173 research outputs found

    Telemedicine in the Management of Parkinson’s Disease: Achievements, Challenges, and Future Perspectives

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    As the global population grows, there is an increasing demand for neurologic consultation that prompts new ways to reach more patients. Telemedicine can provide an accessible, cost-effective, and high-quality healthcare services. In this article, we highlight recent developments, achievements, and challenges regarding outcomes, clinical care, tele-education, teletreatment, teleresearch, and cybersecurity for telemedicine applied to Parkinson´s disease (PD) and other neurological conditions


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    The attitude and involvement with which undergraduate university students approach their training process can have a significant impact on the academic results they obtain. The relationship that can occur between low involvement and the possibility of failing or dropping out of studies has led us to propose this research, where the relationship between engagement and academic performance is deepened. The engagement refers to the feeling of well-being of the students with respect to a challenge related to their training process. Students who are studying at university are exposed to living situations that make them more or less committed to their learning process, which can lead to obtain better or worse academic results. This ex-post-facto quantitative study, which was carried out with a sample of 564 first and second year students from the three degrees of the Faculty of Education of the University of La Laguna (Spain), aimed to analyze the relationship between academic commitment and performance in studies. The results reveal that students with higher scores in the different structural dimensions of academic commitment (vigor, dedication and absorption) have higher grades in the subjects they take. The discussion of the study focuses on the need to plan strategies to promote academic commitment in order to strengthen both the trajectories of adaptation and permanence in the degree and the achievement of better academic results in university students.La actitud y la implicación con la que los estudiantes universitarios de grado afrontan su proceso formativo puede incidir de manera significativa en los resultados académicos que obtengan.  La relación que puede darse entre una baja implicación y la posibilidad de fracasar o abandonar los estudios ha llevado a plantear esta investigación, donde se profundiza en la relación entre el engagement y el rendimiento académico. El engagement hace referencia a la sensación de bienestar del alumnado respecto a un desafío relacionado con su proceso formativo. El alumnado que cursa estudios universitarios está expuesto a vivir situaciones que les hacen estar más o menos comprometidos con su proceso de aprendizaje, pudiéndoles llevar a obtener mejores o peores resultados académicos. Este estudio de corte cuantitativo ex-post-facto, que se llevó a cabo con una muestra de 564 estudiantes de primer y segundo curso de los tres grados de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de La Laguna (España), tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre el engagement académico y el rendimiento en los estudios. Los resultados revelan que el alumnado con mayores puntuaciones en las distintas dimensiones estructurales del engagement académico (vigor, dedicación y absorción) presenta mayores calificaciones en las asignaturas que cursa. La discusión del estudio se centra en la necesidad de planificar estrategias promotoras del engagement académico para fortalecer tanto las trayectorias de adaptación y permanencia en la titulación como la obtención de mejores resultados académicos en el alumnado universitario.A atitude e o envolvimento com que os estudantes universitários de licenciatura enfrentam o seu processo de formação pode ter um impacto significativo nos resultados académicos que obtêm.  A relação que pode existir entre o baixo envolvimento e a possibilidade de insucesso ou de abandono justificou esta investigação, na qual se explora a relação entre o engagement e o desempenho académico. O engagement refere-se ao sentimento de bem-estar dos estudantes em relação a um desafio relacionado com o seu processo formativo. Os estudantes que frequentam um curso de ensino superior são expostos a situações que os tornam mais ou menos empenhados no seu processo de aprendizagem, o que os pode levar a obter melhores ou piores resultados académicos. Este estudo quantitativo ex post facto, que foi realizado com uma amostra de 564 estudantes do primeiro e segundo anos dos três cursos de licenciatura da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de La Laguna (Espanha), tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre o engagement académico e o desempenho no curso. Os resultados revelam que os estudantes com notas mais elevadas nas diferentes dimensões estruturais do engagement académico (vigor, dedicação e absorção) têm notas mais elevadas nas disciplinas que frequentam. A discussão do estudo centra-se na necessidade de planear estratégias para promover o engagement académico, a fim de reforçar não só as trajetórias de adaptação e permanência no curso, como a obtenção de melhores resultados académicos dos estudantes universitários.A atitude e o envolvimento com que os estudantes universitários de licenciatura enfrentam o seu processo de formação pode ter um impacto significativo nos resultados académicos que obtêm.  A relação que pode existir entre o baixo envolvimento e a possibilidade de insucesso ou de abandono justificou esta investigação, na qual se explora a relação entre o engagement e o desempenho académico. O engagement refere-se ao sentimento de bem-estar dos estudantes em relação a um desafio relacionado com o seu processo formativo. Os estudantes que frequentam um curso de ensino superior são expostos a situações que os tornam mais ou menos empenhados no seu processo de aprendizagem, o que os pode levar a obter melhores ou piores resultados académicos. Este estudo quantitativo ex post facto, que foi realizado com uma amostra de 564 estudantes do primeiro e segundo anos dos três cursos de licenciatura da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de La Laguna (Espanha), tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre o engagement académico e o desempenho no curso. Os resultados revelam que os estudantes com notas mais elevadas nas diferentes dimensões estruturais do engagement académico (vigor, dedicação e absorção) têm notas mais elevadas nas disciplinas que frequentam. A discussão do estudo centra-se na necessidade de planear estratégias para promover o engagement académico, a fim de reforçar não só as trajetórias de adaptação e permanência no curso, como a obtenção de melhores resultados académicos dos estudantes universitários.本科学生在求学过程中的态度及投入会对其学习成果产生较明显的影响。该研究的提出是基于对较低的学业投入与可能导致的学业失败及辍学间关系的考量。通过该研究深入探讨学生学业投入和学习成果间的关系。学业投入是指学生在求学过程中面对相关挑战时所获得的幸福感。大学生所处的环境强迫他们或多或少地致力于自己的学习过程,从而得到或优或差的学业成绩。研究采用事后回溯定量研究,以来自西班牙拉古纳大学教育系三个专业的564名大一大二学生为研究样本,旨在分析学生学业投入及学习成果间的关系。研究结果表明在学业投入结构的不同维度(活力、投入及专注)中获得高分的学生,研修的课程分数更高。该研究讨论的重点集中在探讨建立推动学业投入策略的必要性。有了这样的策略,不仅能加强学生在教育轨迹中的适应性和研读学位的持久性,还能鼓励学生取得更优秀的学业成绩

