80 research outputs found

    La metáfora visual en el universo del fotógrafo Tatsuya Tanaka: arquitecturización de un mundo en miniatura

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    The work of the Japanese photographer Tatsuya Tanaka (1981) has recently attracted a great deal of interest. His discourse is based on the visual metaphor (from which so many photographers have drawn throughout history since the beginnings of photography, and especially in the avant-garde) but, unlike the latter, he confines it to a distinctly Japanese cultural environment: with miniatures that populate his images, linking his work to Japanese artisanal mythology, and to the dioramas formulated by Daguerre, which reconstructed suggestive scenes of everyday life. We will study four pieces with a methodology consisting of photographic analysis and an exclusive interview granted to us by the author himself. Our conclusions are that his proposal is radically referential, that it connects with the most atavistic Japanese artistic tradition but that, nevertheless, it is profoundly generational and designed for an audience that follows social media, especially instagram, where Tatsuya Tanaka has accumulated more than 4 million followers with only three published books.La obra del fotógrafo japonés Tatsuya Tanaka (1981) ha suscitado mucho interés en los últimos tiempos. Su discurso parte de la metáfora visual (de la que tantos fotógrafos han bebido a lo largo de la historia desde los inicios de la fotografía, y especialmente en las vanguardias) pero, a diferencia de éstas, la circunscribe a un entorno cultural netamente japonés: con unas miniaturas que pueblan sus imágenes que vinculan su obra al mitate artesanal nipón, y a los dioramas que ya formulara Daguerre, que reconstruían escenas sugerentes de la vida cotidiana. Estudiaremos cuatro piezas con una metodología consistente en análisis fotográfico, y una entrevista exclusiva que nos ha concedido el propio autor. Nuestras conclusiones son que su propuesta es radicalmente referencial, que entronca con la tradición artística japonesa más atávica pero que, sin embargo, es profundamente generacional y pensado para un público seguidor de los social media, especialmente instagram, donde Tatsuya Tanaka acumula más de 4 millones de seguidores con solo tres libros publicado

    Chiral Distorted Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes Bearing a Nonagon-Embedded Carbohelicene

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    We acknowledge the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (ERC-2015-STG-677023), the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MICIU/FEDER/AEI, Spain, PGC2018-101181-B-I00), the Universidad de Granada (UGR) (Plan Propio - Intensificacion de la Investigacion PP2017-PRI.I-02) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (Spark 2019 Grant CRSK-2_190365) for financial support. We thank the CSIRC-Alhambra, the Service and Support for Science IT (S3IT) of the University of Zurich and Prof.Dr. Michal Juriek for supercomputing facilities. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA.A new family of chiral saddle-helix hybrid nanographenes is reported. The first hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) analogues bearing a nine-membered carbocycle are presented. Furthermore, for the first time, pi-extended carbo[n]helicenes containing a nine-membered ring as part of the helical moiety have been synthesized. The combination of a [5]helicene moiety and a nonagon ring in a single chiral motif induces a tremendous distortion from planarity into the nanographenic structures compared to other saddle-helix hybrids such as heptagon- and octagon-containing pi-extended carbo[5]helicenes. In fact, the interplanar angle of the two terminal rings reaches the largest angle (134.8 degrees) of a carbohelicene reported to date, thus being by far the most twisted helicene yet prepared. Photophysical properties evaluation showed improved absorption dissymmetry factors (|g(abs)|=4.2x10(-3)) in the new family of nonagon-containing pi-extended carbo[5]helicenes.European Research Council (ERC) ERC-2015-STG-677023Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MICIU/FEDER/AEI, Spain) PGC2018-101181-B-I00Universidad de Granada (UGR) (Plan Propio - Intensificacion de la Investigacion) PP2017-PRI.I-02Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) European Commission CRSK-2_190365Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Effect of prevailing winds and land use on Alternaria airborne spore load

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    [EN] Alternaria spores are a common component of the bioaerosol. Many Alternaria species are plant pathogens, and their conidia are catalogued as important aeroallergens. Several aerobiological studies showing a strong relationship between concentrations of airborne spore and meteorological parameters have consequently been developed. However, the Alternaria airborne load variation has not been thoroughly investigated because it is difficult to assess their sources, as they are a very common and widely established phytopathogen. The objective of this study is to estimate the impact of vegetation and land uses as potential sources on airborne spore load and to know their influence, particularly, in cases of long-medium distance transport. The daily airborne spore concentration was studied over a 5-year period in Le´on and Valladolid, two localities of Castilla y Le´on (Spain), with differences in their bioclimatic and land use aspects. Moreover, the land use analysis carried out within a 30 km radius of each monitoring station was combined with air mass data in order to search for potential emission sources. The results showed a great spatial variation between the two areas, which are relatively close to each other. The fact that the spore concentrations recorded in Valladolid were higher than those in Le´on was owing to prevailing winds originating from large areas covered by cereal crops, especially during the harvest period. However, the prevailing winds in Le´on came from areas dominated by forest and shrubland, which explains the low airborne spore load, since the main Alternaria sources were the grasslands located next to the trap. Furthermore, the risk days in this location presented an unusual wind direction. This study reveals the importance of land cover and wind speed and direction data for establishing potential airborne routes of spore transport in order to improve the Alternaria forecasting models. The importance of conducting Alternaria aerobiological studies at a local level is also highlighted.SIThe authors are grateful to the Castilla y Le´on Government’s Health Department for funding the RACYL. This study was partially supported by the AEROHEALTH project [Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grant PID 2019-106164RB-I00, co-financed with European FEDER funds] and the Junta de Castilla y Le´on, co-financed with European FEDER funds [Grant LE025P20]. A. Rodríguez-Fern´andez acknowledges the Orden EDU/601/2020 grant from the Junta de Castilla y Le´on, co-financed with European FEDER fund

