinction between a thing’s esse and essence, to which correspond two different operations of the intellect, it does not follow that the human intellect cannot conceive esse, just as it conceives essences, in a simple conception.Tesi

    Recherche interdisciplinaire en archéologie et écologie humaine dans la vallée centre-alpine de la Léventine, Tessin (Suisse)

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    Le Département d’Archéologie Préhistorique de l’Université de Zurich conduit depuis une trentaine d’années des fouilles archéologiques dans les Alpes. Les chercheurs s’intéressent en particulier aux modes d’occupation et aux paysages, élaborant de nouvelles techniques de recherche et, notamment, des approches interdisciplinaires de l’écologie humaine. Un nouveau projet intitulé « Léventine – paysage de l’occupation préhistorique » vise à retracer l’histoire du peuplement aux âges du Bronze et du Fer dans la Léventine (vallée alpine du Tessin) grâce à des études archéologiques et paléo-environnementales menées à différentes altitudes. Pour ce projet, il a fallu développer une méthodologie de prospection et de recherches éco-archéologiques, avec modélisation prédictive fondée sur des cartes archéologiques, étude systématique ou aléatoire du terrain, carottages, sondages et fouilles de moyenne ampleur. Les données sont modélisées en SIG à partir de la base de données du projet et de données spatiales mises à l’échelle.The department of Prehistoric Archaeology at the University of Zurich has been engaged in archaeological Alpine research for the last 30 years. This research focuses on themes of settlement and landscape archaeology mainly, developing new research methods, and in particular interdisciplinary approaches to human ecology. A new project entitled “Leventina – Prehistoric Settlement Landscape” aims at reconstructing the Bronze and Iron Age settlement history of the Leventina (Alpine Ticino valley) through archaeological and paleo-environmental studies in its different altitudinal zones. A comprehensive strategy of survey and eco-archaeological research has been designed for the project, including predictive modeling using archaeological maps, systematic and random field survey, coring, sub-surface testing, and medium-scale excavation. Data are modeled in GIS using the project database along with scaled geodata

    «Impossibile tracciare confini»: Franco Beltrametti e l’arte dell’(auto-)traduzione poetica. Ricerche in corso all’Archivio svizzero di letteratura

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    Questo studio è consacrato alla presentazione di una ricerca in corso all’Archivio svizzero di letteratura (ASL) di Berna su un aspetto specifico dell’opera eclettica di Franco Beltrametti (1937-1995), ossia la sua scrittura plurilingue, ambito nel quale rientra anche il suo lavoro di (auto-)traduzione. L’analisi dei suoi scritti (in gran parte inediti) sulla poesia e sulla traduzione e dell’auto-traduzione verso l’inglese della sua prima raccolta – Uno di quella gente condor / One of Those Condor People – permetterà di evidenziare la profonda coerenza del processo traduttivo beltramettiano rispetto a quello creativo ma anche all’ideale poetico da cui entrambi dipendono. Keywords: Beltrametti, plurilinguismo, (auto-)traduzione, poetica, Archivio svizzero di letteratura

    Organismo e organizzazione: sulla dimensione (meta)politica della filosofia cosmica di Maria Montessori