    Feasibility of a screening program for the detection of intracranial meningiomas

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    [ES] Los meningiomas son neoplasias intracraneales de lento crecimiento, que afectan a del 2-3% de la población, y que potencialmente pueden provocar lesiones cerebrales irreversibles. La creciente disponibilidad de pruebas de neuroimagen permite la detección incidental y precoz de meningiomas asintomáticos de pequeño tamaño. Dado que la morbimortalidad asociada al tratamiento de los meningiomas asintomáticos es marcadamente menor que la de los sintomáticos, se plantea la posibilidad de realizar una búsqueda activa de meningiomas en la población general. En este trabajo exploramos las razones que podrían sustentar la puesta en marcha de un programa de cribado de meningiomas intracraneales y discutimos su factibilidad. Así mismo, analizamos cuestiones relativas a su aplicabilidad, costeefectividad y problemas éticos. Un cribado dirigido a meningiomas identificaría secundariamente otros hallazgos incidentales (aneurismas, adenomas hipofisarios, etc.) que también podrían beneficiarse de un eventual seguimiento y/o tratamiento. Además, proponemos un protocolo general de cribado, basado en resonancia magnética, con cálculos preliminares específicos, y dirigido a un área sanitaria española. Los meningiomas son lesiones prevalentes con un período presintomático muy largo en el que es factible su detección precoz. La resonancia magnética es un método de cribado sencillo, preciso, inocuo y sirve como test confirmatorio. Aunque un eventual programa de cribado de meningiomas podría estar bien sustentado desde el punto de vista clínico, y no parecen existir a priori impedimentos éticos, su coste-efectividad precisa confirmación en estudios futuros. [EN] Meningioma is a common slow-growing intra-cranial neoplasm affecting 2-3% of the population, with the potential for irreversible brain damage. The widespread availability of modern neuroimaging allows early detection of small asymptomatic meningiomas. Given that morbidity and mortality rates associated to treatment of small asymptomatic meningiomas is remarkably lower than that of symptomatic, it can be hypothesized whether active search for meningiomas in the general population is warranted. In this paper we explore the justifications and rationale of an eventual screening program for the detection of small asymptomatic meningiomas and discuss its feasibility. Cost-effectiveness, applicability, and ethical issues are also analyzed. Screening for meningiomas would secondarily identify other incidental findings (brain aneurysms, pituitary adenomas, and many others) that would also benefit from surveillance and/or treatment. A broad screening protocol, based on magnetic resonance, with specific calculations for a regional area in Spain, is also provided. Meningiomas are prevalent lesions with a prolonged pre-symptomatic period in which early detection is possible. Magnetic resonance is simple, accurate, innocuous, and serves as screening and confirmatory test. Although screening for asymptomatic meningiomas seems to be clinically well-substantiated and no ethical issues a priori preclude its implementation, its cost-effectiveness needs to be further studied and confirmed.S