    Identifying key environmental factors to model Alt a 1 airborne allergen presence and variation

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    [EN] Fungal spores, commonly found in the atmosphere, can trigger important respiratory disorders. The glycoprotein Alt a 1 is the major allergen present in conidia of the genus Alternaria and has a high clinical relevance for people sensitized to fungi. Exposure to this allergen has been traditionally assessed by aerobiological spore counts, although this does not always offer an accurate estimate of airborne allergen load. This study aims to pinpoint the key factors that explain the presence and variation of Alt a 1 concentration in the atmosphere in order to establish exposure risk periods and improve forecasting models. Alternaria spores were sampled using a Hirst-type volumetric sampler over a five-year period. The allergenic fraction from the bioaerosol was collected using a low-volume cyclone sampler and Alt a 1 quantified by Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay. A cluster analysis was executed in order to group days with similar environmental features and then analyze days with the presence of the allergen in each of them. Subsequently, a quadratic discriminant analysis was performed to evaluate if the selected variables can predict days with high Alt a 1 load. The results indicate that higher temperatures and absolute humidity favor the presence of Alt a 1 in the atmosphere, while time of precipitation is related to days without allergen. Moreover, using the selected parameters, the quadratic discriminant analysis to predict days with allergen showed an accuracy rate between 67 % and 85 %. The mismatch between daily airborne concentration of Alternaria spores and allergen load can be explained by the greater contribution of medium-to-long distance transport of the allergen from the major emission sources as compared with spores. Results highlight the importance of conducting aeroallergen quantification studies together with spore counts to improve the forecasting models of allergy risk, especially for fungal spores.S

    Links between recent trends in airborne pollen concentration, meteorological parameters and air pollutants

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    [EN] Biogenic aerosols may play an active role in various diseases. Pollutant gases and bioaerosols coexist in the atmosphere with the possibility of interacting with each other increasing their adverse impacts on human health. The study of long-term trends and the correlation between the pollen concentration from selected taxa (especially those related to allergies) and both the main atmospheric pollutants and the meteorological parameters has enabled us to identify the main factors that affect pollen concentration in the atmosphere. This study analyzes the long-term trend in CO, NO, NO2, PM10, SO2 and O3 from 1997 to 2016 and Fraxinus, Poaceae and Populus pollen concentrations in the city of León from 1994 to 2016. In general, there is a significant decreasing trend in atmospheric pollutant concentrations and a significant increasing trend in Fraxinus pollen concentrations. In addition, the influence of air pollutants and climatic factors on pollen concentrations and pollination period duration was studied using the Spearman correlation, showing that the flowering and pollination periods depend largely of the weather conditions before these periods and are influenced by air pollutant concentrationsSISpanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant TEC2014-57821-R), the University of León (Programa Propio 2015/00054/001 and 2018/00203/001) and AERORAIN project (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Grant CGL2014-52556-R, co-financed with FEDER funds). F. Oduber acknowledges the grant BES-2015-074473 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. C. Blanco-Alegre acknowledges the grant FPU16-05764 from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Spor

    Maybe You Know Me, Today I'll Tell You So You Can Use Me Too

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    Introducción: En los últimos tiempos instituciones como la OMS han puesto la mirada en el uso de plantas medicinales, las que se aplican para la cura de afecciones ya que son de fácil preparación y bajo costo, en contraposición con los productos de la industria farmacéutica cuyo costo es elevado. Nos ocuparemos en aplicar las propiedades curativas de la planta Matricaria Chamomilla Lineé (MC) llamada comúnmente “Manzanilla”. De la flor de esta planta se obtienen aceites esenciales con chamazuleno que es antinflamatorio y el alfa bisabolol que es antiulceroso. La infusión de esta flor se usa en forma de buches para curar las distintas patologías bucales. Objetivos: Mejorar la salud integral y bucodental de una población de riesgo de salud y escasos recursos.Introduction: In recent times, institutions such as the WHO have set their sights on the use of medicinal plants, which are applied to cure conditions as they are easy to prepare and low cost, as opposed to products from the pharmaceutical industry whose cost is high. We will focus on applying the healing properties of the Matricaria Chamomilla Lineé (MC) plant commonly called "Chamomile". Essential oils are obtained from the flower of this plant with chamazulene which is anti-inflammatory and alpha bisabolol which is anti-ulcer. The infusion of this flower is used in the form of swirls to cure the different oral pathologies. Objectives: Improve the comprehensive and oral health of a population at risk of health and scarce resources.Facultad de Odontologí