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    This paper aims to offer the first results of a research, still in progress, on the philosophical dimension of Maria Montessori's perspective, to broaden the understanding of the assumptions and objectives she set out to achieve through her Method. In particular, the article will be devoted to the exposition and recomposition of the main elements of Montessori's reflection on the socio-political dimension, during the last thirty years of her life, known as the ‘new horizon’. After exposing the teleological assumptions of the ‘Cosmic Plan’, derived from the rethinking of biological and geological notions, it will be shown that Montessori applies to nature’s ‘unity of method’ both to the process of psychophysical development of the human individual and to the configurations of social organization, orienting both towards ever greater and firmer cohesion. Starting from the discourses on the human creation of a ‘supernature’, which reveals the interdependence between all peoples (indeed, united in a ‘Unique Nation’), the essay will analyse the features of the new morality which, according to Montessori, will mark the ‘new world’ created by the child, normally developed through a free and natural adaptation to the new social conditions, in the context of technological civilization, the ‘new man will recognize the connection with all the beings of ‘creation’ and he will assume his responsibility for the care of fellow human beings and of the whole planet, fulfill the mission the cosmic plan has assigned to humanity.Este artículo presentará los primeros resultados de una investigación, aún en curso sobre la dimensión filosófica de la perspectiva de María Montessori, con el fin de ampliar la comprensión de los supuestos y objetivos que ella buscaba alcanzar a través de su Método. En particular, el artículo se dedicará a la exposición y recomposición de los principales elementos de la reflexión de Montessori respecto a la dimensión sociopolítica durante los últimos treinta años de su vida, relacionados a los “nuevos horizontes”. Tras exponer los principios teleológicos, derivados de la reelaboración de las nociones biológicas y geológicas, del “Plan Cósmico”, se mostrará cómo Montessori aplica la “unidad de método” de la naturaleza tanto al proceso de desarrollo psicofísico del individuo humano como a las configuraciones de la organización social, orientando ambos a una cohesión más y más amplia y sólida. A partir de los discursos sobre la creación humana de una “supernaturaleza”, que revela la interdependencia entre todos los pueblos (unidos, de hecho, en una “Nación Única”), se analizarán los rasgos  de la nueva moral que, según Montessori, marcará el "nuevo mundo" creado por el niño. Este desarrollo se da normalmente a través de una adaptación libre y natural a las nuevas condiciones sociales, en el contexto de la civilización tecnológica, pues el “hombre nuevo” reconocerá la conexión con todos los seres de la “creación”, y asumirá la responsabilidad del cuidado de sus semejantes y de todo el planeta, para cumplir la misión que el plan cósmico ha asignado a la humanidad.  Questo saggio intende offrire i primi risultati di una ricerca, ancora in corso, sulla dimensione filosofica della prospettiva di Maria Montessori, al fine di ampliare la comprensione dei presupposti e degli obiettivi che ella si proponeva di raggiungere attraverso il suo Metodo. In particolare, l’articolo sarà dedicato all'esposizione e alla ricomposizione degli elementi principali della riflessione montessoriana sulla dimensione socio-politica, durante gli ultimi trent'anni della sua vita, detti dei “nuovi orizzonti”. Dopo aver esposto i presupposti teleologici del “Piano Cosmico”, derivati dal ripensamento di nozioni biologiche e geologiche, si mostrerà come Montessori applichi l’“unità di metodo” della natura sia al processo di sviluppo psicofisico dell'individuo umano sia alle configurazioni dell'organizzazione sociale, orientando entrambi verso una sempre maggiore e più solida coesione. Partendo dai discorsi sulla creazione umana di una “supernatura”, che rivela l’interdipendenza tra tutti i popoli (uniti in una “Nazione Unica”), il saggio analizzerà le caratteristiche della nuova moralità che, secondo Montessori, avrebbe contrassegnato il “nuovo mondo” edificato dal bambino. Normalmente sviluppato attraverso un libero e naturale adattamento alle nuove condizioni sociali, nel contesto della civiltà tecnologica, l’“uomo nuovo” avrebbe riconosciuto il legame con tutti gli esseri del “creato” e si sarebbe assunto la responsabilità della cura dei propri simili e dell’intero pianeta, per adempiere alla missione che il piano cosmico ha assegnato all’umanità.  Organismo e organização: sobre a dimensão (meta)política da filosofia cósmica de Maria Montessori O ensaio apresentará os primeiros resultados de uma investigação, ainda em curso, sobre a dimensão filosófica da perspectiva de Maria Montessori, a fim de alargar a compreensão dos pressupostos e objectivos que ela se propôs alcançar através do seu Método. Em particular, o artigo será dedicado à exposição e recomposição dos principais elementos da reflexão de Montessori sobre a dimensão sócio-política durante os últimos trinta anos da sua vida, conhecidos como os dos "novos horizontes". Depois de expor os pressupostos teleológicos, derivados da reformulação de noções biológicas e geológicas, do "Plano Cósmico", será mostrado como Montessori aplica a "unidade de método" da natureza tanto ao processo de desenvolvimento psicofísico do indivíduo humano como às configurações de organização social, dirigindo-os para uma coesão cada vez maior e constante. Com base nas declarações sobre a criação humana de uma "supernatureza", que revela a interdependência entre todos os povos (unidos, de facto, numa "Nação única"), serão analisados os traços da nova moralidade que, segundo Montessori, marcará o "novo mundo" criado pela criança. Tendo-se desenvolvido normalmente através de uma adaptação livre e natural às novas condições sociais, no contexto da civilização tecnológica, o "novo homem" reconhecerá a ligação com todos os seres da "criação", e assumirá a responsabilidade pelo cuidado dos seus semelhantes e de todo o planeta, de modo a cumprir à missão que o plano cósmico atribuiu à humanidade