    Estudio sobre compromiso y expectativas de autoeficacia académica en estudiantes universitarios de grado

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    El análisis de las expectativas académicas y del nivel de compromiso hacia el grado que cursa el alumnado universitario permite conocer hasta qué punto es capaz de realizar una autoevaluación, generalmente subjetiva, sobre la probabilidad de lograr buenos resultados en sus estudios. La finalidad de esta investigación es analizar la incidencia que el compromiso académico tiene en las creencias de autoeficacia y en las expectativas de rendimiento en universitarios de grado. La muestra la constituyen 502 alumnos de primer y segundo curso de los grados ofertados por la Facultad de Educación de la ULL. Se administró la escala validada de compromiso académico Utrech Work Engagement Scale-UWES-17 y, con el fin de valorar las expectativas de rendimiento académico, se preguntó qué calificaciones esperaban obtener al final del primer semestre. Los resultados revelaron que los estudiantes que tenían creencias favorables hacia el logro de buenas calificaciones eran quienes obtenían mejores puntajes en la escala de compromiso académico. La incidencia que ejerce dicho parámetro en las expectativas de resultados del alumnado universitario abre una línea de actuación importante en la educación superior, encaminada a lograr un nivel más elevado de adaptación, persistencia y éxito en los estudios.L'anàlisi de les expectatives acadèmiques i del nivell de compromís vers el grau que cursa l'alumnat universitari permet conèixer fins a quin punt és capaç de realitzar una autoavaluació, generalment subjectiva, sobre la probabilitat d'aconseguir bons resultats en els seus estudis. La finalitat d'aquesta investigació és analitzar la incidència que el compromís acadèmic té en les creences d'autoeficàcia i en les expectatives de rendiment en universitaris de grau. La mostra la constitueixen 502 alumnes de primer i segon curs dels graus oferts per la Facultat d'Educació de la ULL, a qui se'ls va administrar l'escala validada de compromís acadèmic Utrech Work Engagement Scale-UWES-17 i, per tal de valorar les expectatives de rendiment acadèmic, se'ls va preguntar quines qualificacions esperaven obtenir a la fi del primer semestre. Els resultats van revelar que els estudiants que tenien creences favorables cap a l'assoliment de bones qualificacions eren els que obtenien millors puntuacions en l'escala de compromís acadèmic. La incidència que exerceix aquest paràmetre en les expectatives de resultats de l'alumnat universitari obre una línia d'actuació important en l'educació superior, encaminada a aconseguir un nivell més elevat d'adaptació, persistència i èxit en els estudis.The analysis of academic expectations and level of commitment to the study program allows us to determine to what extent university students are capable of carrying out generally subjective self-assessments of the probability of achieving good academic outcomes. The purpose of this study is to analyze the incidence that academic commitment has on self-efficacy beliefs and performance expectations of undergraduate university students. The sample consisted of 502 students who were in the first and second year of bachelor's degree programs at the Faculty of Education of the University of La Laguna, Spain. The validated Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-17) was administered to the students to measure their academic commitment. To assess their expectations for academic performance, the students were asked what grades they expected to obtain at the end of the first semester. The results revealed that students who had favorable beliefs regarding the achievement of good grades in the subjects obtained better scores on the academic engagement scale. The incidence that academic commitment has on the expectations of outcomes of university students opens an important line of action in higher education aimed at achieving better adaptation, perseverance and academic success

    Layer-by-Layer Integration of Zirconium Metal-Organic Frameworks onto Activated Carbon Spheres and Fabrics with Model Nerve Agent Detoxification Properties

