14 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of Handwriting and Computer Typing in Note-taking by University Students = Análisis comparativo entre escritura manual y electrónica en la toma de apuntes de estudiantes universitarios

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    Taking notes is a common strategy among higher education students, and has been found to affect their academic performance. Nowadays, however, the use of computers is replacing the traditional pencil-and-paper methodology. The present study aims to identify the advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of computer (typing) and pencil-and-paper (handwriting) for taking notes by college students. A total of 251 social and health science students participated in the study. Two experimental conditions were chosen: taking notes by hand (n=211), and taking notes by computer (n=40). Those that used computer-written notes performed better on tasks based on reproducing the alphabet, writing sentences, and recognizing words (p<.05). However, those using handwritten notes performed better on free recall tasks (p<.05). Differences between the two conditions were statistically significant rejecting the hypothesis of equality between groups (X2=60.98; p<.0001). In addition, the discriminant analysis confirmed that 77.3% of students were correctly classified by the experimental conditions. Although the computer allowed for greater velocity when taking notes, handwriting enhanced students’ grades when performing memory tasks

    Accuracy of paper-and-pencil systematic observation versus computer-aided systems

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    Computer-aided behavior observation is gradually supplanting paper-and-pencil approaches to behavior observation, but there is a dearth of evidence on the relative accuracy of paper-and-pencil versus computer-aided behavior observation formats in the literature. The current study evaluated the accuracy resulting from paper-and-pencil observation and from two computer-aided behavior observation methods: The Observer XT® desktop software and the Big Eye Observer® smartphone application. Twelve postgraduate students without behavior observation experience underwent a behavior observation training protocol. As part of a multi-element design, participants recorded 60 real clinical sessions randomly assigned to one of the three observation methods. All three methods produced high levels of accuracy (paper-and-pencil, .88 ± .01; The Observer XT, .84 ± .01; Big Eye Observer, .84 ± .01). A mixed linear model analysis indicated that paper-and-pencil observation produced marginally superior accuracy values, whereas the accuracy produced by The Observer XT and Big Eye Observer did not differ. The analysis suggests that accuracy of recording was mediated by the number of recordable events in the observation videos. The implications of these findings for research and practice are discussed

    Contributions of the psychology of mathematical cognition in early childhood education using apps

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    Educational interventions are necessary to develop mathematical competence at early ages and prevent widespread mathematics learning failure in the education system as indicated by the results of European reports. Numerous studies agree that domain-specific predictors related to mathematics are symbolic and non-symbolic magnitude comparison, as well as, number line estimation. The goal of this study was to design 4 digital learning app games to train specific cognitive bases of mathematical learning in order to create resources and promote the use of these technologies in the educational community and to promote effective scientific transfer and increase the research visibility. This study involved 193 preschoolers aged 57-79 months. A quasi-experimental design was carried out with 3 groups created after scores were obtained in a standardised mathematical competence assessment test, i.e., low-performance group (N = 49), high-performance group (N = 21), and control group (N = 123). The results show that training with the 4 digital learning app games focusing on magnitude, subitizing, number facts, and estimation tasks improved the numerical skills of the experimental groups, compared to the control group. The implications of the study were, on the one hand, provided verified technological tools for teaching early mathematical competence. On the other hand, this study supports other studies on the importance of cognitive precursors in mathematics performance

    Description of Main Innovative and Alternative Methodologies for Mathematical Learning of Written Algorithms in Primary Education

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    The traditional way of teaching mathematics generates significant learning difficulties in students that are reflected in their academic performance. In recent years, the number of teachers and researchers interested in finding innovative, flexible and comprehensible methodologies has increased. The main objective of this article has been to carry out a theoretical review of the methodologies for learning/teaching mathematics at school level. Central elements of international and national method initiatives have been highlighted. The empirical evidence on the Singapore method and the Algorithm Based on Numbers (ABN) method confirms the need to include innovative and manipulative strategies in the classroom. The Singapore method has been shown as a source that improves students ' problem solving skill, mathematical competence, boosting reasoning, and a higher motivation. Some studies focused on the effectiveness of the ABN method and its influence on mathematical cognition. The use of this methodology and learning in flipped classroom have obtained significant results in teacher training. These results could provide guidance about how to improve pre-service education in Primary Bachelor's Degree. The findings presented in the manuscript could be a basis for opening new lines of quantitative research, with the aim of analysing problem solving and the use of manipulative materials in mathematics. Thus, future research should focus on analysing the cognitive processes involved in mathematical learning, carrying out empirical studies in schools. In addition, it is necessary to improve future teachers' training, so that they can learn about new alternatives for mathematical teaching and the available resources to be able to put it into practice. Moreover, alternative methodologies are a necessary driver for the improvement of mathematical performance both inside and outside the classroom, and also for the technological and economic development of countries

    Estudio comparativo de cálculo mental y escrito en tercer ciclo de educación primaria