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    This research was funded by the Directorate for Planning, Technology, and Innovation (SDG PLATIN) from the Directorate General of Armaments and Material (DGAM) of the Spanish Ministry of Defense, COINCIDENTE Program exp. 1003219007500—NBQD2. The authors also acknowledge EU Feder funding, MINECO (CTQ2017-84692-R and PID2020-113608RB-I00), Universidad de Granada (Plan Propio de Investigación), and Junta de Andalucia (P18-RT-612). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA.We report the controlled synthesis of thin films of prototypical zirconium metal-organic frameworks [Zr6O4(OH)4(benzene-1,4-dicarboxylate-2-X)6] (X = H, UiO-66 and X = NH2, UiO-66-NH2) over the external surface of shaped carbonized substrates (spheres and textile fabrics) using a layer-by-layer method. The resulting composite materials contain metal-organic framework (MOF) crystals homogeneously distributed over the external surface of the porous shaped bodies, which are able to capture an organophosphate nerve agent simulant (diisopropylfluorophosphate, DIFP) in competition with moisture (very fast) and hydrolyze the P-F bond (slow). This behavior confers the composite material self-cleaning properties, which are useful for blocking secondary emission problems of classical protective equipment based on activated carbon.CBUADirectorate General of Armaments and MaterialDirectorate for Planning, Technology, and InnovationSpanish Ministry of Defense 1003219007500Universidad de Granad

    Well-balanced Finite Volume schemes: some stability and convergence results

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    We report a stability and convergence analysis for some simplified well-balanced Finite Volume solvers of Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws. These are specific solvers, recently introduced, that balance all steady solutions up to second order of accuracy by means of an additional numerical source term. We prove the stability and convergence of some of these solvers for scalar hyperbolic equations under reasonable conditions on the additional term

    Recent advances in the application of stable isotopes as nutritional tools in aquaculture

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    From an ecological point of view, aquaculture systems consist of simple food webs having a limited number of nutritional sources. These characteristics facilitate the application of stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen (δ13C and δ15N) to assess the flow of dietary components. Due to rapid and measurable bioaccumulation of the heavier stable isotopes, such isotopic shifts can be tracked at different times and at each trophic step to provide an indicator of what dietary components are being incorporated into animal tissue and how fast. The present manuscript presents results from recent, controlled nutritional experiments designed to quantify the relative contribution of dietary carbon and nitrogen supplied by different dietary items. Stable isotopes ratios were measured in a range of food sources and experimental animals. In a first experiment, juvenile shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei were reared on co-feeding regimes having different proportions of live biomass of the green macroalgae Ulva clathrata and inert feed in order to identify nutritional contributions to tissue growth using dual stable isotope analysis. In another trial, nitrogen stable isotopes were measured to explore the relative dietary nitrogen contributions from fish meal and pea meal (Pisum sativum) to the growth of white shrimp postlarvae fed low protein diets having different proportions of both ingredients. In a third, multidisciplinary experiment, Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae were used as a model to evaluate the effect of different larval feeding regimes on (1) trypsinogen gene expression (ssetryp1), (2) trypsin and chymotrypsin activities and (3) changes in stable isotope composition to estimate the assimilation of dietary carbon from the larval diets

    Age and APOE genotype affect the relationship between objectively measured physical activity and power in the alpha band, a marker of brain disease

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    BACKGROUND: Electrophysiological studies show that reductions in power within the alpha band are associated with the Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) continuum. Physical activity (PA) is a protective factor that has proved to reduce AD risk and pathological brain burden. Previous research has confirmed that exercise increases power in the alpha range. However, little is known regarding whether other non-modifiable risk factors for AD, such as increased age or APOE ε4 carriage, alter the association between PA and power in the alpha band. METHODS: The relationship between PA and alpha band power was examined in a sample of 113 healthy adults using magnetoencephalography. Additionally, we explored whether ε4 carriage and age modulate this association. The correlations between alpha power and gray matter volumes and cognition were also investigated. RESULTS: We detected a parieto-occipital cluster in which PA positively correlated with alpha power. The association between PA and alpha power remained following stratification of the cohort by genotype. Younger and older adults were investigated separately, and only younger adults exhibited a positive relationship between PA and alpha power. Interestingly, when four groups were created based on age (younger-older adult) and APOE (E3/E3-E3/E4), only younger E3/E3 (least predicted risk) and older E3/E4 (greatest predicted risk) had associations between greater alpha power and higher PA. Among older E3/E4, greater alpha power in these regions was associated with improved memory and preserved brain structure. CONCLUSION: PA could protect against the slowing of brain activity that characterizes the AD continuum, where it is of benefit for all individuals, especially E3/E4 older adults