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    More than a decade ago, the Primary Education curriculum has given higher meaning to mental calculation over written calculation. However, in classroom practice, the vertical written algorithms teaching continues to be prioritized. In this sense, the teaching and learning of these algorithms continues to generate certain difficulties in the students. For this reason, alternatives to traditional written calculation are being implemented in educational centers, with the aim of encouraging the development of cognitive calculation mental strategies and improving the mathematical competence of students. The purpose of this study is to analyze the possible differences in written calculation and mental calculation in the upper levels of Primary Education, comparing students who follow two different methodologies for learning mathematics, such as the Open Based on Numbers (ABN) method and the method Closed Based on Ciphers (CBC). Currently, an empirical study is being carried out with a sample of 245 participants, 106 belonging to the experimental group (ABN) and 139 to the control group (CBC). The evaluation instruments used in this study were different arithmetic resolution tests. The experimental group showed higher scores in the mental calculation variable (XGC = 9.18; XGE = 13.21), with significant differences between the groups (p &lt; .001). On the contrary, the control group showed higher scores in written calculation compared to the experimental group (XGC = 16.71; XGE =15.38), these differences being significant again (p &lt; .001). These results suggest the possibility of opening new lines of research to deepen into the mental calculation cognitive strategies used by students, and their possible influence on mathematical performance as well as in other areas of the primary education curriculum.Desde hace más de una década, el currículum de Educación Primaria pone más énfasis en el cálculo mental que en el cálculo escrito, aunque en la práctica docente se siga priorizando la enseñanza de algoritmos escritos verticales. En este sentido, la enseñanza y aprendizaje de estos algoritmos sigue generando ciertas dificultades en parte del alumnado. Esto hace que en los centros educativos se estén implementando alternativas al cálculo escrito tradicional,con el objetivo de incentivar el desarrollo de estrategias cognitivas de cálculo mental y mejorar la competencia matemática del alumnado. El presente estudio tiene como finalidad analizar las posibles diferencias en cálculo escrito y cálculo mental en último ciclo de Educación Primaria, comparando alumnos que siguen dos metodologías distintas de aprendizaje de las matemáticas, como son el método Abierto Basado en Números (ABN) y el método Cerrado Basado en Cifras (CBC). Actualmente, está en ejecución un estudio empírico que cuenta con una muestra de 245 participantes, 106 pertenecientes al grupo experimental (ABN) y 139 al grupo control (CBC). Los instrumentos de evaluación empleados en este estudio fueron distintas pruebas de resolución aritmética. El grupo experimental mostró un rendimiento superior en la variable cálculo mental (XGC = 9.18; XGE= 13.21), siendo significativas las diferencias entre los grupos (p &lt; .001). Por el contrario, el grupo control mostró puntuaciones superiores en cálculo escrito frente al grupo experimental (XGC = 16.71; XGE =15.38), siendo de nuevo significativas estas diferencias (p &lt; .001). Estos resultados sugieren profundizar en las estrategias cognitivas de cálculo mental utilizadas por el alumnado y su posible influencia en el rendimiento matemático y en otras áreas del currículum de Educación Primaria.

    Análisis comparativo entre escritura manual y electrónica en la toma de apuntes de estudiantes universitarios

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    La toma de apuntes es una estrategia generalizada del alumnado de Educación Superior y se ha constatado su influencia en el rendimiento académico. El uso del ordenador está desplazando al método tradicional de lápiz y papel. El presente estudio pretende arrojar luz en base a las ventajas y los inconvenientes derivados del uso de uno u otro método en la toma de apuntes en las aulas universitarias. Un total de 251 estudiantes universitarios de ciencias sociales y ciencias de la salud participaron en el estudio. Se plantearon dos condiciones experimentales, toma de notas de forma manual (n=211) y de manera electrónica (n=40). Se hallaron diferencias a favor del grupo que usó el ordenador en las tareas basadas en completar el abecedario, escribir frases y reconocer palabras anotadas previamente (p<.05). Sin embargo, en la tarea de recuerdo libre los resultados reflejaron un mejor desempeño del grupo que tomó notas manualmente (p<.05). Se rechazó la hipótesis de igualdad entre los grupos (X2=60.98; p<.0001). Además, el análisis discriminante confirmó que el 77,3% de los alumnos fueron clasificados correctamente según su condición experimental. El uso del ordenador resultó muy útil cuando se trataba de anotar datos con rapidez; sin embargo, en las tareas de recuerdo los alumnos de escritura manual obtuvieron mejores puntuaciones que los de escritura electrónica

    Formación online: método abierto basado en números (ABN) y aplicación práctica en alumnado de 10 a 14 años

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    Currently, one of the greatest challenges are the difficulties generated by mathematical learning in primary and secondary school students. In recent years, research on mathematical learning and cognition has increased due to the personal and social consequences of failure in mathematics learning. One of the researching topics emphasizes the convenience of carry out classroom interventions incorporating the cognitive processes involved in mathematical learning, and making use of innovative strategies such as the open calculation based on numbers (ABN). The current study aims to analyze the impact of an online training program for the implementation of the ABN methodology in the third cycle of Primary Education and the first two academic years of Secondary Education. The project is divided into four stages: (1) Schools’ choice; (2) Online teachers training program; (3) Empirical study to analyze the effectiveness of the ABN method; and (4) Transfer of results and design of materials and mathematics educational APP. Theresults obtained in the first stage are presented below, analyzing the impact of the training program and adding manipulative resources by several mathematical contents. The participants of the training program belong to the School system form Cádiz province and were incidentally selected. The sample is composed of a total of 40 participants (19 researchers, 3 expert teachers in ABN, 18 teachers and 3 master’s degree students in Secondary Education). The results of the teacher training and classroom practices show the need for teacher training for the incorporation of alternative dynamics in the upper grades of Primary Education. It is expected to open new research lines based on the implementation of programs and workshops for the implementation of innovative strategies in schools.En la actualidad, uno de los mayores retos educativos sigue siendo superar las dificultades que genera el aprendizaje matemático en el alumnado de Educación Primaria y Educación Secundaria. Recientemente, se ha incrementado la investigación sobre el aprendizaje y la cognición matemática debido a las consecuencias personales y sociales del fracaso enel aprendizaje. Una de las líneas de trabajo enfatiza la conveniencia de realizar intervenciones que incorporen los procesos cognitivos implicados en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas, y hagan uso de estrategias innovadoras como el método de cálculo Abierto Basado en Números (ABN). El presente estudio pretende analizar el impacto del programa formativo online para la implantación del método ABN en cursos altos de Educación Primaria y primer ciclo de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. El proyecto se distribuye en cuatro fases: (1) Selección de escuelas; (2) Programa formativo online para docentes; (3) Estudio empírico para analizar la efectividad del método ABN; y (4) Transferencia de resultados y diseño de materiales y APP educativas matemáticas. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la primera etapa, con el objetivo de analizar el impacto del programa formativo y la incorporación de materiales manipulativos para diversos contenidos matemáticos. Los participantes del programa formativo pertenecen a centros educativos de la provincia de Cádiz y fueron seleccionados incidentalmente. La muestra está compuesta por 40 participantes (19 investigadores, 3 docentes expertos en ABN, 18 docentes y 3 estudiantes de máster en Educación Secundaria). Se presentan los resultados extraídos tras la formación del profesorado y las prácticas de aula llevadas a cabo, los cuales muestran la necesidad de formación del profesorado para la incorporación de dinámicas alternativas en los cursos altos de Educación Primaria. Se espera abrir nuevas líneas de investigación basadas en la implementación de programas y talleres para la aplicación de estrategias innovadoras en los centros educativos

    Diferencias de aprendizaje matemático entre los métodos de enseñanza ABN y CBC

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    To prevent difficulties in learning mathematics is appropriate to use teaching methods that methods that fit the level and rhythm of student learning. One of these methods is the Open Algorithm Based on Numbers (ABN) which is characterized by flexibility, transparency and contextualization. The main objective of this study was to analyze the differences in early math skills assessed by TEMTt-i between students trained with ABN (n = 68) and traditional teaching (n = 54). The results show gains differences in components assessed, being significant in favor of the experimental group in relational subtest, numerical estimation skills and general knowledge of numbers.Para prevenir dificultades de aprendizaje de las matemáticas es conveniente emplear metodologías de enseñanza que se adapten al nivel y al ritmo de aprendizaje de los alumnos. Uno de estos métodos es el Algoritmo Abierto Basado en Números (ABN) que se caracteriza por ser flexible, transparente y contextualizado. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue analizar las diferencias existentes en las habilidades matemáticas tempranas evaluadas mediante el TEMT-i entre alumnos instruidos con ABN (n=68) y enseñanza tradicional (n=54). Los resultados muestran diferencias en las ganancias en los distintos componentes evaluados, siendo significativas a favor del grupo experimental en el subtest relacional, y en las habilidades numéricas de estimación y conocimiento general de los números

    A Comparative Study of Handwriting and Computer Typing in Note-taking by University Students = Análisis comparativo entre escritura manual y electrónica en la toma de apuntes de estudiantes universitarios

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    Taking notes is a common strategy among higher education students, and has been found to affect their academic performance. Nowadays, however, the use of computers is replacing the traditional pencil-and-paper methodology. The present study aims to identify the advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of computer (typing) and pencil-and-paper (handwriting) for taking notes by college students. A total of 251 social and health science students participated in the study. Two experimental conditions were chosen: taking notes by hand (n=211), and taking notes by computer (n=40). Those that used computer-written notes performed better on tasks based on reproducing the alphabet, writing sentences, and recognizing words (p<.05). However, those using handwritten notes performed better on free recall tasks (p<.05). Differences between the two conditions were statistically significant rejecting the hypothesis of equality between groups (X2=60.98; p<.0001). In addition, the discriminant analysis confirmed that 77.3% of students were correctly classified by the experimental conditions. Although the computer allowed for greater velocity when taking notes, handwriting enhanced students’ grades when performing memory tasks